The Evil Imperial Monarch Chapter 4055: 4057 twins, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Xie Yu Tianjiao!

Chapter 4055 4057 twins

Elena said to him: “Also, didn’t you talk about refining Xianlingsan and the Demon Soul Fragment before? How is the progress now, those helpers in your universe and your blood, You have to step up and improve your cultivation base…”

“Well, I’m already refining the pill for them, it won’t take long…”

Ye Chu nodded. He has already asked someone to refine the pill, and Chen Sanliu and the others have been studying those two things for years, and now they have a preliminary plan.

Just because this matter is of great importance, Ye Chu asked them to do more experiments, and then fully spread out among the people in the universe.

I have not yet reached the point where it is finally taken, and some final tests are still being done. If the effect is very good, it will be used by everyone in the universe at that time.

“Well, to improve your people’s cultivation level as soon as possible, their realm must be raised quickly, it is much more important than your several cities…” Elaine said.

Ye Chu told Eleanor about how to refine a puppet by himself.

After hearing this, Elena also suddenly realized: “I really forgot. I should have told you a long time ago. The best way to build a city is to use puppets. Otherwise, it is too expensive to build a city. For a long time, many super cities have been built with countless puppets…”:


Ye Chu is also a little bit awkward: “Fortunately, puppets have been refined now. Although the number is still small, there will be more and more…”

“Well, your universe is constantly expanding. When your cultivation base rises a few times and enters the realm of demon immortals, the universe will become even more exaggerated…”

Elena said: “Since your fellow on earth knows this puppet technique, you have to quickly refine a large number of puppets. How many are there now?”

“It’s only 20 million now…” Ye Chu said.

“The quantity is still too small…”

Elena said: “Even two billion, I am afraid it is not enough, the more the better…”

“Of course the more the number, the better, but you can’t use puppets to control them all, and you need some people. If billions of puppets are created, at least hundreds of thousands of people will have to stare at them. I’m still tired by then…” Ye Chu had a headache.

Irinale smiled and said: “What’s the problem? It depends on whether you can refine high-level puppets. As long as you refine some high-level puppets, they are actually no different from human beings.”

“You only need to hand over all the puppets to these high-level puppets to manage. People don’t have to worry about it at all. Every once in a while, you can check the progress…”

Elena said: “Your fellow, doesn’t he know how to refine high-level puppets?”

“Yes, yes, it’s just that there are less materials to refine high-level puppets, and it takes a long time to warm up the spirit stone, and now it can’t be refined.” Ye Chu said.

“Well, time is needed.”

Elenaar said to him: “If you are not at ease, you can also directly sign a contract with some creatures and let them do things for you for the rest of your life…”

“If you can sign a contract with several races, you can leave these things to them…” She has other suggestions.

“Sign a contract?”

Ye Chu asked: “Sister, do you know this?”

“Of course, my sister, who am I, the most powerful god, if these little tricks are not good, how can they be mixed…” Irinale smiled triumphantly, “As long as you want to learn , I will teach you a few special contracts. As long as they are willing to sign a contract with you, they will do things for you for the rest of their lives.”

“What you ask them to do, they will do, but unlike the puppets, they have their own thoughts and can live their own lives, but they rely on your will.” Elena said.

“This is not so good, isn’t it?” Ye Chu frowned, “Isn’t this letting people be their own slaves?”

“Hehe, what’s so good about this…”

Ilena laughed and said: “The so-called slaves are not slaves, it depends on how your master treats them. You treat them like slaves and they are slaves. You treat them as brothers, and they are your brothers. .”

“The contract this thing depends entirely on you as your master. There will certainly be people who want to become your followers. They will be willing to enter into a contract with you. They will hold you as their master for the rest of their lives. .”

Elena said: “Especially your blood, the blood of the holy emperor, there will definitely be a lot of people willing, plus you usually give them some small favors, and you can mark a place for them in the universe. Come to practice, there are a lot of people who want to make a contract with you.”

“This is not bad…”

Ye Chu thought for a while, this is a good suggestion. If he gets millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of people into his own universe, he will set aside a place for them to live, live, and practice. Yes, they might be willing to become their contract subordinates.

However, Ye Chu also has his own worries, that is, that the universe of the universe is too chaotic. Then there will be people from the Ye family and the descendants of his brothers. If there are a bunch of contractors, it will With puppets, the entire universe of oneself will become a level, very distinct place.

That’s not interesting, if that’s the case.

“Hehe, what are your concerns…”

Irinale doesn’t think it’s a problem: “Being your contractor does not necessarily have to live in your universe all the year round. You can call them whenever you want to, and you don’t need to bring them. Of.”

“When they are used up, they can continue to live in their original place without any conflict…”

“Your universe, as long as it is built and made beautiful, there is no need to keep them in it for practice…”

Elena said: “I said to set aside a place for them to live in. When you need them, let them live in it first, let them go out when you are done, and go wherever you want. Where can I get it.”

“There were many powerful people in the Primordial Era who used this method to control many powerful families…”

Because the star universe is very large and vast, even if it is a powerful and invincible superpower, it often takes a long time to cross from one realm to another.

In some places, they may not go back for a long time, so they will use this kind of contract method to make a contract with some powerful families when they reach a realm.

If you come back in the future, you can contact them at any time and let them serve themselves and be their own hands.

Ye Chu thought for a while and said: “Sister, you have a point. It seems that I have to find some good families and sign a contract with them…”

“Well, I will teach you several special contracts. Then you can figure it out by yourself and see which one to use for your own judgment…”

Irinale is almost recovering now, and she has been warming up the seagod statue over the years. Only after the seagod statue is restored, she can resurrect with the help of the seagod statue.

Ye Chu learned several types of contracts taught by Ilena. There are a total of eight types, each of which has different uses and different levels.

He can use all of these eight types now. After learning it, Ye Chu is indeed eye-opening. Compared with puppetry, this contract is obviously much more advanced.

The puppet is control, but the control is similar to the control program, the control of the robot, and the controlled object has a relatively low IQ.

The contract is different, but there is a kind of contract power that maintains the contract between you and the signer. If you, the master, need it, he will do it according to your requirements.

Execute without hesitation.

And this kind of contract power will not always appear, nor will it affect the other party’s practice and life, the other party is still a normal creature.

So, this kind of contract is really necessary.

Ye Chu thought for a while. People who are eligible to sign contracts are better off families with a relatively large number of people, because the contract signers they need don’t necessarily have to be strong practitioners.

He only needs the number of people. Sometimes he can do some chores in the world for himself, and he doesn’t count on them for other things.

Moreover, he still doesn’t want to raise so many unrelated people. The resources in the universe are also limited. It is impossible to raise so many people who have nothing to do with him and his brothers, and let so many people occupy his own spiritual resources. .


For the next month, Ye Chu lived a very comfortable life.

You don’t need to worry about things in the universe. There are more than 20 million puppets, and the city construction work in the universe is proceeding quickly.

Ye Chu eats and practices during the day, soaks in the hot springs at night, reads the wordless scriptures, and then goes to rest and sleep.

Every day is repeated, it seems boring, but it is a rare and comfortable life.

On this day, Ye Chu didn’t soak in the hot spring anymore at night, but nervously guarded outside the Ye Family Hall, because their daughters Ye Miaomiao and Ye Mengmeng started at the same time.

After ten years of pregnancy, it is finally about to give birth. Ye Chu, the father, is also very nervous. This will be his first and second granddaughter.

After they gave birth, they became grandpas by themselves.



The two babies were crying almost simultaneously. They were born at the same time, and the big rock hanging in Ye Chu’s heart finally fell.

“Born, gave birth…”

Ye Chu circled outside the hall several times. Chen Sanliu, White Wolf Horse, and Tu Su were also here, congratulating Ye Chu one after another.

This eldest brother finally has a granddaughter, and the third generation of the Ye family has finally arrived. Although it is a Taoist birth, they were born to Ye Miaomiao and Ye Mengmeng after ten years of pregnancy.

Soon Ye Chu and the others saw them. The two cute little girls made Ye Chu feel strange that these two little girls looked exactly the same.

“What is going on?”

Ye Chu held one with both hands. It was a good comparison for a while, and there was no difference.

He asked Ye Nuo in front of them: “What’s the matter? Are they twins?”

“No, this is born one by one…”

They also didn’t understand. The two fox girls in front of them came over and took one away. One of the fox girls said to Ye Chu: “Master, this is indeed the birth of the eldest lady and the second lady. As for We don’t know why this is so…”

“Well, you can bring it in.”

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