The Epic Revenge Chapter 382: Si Xingpei’s gift

Gu Qingzhou looked very sad, and scared Mu Sanniang and He Mengde.

When they returned to their senses, they stood in front of them nervously. Gu Qingzhou calmed down and said, “My master never cares about his reputation, he only cares about the safety of the sick family, just like his uncle!”

Mu Sanniang finally understood the reason for Gu Qingzhou’s face change.

Gu Qingzhou thought of his master.

He Mengde’s words, every word and every word, are for the patient, very much like Gu Qingzhou’s master.

At that moment, Master’s memory was all over the sky, drowning Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou’s heartache was unbearable, showing a strange color.

Mu Zonghe was dead, Gu Qingzhou erected a tomb and told Mu Sanniang the truth.

Mu Sanniang had been separated from Mu Zonghe for a long time when she was a child, and her feelings for her brother were still in the thin memory.

She was sad, but not Gu Qingzhou’s pathetic.

Everyone is dead, and the living have to worry about firewood, rice, oil, and salt. Mu Sanniang doesn’t even have time to be sad.

The one who is truly heartbroken is Gu Qingzhou.

“Qingzhou, don’t be sad anymore. If you can’t put it down like this, your master and nurse will not feel at ease.” Mu Sanniang took Gu Qingzhou’s hand and comforted her in a low voice.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: “Well, I’m fine.”

After sorting out his thoughts, Gu Qingzhou said to He Mengde, “Uncle, I’m sure, don’t worry! Just like you, I won’t make fun of the sick person’s body, and I won’t mess around without any confidence. prescription.

My master said, learn medical ethics first, and save the world’s spiritual suffering with great compassion and compassion. Before I learned to recognize medicine, I first knew medical ethics. “

He Mengde nodded.

Mu Zonghe is just a legendary person. Every time he is mentioned, He Mengde has a look of longing.

Gu Qingzhou was silent for a moment, and then wrote two more prescriptions to He Mengde at the desk.

“If Mr. Zheng returns to the doctor three days later and his condition is still not relieved, you can give him this prescription, which is an augmentation of Longdan Xiegan Decoction, and let him take it for three more days. In three days, if It’s not relieved yet, please call me again.” Gu Qingzhou handed a piece of paper to He Mengde.

After the explanation, Gu Qingzhou handed over a second one: “This is the reduced prescription of Longdan Xiegan Decoction. If his condition improves, you can ask him to take the reduced medicine for two more days. After taking it, if it is completely Well, there is no need for a follow-up.”

Gu Qingzhou explained this because she was not going to come over to see Mr. Zheng for a follow-up in three days.

Mr. Zheng’s illness seems serious to He Mengde, but it seems simple to Gu Qingzhou.

“Don’t worry about this, I will explain it clearly.” He Mengde assured Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou nodded.

Gu Qingzhou came to see He Wei today, and was temporarily visited by He Mengdra for treatment.

After watching the illness, I also know that He Wei is in good condition, and Gu Qingzhou is leaving.

Leaving He’s Hundred Herbs Hall, Gu Qingzhou returned to the new house.

He Mengde was restless all day.

When she slept in the evening, Mu Sanniang saw her husband’s worries and asked him, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s the Qingzhou thing.” He Mengde said, “I’m really afraid that her prescription is useless.”

Mu Sanniang tutted: “The descendants of our Mu family are useless, are you useful?”

“No.” He Mengde quickly apologized, “Qingzhou has been in a trance these days, and she hasn’t consulted for a long time, am I worried?”

Mu Sanniang was also silent.

She also became worried when she listened to He Mengde’s detailed account of today’s case.

She was afraid that Mu Zonghe and Ma Li would pass away, and Gu Qingzhou’s mentality had not been adjusted, and she was afraid that she would be powerless in medical skills.

“…Don’t worry about it, anyway, that medicine won’t kill you.” Mu Sanniang said.

When He Mengde heard this, she was a “quack doctor” who didn’t take human life and patients seriously, and immediately panicked with her: “If you can’t eat, should you spend money and suffer?”

“Look, look, you’re here again, I’m not a doctor!” Mu Sanniang grimaced, “Let’s go back to the doctor in three days, what are you anxious about!”

He Mengde fell asleep with this anxiety.

After sleeping for a while, he asked again, “Would you like to take the boat over to stay for a few days?”

“It’s not convenient, Qingzhou is now the daughter-in-law of the military government.” Mu Sanniang sighed.

On the morning of the fourth day, He Mengde looked at the door from time to time.

The boy asked with a smile: “The shopkeeper, who are you waiting for?”

“You don’t have to worry, go get busy.” He Mengde said solemnly.

Seeing the nervous face of the always benevolent and gentle shopkeeper, the young man knew something was happening, so he didn’t dare to say more, and shrank behind the counter to sort out the herbs.

It’s almost ten o’clock, Mr. Zheng is here.

When he stepped in, there were several customers in the pharmacy taking medicine. He Mengde was still explaining to others that when he saw Mr. Zheng, he immediately left the other customers.

“Mr. Zheng.” He Mengde stepped forward and looked at Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng smiled and gave He Mengde a bow: “Manager He, I’m so grateful, the medicine in your shop is an elixir!”

He Mengde hurriedly invited Mr. Zheng to the room.

Take Mr. Zheng’s pulse again, and his anger has really subsided.

“…Just after taking the medicine, I slept for two hours. Although not as good as someone, it made me sleep comfortably.

I got into bed before six last night, and guess what, fell asleep before nine and slept until eight this morning! This feeling! “Mr. Zheng sighed.

He exudes a sense of comfort from head to toe!

This joy comes out from every word and expression of his!

Mr. Zheng’s chubby eyes are full of energy.

“That’s good.” He Mengde’s heart suddenly relaxed.

The worries of the past few days have also disappeared.

“The young lady’s medical skills are really brilliant!” Mr. Zheng was both grateful and flattering, “You said that the ancient Hua Tuo was like the young lady?”

He Mengde was both ironic and laughing.

Mr. Zheng praised Gu Qingzhou again.

These words came from his heart.

“The young lady rarely compares herself with the ancients…” He Mengde laughed.

His original intention was that Gu Qingzhou respected the dead.

Mr. Zheng heard that “the young lady thinks it is unlucky to compare to the ancients”, and immediately stopped talking.

“Will the young lady come for a follow-up today?” Mr. Zheng asked.

“The young lady has already anticipated your recovery. This is the prescription she prescribed.” He Mengde said.

He takes out one.

Mr. Zheng took it.

The last time Gu Qingzhou’s prescription, Mr. Zheng took it out after taking the medicine. Now, looking at it again, it is indeed the handwriting of the young lady, and I am immediately happy.

“Young Madam predicts things like a god!” Mr. Zheng said.

He Mengde smiled and was in a good mood, and gave Mr. Zheng medicine.

With a few words, He Mengde sent Mr. Zheng out.

Mr. Zheng’s pain was relieved. Sitting in his car, he looked at the prescription, like a life-saving talisman, carefully folded it and put it in his shirt pocket.

Suddenly, the car stopped suddenly, Mr. Zheng didn’t pay attention, and his head hit the driver’s seat.

He came back to his senses and was about to scold, but saw someone forcefully open his car door.

Several people surrounded his car.

Mr. Zheng was shocked: “You….what are you going to do?”

The car door next to him opened slowly, and a young man sat beside him.

Mr. Zheng suddenly held his breath.

He Mengde did not see this scene.

After Mr. Zheng came, He Mengde called Gu Qingzhou.

“…Qingzhou, I really want to learn medicine from you again!” He Mengde said seriously, “Many times, I think too thinly.”

Gu Qingzhou smiled on the other end of the phone.

“Uncle, your medical skills are already very good, so you don’t need to belittle yourself.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

He Mengde is ashamed of himself.

“If you want to learn, I’ll teach you after I’ve learned everything.” Gu Qingzhou said again.

He Mengde hurriedly said: “Good good.”

After thinking about it, Gu Qingzhou said again: “I have something I want to discuss with my aunt. Let’s talk about it later.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I’ll go there in a few days and have a face-to-face interview at home.” Gu Qingzhou smiled softly.

Hang up the phone, Gu Qingzhou went upstairs.

She has a large book with many words written on it.

She made another plan, trying to stabilize her future.

The maid came knocking on the door.

“Young lady, your clothes are here.”

Gu Qingzhou frowned.

She didn’t make clothes.

Opening the door, the maid gave Gu Qingzhou a pocket in her hand.

From the lower end of the pocket, a moon-white cheongsam can be seen.

“This is one of them, and there are eleven more downstairs. Young Madam, should I give you a look first, or should I get it starched first?” the maid asked.

Gu Qingzhou frowned deeper.

“Who sent it?” Gu Qingzhou asked.

“It’s the tailor’s boy. He’s still downstairs.”

Gu Qingzhou pondered slightly.

She let the servant hold it and went downstairs with the servant.

A young man in a long gown, about twenty years old, respectfully saluted Gu Qingzhou: “Young Madam.”

“Who made this cheongsam?” Gu Qingzhou pointed to the maid who went downstairs.

The young man said: “Master Luo personally made this. A guest gave a deposit, let us make it and deliver it. The guest said that the spring banquet is coming, let us do it before the second day of February.” /

“Which guest?” Gu Qingzhou asked.

Actually, she had a vague guess in her mind.

The master Luo mentioned by this guy is Luo Wuniang, the most famous cheongsam master in Yuecheng. At the beginning, Yan Yiyuan said that Master Luo’s cheongsam should be ordered half a year in advance.

Who ordered Gu Qingzhou half a year ago?

The guy put the cheongsams neatly on the sofa, one by one, for fear of wrinkling.

Gu Qingzhou’s emotions were tumultuous, and she tried very hard to control herself without showing any strangeness.

“When were these cheongsams ordered?” Gu Qingzhou asked again.

The young man immediately said: “It was decided during the Chinese New Year. These days, Master Luo has pushed all the business and made it for you.”

Gu Qingzhou’s heart shrank again.

It wasn’t ordered half a year ago.

“Have you given me the money?” Gu Qingzhou asked again.

The little guy said: “I gave it, young lady!”

Gu Qingzhou glanced at the maid: “Go and get five dollars.”

The maid went quickly.

Gu Qingzhou gave the money to the boy: “Take it for tea.”

Thank you guys with joy.

Gu Qingzhou asked the maid to move all the cheongsams upstairs.

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