The Epic Revenge Chapter 887: I don’t kiss

Chapter 887 I Don’t Kiss

The fierce battle downstairs took 40 minutes to end, and Gu Qingzhou’s ears were stained.

She really wants to wash her ears.

Cheng Yu’s cry was full of rhythm, and the ups and downs did not fall for a moment, and Gu Qingzhou’s whole person was not well.

Si Xingpei can’t do it anymore.

Of course, he didn’t do anything, just endured it in silence.

After the end, Takahashi Xun was covered in sweat and hugged Cheng Yu, who was also sweaty.

He’s in a great mood, and has never been so fulfilled or so happy.

It’s a **** of a fight.

He lowered his head and wanted to kiss Cheng Yu’s lips.

Cheng Yu tilted his head.

Takahashi Xun was stunned.

He looked at Cheng Yu and saw Cheng Yu turned his face away, held his face with a smile, and said with a smile, “I don’t kiss.”

“What’s the point of kissing?”

“It’s nothing special, just not kissing you.” Cheng Yu smiled.

Takahashi Xun’s good mood seems to have fallen for most of the time, and asks: “Why?”

He remembered.

He had been with Cheng Yu for a long time. From the beginning, when she seduced him, he mostly hugged her from behind.

It was in front several times, of course he didn’t bother to kiss her.

As usual, they didn’t take the initiative to kiss each other.

He slept with Cheng Yu for so long, but he never kissed her.

Cheng Yu slapped him lightly, like teasing a puppy: “Where are so many questions?”

Speaking of which, she sat up and patted Takahashi Xun on the back again, “Aren’t you going to drink at night? Get up, it’s eleven o’clock, what time is your place? Is there still time? “

Takahashi Xun was about to speak.

Cheng Yu went to the bathroom, not wanting to hear him make up stories.

What are you doing, I want to see Gu Qingzhou and say it directly, what a worthless man!

Cheng Yu’s emotions have always been inattentive. She took a bath for Gao Qiao Xun to leave. This was what she taught him before, and told him to run away while she was taking a bath.

Xun Takahashi slipped away like this the first time and the second time, and it was only the third time that he plucked up the courage to talk to her.

When he made sure that he didn’t need to be responsible and that he didn’t need to marry her, he stayed that night and tossed Cheng Yu twice.

The young man had just started eating meat, and his physical strength was too good. Cheng Yu was indeed unable to close his legs in those few days.

Afterwards, Cheng Yu took a shower every time.

If he wants to go, he can go first; if he doesn’t want to go, he will go after Cheng Yu has washed himself.

Cheng Yu deliberately washed very slowly.

When she washed and came out, there was no Takahashi Xun in the room.

She changed the sheets and lay in the soft bedding, so tired she just wanted to sleep.

She thought in her heart: “That Cai Changting is more beautiful… Forget it, he also likes Gu Qingzhou, let’s change it…. There is a young master in the Wang family who is fond of me and has a good life. …”

She fell asleep thinking about her bright future.

Takahashi Xun, who went out, did go to a dance hall

In the private room of the ballroom, four or five Japanese were chattering.

They were very excited.

Takahashi Xun arrived half an hour late and was punished for drinking by them.

These people are the children of high-ranking officials in the military. They were childhood friends with Xun Gao Qiao. They graduated from the military academy and plan to go to the Northeast to train.

They made a detour to Taiyuan Mansion for thousands of miles just to meet Gaoqiao Xun.

They talk rhetorically about their achievements, and their future.

A dancer came to accompany the drink.

Only Takahashi Xun looked sullen.

“Takahashi, do you have something on your mind?” his companion asked him.

Taoqiao Xun has always been unable to hide things, and said: “I want to ask, what does it mean when a woman refuses to kiss you?”

“I won’t…” The companion burst into laughter.

They don’t know either, because they don’t need to know women. This one refuses, just replace it with the next one. If she refuses, kill her, and the family will take care of the aftermath for them anyway.

Takahashi Xun’s troubles made them laugh.

They take turns making fun of Takahashi Xun.

Takahashi Xun was suddenly dull, and the reunion he had been looking forward to for a long time had no meaning at all. This group of his friends is different from the environment in which he grew up, and his thoughts are out of tune with him.

What Takahashi Xun valued was so ridiculous in their mouths.

He took a few sips of wine and suddenly missed Yan Yiyuan.

He thought, the only person who can really understand him is probably Yan Yiyuan, right?

Gu Qingzhou had a fever for two days, and finally the fever subsided, but the cough could not stop.

She prescribes medicine for herself.

After drinking two doses of medicine, I finally suppressed my cough, and I felt a little bit more energetic.

She knew that Si Xingpei had talked with Mrs. Ye, so she didn’t plan to go back for the time being, and lived in Si Xingpei’s side with peace of mind.

When she got up early, she went to the department store with Si Xingpei because she wanted to buy a brand new bed sheet.

The sheets used by Si Xingpei were actually from the army, and were very rough.

The two chose to choose, and someone asked her, “Are you Miss Gu?”

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

A middle-aged couple stood behind her, looking at Gu Qingzhou.

They have seen pictures of Gu Qingzhou in the newspaper.

Gu Qingzhou said: “Yes, my surname is Gu…”

“Then you are the number one genius doctor from Jiangnan?” The middle-aged woman said happily, “My dear doctor, when will you consult a doctor? My youngest son has been in poor health, and Western medicine can’t find anything… ..”

“This lady, can I ask you another day? Miss Gu is not feeling well today.” Si Xingpei stood in front of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said sorry.

The middle-aged woman said: “Oh, you have a fever, right? Miss Gu, you have to take care, how many people are looking forward to begging you for help.”

Gu Qingzhou forced a smile.

After finally sending these two away, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei chose the sheets, and even gave up the idea of ​​going to dinner.

When I got home, Si Xingpei was still cooking.

He cooks sweaty, but not embarrassed at all, as if he should sweat a lot by nature.

It’s done, he’s going to take a shower first.

Gu Qingzhou waited for him to eat together.

As a result, I was eaten by him first.

It’s been an hour and a half after two people have tossed.

Cheng Yu sat on the sofa in the living room, flipping through magazines with a half-smile.

“Aren’t you going to eat rice?” Cheng Yu asked the two of them, “Si Xingpei, are you good at your craftsmanship, are you going to be the cook for my family?”

“Fuck you.” Si Xingpei said, this is what he learned after he went to the north, and he fell in love instantly.

Gu Qingzhou pursed her lips and smiled.

Cheng Yu also came over, made watermelon juice by himself, and brought it to Gu Qingzhou, asking: “The newly bought sheets are so attractive?”

Gu Qingzhou’s face was hot, and she said to Cheng Yu embarrassedly: “You can’t talk to others about things in the room. You talk about it every day and sincerely find fault, don’t you?”

Cheng Yu squeezed her cheek and said, “hypocritical!”

She got up and walked gracefully.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head helplessly.

Si Xingpei said: “Don’t listen to her, I like you too.”

Gu Qingzhou laughed out loud.

About being hypocritical, Gu Qingzhou does not deny that she is very hypocritical, which is all favored by Si Xingpei.

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