The Exorcist Chapter 14: Hijacking (Part 1)………………, the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

The hairs all over Xiaoxia’s body stood up.

She subconsciously held the amulet on her chest and looked around in fear, but there was nothing in the darkness.

Is there a sudden power outage?

No, the computer is obviously still running – Xiaoxia suddenly turned around. A **** human face appeared on the computer screen, with trembling muscles, gaping teeth, and bleeding eye holes staring straight at her!

Female ghost!

Xiaoxia thought in horror, and instinctively jumped over to turn off the computer, interrupting its struggle to crawl out of the computer like Sadako. However, as the computer was turned off, the only light source in the office also went out, and it was suddenly dark.

The cold air blowing on the back of her neck, the shaking sounds all around, and the strong smell of blood all reminded her that she was not alone in this office. After a few seconds of adaptation, with the faint moonlight, she discovered that there were three floating black figures in the air surrounding her. When she raised her head, they swooped over.

The six pale and withered ghost hands, the blood-filled mouth that was so wide open, and the sharp screams all showed that this time it was not just about scaring Xiaoxia, but it was about taking Xiaoxia’s life!

In her panic, she had no time to think about it and hurriedly hid under the nearest table.

Silently, the table suddenly began to shake, as if something was groping on her body. One head stood upside down and slowly fell from the edge of the table, two, three, with long hair spread all over the floor.

Give me back my life!

Xiao Xia yelled, raised the amulet and danced wildly. Taking advantage of the scattered black shadows, she looked in the direction of the door and fled. However, after the door closed, she was stunned – she rushed into the bathroom!

Here! A voice called her.

She turned her head sharply and happened to see her face in the bathroom mirror. In the blood-red mirror, my face was pale and frightened, dripping with cold sweat, and then it began to change – my eyes protruded, there were no pupils, my facial features gradually rotted away, I laughed, and my face became loose and fell off like a rubber cover –

Bloody Mary!

Xiao Xia was extremely frightened and suddenly realized the reason why she was attacked for no reason. This is the illusion it gave her, and she would be doomed if she was frightened!

She gritted her teeth and pressed the amulet to her chest, chanting loudly according to her previous practice: “Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!” She didn’t know if the old man had a deterrent effect on the evil spirits in the West. Anyway, the image in the mirror at that time The illusion disappeared, but blood flowed from the mirror.

Xiao Xia breathed a sigh of relief and vaguely saw that her face in the mirror was normal, except for the paleness and fear after being frightened. But she immediately felt something strange, and when she turned around, she saw the three lingering female ghosts blocking the door. There was no expression on the **** face, but Xiaoxia clearly felt their strong hatred for her.

For what reason, she didn’t know, but she knew clearly that she had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise these three people would never let her go easily! She gritted her teeth, held the amulet and rushed out, passing through the body of the female ghost in the void. However, as soon as she left the door, she was pulled to the ground again. Their cold and sticky fingers grabbed her limbs like snakes, opened their bleeding mouth, and bit her down hard!

The sharp pain made Xiaoxia couldn’t help but scream loudly!

Someone help her! Although the female ghost did not dare to come close to the area where her chest and head were protected by the soft light of the amulet, they seemed to bite off her limbs, and she was now completely unable to move and unable to resist!

What to do? what to do? She is going to be bitten to death here!

“Is anyone here?” A familiar man’s voice suddenly sounded in her ears, giving Xiaoxia hope. It’s Xiao Zhang, the security guard of the building. He patrols the building about once an hour. She struggled with all her strength and responded loudly to Xiao Zhang’s question.

After the sound of opening the door, the lights in the room suddenly brightened, making people unable to open their eyes.

The light is so good!

Xiaoxia got up from the ground and saw that the three female ghosts were gone. Although there was no blood on her bare arms and legs, there were large and small bruises on her arms and legs, proving that what she had just experienced was not a nightmare.

“Miss Yue, you haven’t left yet? What are you doing?” Xiao Zhang asked. Behind him were two strangers, also wearing security uniforms. They lowered their heads and said nothing, as if they were new arrivals.

“I – the lights suddenly went out and I fell.” She replied hastily, not wanting to scare the little security guards by saying these ridiculous things. “I’m just about to leave.” She grabbed her schoolbag and didn’t want to delay any longer. Who knows how long these ordinary people can help her. They won’t have the same evil spirits as the police, and they won’t implicate others.

“Okay, let’s take you down.” Xiao Zhang locked the door after Xiao Xia came out.

He looked at Xiaoxia’s back, then looked at the phosphorescence in the darkness in the door, and smiled meaningfully.

The elevator seemed to be slower than usual, and this closed environment aggravated Xiaoxia’s uneasiness. She wanted to find something to say to Xiao Zhang, but on one side she saw Xiao Zhang and the two new security guards standing at attention, with no intention of chatting. However, suddenly she She felt something was wrong in the elevator, which made her scalp tingle.

She glanced at Xiao Zhang and the others again, and there was nothing wrong. When she looked again, it was really nothing. The last time I watched it – I was so shocked that my heart stopped beating suddenly!

The four walls inside the elevator were originally half-length mirrors. Sometimes she would look around and fix her makeup in the elevator, but at this time she only saw her figure. Three security guards were obviously beside her, but there was nothing in the mirror.

In other words – they are not human!

With a ‘ding’ sound, the elevator stopped, on the third floor. Xiaoxia ran out without thinking, but three disheveled shadows in the dark corridor swooped towards her, making her give a short cry before inevitably retreating back into the elevator.

The elevator door quickly closed and continued downward, but there was a constant knocking sound outside the door. There was a hand struggling to get in at the crack of the door. What made her even more uneasy was the three people around her. personal’.

It was quiet except for Xiaoxia’s short breathing.

“Did you see it?” ‘Xiao Zhang’ suddenly asked, smiling softly, but it sounded like an asthmatic trying to inhale.

Xiaoxia glanced at him in fear, and saw that his face was still open, but it was stiff, numb, pale, and expressionless, which made his smile particularly eerie and abrupt. The other two security guards were as lifeless as dead people, their faces were so gray that their facial features could not be seen clearly.

She desperately thought about what to do, but she found that she was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no ability to escape.

“We’re here, run as fast as you can and don’t look back.” ‘Xiao Zhang’ said again, this time even his voice was stiff. Then Xiaoxia saw that the ‘people’ around her suddenly turned into a few puddles of clothes on the ground. Three vague shadows rushed out of the elevator parked on the first floor first, and struggled with the other three shadows who rushed in in a weird form. In a ball.

She was stunned for a second, but before she could judge whether she was right or wrong, she ran out as fast as she could. She didn’t dare to look back to see the roaring noise, and ran to the empty long street in one breath. The flowing air made her feel Better. She turned back to look at the building. It was pitch black and she couldn’t see anything clearly. She knew she had to leave as soon as possible. She would be safe when she got to Ruan Zhan.

Ah, Ruan Zhan! This is the first time she misses him so much!

A taxi came from a distance and stopped next to the hesitant Xiaoxia. The kind middle-aged driver stuck his head out and asked: “Miss, do you want a taxi?”

Xiaoxia nodded, sat in the back seat, and then gave the address of Yeguiren’s bar. “Can you hurry up?”

“No problem, I’m known for driving fast and steadily.”

Xiaoxia didn’t speak, her temporary safety made her deep in thought. What did she provoke again? Why did these three female ghosts want to kill her? She asked herself that she had never done anything wrong, and she did not kill animals. Even the meat she usually ate was frozen food bought from the supermarket, so the attack must be related to Bloody Mary.

It has something to do with Bloody Mary, but it didn’t do it!

From Zhang Xue’s incident, she had seen ghost hands in the mirror, which was different from what she encountered in the bathroom today. It seemed that the three people today could not fully control the mirror and were just using illusions to scare her. Moreover, according to common sense, Bloody Mary cannot leave the place where it was invited, which is the school. So who did she meet today?

Three – female ghosts – faceless – are they the three girls who were killed? !

But what does their death have to do with her? Why do you ask her to give her life back? Doesn’t pestering her violate the rule of ‘every wrong has its owner, every debt has its owner’? And who are ‘Xiao Zhang’ and why do they help her escape from death?

Xiaoxia looked out the window worriedly. The scenery outside the window receded rapidly, which showed that the car was indeed driving very fast. It was pitch black in the empty wilderness, with only scattered spots visible – but wait, she shouldn’t be in the wild, Yeguiren Bar is in the city center. Has she been kidnapped?

“We are not going where I told you to go.” Xiaoxia hurriedly patted the driver’s shoulder, but she did not feel the texture that a human body should have. Instead, there was a banging sound, like being slapped on a hollow object. The driver didn’t even look back.

She was so horrified that she shrank back into the back seat, and the driver’s face she saw in the rearview mirror almost frightened her to death – it was a face made of paper, not white paper or any other paper, but It’s the kind of gold and silver paper used to burn ingots for deceased relatives during the Qingming Festival. A few eyebrows and eyes are simply drawn on it, and it shines with a strange light in the rearview mirror!

She was kidnapped, by a ghost!

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