The Epic Revenge Chapter 55: hemoptysis

Gu Qingzhou followed the old lady, starting from the company’s mansion and heading for Yan’s mansion.

It was very warm in the carriage. Gu Qingzhou sat beside the old lady and was quiet.

Mrs. Si can’t stand the bumps, so the car is slow. Gu Qingzhou glimpsed the Dodge cars of Si Qiongzhi and Mrs. Si behind him from the rearview mirror, and sneezed inexplicably.

“Are they talking about me?” Gu Qingzhou secretly wondered.

Mrs. Si and Si Qiongzhi must be talking about Gu Qingzhou. Mrs. Si is very unhappy when Gu Qingzhou is liked by Mrs. Si.

Just don’t know how they’ll deal with her.

The old lady Si asked Gu Qingzhou with concern: “Frozen?”

Gu Qingzhou shook her head: “No, old lady.”

The warm care brought Gu Qingzhou back to her senses.

Mr. Si gently held Gu Qingzhou’s hand: “I said no, this hand is cold. You are young and always wear so little.”

The skin of the old man’s palm is slightly loose, like a cotton velvet blanket at home, which is warm and ironed.

Gu Qingzhou felt warm in her heart.

The old lady told her to dress more, to take care of herself, and to be very careful when asking for help.

“Don’t worry, I’ll dress warmly. I don’t know why today, I feel strangely cold, but your old man is warm and full of energy.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

The old lady said: “You also need to nourish, and I will ask someone to send you some bird’s nest.”

“I have it at home. If I want to eat it, I’ll go to your house to eat it.” Gu Qingzhou hurriedly refused.

If you take the bird’s nest back, even if Qin Zhengzheng doesn’t confiscate it, she will replace it with inferior ones.

“That’s even better.” Mrs. Si smiled.

Then they talked about Mrs. Yan.

The old lady told Gu Qingzhou: “Yan Xinnong is the chief of staff beside the Overseer, and the Overseer values ​​him the most.”

Gu Qingzhou’s mind changed slightly: it turned out to be the chief of the general staff, equivalent to the deputy commander, the second-in-command of the commander-in-chief, and the second-in-command of the entire Yuecheng.

If you make friends with the Yan family, Gu Qingzhou will have another way.

Gu Qingzhou remembered what Li Ma said: Miss Qingzhou, you must make extensive contacts when you arrive in the city. Human feelings cannot be bought by money, they are the foundation of your success.

Now is the time to network.

Gu Qingzhou doesn’t need contacts to bring her glory and wealth, she only needs contacts to rely on, so that she can avenge her mother and grandfather’s family.

Her mother’s death is easy to explain, it must be Qin Zhengzheng’s actions to gain the upper hand; and the deaths of her uncle and grandfather have not been clearly seen.

Knowing the status of the Yan family, Gu Qingzhou was more concerned about Mrs. Yan’s illness.

In that room, the old lady continued: “Yan Xinnong has a new style. He doesn’t marry his concubine, but he has a deep relationship with his wife. The family is very beautiful. I like him very much.”

In today’s world, it is rare to have such a high position but not accept a concubine. It is so rare that others will doubt whether you are too afraid of guilt or incompetent.

The commander-in-chief has five concubines, and even Gu Qingzhou’s father is not a wife and two concubines?

Because of this, Gu Qingzhou is also a little curious about General Staff Yan who does not accept concubines.

“What’s wrong with Mrs. Yan?” Gu Qingzhou asked.

Mentioning this, the old lady’s face darkened slightly: “I’m angry when I talk about this! Mrs. Yan has been suffering from stomach problems all the year round, and she has been relying on traditional Chinese medicine to support it. It’s good.

Three years ago, Mrs. Yan’s stomach problem worsened. Your mother-in-law said that she would introduce a German doctor to her. What the German doctor said, Mrs. Yan’s stomach ulcerated and hemorrhaged, and she had to cut off some of her stomach. “

Gu Qingzhou interjected: “That might be a stomach ulcer.” This is what her master told her. Her master is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, but he has also dabbled in Western medicine.

“Your mother-in-law” in the old lady’s mouth refers to Mrs. Si, although Gu Qingzhou sounds a little awkward.

“That’s right, that’s the idiot’s argument. I strongly disagree with Mrs. Yan’s belly. But the Yan family believed your mother-in-law’s nonsense and insisted on having Mrs. Yan’s surgery.

After the surgery, it was better for more than a year. Last year, he started to get sick again. The German doctor also said that there was another ulcer in his stomach, and he opened his stomach again, Amitabha!

Since then, Mrs. Yan has been ill, with persistent stomach pain and vomiting blood every time she has a seizure. It has been on and off for two years. In the past two months, she has vomited blood every day, more and more, and blood clots.

Young people vomit blood and don’t live long! Western medicine kills people, and the medicine of our ancestors has never killed people like this. As I said before, the surgery to open the belly is all tricks and tricks. Even if I die, I will never want Western medicine to cut a knife in my stomach! “

Speaking of which, the old lady was heartbroken.

In the current market, Western medicine is highly sought after, but there is a shortage of medical equipment and doctor resources, and Western medicine has become a very urgent matter.

And Chinese medicine is a rat in the street, everyone shouts and beats, causing many herbal halls to close down, and no one wants to be a doctor.

As a result, some common minor illnesses, the conflict between the two medical concepts, turned into serious illnesses.

“Old lady, I will do my best to cure Mrs. Yan, don’t worry!” Gu Qingzhou held the old lady’s hand.

The old lady sighed with relief and said, “Qingzhou, you must have obtained the true inheritance of a master. The medical skills of our ancestors focused on a talent. If the talent is extremely high, even a three-year-old can see a doctor; if there is no talent , if you can’t open your mind, you will be mediocre to learn medical skills at the age of sixty.

Qingzhou, you are a genius, you cured my disease, they all guessed that you were right, but my old woman has seen some bad things, you child knows it!

When you arrive at Yan’s house, you can speak with confidence, and I will call the shots for you. When Mrs. Yan is cured, the Yan family will be grateful to you. “

Gu Qingzhou’s heart is warm.

The old lady’s face was kind, and she treated each other sincerely, which made Gu Qingzhou almost cry.

She had no relatives since she was a child. The kindness of the old lady made Gu Qingzhou feel the affection. Although it was a pity, she had no chance to be the granddaughter-in-law of the old lady.

“Yes, old lady, I will try my best!” Gu Qingzhou secretly suppressed the glare in his eyes.

After half an hour, the car arrived at the entrance of Yan’s Mansion.

The Yan Mansion is a very spacious garden house, bigger than the company mansion.

I heard that Mrs. Si and Mrs. Si, the third young lady of the Si family, and the future young mistress of the Si family are all here, and the eldest young mistress of the Yan family ran out to greet them in person.

The group made a few polite words and entered the inner courtyard of Yan’s house.

General Staff Yan was not at home, only the female family members.

Mrs. Yan sat on the bed, wearing a homely lotus-colored long coat, her cheeks were sunken, and her eyes were dull and skeleton-like.

She was weak: “Old lady, are you here? I can’t get up now, so I can’t greet you.”

“Lie down, lie down!” The old lady stepped forward and helped her personally, “We came to see you, if it makes you sick, it’s our fault.”

Ask again, “How is it today?”

“Old lady, it’s the same as yesterday. I vomited two mouthfuls in the morning, and three mouthfuls of blood after breakfast, with some blood clots.” Mrs. Yan’s eldest daughter-in-law replied on her behalf.

Seeing Mrs. Yan’s appearance and complexion, Si Qiongzhi and Mrs. Si immediately understood that Mrs. Yan would not survive.

When they came in, they vaguely saw a coffin placed in the side hall.

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