The Epic Revenge Chapter 401: Lost watch

At the entrance of He’s Herbs Hall, a tall locust tree, dressed in new clothes, casts a mottled shade of dark green.

When Gu Qingzhou entered the door, the pharmacy was still busy.

Recent spring, the climate change has made more people sick, and the pharmacy business is not bad.

He Mengde smiled and said, “Is the boat coming?”

“Uncle.” Gu Qingzhou smiled, “I have something to tell you.”

Every time she comes, she mostly looks at the business and accompanies Mu Sanniang to chat with her.

This time, I met He Mengde.

He Mengde led her to the room and sat down.

Gu Qingzhou took a large book and handed it to He Mengde: “Uncle, this is for you.”

“What is this?” He Mengde was curious.

Gu Qingzhou said: “Prescription.”

“What prescription?” He Mengde just wanted to open it, but when he heard the words, his hand trembled slightly, and the half-open cover was closed again.

Prescriptions are generally secret recipes.

The secret recipe is impossible to show to outsiders, even a medical family, only the eldest son can access the secret recipe. A secret recipe can maintain the business of a shop, otherwise why would others come to your house to buy medicine?

Although He Mengde’s pharmacy is simple, he also has two secret recipes for treating diarrhea, allowing him to make a living at the pharmacy in the situation of the decline of traditional Chinese medicine.

“It’s the secret recipe of the Mu family.” Gu Qingzhou pointed out He Mengde’s guess.

He Mengde immediately put his hands on the book.

“Qingzhou!” He Mengde’s voice was low and solemn, “This thing can’t be written down casually, let alone seen by others!”

Like a baby, he pulled the account book and held down Gu Qingzhou’s book.

Gu Qingzhou recalled these prescriptions and wrote them for two weeks.

“Uncle, I want to discuss this matter with you and my aunt: the Mu family is gone, and the master is dead. Traditional Chinese medicine is lonely because we hold everything tightly, the method, the secret recipe, and finally Everything is lost.

Western medicine may be different. The essence of Western medicine experience will be shared and taught. As a result, their descendants have made progress and perfection little by little in the experience of their ancestors, while we are falling behind. “

“You are also poisoned by Western learning?” He Mengde was shocked, “I don’t agree!”

Rule is a rule, no matter how many years have passed, inheritance cannot be changed.

If you want to learn Chinese medicine, it is difficult to learn Chinese medicine without a family, because others will not give their skills to outsiders.

Teached the apprentice, starved the master to death.

“The Mu family has no descendants. Should I leave the medical skills to my son in the future? Uncle, I will hand over all the medical skills and secret recipes of the Mu family, so that more people can learn about and study Chinese medicine.” Gu Qingzhou said.

He Mengde pursed his lips tightly.

His displeasure came out from the corners of his tightly pursed lips.

Gu Qingzhou was not in a hurry and smiled: “Uncle, this is my decision. I will tell you first, and then you will discuss it with my aunt. I will give you this secret recipe. In a few days, I will return it to you. It’s going to be printed and put on sale.”

After all, Gu Qingzhou turned around and was about to leave.

He Mengde froze.

“This prodigal child!” He returned to chase after him, but Gu Qingzhou had long gone.

At the same time, He Mengde’s hand trembled slightly while holding the book: This is the secret recipe, handed down by the ancestors of the Mu family for nearly a thousand years. During the Qianlong period, 70% of the Chinese patent medicines in the country were sold by the semicolon of Mu’s pharmacy of.

Now, the Mu family has collapsed and the family has been raided and exterminated. The only successor has to release the most confidential treasure to the public.

If Mu Zonghe knew about it, he would be very angry!

He Mengde held it nervously and did not dare to open it.

He told Mu Sanniang about it. Mu Sanniang was also taken aback: “Want to go public?”

“Yes.” He Mengde frowned, “What should I do, this child is making a fool of yourself!”

“Is she just talking about it casually?” Mu Sanniang put down the herbs in her hands and couldn’t believe it.

“I don’t think so!” He Mengde said, “Seeing that her book is so thick, it must have been prepared for a long time! Let me just say, why did she suddenly want to expand the store, she has been thinking about her feelings for a long time.”

Mu Sanniang was silent, she lost her mind for a while.

He Wei sat next to her and helped her father dispense the medicine. Hearing this, his eyes were bright: “Abba, isn’t that bad?”

“What’s so good about this?” He Mengde sighed again, “If the ancestors of the Mu family knew about it, they would be angry.”

He Wei raised his eyes, his eyes were dark and rich, and he looked at He Mengde brightly: “Aba, are you afraid that the royalists will come over?”

“I’m not afraid of this, where are the royalists now?” He Mengde said, “Besides, no one can find out the identity of your mother.”

He Wei pondered.

“Abba, I think my sister is saving the entire Chinese medicine industry! Aba, I remember a few years ago, the next door surnamed Kong, the child went to the Church West Hospital with a sudden illness, and was blocked and scolded by four or five elders, saying If they are not allowed to go, they are not allowed to have the surname Kong, and they are not allowed to claim to be the descendants of Confucius.

But now, the young mistress of the family surnamed Confucius was afraid that the childbirth would not go well, so she was directly admitted to the Western Hospital.

Western medicine has developed so fast in recent years that the effects are visible. Literati scolds Chinese medicine, the government restricts Chinese medicine, Western medicine excludes Chinese medicine, internal and external troubles, if you keep the old yellow calendar, this industry is really going to be extinct! “

He Mengde was very angry at first, and he made up his mind to fight with Gu Qingzhou to the end.

But He Wei’s remarks suddenly shocked He Mengde into a cold sweat.

Yes, since when did even the Confucius family stop resisting Western medicine?

Kong, they are the strongest barriers to Chinese traditional culture, they all accept Western medicine!

The future of traditional Chinese medicine is that it will either merge with Western medicine, learn a little bit of Western medicine on the basis of retaining the most traditional, or completely perish.

To fight against Western medicine is to fight against everyone.

When did this road come to an end, and I, the frog in the bottom of the well, didn’t realize it?

“No wonder the light boat even handed over the secret recipe!” He Mengde woke up like a dream, “If you don’t hand it in, these secret recipes will be useless.”

Without TCM, what use is the secret recipe?

He Mengde woke up like a dream.

He Wei snickered.

60-70% of the matter is done, He Wei called Gu Qingzhou to report.

“Sister, I’ve already told my father what you said.” He Wei whispered on the phone, “His expression changed at that time, and he heard everything!”

Gu Qingzhou laughed.

Some words, if Gu Qingzhou says it herself, may cause He Mengde’s resistance. After all, in He Mengde’s heart, Gu Qingzhou is the last descendant of traditional Chinese medicine, and she must pass on traditional Chinese medicine.

He Wei is different.

He Wei is an outsider.

Many times, the words of outsiders sound even more alarming, as if: even outsiders can see it, indicating that the matter is too serious to handle.

Only by destroying the old can the new be built.

The destruction of traditional Chinese medicine always needs someone to start: it needs a person who can dedicate and convince to start.

So, Gu Qingzhou arranged for He Wei to persuade He Mengde.

“Wei Wei, thank you, I’ll treat you to dinner another day.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

He Wei said: “You don’t need to invite me to dinner, you can teach me medical skills too.”

Gu Qingzhou said: “Traditional Chinese medicine is difficult to learn, as long as you want, I will definitely teach you.”

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingzhou couldn’t help but smile.

He Mengde is loose, Mu Sanniang will definitely not object, Gu Qingzhou’s plan started very smoothly.

She pulls out another large book from the drawer.

This is Gu Qingzhou’s lesson plan.

She is like a teacher, preparing lessons. How her master taught her back then, she also wants to teach it to others, so that there are more descendants of traditional Chinese medicine.

She has been planning this since Gu Qingzhou rebuilt He’s Pharmacy.

She wants to build a brand new medical system that incorporates traditional Chinese medicine.

Just when Gu Qingzhou was at the desk, someone knocked on the door, and at the same time came a voice: “Mrs. Dong, Mrs. Dong brought the eldest young master of the Dong family to apologize to you.”

Gu Qingzhou was stunned.

Mrs. Dong is here?

After a pause, Gu Qingzhou said, “Wait a minute, I’ll come right away.”

She put away the lesson plan and put it in the drawer.

He picked up a short fur at random, and Gu Qingzhou went downstairs.

She instructed the adjutant: “Please come in with Mrs. Dong and Young Master Dong.”

The adjutant replied yes.

Soon, Dong Ming’s mother and son entered the room with a smile.

“Young madam, I’m really sorry!” Mrs. Dong still squeezed her throat and learned a more fluent soft language of Wu Nong, “This child Minger is too rambunctious, I will apologize to you on his behalf! , forgive his recklessness.”

Dong Ming is wearing an iron-gray military uniform, tall and straight, and his handsome face is a little thin.

He wears glasses, the lenses are reflective, and he can’t see his eyes clearly. He can only hear him apologetically: “Young madam, what happened last time was my fault.”

Gu Qingzhou smiled.

She was silent for a while before saying, “Okay, I forgive you.”

Mrs. Dong and Dong Ming are the same.

Si Fangfei broke up with Dong Ming, and the Dong family was in danger of cutting off diplomatic relations with the commander-in-chief. Mrs. Dong had to go to the door and try to win over Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou’s smile is somewhat meaningful.

The mother and son sat for a while, Gu Qingzhou’s eyes were quiet, but he had an idea in his heart.

“Mrs. Dong, stay for dinner.” Gu Qingzhou smiled, “It’s just me and the young marshal at home, it’s strange.”

Mrs. Dong was slightly surprised, so was Dong Ming.

They looked at Gu Qingzhou together.

Gu Qingzhou’s eyebrows have a touch of Yan Yan, which is so thick that it can’t be opened, it is all charming.

Mrs. Dong beat drums in her heart.

Dong Ming agreed first: “Thank you, Mrs. Young!”

Gu Qingzhou smiled.

On the way, Gu Qingzhou went to the kitchen and ordered dinner.

Dong Ming saw a corner of the sofa and left something behind. There is a poisonous plan brewing in his heart. Seeing that something is there, it belongs to Gu Qingzhou, so he can use it when he picks it up.

Dong Ming’s thoughts flickered, and he took the thing and put it in his pocket.

Gu Qingzhou is in his own home, so naturally he won’t beware of losing things.

Gu Qingzhou didn’t notice until after dinner, when Dong Ming left.

Si Mu didn’t come back for dinner, but he heard that Dong’s mother and son were coming.

“Adjutant Wang.” Gu Qingzhou yawned and said a little tiredly, “Go buy me a watch tomorrow, I lost my watch.”

Adjutant Wang was surprised: “Young madam, where did you lose it? Do you want to look for it?”

“What are you looking for? The old ones don’t come and the new ones don’t come. I like the new ones. Go and buy them for me.” Gu Qingzhou said with a leisurely smile.

In her Nong Li’s eyes, a little smile flickered.

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