The Evil Imperial Monarch Chapter 4448: 4451 Return 2, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Xie Yu Tianjiao!

“My dear…”

“You are our father…”

“You kill us…”

After a while, the hard bones of these two people have completely softened, and there is no longer the arrogance from the magic machine valley. In the face of life and death, they chose not to have that so-called spine.

The blood is strong in the formation. The blood of the two of them has exploded in it. I don’t know how many times they have been. Their faces are pale, lying in the formation like dead dogs. Now they have no temper at all.

Ye Chu sneered: “Come on, tell me what you know, otherwise, let’s continue…”

“I said, we said, we said everything…”

Where did the two dare to be arrogant? Looking at Ye Chu outside the formation, he was like hell, wishing to kill himself.

“Hehe, it’s plausible that way, everyone is a civilized person, it’s not good to use this **** method…”

Ye Chu had a harmless smile on his face, and he almost broke the two of them again. Just like him, he deserves to be called a civilized person, I’m okay.


With Ye Chu’s previous lesson, the latter two high-level demon immortals in the Magic Machine Valley are a lot more honest, and Ye Chu’s questions can be regarded as answering all the questions.

Since they are doing pretty well now, Ye Chu didn’t kill them right away, nor did they refine them into the Five Elements Spiritual Energy, but instead left them behind. Let’s talk about them first.

According to these two people, in the ancestor of Magic Machine Valley, underground super veins are still being constructed, and even their legendary valley master may return to the valley. Of course, at their level, they are not qualified enough to know the trend of the valley master.

The two of them are the foreign affairs elders of the Mojigu Foreign Affairs Hall, and their status in the valley is not low. They are in charge of many Mojigu masters in the Foreign Affairs Hall. This time they came out to be responsible for patrolling the surrounding area. , The basic situation of each force.

Foreign affairs elders like them, there are many others, and they are just two of them. For people like them, Mojigu has sent hundreds of people over the years. They are all around here, and the patrols in the sub-districts will not secretly take action, unlike the three elementary demon immortals that Ye Chu caught before, who formed a team to specifically do looting. They are only responsible for collecting the most advanced and most confidential information, and then sending the information back to Moji Valley for them to Moji Valley

The next step in the future.

It happens that these two people are in charge of this area. Ye Chu also saved some time and didn’t bother to inquire. Now, in the east, west, south, north, and in the surrounding area, dozens of cities and regions have some big forces. These two guys rely on their high level of cultivation, and it can be said that they have basically found out.

After half a year, Ye Chu returned to Nanfeng City. After entering the city, it really changed a lot. Although there is still only a rudimentary form, other than the original main city, other things have not been worked out, but the hot scene inside has made Ye Chu very satisfied.

Ye Chu returned to the Ye family’s house. There was no one in it. There was even some dust in the yard. It seems that no one lived here during this time. Even the magic stone has been busy expanding. thing.

Back to this familiar yard, Ye Chu’s previous alertness was put down, and he finally took a breath, and could lie down in the hot spring pool for a good soak.

Although it’s been less than a year since I went out this time, it can be said that the harvest is huge. In such a short period of time, Ye Chu has settled Elena’s affairs and caught the small coffin. The tomb of the Valkyrie was also taken, and in addition, he also learned the magical technique of time reversal.

Ye Chu took a good bath, told Mei Chang and Mei Tan’er to come out, and prepared something for himself to eat and drink. I haven’t seen them for a while, and now I see Ye Chu again, especially Mei Chang’s misunderstanding of Ye Chu has been eliminated.

I don’t treat him coldly anymore, and the look in Ye Chu’s eyes softens a lot. After all, Ye Chu still has Tan’er and children for her, but it’s pretty good.

The three of us had a rare warm dinner together. Mei Taner asked Ye Chu softly: “Ye Chu, are you calling us out, is there something else…”

Mei Chang also raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Chu. She also felt that Ye Chu should be okay.


Ye Chu was stunned: “Nothing, it’s just that I haven’t had dinner with you in some days. Let’s gather together…”


Mei Tan’er smiled obediently: “If you have anything, just tell us, we must do our best to help you share your worries.”

“I know, we are a husband and wife, I will not be polite with you.”

Ye Chu smiled, he didn’t go to sweep the souls of the two of them, it was out of respect for them.

Although she knows that Mei Chang is still a little grudge against herself, she should have felt the kindness and love she has for their mother and child over the years, and she no longer cares about herself.

As time goes by, she will always completely eliminate this grudge, Ye Chu is not in a hurry.

Ye Chu drank some spirit wine and suddenly thought of something. When he flipped his right hand, two white **** of light appeared on the palm of his hand.

“What is this?” Mei Tan’er’s eyes gleamed, and these seem to be two special suits of armor.

Ye Chu smiled and said: “These are the two sets of women’s armor I got some time ago. They should look pretty. You can try to see if they fit…”

“This is for me”

Mei Tan’er wasn’t polite with Ye Chu, she stretched out her hand and took a shot of one of them, and then she put a set on her body, and the light and shadow immediately magnified, and finally she set it on her body, turning her body into a white chiffon skirt.

Wearing this skirt, Mei Tan’er’s temperament immediately rose to a level, feeling that the whole person is light and fluttering, and this skirt is also particularly warm, exceptionally breathable and comfortable.

“This is so beautiful…” Mei Tan’er, like a princess, walked around in front of Ye Chu and Mei Chang several times, and asked her mother, “Mother, am I good-looking?”


“It’s okay…”

Mei Chang sighed in her heart that it is indeed very beautiful, and this skirt is not an ordinary skirt, it is made of special materials, and it should be very defensive.

“Mother, you can put it on and have a look, we are like little sisters…”

Mei Tan’er persuaded Mei Chang to try it on, but Mei Chang retorted: “I’ll leave it alone, I’m all this age…”

“Which age are you…” Mei Tan’er didn’t know her mother’s inexplicable reserve. Although Ye Chu had been forgiven in her heart, she still had to hold some in front of Ye Chu.

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