The Exorcist Chapter 11: Yedian (Part 1), the fastest update to the latest chapters of The Exorcist!

Chapter 11 Wild Store (Part 1)

Naman is the name of a very remote village, and it is also the last two characters in the place name left by Guan Zheng before his death.

It is located in a little-known deep mountain valley. To get there, you first need to take a plane to Kunming, then transfer to a train, then take a bus to a small town on the China-Myanmar border, and finally you have to take an ox cart or walk. to get to that place.

The trip for Ruan Zhan and his party was quite unsatisfactory. First, the plane was delayed, which turned their anxiety into helplessness. After finally getting on the plane, they actually had another fright in the air. After getting off the plane, the three of them stayed overnight locally and then transferred to the train. Nothing happened, but the subsequent car journey almost made all the bones in Xiaoxia’s body fall apart. When they were finally able to take the last means of transportation, the ox cart, they discovered that no one had gone in or out of the mountains in the past two days. Eco-travelers like them, who specialize in going deep into the mountains and old forests, could only rely on two legs. Up the mountain.

At this time, Xiaoxia was too tired to speak. Ruan Zhan, who always talked little, walked at the front carrying his and Xiaoxia’s luggage. Only Wan Li was still complaining energetically.

“You are wasting time and money by doing this. Why don’t you use your time and space distortion technique?”

Ruan Zhan just pretended not to hear.

“You also said that you need purposeful information to perform this kind of magic. I think you are not good at learning.”

“Go back if you don’t want to come. Who told you to insist on coming?” Ruan Zhan stopped and found a shaded spot, “Let’s rest for a while first!”

He was not tired, but even though he didn’t turn around to look, he knew that Xiaoxia couldn’t hold on any longer, so he reluctantly supported them because he was afraid of burdening them.

He carefully sat down slightly below, so that he could give Xiaoxia the comfortable boulder to sit on, and he could also stare at her surroundings. There must be a lot of venomous snakes and insects in such deep mountains. Xiaoxia is a standard city kid and can’t stand this.

Originally he just planned to come by himself, but since he realized that Huang Boheng was very suspicious and had special intentions for Xiaoxia, he had to take her with him so that he could feel at ease, but this was a big problem for Xiaoxia A test.

Wanli loves to travel. Hearing that this village was so remote, it might be hiding a big secret, so he asked for leave and followed him. In fact, Ruan Zhan knew that Wanli wanted to help.

“I know you feel sorry for Xiaoxia, but have you paid attention to the weather?” Wan Li walked to Ruan Zhan and whispered.

“It was precisely because it was going to rain that I took a break.”

“Have you been poisoned? You said such crazy things!” Wan Li looked up at the sky again.

He often travels alone and knows that the weather in the mountains is changeable, not to mention that it is still the turn of spring and summer when weather can easily change. When they came up the mountain, the weather was still very good. Unexpectedly, the weather changed at noon. According to his many years of travel experience, it looks like it will rain within two hours, and it will rain heavily. They were unfamiliar with the place and the terrain, which meant danger.

“I asked about it when I came here. There will be a three-way intersection leading to different villages a little further.” Ruan Zhan raised his chin toward the mountain, “These three villages are either close to the mountains or close to the water. , are not close to the town, and they are all mountain roads, so there is a small shop at the intersection, which is a resting place for passers-by. In this situation, we can’t reach Naman today anyway, so it is better to walk slowly.”

“I’m still wondering why it took you so long to ask the owner of the hotel for directions?” Hearing what Ruan Zhan said, Wan Li finally felt relieved, “I was really careful and asked about what happened on the way.”

“I admire that you always run around the world alone, but your life is still intact.”

“What I care about is the customs and customs along the way. That is more interesting, and the other accidents are just minor episodes.”

“So you have been chatting with those beautiful young girls for so long, what are you talking about?”

Wan Li smiled and glanced at Xiaoxia. Although she was drinking water and resting quietly, all the cells in her body were paying attention to the two of them. He knew that Xiaoxia was unhappy that he and Ruan Zhan always discussed things behind her back. He believed that the three of them were partners and should not hide everything from her, so he raised his voice to ensure that Xiaoxia could hear it.

“Those Miao girls said that the villages in the mountains here are inhabited by various ethnic groups, and most of them can be poisoned, so be sure not to violate other people’s taboos or act unfriendly, otherwise you will be poisoned. The patient will get sick, and in severe cases, may die. If you ask someone to remove the bewitching spell, it will be quite difficult.”

“Didn’t they say what the taboo is? It’s better not to offend unintentionally.” Xiao Xia said.

“Don’t be afraid, people are the same everywhere. Don’t be too curious, don’t break into other people’s houses casually, just respect each other.” Wan Li said, “But there is a kind of Gu that Xiaoxia may like.”

“You’re talking nonsense, I don’t like that thing.”

“Don’t you know? The Lisu people in Yunnan have a kind of poison called love medicine, which is very interesting. No matter what kind of bird, if it dies while flying on the ground, scrape it off at the place where the bird died. Some powder, this is the ‘love medicine’. If you give it to the person you like, your heart will never stop falling in love with you. This medicine can only be cured by eating a cat’s claw!”

“Did you make it up?” Xiao Xia was dubious, but couldn’t help but glance at Ruan Zhan, thinking that if there really was such a medicine, she would give Ruan Zhan a little so that he would love her forever.

Ruan Zhan kept his head lowered, because the cat paw mentioned in Wan Li’s words suddenly reminded him of the black cat and the moving plant that Xiao Xia saw.

If there is really something wrong with Huang Boheng, it is possible that those strange deaths were caused by poison. In fact, he had doubts before and read some information. It is said that there is a kind of poison called yin and yang grass that can move. Assuming that the murderer is Huang Boheng, then the poison he cast is obviously much more ferocious, and the type is even weirder. It contains drugs, and the deceased even gouged out one of his own eyes.

Also, what is his motivation? What did the deceased feel before death?

“What you said makes me a little scared.” Xiaoxia’s voice sounded in his ears.

“Actually, I asked about some folk remedies. It is said that as long as you don’t eat or drink indiscriminately, it will be fine. We have water ourselves. If you have to eat, just quietly put the first bite of rice in your hand. , and then leave the chopsticks for eating. At the first intersection after leaving, use these chopsticks to dig a hole, bury the rice in it, and nothing will happen.”

“I still doubt whether you are telling nonsense.” Seeing Wan Li’s serious look, Xiao Xia couldn’t help but smile.

Ruan Zhan on one side did not join the discussion. He looked at the sky and felt that the weather was not optimistic, so he quickly called the other two people to walk to the other side of the mountain.

The mountain rain came faster than they expected. As soon as they turned a mountain pass, the heavy rain poured down mercilessly. Fortunately, I saw a bamboo building from a distance, sitting alone in a pale open space, looking shaky in the wind and rain. But despite this, the three people ran over without hesitation and ran into the only safe haven in the wind and rain.

There was no one in the store. For some reason, Xiaoxia felt like she was in another world as soon as she entered the bamboo building.

This shop is no different from any ordinary roadside shop, except that most of the furniture is made of bamboo. Because there is no one around, and there is a violent storm outside, it looks cool.

“Is there anyone there?” Wan Li called out, but no one answered. He shouted again in several newly learned ethnic minority dialects, but still no one answered.

“Is the store empty?” He glanced at Ruan Zhan.

In bad weather, it is not a good idea to come to an empty house in the mountains.

“Stay here and don’t move!” Ruan Zhan gave a brief command, and then carefully walked around the small bamboo building back and forth.

This bamboo building has two floors. The first floor is a dining hall with five or six tables, followed by a kitchen and a room for storing sundries. There are three separate rooms on the second floor. One of them looks like a guest room, but it is the type of a large car shop with only one bunk.

The whole house is clean and tidy. There are still some ingredients in the kitchen and daily necessities in the room. It seems that the owner has left not long ago for some reason. Maybe it’s because the people in the mountains are relatively simple, and they also want to give passing guests a place to rest, so the rooms are not locked.

Ruan Zhanning felt calmly – there was no ghost energy, just because there were no people, and this was the middle of the mountain, so it seemed a bit gloomy in the rain.

He didn’t hear that there would be no one in this shop at the foot of the mountain, but there was no other place to stay in the heavy rain. Besides, no one had been to the town for three days, so maybe the shop owner had something to do and went back to the mountain.

He hesitated for a moment and came downstairs. The creaking sound of the simple stairs under his feet was particularly harsh in the storm.

“No one?” Wan Li asked, not putting down the bag in his hand.

Ruan Zhan shook his head, “Change out of wet clothes first, and then eat something.”

It rained intermittently all day long, stopping them here unable to move. Fortunately, they had brought drinking water and some food, so they wouldn’t be so embarrassed if they planned to use it.

I heard that there was electricity in Naman, but there was no electricity in the wild store in the middle of the mountain, and they couldn’t find an oil lamp, so at night, they had to sleep first.

Xiao Xia was too tired from this journey. Although she felt a little uneasy in a strange place, because Ruan Zhan and Wan Li were next door, and the rain stopped after nightfall, she could only feel the mountain breeze blowing from the window. It came in, like a hypnosis, making Xiaoxia sleep deeply.

But when she was sleeping soundly, she suddenly felt someone pushing her gently.

“Is it dawn yet? I’ll sleep for five more minutes!” The bright moonlight in the mountains made her mistakenly think that it was already dawn, so she mumbled half asleep and turned over to face the wall.

The hand pushing her paused for a moment, then continued.

“Three minutes.” Xiaoxia begged, thinking it was Wan Li asking her to get up.

The force of shaking her body became a little more violent.

“One minute.” She negotiated again.

However, the ‘person’ who shook her seemed angry and pushed her hard.

Xiao Xia was also a little angry. She used her hand to hit the hand on her shoulder, but she felt something was wrong at the first touch.

Those were not Wanli’s warm hands, nor Ruan Zhan’s stable hands, but a pair of small hands that only women have, which were bitingly cold, stiff and dry.

She was startled and immediately woke up. She quickly turned over and sat up, but the hand on her shoulder was still there without moving. Looking sideways, he saw a pair of small and beautiful female hands, pale and pale under the moonlight.

However, it was just a pair of hands, and the owner of the hands was nowhere to be seen. There was only a pair of hands firmly placed on her shoulders!

Her hair stood on end immediately and she screamed, but she made no sound.

Subconsciously, she tried her best to pull the hands, but they seemed to be stuck on her shoulders, stubbornly refusing to leave, and suppressing her to get up. She struggled hard, but still couldn’t scream, and finally He had no choice but to take off his clothes and throw the ghost hand into the corner.

She stared at the corner, not daring to express her anger.

In the darkness, there was a rustling sound, and it felt like something was moving, forming a figure in the corner. Before Xiaoxia could react, he rushed towards her, less than half a foot in front of her. Stop.

She is a young girl! She has a pretty face, but her complexion is pale, and her seven orifices are bleeding!

“Don’t sleep in my bed!” she yelled viciously, “Don’t sleep in my bed!”

“Ruan Zhan!” Xiaoxia finally yelled. The voice was particularly loud in the quiet night, but there was no echo in the next room.

“Don’t sleep in my bed!” Miao Nu continued to approach, and the smell of corpses hit her face.

Xiaoxia quickly grasped the amulet on her chest, and Miao Nu took a step back in shock.

At this time, a clear ringtone suddenly came from the quiet night.

Ding Bell——

The Miao girl said “Ah” and retreated to the door, but did not leave.

Ding Bell——

Another clear ringtone came, as if the wild shop was getting closer, and then with the ringing, it got closer, and slowly arrived under the window of Xiaoxia’s room.

Xiaoxia didn’t dare to scream at this time, for fear of attracting something. But she didn’t understand why Ruan Zhan, who was always vigilant, couldn’t hear such an obvious sound, and why didn’t he take any action? !

The ghost of the Miao girl blocked the door and refused to let her out. She gritted her teeth and slowly got up from the bed.

The bamboo bed made a squeaking sound, and the Miao girl made an angry grinding of her teeth. These two sounds made Xiaoxia frightened, but she insisted on putting her head close to the window and peeking down from the side.

A group of shadows came from the end of the mountain road. The leader was wearing white cloth and a large bamboo hat, covering his face.

He was holding a copper bell in his hand, and the sound came from there. Every few steps he took, he would ring a bell, and the five or six figures behind him would jump a step to the sound of the bell.

The few people following behind lined up, each with a white bag on their face, tied with a rope between them, and walked towards the wild store with the clear ringing of the bell. !

Note: Gu is caused by many insects mixed together. The Compendium of Materia Medica says: The person who makes the voodoo catches a hundred worms and puts them into a container. These hundred large insects eat the small ones, and the last big insect that lives in the vessel is called Gu. It can be seen that Gu was originally a medicine specially used to treat poisonous sores. It was only later that he was used to harm others. Poisonous voodoos are mostly cultivated in the southern provinces of mainland China, and there are many types, including dung beetle voodoo, horse locust voodoo, golden silkworm voodoo, grass voodoo and pickling voodoo. People who play poison put the poison into food when others are not paying attention. After eating, they will be infected with the poison. People infected with the poison will suffer from a chronic disease. From a modern point of view, this is a man-made strange disease caused by the poison of many protozoa. Some poisonous poisons are very harmful to the human body. They are like corpse worms that grow on corpses after death. After invading the human stomach, they will eat up the human intestines and stomach. Its resistance is very strong and it cannot be killed by water, fire or knife (see Cai Youcong’s words quoted in Compendium of Materia Medica).

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