The Epic Revenge Chapter 792: I don’t care

Chapter 792 is wrong

Gu Qingzhou and Ye Wu returned to the military governor’s mansion.

On the way, she also analyzed Cheng Yu’s behavior to Ye Wu.

After hearing this, Ye Wu was a little angry and a little scared.

Fame is an amazing thing, hard to build, easy to tear down.

Ye Wu is the daughter of Governor Ye, and many people are jealous of her. When there is trouble, jealousy will breed rumors, and this infamy will probably always be on Ye Wu.

Good luck!

“Teacher, thank you very much.” Ye Wu was sincerely grateful.

“Don’t you thank me?” Takahashi Xun quickly took credit, “I bought the soda. If you don’t have soda, you may not be able to win.”

Ye Wu laughed and glanced at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou gave her a wink.

Therefore, Ye Wu also thanked Takahashi Xun.

She added: “Tomorrow, the train will run for a trial run. This is the first long-distance railway built by ourselves in Taiyuan Prefecture. The whole journey will take 40 hours.

We leave on Friday and come back on Monday. I will ask someone to reserve a good carriage for you to ensure that you can sleep well and play well in return for your help today. “

Takahashi Xun was overjoyed.

“Okay, Miss Ye is kind.” Takahashi Xun said.

He glanced at Gu Qingzhou.

The demanding look in those eyes makes one’s heart soften.

“It’s time for you to go back, I’ll take you off.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Taoqiao Xun said: “I haven’t had dinner yet. Let’s go out to eat. How about I correct your recent learning results?”

“Just me?” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

Takahashi Xun only wanted to invite her.

He was a little embarrassed to hear her say that, so he said, “Miss Ye…”

“You’re home now, why are you going out to eat?” Ye Wu asked with a smile.

Although Ye Wu had a bit of a holiday with Si Xingpei, he still admired him. She hoped that there would be no barriers between her teacher and Si Xingpei, and that the two would be harmonious and beautiful.

Takahashi Xun’s meaning, Ye Wu and other girls who have not been in love can also understand.

She just wanted to give Takahashi Xun some trouble.

“…I don’t want to leave. I’m leaving tomorrow, and I have to pack the cage.” Ye Wu said with a smile.

Then she added, “Mr. Takahashi, the Overseer’s Mansion is a military center, and I’m not very good at keeping you. See you tomorrow.”

Gu Qingzhou pursed her lips slightly.

She said: “I’ll take you to the gate.”

Takahashi Xun was extremely lost.

Seeing him like this, Gu Qingzhou decided to tell him clearly again.

They walk all the way out.

The sunset in June was slightly hot. Takahashi Xun didn’t know if it was because the wind was too hot or if he was walking too fast. Before he knew it, his face was flushed red, and his ears were terribly hot.

He wanted to take Gu Qingzhou’s hand.

If two people walk hand in hand, it is estimated that this part of the road will be very shouting.

He looked at Gu Qingzhou secretly.

He heard Gu Qingzhou sigh.

Then, Gu Qingzhou stopped.

Takahashi Xun’s heart tightened.

“Taoqiao, we talked a few hours ago, and I told you, don’t have high hopes if you can’t be the master, do you remember?” Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Of course Xun Takahashi remembers.

“…Who I like, you can’t be the master. So, it’s not worth your hope. Takahashi, I’ve been married twice, have you forgotten?” Gu Qingzhou said helplessly.

Takahashi Xun’s heart sank straight down.

He’s very naive because he hasn’t studied seriously and hasn’t worked.

He doesn’t know all about the insidiousness and cunning of the world.

But he’s not a fool.

Gu Qingzhou understood everything he meant.

“Who… Who is placing hope?” Takahashi Xun sullenly said, “You are too narcissistic, who likes you? I don’t like you!”

He denied it.

When I was in Nanjing, a girl confessed to Takahashi Xun, and Takahashi Xun had no feelings for her, so he rejected her.

At that time, they said nothing, and the girl cried.

They said yes, it was the same as before, but the result was very embarrassing.

Once admitted, there is no way out.

Takahashi Xun didn’t want to do this, he insisted that he was wrong.

As long as he doesn’t admit it, Gu Qingzhou won’t know what he thinks in his heart. Can she still dig out his heart and take a look?

“You are really scary.” Takahashi Xun continued, “Men all over the world like you? I’m so handsome and young, I don’t like you, an old woman…”

Although Gu Qingzhou has been married twice, she is two years younger than Xun Gaoqiao.

That’s enough to irritate anyone.

Gu Qingzhou just shook his head: “Don’t talk about it, keep it in your heart, always remember.”

She stopped, “The old woman can’t walk anymore, go back by yourself, I won’t send you.”

With that, she turned around and walked back.

She was wrapped in the sunset, and the radiant glow of the sun gave her a brocade fur coat, and she left Takahashi Xun’s sight with grace and luxury.

Takahashi Xun’s heart, like the setting sun, fell into darkness little by little.

He suddenly wanted to get drunk.

People are really weird.

When Takahashi Xun was in Nanjing, he was popular with girls, and many celebrities had hinted at him. But at that time, his heart was all on the horse.

He loves horses more than women.

Hobbies and hobbies will be saturated one day. When his interest in horses gradually weakened, he happened to arrive at Taiyuan Mansion and met Gu Qingzhou.

He would dream of her.

More than once, he dreamed of her every so often. Gu Qingzhou in the dream did not have the usual kind of ridicule, she was gentle and affectionate.

He steps out with heavy steps.

“There are too many women who are better than her…” Gao Qiao Xun comforted himself and left Ye Du Jun’s mansion.

That night, Gu Qingzhou lived in Ye Wu’s yard.

Ye Shan also came.

The three of them talked at night, and Gu Qingzhou told Ye Shan about Cheng Yu.

“The woman in the car at that time was Jin Qianhong.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Ye Shan was furious: “I knew, she never thought of reconciliation, she was deliberately playing tricks on me!”

Gu Qingzhou comforted the two of them again and again.

The next day, everyone got up early and prepared to go to the train station.

Mrs. Hirano asked the servant to bring over a rattan suitcase, which contained Gu Qingzhou’s clothes and expenses.

These things, Ye Wu and Ye Shan helped Gu Qingzhou prepare.

Gu Qingzhou took it and said to the servant, “Thank you madam for me.”

The maid said yes.

Gu Qingzhou handed it over to the Ye family.

Director Ye went to the station early in the morning, and only Gu Qingzhou, Ye Wu and Ye Shan left in the Ye family.

At the train station, Gu Qingzhou saw Si Xingpei first.

Si Xingpei mingled with a group of people.

It was a group of men and women.

The men are tall and handsome, and the women are all graceful and beautiful, attracting a lot of attention.

“People from the Jin family.” Ye Wu whispered to Gu Qingzhou, “There is no child in the Jin family that is not beautiful.”

Rao is so beautiful, Si Xingpei is so conspicuous among the group of people that Gu Qingzhou heard someone behind her ask again: “Who is that? The one who doesn’t wear a gold watch… .”

The children of the Jin family all wear a pocket watch on their chests, except Si Xingpei.

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