The Evil Imperial Monarch Chapter 5187: Peerless Beauty, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Xie Yu Tianjiao!

“Go, what are you doing in a daze?”

The arrival of the Bone Demon Tribe caused Gujma to go out, but was blocked by the Dark Demon Warrior of their Bone Demon Tribe.

These guys are really wooden things!


“Oh, yes.”

“Gujima, did we really leave like this?”


A group of dark demon warriors from the Skeleton Demon Tribe reacted and walked out of the small house one after another.

However, there are obviously many of them who have not recovered, and some of the Dark Demon Warriors of the Bone Demon Tribe even don’t want to leave here.

“What’s the hurry, look at each of you ashamed!”

The arrival of the Bone Demon Tribe made Gu Jema blush at this time. Unexpectedly, they finally came to investigate, but they made a big red face in front of the beauty.

These unpromising guys are dumbfounded when they see other beautiful women, and they won’t even react to calling them, a bunch of fools! The dark demon warriors of the Skeleton Demon Tribe who were so scolded by Gujma were also a little embarrassed, so they had to follow Gujma to the outside of this transformation demon tribe, and looked back all the way to see if they could be in Take a look at that absolute

Where’s the beauty of the world.

“Gujima, remember to bring us next time you come!”

“Yeah, Gujma, don’t leave a few brothers!”


The group of dark demon warriors from the bone-cut demon tribe who slowly walked towards the outside of the transforming demon tribe followed Gujma.

Unexpectedly, when they came to this transformation demon tribe this time, they actually saw such a beautiful dark demon woman. It was really worthwhile.

If you can get this peerless beauty, even if you just sleep for one night.

“Don’t worry, the beauties can’t run. You are waiting for me outside. I haven’t asked the two newcomers to Patriarch Tagumar what are the names.”

Gujima of the Kerb Demon Tribe realized that she hadn’t asked what the name of that peerless beauty was, so she almost walked back so stupidly.

Hey, blame this peerless beauty for being so beautiful.

The arrival of the Bone Demon Tribe made Gu Jema never expect that in this small dark demon tribe like the Transformed Demon Tribe, there is such a great beauty who is astonishing as heaven. This is a bit beyond his expectations. Gu Jima, who originally wanted to come to this morphing demon tribe to see if there were traces of the dark demon warrior team of the bone demon tribe they had disappeared, thought of the dark demon warrior team of the bone demon tribe in her heart. Is missing

It’s wonderful.

How else would he meet this peerless beauty?

This is obviously because God is destined to have a wonderful marriage between him and this peerless beauty.

It’s just that his performance this time is terrible.

How can you be so calm in front of such a peerless beauty?

I don’t know if the peerless beauty has a bad impression of him.

The arrival of the Skeleton Demon Tribe caused Gujma to think about it, and at the same time, she went to the patriarch of the Transformation Demon Tribe to find out about this peerless beauty. As for the fact that they originally came to look for the missing group of dark demon warriors in this morphing demon tribe, they have long been left behind. Now Gujima and others are eager for this. The tribe of the carved bones of the demons

The longer the dark demon warrior team disappears, the better, so that they have an excuse to come to their transformation demon tribe from time to time to find this peerless beauty.

Such a peerless beauty is rare in thousands of years. Hey, he still doesn’t know how to approach this peerless beauty.

If he were so direct, wouldn’t it be so good?


At this time, in Gulinchu’s hut, all the Dark Demon warriors of the Bone Demon Tribe had gone, leaving only the three of Taguna, Guliwan, and Gulinchu.

The patriarch Taguma also drove the tribesmen of their transformation demon tribe to leave, and he still had to deal with Gujma and others from the bone demon tribe at that moment.

“Oh, Guliwan, it seems that you have been targeted by Gujma of the Bone Demon Tribe, I won’t bother you.”

The beautiful Taguna sighed faintly, wondering what effect this incident will have on their transformation of the demons tribe.

I hope that the two peerless masters, Gu Linchu and Guliwan, will not leave their transformation demon tribe.

“It’s okay, Taguna, thank you.”

Looking at Taguna’s somewhat worried expression, Guliwan smiled and sent her out.

“Why don’t I give you a change?”

Watching Guliwan return to the room and sit down, Gulinchu frowned and said.

This Gu Liwan looks so beautiful now, and it is indeed a troublesome thing.

“Don’t do it, who knows how ugly you will make me look like, and now that we are so powerful, there is no need to worry about who provokes someone, it’s not that you have to hide here.”

The beautiful Guliwan said with a small mouth.

Although she hated the eyes of these dark demon warriors of the Bone Demon Tribe staring at her, it is impossible for her to give up her beauty because of this, even if it is just a disguise. What’s more, now that she and Gu Linchu in this dark demon world are not without the strength to crush others, it is completely unnecessary to be so low-key, and directly put the bone demon tribe and the skinning demon tribe into the two ancient demons. Powerful black

Dark demons tribe can be wiped out.

By then, the entire land of the ancient demons will be theirs, and how they want to cultivate is not their business. “This is for the sake of our future development. Otherwise, we are too fast now. Although we can quickly master more training resources, we will be targeted by more powerful dark demons. Up, then

The trouble will definitely not be less than what we have encountered now. “

Gu Linchu couldn’t persuade Gu Liwan to give up her peerless beauty, so it was fine. However, he has to nag her again for the reason. There is not much difference between the world of the dark demons and the world of cultivating immortals, but it is the spiritual energy of the world cultivated by one of them, and the world demons cultivated by the other. I’m so angry


Human nature remains unchanged.

Where there are only people, there will always be fights of this kind. Even if they are now occupying the entire land of the ancient demons at the fastest speed and integrating them into their own training resources, the situation that needs to be faced by then is not just the details they encounter now. Of

It’s a trivial matter.

Since there is this ancient land of demons in this dark demon world, there must be a bone demon tribe ruling them above the transformation demon tribe, and there must be a higher power above the bone demon tribe. Threatening them. Once they break this chain with their own power, unless they continue to break along this power chain, otherwise they will inevitably become a part of this power chain, as long as they want this

Part of the interest in the power chain. And they want to break this chain, only relying on the power they originally came from in the world of cultivating immortals, and now they have the power of the dark demons in this ancient world of demons, which can be said to be very small. /

It can only be at the bottom level. The powerful forces from their original world of cultivating immortals must ultimately have their limits. Once they break this chain, they will inevitably have to bear all of them while gaining the corresponding part of the benefits of this power chain.

The strength brought about by the endurance needs to fight against more dark demons to get a part of the benefits of this power chain.

However, such a price will sooner or later exceed their own strength, and they will inevitably have to pay some corresponding price at that time. Instead of touching the interests in these power chains before they have mastered enough power of the dark demons, and wasting more energy and time to maintain the things in these power chains, it is better to continue to let the bone demon now.

The power of tribes and tribes assumes the position in the chain of power, and when they need to use the benefits in the chain of power, they can obtain them. This is what he has always kept low-key to do to hide his identity.

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