The Epic Revenge Chapter 1832: Bold

There was a commotion at the entrance of the hospital, and the family members of the patients were heard calling the doctor from a distance.

Chen Sushang thinks this is very common, but the resourceful Mrs. Si’s face is very ugly.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Sushang asked again.

Gu Qingzhou withdrew his gaze: “This is a private hospital, people with identities come and go, and most of them are recuperating. It’s so noisy, I’m afraid there will be something big.”

Chen Sushang’s spirit is also a chill.

She immediately asked, “Would you like to transfer… her?”

She doesn’t know what to call Kang Han properly.

My name is Mrs. Qi? It’s not quite like that. How can a daughter call her mother so?

But Mom, she can’t open the mouth again – at least temporarily.

“I will handle it.” Gu Qingzhou said again, “If there is anything wrong, I will arrange for her to be transferred.”

Chen Sushang Tao is.

The movement in the distance also made her feel a little strange.

“Auntie, I’ll go take a look.” Chen Sushang said.

The heaviness on Gu Qingzhou’s face was swept away, and he couldn’t help but smile: “Okay, let’s go.”

She smiled so softly.

Chen Sushang realized only after realizing what he had called.

Yan Kai often said “aunt” in her ear, and she subconsciously felt that Gu Qingzhou was an “aunt”.

Later, it was discovered that Gu Qingzhou was not only Yan Kai’s aunt, but seriously, she was also her aunt.

Chen Sushang is a little embarrassed.

She turns away.

Gu Qingzhou asked his adjutant to follow him to find out the situation and tell her.

Chen Sushang and the adjutant walked over to the emergency room and saw a black face in the distance.

The patient’s face was blackened, and there was a festering mouth in the neck, which kept oozing black pus, very horrific and bizarre.

The young wife had never seen anything like this and was crying.

The nurse simply made a note and asked the patient to be sent to the ward.

“It’s all spread out, you need to isolate! It may be contagious.” The nurse said loudly.

The onlookers immediately screamed and avoided, almost hitting Chen Sushang.

Gu Qingzhou’s adjutant helped Chen Sushang.

After Chen Sushang stood still, he said to the adjutant: “Let’s go quickly, what if it is a serious infectious disease?”

The lieutenant said yes.

The two of them did not go to see Gu Qingzhou immediately, but stood in the sun for thirty minutes.

The sun will bask the virus on the body a little. This is taught in the school.

“What kind of disease do you think it is?” Chen Sushang chatted with the adjutant.

The adjutant said: “I haven’t seen it before, so it can’t be the plague?”

Chen Sushang shuddered.

If there is a plague, it will cause even greater disasters, and everyone in Hong Kong will suffer.

Her biological mother is so weak…

“Is the plague still there? Hasn’t it all disappeared?” Chen Sushang was very nervous.

The adjutant told her not to worry: “Miss, I guessed randomly.”

He asked Chen Sushang to wait, and went to the front himself to ask for a bottle of diluted disinfectant.

He and Chen Su used it to sprinkle it on their clothes and hands, and then stood a little longer before going to see Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou will be a lot calmer this time: “Don’t panic. Your mother is not suitable for transfer for the time being. Last time she went to Singapore, because of discomfort, her condition worsened. I will send someone to pay attention. If there is a slight possibility, I will arrange for transfer. .”

Chen Sushang already had an idea in mind.

She said to Gu Qingzhou, “I’ll go home first.”

“Slow down on the road.” Gu Qingzhou said, “Don’t worry, everything has my aunt.”

Chen Sushang said yes again.

She went downstairs, but did not leave, but dodged and entered the emergency room.

She pretended to be a family member and asked where the patient was.

“Already arranged to enter the ward.” The nurse said, and then without warning, she gave Chen Sushang a ward number.

The ward is on the second floor, which is a little more noisy than the environment on the fourth floor. But compared with ordinary hospitals, it is still spacious and clean.

Chen Sushang walked to the door and heard that the doctor was still there.

“We have to wait for the results to determine whether it is an infectious disease.” The doctor said to the family, “However, he has a fever and is still in critical condition.”

Families burst into tears.

The doctor added: “Be mentally prepared.”

“Please save my husband.” The young lady burst into tears.

The doctor has repeatedly assured that he will try his best, but to explain the situation to the family first.

Chen Sushang heard this and was sure it was not the plague.

Hospitals can diagnose plague.

Doctors and nurses also took their lives and would not allow plague patients to lie down like this. They should be treated in isolation.

Chen Sushang breathed a sigh of relief.

She took a few glances, and some fragments of knowledge flashed in her heart.

When she was studying the Fa, she read too many books, some of which she didn’t remember.

She thought of this and walked in.

The doctor only regarded her as a relative, nodded slightly, then turned and left.

His attitude made Chen Sushang feel he could take advantage of it.

So after the doctor left, the family’s wife was surprised and asked her, “May I ask who you are?”

“Hello, madam, I’m a doctor from the Zhuyou Department of the hospital.” Chen Sushang said, “Can I see your husband?”

The young woman was inexperienced and was confused by Chen Sushang: “What subject?”

Chen Sushang was generous and explained with a smile: “The hospital will encounter this situation: the patient encounters a problem that cannot be treated, and he will try it with Zhu Youke. Maybe, the patient will come back to life.”

The woman still didn’t understand, but she understood what Chen Sushang meant – she came to save her life.

“Then look at my husband.” The woman said immediately.

Chen Sushang sat down and observed the patient. The patient’s face was black, as if it had been roasted by a charcoal fire. The wound was bandaged, but black blood was still oozing out, staining the gauze.

She opened the patient’s eyes again.

The patient’s eyeballs moved slightly.

Chen Sushang suddenly remembered: “Could this be a curse?”

In the twelfth lunar month of last year, when they separated, Yuan Xueyao gave Chen Sushang a few talismans to relieve the curse, specifically for the Yuan family’s curse.

Chen Sushang died as a live horse doctor: “Madam, you go out first, I want to show your husband. There can’t be too many people in the ward, otherwise it will get bacterial infection.”

The young wife has lost her mind and mistook Chen Sushang as a doctor. Although Chen Sushang did not wear a doctor’s white coat, she went out obediently.

Chen Sushang set the talisman paper on fire, and after dissolving the water, he carefully poured it into the patient.

She was very nervous when she did this.

If the patient is not a curse, but another infectious disease, she has been infected by touching the patient like this.

She took the risk just to make sure of something.

After finishing, Chen Sushang walked out of the ward and told the patient’s wife a few more words.

It wasn’t until Chen Sushang left that the patient’s wife felt something was wrong.

The appearance of Chen Sushang was a bit unreliable from beginning to end.

“Will she kill my husband?” The young woman suddenly felt terrified and immediately notified the nurse’s desk.

The doctors and nurses came. She told Chen Sushang’s words indiscriminately. The doctors and nurses were confused.

“What department? We won’t send two doctors here,” said the attending doctor.

The young woman froze for a moment.

“Quick, go find her and catch her!” The woman was unsteady, “She wants to kill people!”

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