The Exorcist Chapter 16: Discussion (Part 1), the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

In just the blink of an eye, the ‘extremely lively’ chase scene in the morgue suddenly stopped, and the entire space was so silent that only the heavy breathing of the two people remained.

Ruan Zhan stepped over the six corpses that fell on the ground and helped Xiaoxia up who was sitting in the corner. She didn’t cry, but she was shaking violently. It was obvious that she was still frightened, and she was still holding on to the last charm with one hand.

“This – is the fire talisman.” Xiaoxia muttered unconsciously.

“I know. I know.” Ruan Zhan took Xiaoxia’s hand, gently opened her white fingers, took away the charm, and then held her in his arms, trying his best to comfort her. Her emotions allowed her to relax and feel sorry for everything she had to face.

She is a timid and light-hearted person, but along the way, it is not easy for her to be able to persist for so long under the constant pursuit of the corpses. That can only be accomplished after many painful trials. In fact, she has never taken the initiative to provoke anything, but why do evil spirits always come to her? Was she causing him trouble, or was he dragging her down? Or are their destinies inherently inseparable?

“I’m scared to death!” Xiaoxia muttered in Ruan Zhan’s arms.

In his arms, she felt safer than ever before. She quickly calmed down and no longer trembled. But, why does this feeling feel so familiar? It seemed like he had hugged her like this before, and maybe treated her even more warmly? But why was the scene so blurry? Was it because everything happened in a dream? Is it because she longs for his love too much?

“Come on, hold my hand and you won’t be afraid anymore.” Ruan Zhan let go of Xiao Xia, “Now we have to leave here to pick up Yangyang. The evil spirit didn’t hurt you, but it is very likely that he will attack him.”

Yangyang’s name made Xiaoxia scream “Ah”, and suddenly she remembered that there was a child who needed her protection, and now was not the time for romance. She ran out anxiously, but was stopped by Ruan Zhan.

“Don’t forget to be invisible.” Ruan Zhan drew lightly on Xiaoxia’s forehead.

Xiao Xia despised her own recklessness in her heart and understood that the morgue was now like a battlefield. If it was confirmed that no one had been here, then this scene would at best be circulated as a supernatural event for a while, but if someone discovered that they had been If it appears here, you will be in big trouble!

After drawing the talisman, Ruan Zhan took Xiaoxia back to a remote corner of the outpatient department. Seeing no one around, he removed the invisibility talisman and went to the corridor to pick up Yangyang. As soon as I turned the stairs, I saw Yangyang sitting on a chair, with his back pressed against the back of the chair, looking stubborn.

“Yangyang, are you okay?” Xiaoxia asked, holding his little hand, but Yangyang shook off her hand and looked at her warily.

“Yangyang is amazing, he is a man!” Ruan Zhan caressed his little head and removed the talisman he drew before without leaving any trace, “But now this is the real Aunt Xiaoxia, not a bad person pretending to be a bad guy. Come on, Let’s get out of here first.” He hugged Yangyang and took Xiaoxia to sit in the park in the middle of the street opposite the hospital.

Bathing in the warm sunshine, Xiaoxia felt a little more at ease, as if everything just now was just a nightmare. At this time, Yangyang’s guard against her was no longer so strong.

“Did a bad guy pretend to be me just now and bully Yangyang? Well, when we see this bad guy again, we will beat him! Who calls him a bad guy!” Xiaoxia hugged Yangyang on her lap, feeling that he was tight His little body gradually relaxed under her soft whispers and gentle kisses.

Yangyang put his head close to Xiaoxia’s neck, sucked hard, and then pressed a loud kiss, which tickled Xiaoxia and made her laugh.

Ruan Zhan on the side saw this scene and kept scolding himself in his heart, because he was jealous of Yangyang and Xiaoxia being so close, even though the boy was only five years old.

“What are you doing?” Xiaoxia asked Yangyang.

“I’m smelling Aunt Xiaoxia.” Yangyang said seriously, “Aunt Xiaoxia smells sweet and fragrant.”

“So you know I’m real? It turns out Yangyang is a puppy.” Xiaoxia stroked the cartoon gauze on his forehead.

Just now, ‘Zhang Jialin’ must have transformed into the image of Yang Yang to seduce her. Fortunately, she recognized the difference on the gauze, otherwise she wouldn’t have known where she would be taken. To a certain extent, this child also helped her!

“What happened, tell uncle.” Ruan Zhan asked sitting next to Xiao Xia.

“I’m a man, I keep my word, and I won’t leave the chair!” When this was mentioned, Yangyang was still a child after all, and couldn’t help but feel aggrieved.

“Then what?”

“Then a nurse aunt came and wanted to take me to find my uncle. I refused, and she was very angry and wanted to hit me, but she didn’t!”

“What next?”

“Then my mother and Aunt Xiaoxia came and said they wanted to go home. I said I would wait for my uncle, but my mother and Aunt Xiaoxia scolded me for being disobedient and said they would let the dogs kill me!”

“Are mom and aunt here at the same time?”

Yangyang nodded vigorously, “The dog is so big, and its teeth are so long.” He stretched out his arms exaggeratedly, “But I’m a man, I’m not afraid.”

“What’s the result?” This time it was Xiaoxia who was curious.

Yangyang chuckled, as if he was very happy, “There was a big fireball on the dog’s head. It was so burned that it kept running and running, and it disappeared.” He removed the protection left by Ruan Zhan The fire formed by the spell was seen as fireballs growing on the body of the phantom dog.

“Then the fake Aunt Xiaoxia and her mother, I mean the one pretending to be the bad guy, also ran away, right?” Ruan Zhan asked again.

Yangyang nodded vigorously again, indicating that Ruan Zhan’s guess was correct.

“Then the smell of Aunt Xiaoxia is sweet and fragrant. What does that bad guy smell like? Does Yangyang remember it?”

This time, Yangyang didn’t answer, as if he didn’t understand. Ruan Zhan had to repeat it, but Yangyang still had a blank expression. Obviously, at such a young age, he didn’t have a deep memory of taste. Moreover, he was soon attracted by a butterfly, and he broke away from Xiaoxia’s arms and ran after it.

“Can you let him run away alone?” Xiaoxia asked worriedly.

“As long as I’m here, nothing will happen. Let him play for a while. Such an active boy has been **** all morning.”

Hearing Ruan Zhan’s answer, Xiaoxia felt relieved and sat quietly on a bench in the park with Ruan Zhan. Watching Yangyang forget everything so quickly and run around happily, she felt a sense of joy in her heart. A strange sweet feeling, imagining how great it would be if one day she could live like this, living such a peaceful and happy life with her husband and children. Of course, that husband would be Ruan Zhan.

She looked at the pedestrians passing by from time to time and wondered why no one mistook them for being a young couple with their children. This kind of plot will appear in movies. A kind-hearted and talkative person will appear and ask this question enviously. This will make the man embarrassed and the woman shy, and then take the opportunity to bring the relationship between the two parties closer. Why is no one doing anything good to promote her relationship with Ruan Zhan now?

She complained in her heart and kept staring at the lawn in front of her, hoping that such an angel would appear. But before she saw the angel, she saw the naughty little devil tripped over a stone and threw himself. When he reached the ground, his face was stuck into the nest of the tree. Perhaps it was because the gardener had just watered it, making his face wet with mud.

Ruan Zhan quickly walked over and carried Yangyang back, while Xiaoxia took out a tissue and wiped him. But after saving his mouth from the mud, he hurriedly said to Ruan Zhan, “Uncle, I remembered the smell of the bad guy just now.”

“What does it smell like?” Ruan Zhan asked hurriedly.

“It smells like mud!” Yangyang laughed and tried to break away again, but was held tightly by Xiaoxia.

“Stop, I haven’t wiped it clean yet!”

“A man cannot lie!” Ruan Zhan asked again.

“I didn’t lie to uncle, it just smells like mud!” Yangyang was a little unhappy and pouted.

“Okay, I apologize.” Ruan Zhan said with a smile on his face.


Xiaoxia and Ruan Zhan took Yangyang to spend the morning in the park, and went back after having lunch outside. At this time, Bao Datong, who was learning from Lei Feng, had come back. There were no patients in the afternoon, but Wan Li, who was going to school to give lectures, stopped by to inquire about the situation, so the few of them placed Yang Yang, who had fallen asleep, on a Changsha bed within sight. After going to bed, the adults sat around the bar and had a meeting.

“Come on, brother, give me a hug. I’m so frightened.” After hearing Xiao Xia’s story in the hospital, Bao Datong extended his arms to Xiao Xia.

“You’re just disgusting! Are you still ‘brother’?” Wan Li saw Xiaoxia shrinking back and changed seats with her, “I’ve disgusted everyone in the world to death, and you are the only one left alive. ”

“That’s not necessary.” Bao Datong smiled mischievously, “Women don’t have to die, all men can die. Of course, my dad has to stay.”

“Wait a minute.” Ruan Zhan interrupted the bickering between the two people and looked at Xiao Xia with his brows furrowed. “You said, your shoulder was so hot and painful when Jingzhi scanned it?”

Seeing that Ruan Zhan noticed the details that others had not noticed, Xiao Xia felt very warm, “Yes. But the strange thing is that later I found that the clothes were not torn, and it didn’t hurt much, just a little itchy, I think ――”

Before she finished speaking, Ruan Zhan suddenly rushed over and roughly tore open her clothes, exposing her entire white left shoulder. Xiaoxia was startled by his sudden move, but she just instinctively held down her clothes, barely keeping her left chest from leaking.

“Wow, the legendary wolf!” Bao Datong shouted.

“Stop talking nonsense, come here to detoxify the corpse!” Ruan Zhan walked around behind Xiao Xia, hugged her waist, and let Xiao Xia lean back on his chest.

“Corpse poison? How could a newly deceased person have——” Bao Datong saw Xiao Xia’s shoulders and saw a few dark fingerprints on the round and lovely shoulder sockets. Against the white and tender skin, it looked particularly ferocious. He immediately He changed his mind and said, “There is indeed corpse poison.”

“Fortunately, it hasn’t soaked into the body yet.” Ruan Zhan closed his eyes and felt the soft body in his arms. He regretted not coming back earlier and spent the whole morning in the park. “Your Taoism is the most authentic. , you figure it out!”

Although Bao Datong is a playful and playful person, he always knows the right time and will never delay things at critical moments. Hearing this, he immediately ran to the bar and poured a glass of red wine.

“There is no cinnabar now, and the wine has heat, belongs to Yang, and is good for it.” As he explained, he stretched his fingers in the wine glass and dipped the red liquid in to draw something on Xiaoxia’s shoulders. Xiaoxia only felt that his fingertips were wet and cold, but before she had a chance to ask what was going on, she saw a red talisman appear on her shoulder, which looked like countless small hooks piercing into her flesh.

“This is very simple, it just hurts a little.” Bao Datong smiled at Xiaoxia, stretched out **** of his right hand and waved them in front of his eyes, as if he was writing something, and then gently put them down At the talisman on Xiaoxia’s shoulder.

As soon as his fingers fell, Xiaoxia felt a scratching pain, as if there was a thread buried in her flesh and was being pulled outwards intermittently. Only now did she understand why Ruan Zhan hugged her from behind. Although the pain was not so bad that she would faint, and although she was mentally prepared, she still shook. Fortunately, the body behind her gave her stable support and kept her from screaming. Make a sound.

I saw Bao Datong closing his eyes and moving his lips gently. He stayed like this for a few minutes before slowly closing his fingers, as if pinching something from Xiaoxia’s shoulder, and slowly pulled it back. When it reached a certain point, When it reached a certain level, it suddenly pulled hard. Xiaoxia gasped in pain, but at the same time she felt her body relaxed a lot, as if something had been removed. The skin on her shoulders was still intact, as if nothing had ever been put in and pulled out, but the few black marks had disappeared.

“What should I do with this thing? Littering will pollute the environment.” Bao Datong raised his hand.

Wan Li and Xiao Xia couldn’t see what he was holding in his hand, but Ruan Zhan could see the faint streaks of black air, so he stretched out his fingers to draw something like a flower and waved it, only to hear a “chichi” sound in the air. After a few sounds, Bao Datong lowered his raised hand with envy.

“Can you actually transform evil spirits? Teach me, teach me!” He was a little excited.

Ruan Zhan nodded, not hiding anything secretly. He looked down at Xiaoxia and saw that her expression was as usual and there was no black air on her shoulders, “How are you?”

“She will be fine.” Bao Datong said, “The removal of the poison was just a little painful at the time, and there will be no sequelae. Besides, I used the lightest and most effective method on Xiaoxia. She just needs a piece of clothing now. Clothes, if you care about them, they will become a mess!”

“Okay, I’ll change it. But-“

“The mirror has been removed, don’t be afraid.” Wan Li understood what Xiaoxia was thinking and answered her.

With this assurance, Xiaoxia immediately went back upstairs to change clothes. When she returned downstairs again, she saw the three men discussing something.

“What topic did I miss? I am also a victim now and have the right to know.” she said.

“We are discussing the matter of corpse poison.” Wan Li said, “According to these two magicians, people who have just died will not have such severe corpse poison. It is caused by evil spirits behind the scenes.”

“Zhang Jialin?”

“I’m sure.” Ruan Zhan said, “Think about the whole process of your attack. It was the illusion she cast to make you chase Yangyang. In fact, Yangyang was always with the nurse. And When I went to find you, she wanted to come and take away Yangyang again. Fortunately, I was prepared in advance, but the most important thing is that the child’s eyes are clean, and her phantom will not easily attract Yangyang, and there are too many people in the corridor of the outpatient department. Yang Qi is strong, and even though her magic power is high, the world of the earth is not a place where he can roam freely, so she can’t break my barrier.”

“But she can appear in broad daylight and stand in a crowded place for a while, which is already amazing!” Bao Datong sighed, “Have you ever met him, have you seen anything? ”

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