The Epic Revenge Chapter 800: The test of love

Chapter 800 Test Love

Cheng Yu tells about the past.

“After we got married, our relationship has been very good. He loves me very much and takes care of me in every possible way.” Cheng Yu said, “He likes Chinese culture, and I yearn for Western culture. We hit it off and we are very loving.”

She said this with a few wisps of a smile.

That smile was light and gentle.

However, the smile was fleeting, she sighed and breathed out the cloud: “When we have a problem, it still starts when I learn hypnotism.”

Gu Qingzhou played with the unlit cigarette and rubbed it along its lines, without disturbing Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu continued: “Happy days are too long, I want to test his feelings for me, and also want to verify my hypnotism, so I hypnotized him…”

Gu Qingzhou probably understood a little when he heard this.

“…The woman is an English girl who has adored him for many years, and is also the daughter of a high-ranking government official. I hypnotized him and made him mistakenly think that he also has a crush on that girl.

I think if he really loves me, he can stick to his heart instead of fantasizing about that. Unexpectedly, things got out of control, and he really had an affair with her.

He made the girl his mistress, thinking I didn’t know it. When I went to confront him, he couldn’t let go of her at all. I was so sad that I de-hypnotized him, but they already had a relationship.

I couldn’t accept such a marriage, so I filed for divorce. He disagrees, he still loves me deeply, but he also loves another person deeply.

There was an accident at home. My brother fled to Hong Kong. We were going to find our mother and younger brother, so we went north from Hong Kong. When I find my mother, I will go back and get a divorce. “Cheng Yu said.

Gu Qingzhou reached out and patted her shoulder lightly.

Cheng Yu took two deep breaths before holding back the tears that were about to burst out.

She said, “It was my fault. I was so, so wrong.”

Gu Qingzhou said: “You are not only wrong, but also stupid.”

Cheng Yu nodded vigorously.

Why do you need to test your feelings like this?

How many emotions can withstand such a test? Some men will be fooled if they are seduced by a woman, but Cheng Yu used the extreme method of hypnotism.

It was herself who ruined her marriage.

“You are still young, you have learned the lesson this time, and there are other opportunities.” Gu Qingzhou said, “Divorce is not a shameful thing now.”

Cheng Yu nodded.

She threw the cigarette **** out, took the one in Gu Qingzhou’s hand, and lit it again.

She couldn’t let it go.

She still loves Allman, but she won’t compromise. If you are wrong, you should bear the consequences.

Cheng Yu suddenly understood this.

“Gu Qingzhou, thank you for your willingness to listen to me. I swear by my mother’s safety, what I said is true, and my loyalty is true.” Cheng Yu said.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and said, “Then I will give you seven points of trust, and I will be vigilant for the remaining three points.”

Cheng Yu smiled helplessly.

They chatted until after three in the morning.

Although Gu Qingzhou pointed out Cheng Yu’s problems, he would comfort her and encourage her.

“Go to sleep.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Cheng Yu went first.

Gu Qingzhou went to the toilet, but when he came out, he was still drowsy, so he stood a little in the corridor.

Just in time, Governor Ye came over.

The governor of Ye didn’t know if Ye Wu and sister Ye Shan were asleep. Just after discussing something with the Jin family, he came to see his daughters and saw Gu Qingzhou.

He stopped.

“You saved Ah Wu’s life.” Ye Dujun said.

After saying this, he couldn’t help but look at Gu Qingzhou’s face again and sighed, “You really live up to your reputation…”

Gu Qingzhou’s incident this time shocked Dujun Ye and the Jin family as well.

Her observation, as well as mental arithmetic strategy, is not as good as that of ordinary strategists.

Thinking of her reputation in Jiangnan, Ye Dujun felt that this woman’s talent was amazing!

He gave her a thoughtful look.

“…Without you, I don’t know how this matter would end.” Ye Dujun continued.

Gu Qingzhou said: “Overseer, you are over the top, I just did a little bit of strength. It is A Wu who trusts me, so I can show my fists.”

The Governor Ye waved his hand: “Don’t be too modest.”

Gu Qingzhou smiled.

She didn’t say anything more.

Thinking that Dujun Ye and Mrs. Jin had talked for so long, Gu Qingzhou asked him, “Has the matter been settled?”

The Governor Ye said: “Go to sleep, you don’t have to worry about this, I have my own opinion.”

“Good night, Overseer.” Gu Qingzhou said.

She didn’t ask.

As the night got deeper, Gu Qingzhou yawned and said goodbye to Du Jun Ye.

Director Ye also returned to his compartment.

His carriage, the largest and most luxurious on the entire train, is located in the second train.

He discusses important matters with the staff.

The negotiation between him and Mrs. Kim did not come to an end, and there are still some things that need to be finalized.

The staff members clearly talked about the handling of Jin Qianhong, but somehow the topic turned to Gu Qingzhou.

“Overseer, the ability of this Miss Hirano is really that Zhuge is alive.” A staff officer said.

Director Ye thinks so too.

Gu Qingzhou is very valuable, her ability and strategy, few people in this world can surpass her.

This is not an exaggeration of Ye Dujun, but the proof of Gu Qingzhou’s deeds in Jiangnan. Today’s matter, Gu Qingzhou once again made it official to Governor Ye, her achievements in Jiangnan are not rumors.

“Overseer, if you want an alliance, this lady is a good candidate.” A staff officer said.

Overseer Ye frowned immediately.

Gu Qingzhou is smart, but unfortunately he is too powerful. Ye Dujun has a sense of vigilance against people he can’t control, and he can’t trust Gu Qingzhou.

“Yes, this Miss Hirano may be able to help the Overseer accomplish his great cause.” Another staff officer agreed, “Besides, she has a very good relationship with the second and third misses. Wouldn’t it be better to have such a harmonious family?”

The Governor Ye pondered slightly.

He paused and said, “I won’t mention it beforehand, let’s discuss the matter of the Jin family.”

He’s never quite made up his mind.

The train returned to Taiyuan on Monday evening. The next day, the atmosphere in the car was dull, and everyone hid in their compartments.

When they arrived at Taiyuan Mansion, Gu Qingzhou and Ye Wu went home separately.

Gu Qingzhou returned to Shiro Hirano’s official residence.

After she came back, she took a shower, washed her hair, and didn’t eat dinner.

In the middle of the night, the phone rang.

Gu Qingzhou is sitting in front of the bed reading a book, waiting for her hair to dry before sleeping.

She answers the phone.

“Teacher, come here, I had a nightmare.” Ye Wu whispered, “Teacher, come here quickly.”

Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

She glanced at her pocket watch, it was past twelve o’clock, it was late at night.

Have a nightmare in the middle of the night and let her go, not quite like Ah Wu’s style.

Gu Qingzhou knew that something had happened. As for what, it is inconvenient to say on the phone.

“Okay, I’ll come right away.” Gu Qingzhou said.

She got up and changed clothes and went to Ye Wu’s side.

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