The Epic Revenge Chapter 1817: Feng Shui

Chen Sushang knew that Yan Kai’s temper was the most gentle.

He cares about girls.

This superfluous concern, sometimes without boundaries, doesn’t mean anything.

The last time I parted, I never called him. According to his character, he would be very concerned about this.

“Thank you.” Chen Sushang said.

Yan Kai said no thanks, and asked her what else she wanted to eat.

“It’s Chinese New Year, and I don’t know if there are any hawkers on the street. When I was in Nanjing, my second brother and I went out to play during the New Year.

Yan Kai smiled and said, “I’ll go out and have a look. If you say that, I want to eat too. I’ll look for it. You can take a nap and eat when you wake up.”

Chen Sushang said yes.

After Yan Kai left, she got into the bed.

The hotel’s quilt has a smell of saponin and sunshine, and a bit of a man’s breath.

This thought made Chen Sushang even more uncomfortable.

She forced herself not to think about it.

During this time, she was very tired, cold and hungry, pretending to be a beggar. She misses her mother, Mrs. Chen, and misses her master very much. If it weren’t for them, maybe she would be a real beggar now.

She had a lot of food in her stomach, and the bedding in the room was warm. Chen Sushang fell asleep after a while.

She had a dream.

Dream of a tall altar, decorated extremely luxuriously, she walked up step by step, and then saw a dark thing placed on the altar.

She gets closer and sees the baby’s face.

The face is wrinkled, the skin is air-dried to a charred color, and the mouth is almost a line.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Chen Sushang woke up suddenly.

When she woke up like this, she realized that the little compass under the pile of dirty clothes was beeping non-stop.

Hurry up and pick up the compass, its needle wobbly in the direction of due south and southwest.

She felt the time should come.

When Chen Sushang was going to put on his dirty old clothes, Yan Kai came back.

He not only bought sugar-fried chestnuts, but also brought Chen Sushang a dress dried in the hotel.

At the same time, he also brought a pair of boots to Chen Sushang, afraid that she would go out.

Chen Sushang was overjoyed: “Yan Kai, you really help me in the snow!”

Those old clothes are very fashionable, Chen Sushang really doesn’t want to wear them. After more than 20 days, the compass finally responded, maybe she doesn’t need to pretend to be a beggar anymore.

“What, are you leaving?”

“Yes, I want to go out.” Chen Sushang said, “Do you want to go with me?”

Yan Kai said hello immediately.

His face, which had sunk a little earlier, suddenly turned.

Chen Sushang put on new clothes, like a fashionable girl, when he took Yan Kai’s arm and walked down the elevator, he was very right.

Yan Kai asked the hotel to help call a car, and he drove by himself.

Chen Sushang eats sugar-fried chestnuts while holding a compass to set the direction.

She ate several and remembered that Yan Kai said he liked it too, so she peeled one off and handed it to his lips.

Yan Kai’s lips brushed past her fingertips and took the chestnut away.

He thought: “It’s sweet.”

Chen Sushang’s fingers were numb. She even doubted whether Yan Kai did it on purpose.

She glances at him.

He chewed the chestnut patiently and looked straight ahead, and there was nothing unusual.

There is often a ghost in my heart, and I suspect that others have impure motives. Chen Sushang was a little ashamed, peeled another chestnut and stuffed it into his mouth, staring at the compass.

This time, the compass points to Kunwei, which is the southwest direction of Hong Kong.

This is an office building with six floors. The New Year is not over yet, the office building is sparse and sparse, and only non-Chinese will go to work.

In Hong Kong, there are not many non-Chinese people.

Chen Sushang and Yan Kai sat in the car and stretched their heads to probe their brains.

Yan Kai even asked her, “Are you sure it’s here?”

“I don’t know…” Chen Sushang said, “I always feel something is not right.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The direction of the compass. When I was in the hotel, it pointed very clearly, that is, the off position and the Kun position, and then the Kun position was fixed. But the closer I got to the Kun position, the weaker the pointing.” Chen Sushang said.

Yan Kai heard it in a fog.

Chen Sushang hesitated for a while, then he held the compass and prepared to get out of the car: “I’ll take a look.”

“I’ll accompany you.” Yan Kai said.

Chen Sushang nodded.

He followed Chen Sushang and entered the door of the office building.

“Which floor is it?” Yan Kai asked.

“One, two or three floors, it’s possible.” Chen Sushang said.

“Why four, five, six impossible?”

“The feng shui of Yangzhai needs to pay attention to the backing, that is to say, if the house exceeds a certain height, there will be no backing. This office building is about five meters high on each floor and fifteen meters on three floors, which already exceeds most of the natural patron.”

Chen Sushang said, “The taller the house, the harder it is to hide the wind and gather energy. Since the compass points here, the Feng Shui bureau here is only possible on the first floor, and of course the second and third floors cannot be ignored. .”

Yan Kai understood this time.

He whispered to Chen Sushang: “Looking at the feng shui of Yangzhai is very interesting. It can be related to a person’s fate.”

“It’s just interesting.” Chen Sushang said, “If you put it in the crowd of ordinary people, you will naturally earn both fame and fortune; but if you meet a real great warlock, you will have no power to fight back.”

She used to be in the Chen family, and she just wanted to be an ordinary feng shui master.

At that time, when I learned spells, I didn’t care if I couldn’t. I often drew hundreds of spells for several months, but one was useless.

Later, she met Yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu.

They are about the same age as her, but their spells are much stronger than hers, giving her a sense of crisis.

“…Sushang, have you ever thought about staying away from these? After all, real great warlocks are very rare.” Yan Kai asked.

Chen Sushang glanced at him: “Stay away from these? Stay away from my master?”

Her master has been dealing with warlocks all his life, how could Chen Sushang’s life be so rare?

It was not easy for Master to rescue her, and it was not easy to raise her. She is Master’s closest relative.

Yan Kai stopped talking.

The two of them wandered around on the first floor.

After Chen Sushang’s compass entered the corridor, there was no response at all.

She is suspicious.

Seeing her frowning, Yan Kai was a little worried: “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Chen Sushang said.

She really doesn’t know, it’s a bit more than she realizes.

Her magic won’t regress so quickly, and her master’s compass won’t suddenly stop working.

This shows that there is no Feng Shui bureau in this building at all.

But the compass points here from the start.

According to the books she has read, Chen Sushang can only think of cutting flying shackles and reflections in the distance.

Even if it’s a reflection, there are traces here.

She and Yan Kai looked around, but the compass remained silent. Chen Sushang even burned the talisman paper left by Master Zhang, but it was still ineffective.

She didn’t give up, and took Yan Kai up to the second, third, and even the fourth floor with little hope.

Nothing at all.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Yan Kai persuaded her, “Why don’t you go back first, and then think about this matter slowly?”

Chen Sushang nodded.

Back to the hotel, Chen Sushang found another question: “How do we stay at night? Would you like to help me open a room?”

Yan Kai: “…”

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