The Exorcist Chapter 21: Strange disease, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 21 Strange Disease

Wan Li and Xiao Xia looked at the scene in front of them, feeling frightened.

It was so thrilling, they almost fell from a height of tens of meters, and Xiaoxia’s last talisman had been used up! Look at their car again, parked close to the edge of the overpass. The concrete bridge railings on this side have not been built yet, and there are only thick steel bars standing like weeds. If Wanli’s thoughts hadn’t been so fast, and he followed human instinct to avoid the obstacles in front of him and then turned around again, then they would have gone directly to heaven.

“Almost died.” Xiaoxia let out a long breath.

“You are out of danger, but my life is still in danger!” Wan Li looked out the window on his side of the car. He couldn’t see the bridge deck at all, and could only see the ground dozens of meters below. In other words, if he wanted to commit suicide, all he had to do was open the door and lift his foot.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Xiaoxia leaned on the car seat and said weakly.

“I’m serious.” Wan Li said seriously, “I made the car like this, do you think Azhan will kill me? Maybe for the sake of being friends for many years, he will give me a whole body.”

The relief after being nervous tastes particularly sweet, so when Wan Li said these words, Xiao Xia laughed, “I will plead for you, but now we finally drive his car to a safe zone.”

“You’re right. If you want to live, you want to see the car, but if you die, you want to see the wreckage. It’s easier to plead like this.” Wan Li sat up straight and went to start the car. But I don’t know if I braked too hard just now. After struggling for a long time, the car still stalled.

“What should we do? Call a tow truck.” Xiaoxia suggested.

“No!” Wan Li immediately objected, “This bridge has not been completed yet. How can we explain that we ran on it and crashed a car? Not only will this be a problem, but my driver’s license will also be in trouble. Don’t Hurry, take your time, A-Zhan’s car performs well and he maintains it well, so it will definitely be able to run again!”

“Okay, you have the final say, aren’t women and men liberated?” Xiaoxia snorted helplessly, not wanting to argue with him. The frightening memories just now made her a little confused. She kept looking left and right, but she couldn’t calm down. When she looked in the rearview mirror, a human face suddenly appeared in her eyes.

It was the little real-life doll that had been sitting in the back seat. Because she and Wan Li were so focused on dealing with various dangers just now, they almost forgot about the little girl’s existence! At this moment, her little face no longer had the dull expression, but showed a stiff smile, as if someone had pulled the muscles on her face upwards.

Xiaoxia was startled. As soon as she turned her head, she felt her throat tightening and she couldn’t breathe immediately.

“Wanli!” She only blurted out these two words, and then she could no longer speak. Her hands were also weak for some reason, and she could only kick her legs in vain. She couldn’t move, but she felt two thin arms strangling her neck with overwhelming force.

Wan Li on the other side was shocked when he saw this scene. He quickly grabbed the two forearms and pulled them outwards, trying to rescue Xiao Xia. But as soon as he caught him, he believed that the little girl was no longer the same as before, because her strength greatly exceeded that of an adult man. Although she kept smiling on her face, no matter how hard he tried, he could not rescue Xiaoxia!

Seeing that Xiaoxia was about to suffocate, he increased his strength to pull the two snake-like arms. Unexpectedly, the little girl suddenly started shaking with force! She was so powerful that she only shook twice, and the whole car also shook violently!

They are on the edge of the overpass. If this continues, they will all fall down!

In his anxiety, he couldn’t think and judge. He just continued to save Xiaoxia with one hand and started the car with the other hand. However, no matter how hard he tried, it had no effect on either side. Seeing that Xiaoxia was about to expire, the car also leaned out of the edge of the bridge. part!

This won’t work!

A voice in his heart yelled, and the basic human reaction prompted him to let go of his hands, casually took an unknown charm, and slapped the little girl **** the face.

There was a crisp sound of ‘pop’, and accompanied by a faint black smoke floating out of her body, the little girl fell down on the back seat with a gurgling sound.

As soon as the pressure was relieved, Wan Li didn’t bother to ask about Xiao Xia’s situation. He opened the car door and pushed her out. Then he jumped out of the car and dragged Xiao Xia and the unconscious little girl far away.

“Are you okay?” He stroked Xiaoxia’s back who was coughing violently.

Xiao Xia shook her head with all her strength and glanced at the little girl beside her. Seeing that the child who wanted to kill him just now was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, one side of his face was red and swollen, his eyebrows were furrowed in a coma, and he was so fragile that it seemed like it would break if touched. The fierceness just now seems to be the same as two people. She knew that the little girl was under control, and she was suddenly very angry at the evil spirit.

“Don’t be afraid of her. Her evil spell has been broken. I don’t know what spell A Zhan used to break the evil spell.” Wan Li sighed softly, not daring to look at the little girl’s face.

He is a man of grace and never hits a woman, no matter how much she deserves it. But a minute ago, he not only hit a woman, but also a little girl who couldn’t be any smaller, and the injuries were so severe, what a sin!

“Where are you going?” Xiaoxia saw Wanli walking towards the car, “It’s better to ask someone to tow it away. Don’t go, it’s too dangerous.” From her perspective, she could see that the driver’s car was on the side of the car. Half of the wheels were already hanging in the air. If Wan Li forced the car to turn back, it would be a life-threatening situation!

“We can’t find someone to tow the car, but the rest is fine. How do we explain this little girl?” Wan Li said, “It’s okay. I have good driving skills and can turn the car back. Don’t worry, I’m not like Bao Datong. I never brag.” Wan Li said as calmly as possible, and then sat back in the car without waiting for Xiao Xia to object.

This is the man! Even though I was extremely nervous, I had to keep a relaxed attitude. I knew I would die on the spot if I failed, but I still had to do some things!

He carefully drove the car that was almost half-suspended in the air, tried every means to keep the weight closer to the safe side, and turned the car inward little by little. After a century, Before his heart was about to jump out, he finally saved the car, and he did not change from a ‘man’ to a ‘dead man’.

“Are you worried about me?” Wan Li asked as he and Xiao Xia quickly drove away from the ‘crime scene’.

“Nonsense, how could you ask such a childish question! I get scared when I hear the sound of a car.” Seeing the quiet but safe streets in the early morning, Xiaoxia’s tension was finally released, “What should I do with this little girl now? ?”

“We found a small police station, and then I placed her invisible at the door of the police station. We hid in the distance and watched, and left when the police found her. We can’t show up for this, it’s hard to explain.”

Xiaoxia nodded, “I understand, but we should show up now, otherwise a cleaner will see a high-end driverless car.”

It was already past seven in the morning when they returned to Yeguiren. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Bao Datong, who had come back before them, sitting at the bar drinking.

“Drinking now? It’s a little early!” Wan Li said.

He often has to go to bars recently, so he left some daily necessities and clothes upstairs. He plans to wash up here today and then go to work with Xiaoxia.

“You need to take care of it, Mongolian doctor!” Bao Datong said without looking back.

“How were you there yesterday?” Xiaoxia quickly changed the subject, fearing that Wan Li would quarrel with Bao Datong again.

“Nothing was found.” Bao Datong still didn’t look back. “There was nothing unusual about the mother and son. They stayed open until ten o’clock, then closed the shop and went to bed. Not even an unusual smell was revealed.”

“Maybe our guess was wrong and they have no problem.” Xiaoxia said willingly.

“Xiaoxia, wishes are beautiful, but facts are cruel.” Wan Li put his arms around Xiaoxia’s shoulders, “I know you don’t want to believe this, but if there were no problems with Lu Yan and her son, many things would not happen around us. . And now they are too normal, which proves that our guess was not wrong.”


“Have you gained anything?” Bao Datong interrupted Xiaoxia and asked.

“It’s not just a gain, it’s a huge gain!” Xiaoxia sat next to Bao Datong and briefly told what happened a few hours ago, “I almost couldn’t come back, I’m really scared when I think about it! Unfortunately, there is still no Find the lair where the evil spirit hides the children.”

“But through your fight with evil spirits, we can further estimate her strength. You see, she has scruples about the Blood Wood Sword and the Broken Banner, but these two magic weapons cannot hurt her. This aspect shows that You have no magic power and are not the masters of magic weapons, so you cannot use them to their fullest strength. But on the other hand, it also shows that the ability of evil spirits cannot be underestimated. If you want to do this, you have to think of other ways besides her. And ah , you saved a child, this is the most successful place, you must know that life is the most important!” Bao Datong said in a weak tone, seeming to be very tired.

“That makes sense.” Wan Li praised Bao Datong without sincerity, but Xiaoxia felt that something was wrong with Bao Datong.

Since they came back, Bao Datong has not turned around, just facing the wine cabinet. At this moment, he is looking down at the wine glass, which is completely different from his usual high-spirited appearance. Xiaoxia thought he was frustrated because he couldn’t find any clues, so she hurriedly said, “Don’t be impatient. You are just staring at the mother and son, as if they were playing chess, using one stone to waste two. You are obviously taking advantage. What’s the point?” It’s so annoying. Don’t worry, when Ruan Zhan finds the clues, I’ll have to rely on you to show off your power in the future.”

“Yes, I am Master Bao.” Bao Datong still stared at the wine glass, “You guys should go quickly, you will be late for work.” He urged, but because this behavior went against his usual style, instead It caught Xiao Xia’s attention.

She tilted her head and moved closer. Although Bao Datong dodged, she still saw that his face was pale and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Xiaoxia was surprised, “Didn’t you also have an accident last night?”

When she shouted, Wan Li also discovered something unusual about Bao Datong.

“I didn’t expect that people with weak brains would also get sick!” He patted Bao Datong on the shoulder, the movement was very gentle and full of comfort, but he didn’t expect that Bao Datong actually shook. Wanli’s expression darkened, “Something’s wrong with you, what happened?”

“I told you it’s okay!” Bao Datong was a little irritated. He stood up and wanted to leave Xiaoxia and Wan Li. But as soon as he stood up, his body swayed and almost fell. At the same time, an indescribable feeling hit him. off his head. It wasn’t pain, it was an indescribable soreness, as if the body had cracked small lines from the inside.

“Be careful!” Just when he was about to fall, Xiaoxia hugged his waist, but he staggered.

“Hey, this is no joke, you don’t look like you’re fine.” Wan Li held his shoulders to support his weight, “Are you sick or did you receive some sneak attack without realizing it?”

Bao Datong wanted to speak, but another wave of soreness and numbness hit him again, making him groan and couldn’t stand still.

Xiao Xia reached out to touch his forehead, but was startled by the cold sweat soaking in her palms. This made her extremely nervous. She had never seen anyone sweat so much in the blink of an eye.

“You help him sit for a while, and I’ll call an ambulance.”

“No.” Bao Datong grabbed Xiaoxia’s hand, “I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

“Please don’t act like a child at this time.” Xiaoxia tried to pry Bao Datong’s fingers off, but he just held her wrist tightly.

“You will die like this!” Seeing his increasingly worse expression, Wan Li became a little anxious, “If you want to die, you have to wait until these evil spirits are cured before you die!”

“No – you don’t understand, I’m not sick.” Bao Datong took a breath.

“So you were attacked last night?” Wan Li asked, “Tell it and listen, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The evil spirit we encountered this time was so powerful. Even Azhan would probably have to fight alone. You will also suffer a loss.”

“No.” Bao Datong gritted his teeth and shook his head, “Okay, it seems I can’t solve it myself. Help me upstairs first, and I’ll tell you – listen!”

He refused to go to the hospital, so Wan Li had to carry him upstairs.

“You also know that this evil spirit is so powerful. I have nothing to be ashamed of if I lose to her and even let her stuff it between my teeth.” Bao Datong seemed to feel a little better after going upstairs, “But, really, with that It doesn’t matter, because I felt something was wrong with my body before last night, and I’m sure it’s not a physical illness.”

“Then what makes you uncomfortable?” Xiao Xia asked anxiously, “It’s not a physical disease, could it be that you are possessed by an evil spirit? You said it’s not Lu Yan’s mother and son’s fault, so what could make you possessed by an evil spirit? Huh?”

Bao Datong smiled bitterly.

He originally wanted to handle this matter by himself, so he kept trying to calm down the uncomfortable areas in his body. He thought he could, but he didn’t expect that the discomfort suddenly became fierce, making him understand that this time he had to rely on others.

“Before you came back, I checked the aura around me, and there was no invasion of external evil, which means it was self-harm.”

“What is self-harm? What kind of strange disease is this?” Xiaoxia asked.

“I did something accidentally, which resulted in damage to my three souls and seven souls. The strange thing is that since I started to feel unwell, I started to recall, but I still can’t think of anything I did these past few days. What to do!”

This was the first time Xiaoxia and Wanli heard this statement and looked at each other.

“What should be done to cure it?” Wan Li was relatively calm, “You said, we will do it. No matter how difficult it is, we will definitely help you do it.”

“You can make up for it by finding the cause of my self-harm. But -” Bao Datong said halfway before he stood up to get his small wooden box, and then walked to Xiaoxia’s room. Under the incomprehensible eyes of Xiaoxia and Wan Li, He took off his shirt, and with trembling hands he drew several charms of different shapes on the Yintang, the Tanzhong point on his chest, the backs of his hands and the soles of his feet. Finally, he lifted up the sheets and sat on the bed, as if he was planning to go to bed.

“To make a long story short, I may not be able to hold on any longer.” He grinned, showing off those two super handsome and super cute tiger teeth, “I have been trying to resist since the morning, but the injury is obviously worse than I thought. Serious.”

“You, you, you–what do you mean?” Xiaoxia Liushenwuzhu said, “Didn’t you say you wanted to–die?”

“That’s not true.” Bao Datong still looked calm, as if he was talking to someone else, “But it’s almost like death, so don’t be afraid.” He took a breath, because of sweating, the charms melted a little, like blood It all boiled down, “It depends on the strength of my friend, and it also depends on whether A Zhan is as smart as you say!”

“What do you mean?”

“Tell him that I am hurting myself.” When Bao Datong said this, he was already struggling.

“Is this enough? I mean-Hey, Bao Datong!”

Amid her screams, Bao Datong suddenly fell softly on the bed, as if a hill suddenly collapsed.

“Bao Datong! Bao Datong!” Xiaoxia was frightened and shouted Bao Datong’s name loudly, shaking his shoulders vigorously, trying to wake him up. In her mind, Bao Datong had always been full of energy, and she couldn’t accept it when she suddenly saw him like this.

Wan Li stepped forward and grabbed Xiaoxia, “He’s passed out. He can’t be woken up like this.” He frowned, “He must have realized something in his heart, so he made preparations in advance. Didn’t you see? He told He figured out the only way to save him, drew the spell to protect his soul, and even chose the place where he would faint. He knew that you would definitely protect him, so he simply fainted in your room. Because there is Ruan Zhan here. In the protective formation, he has also made up for various loopholes that could be exploited by evil spirits. There is no safer place in the world than here.”

“Then what should we do? Just wait?” Xiaoxia glanced at Bao Datong anxiously.

Whether they were active or passive, they fought against the child-shaped monster many times. Although they were at a disadvantage every time, they could at least ensure that they were not harmed. But Bao Datong suddenly suffered from such a strange illness, and the situation suddenly became serious.

Now it is not a question of whether they will eliminate the evil spirit, but a life-and-death situation!

“Xiao Xia, don’t panic, we must not get into trouble.” Wan Li said while moving Bao Datong’s body to make him lie more comfortably, “We have to wait for A Zhan to come back, he must have a way to relieve Bao Datong A strange self-destructive disease.”

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