The Epic Revenge Chapter 1846: The way to find love

Sumanlo is unbelievable.

Is this Yan Kai?

He is extremely patient. Because he has many sisters, he has understood a truth since he was a child: Saying any harsh words to girls will not solve the problem and will only make it more difficult.

Even if they broke up, he got married, she got engaged, and she slapped Yan Kai, Yan Kai would just retort, never like this!

Sumanlo recalled his every word, every word was like a punch, hitting her heart.

Her face and lips turned white, and she couldn’t help crying.

And Yan Kai, turned around and walked out.

Qiao Si hurried to chase him: “Master!”

Yan Kai got angry at him: “Who asked you to bring her here?”

Joe Si has been by his side for many years, is his best friend and his most powerful subordinate, more like his brother. His millions of pounds were directly handed over to Qiao Si to take care of him, and he never doubted and never spoke harshly to him.

Except this time.

“I see that the young master is depressed these days.” Qiao Si sighed, “Young master, don’t be so angry. Since you are reluctant to bear the young grandma, go and chase her back?”

Yan Kai waved his hand and walked away quickly.

Sumanlo went to Manila in high spirits, thinking that Yan Kai would be happy to see her, but the two of them finally had no other obstacles and could rekindle their old love.

But the results were unexpected and discouraging.

Sumanlo didn’t leave, she stayed in the hotel under the arrangement of Qiao Si.

Yan Kai left.

That night, Yan Qi called him and told him: “Ms. Chen has left Singapore. She said she was going to the mainland, and it might take a long time to come back.”

After hearing this, Yan Kai couldn’t sit still.

He is not looking forward to going to the mainland to meet Chen Sushang by chance, but this place is really empty without her, just like Yan Kai’s heart.

He found Qiao Si: “I’m going to Nanjing. It may take a while. You are responsible for Manila.”

Qiao Si asked: “Are you going to find the young lady?”

“She is no longer my young grandmother.” Yan Kai was depressed. “I’m either going to find her or to relax. I’ve always wanted to go.”

Qiao Si has been managing the business for Yan Kai, loyal and loyal, telling him to be careful on the road.

Yan Kai didn’t tell his family that he took a plane to Hong Kong, and then took a boat from Hong Kong to Guangzhou.

He didn’t stay and bought a ticket directly to Nanjing.

The land of China is devastated, and the people who survived the war, while enjoying peace, are also cleaning up their broken homes.

After more than a month of ups and downs, Yan Kai finally arrived in Nanjing.

Nanjing is more broken than he imagined, the city walls are being repaired, and everywhere is gray.

He inquired about Chen Ding’s old house.

The old house of the Chen family has been rebuilt. It is near the Qinhuai River, and the exterior walls are brand new.

Yan Kai is a talented person. He met a man surnamed Chen at the gate of Chen’s house. After chatting a few words, he was invited to the house by the other party.

Speaking of Chen Sushang, the man who claimed to be “cousin” was full of praise for Chen Sushang, saying that she was young and skilled.

Yan Kai said that he was Chen Sushang’s friend in Singapore. Chen Sushang had helped him many times, and the other party showed an ambiguous smile.

“Which school did she go to before?” Yan Kai asked.

“The school was bombed long ago, and it’s still in ruins.”

Although the other party said so, he still told Yan Kai the address.

Yan Kai stood on the ruins, imagining the scene of Chen Sushang going to and after school, and his heart felt soft.

He also said before that he wanted to visit her hometown in Nanjing with her.

Yan Kai had nothing to do and spent more than half a month shopping in Nanjing.

He also thought about investing in several factories in Nanjing before, but after inquiring about it, he learned that he would not set up factories for private individuals.

At this time, he received a telegram from Qiao Si.

Qiao Si’s ancestral home is Guangxi. He came out when the warlords were fighting. I heard that there are no relatives at home, only a sister from a compatriot, and later married to a very remote place.

He told Yan Kai in the telegram that his sister had passed away and he was not yet thirty years old this year. The matter was a little strange and he was going to visit Jingliang.

Jingliang is the southernmost county in Guangxi. Beyond the mountains and mountains is Vietnam. The terrain is very complex and the population is sparse.

Yan Kai read the telegram and thought that Qiao Si would not go alone, would he?

He sent a telegram back.

When I asked, sure enough, Qiao Si didn’t use Yan Kai’s manpower to do personal affairs, he really went alone.

“As soon as he comes back, let me know as soon as possible.” Yan Kai telegraphed back to Manila.

The next month, Yan Kai went to Yuecheng, Suzhou and Shanghai.

It is very inconvenient to travel, and various proofs are required to prevent it from being a spy.

Yan Kai is rich, and he relied on this to clear up the relationship.

He had had enough, and when he returned to his hotel in Nanjing again, the shopkeeper told him that he had three telegrams from him this month.

The telegrams were all from Manila, telling him of some inconsequential private matter.

His subordinates also told him: Sumanlo lived in Manila for a month, and could not wait for Yan Kai before leaving.

Yan Kai immediately called back and asked them if Qiao Si was back and whether there was a telegram.

The answer is no.

Joe Siyi went for a month without any news.

Yan Kai felt that something was not right. According to Qiao Si’s character, he would definitely send a telegram when he got there.

Can’t set up a factory in Nanjing, and Yan Kai didn’t want to go back to Nanyang. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Guangxi, maybe he could help Qiao Si.

He kept telegraphing with Manila as he went south.

Until he arrived in Guangxi in June, there was still no news of Qiao Si from Manila.

This means that Joe Si disappeared for three full months.

Yan Kai felt that things were a little bad.

Joe Si is by no means such a person, unless he encounters a disaster.

Arriving in Nanning, Yan Kai asked about the route to Jingliang, and the locals told him: “Don’t go there, the bandits have not been eliminated, and Vietnam is fighting again, which is very dangerous.”

When Yan Kai thought of this, he felt more and more that Qiao Si was in some kind of crisis.

He’s going even more.

But there is no train to Jingliang. There are many mountain roads, and cars can’t drive at all. The only transportation is cattle carts.

Yan Kai has reached this stage, and it is not easy to go home after all the hard work, so he has to bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

He rented a bullock cart.

This is probably the first time in his life that he has suffered from such a bumpy journey.

When the bullock cart couldn’t move, he had to get down to help the coachman push it together.

Mountain road, strange and steep.

It was midsummer and there were many mosquitoes on the road, and Yan Kai was bitten all over his bag. Fortunately, he was in good health, otherwise he would have died on the road.

After another half month of ox carts, he finally arrived at Jingliang.

He suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, and understood why Qiao Si didn’t communicate with Manila.

Jingliang said that it is a county town, but it is not as prosperous as a small town, and the population is really sparse. The city walls are broken and the streets are dilapidated. When Shushu Langlang walked down, there were seven or eight merchants on one street.

There is only one inn in the entire county.

The door of the inn is peeling, I don’t know what era it is, and there is a musty smell in the store.

As soon as he entered the door, he was knocked down by someone before he reached the counter.

Yan Kai glanced out of the corner, it was a woman. His breathing stopped suddenly.

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