The Epic Revenge Chapter 1779: Prominent

A car stopped in front of Huo’s house.

The long-haired woman slowly got out of the car and looked up at the courtyard.

The Huo family has a very tall iron gate. There are two attendants standing at the door, with bulging waists, probably with guns.

The large iron gate is surrounded by vines, and it is lush in the weather in late September.

The icy guards, lush vegetation, seem to be a fusion of two lifestyles.

The car was leased, and the driver got the money and moved the woman’s large suitcase down.

The woman herself was carrying a handbag, wearing a long goose-yellow dress, and solitary high-heeled shoes, quietly looking at the door of Huo’s house.

The entourage noticed and immediately became vigilant.

“Who are you looking for?” The follower’s hand reached into his pocket. The bottom of the pocket was pierced, and through the pocket, he felt the gun on his waist.

The woman smiled softly: “My surname is Su, I’m looking for Chairman He. This is Mrs. Si’s hand letter.”

She hands out a letter.

The attendant took it, still very alert: “Miss, wait a moment.”

The woman nodded.

The entourage sent the letter to He Wei, because the “President He” the woman said was his wife.

In post-war Hong Kong, a new financial association was established to form a group to deal with the post-war economic recovery. This financial association has hired a highly respected person from the financial industry in Hong Kong as its chairman.

Finally, He Wei was elected chairman with the highest number of votes.

She was surprised.

A few years ago, relying on the help of Mr. Leightoner and Huo Yue, He Wei gradually established his reputation in Hong Kong’s financial circle and gained a firm foothold.

In the past few years, she really wanted to shift her focus to her family and accompany Huo Yue to run, swim and play ball.

Her daughter is fourteen years old, and she may go to the UK to study in a few years. If she doesn’t accompany her more, she will get married directly after her studies, and she will never have a chance as a mother.

But who would have known that a war would follow, and that after the war a mainstay would be needed to hold up the situation?

He Wei is duty-bound, but often troubled.

Fortunately, Huo Yue didn’t mind, and even encouraged her to pursue her own social status. At the same time, he was more unemployed and spent all day with his children.

The three children in his family all have a personality similar to him, and they are all gentle.

No one would call He Wei “Chairman” in his own home. He Wei was surprised when he heard a young and beautiful lady from his entourage all of a sudden.

She opened the hand letter, and it sure was written by her sister Gu Qingzhou.

He Wei and Gu Qingzhou often communicated, and even if the long-distance calls could be made directly to Singapore, they would occasionally contact in writing.

Gu Qingzhou’s words are familiar to He Wei.

She wrote a text message to He Wei, in which she said that Su Peng’s daughter, Su Manluo, had studied economics for more than a year and wanted to find a job in Hong Kong.

Su Peng entrusted Si Xingpei.

Si Xingpei was drinking with his subordinates and agreed casually.

He later told Gu Qingzhou about it and asked Gu Qingzhou to help him deal with it. Si Xingpei has always respected Su Peng very much, although he temporarily lent Su Peng to Yan Kai.

And Su Peng is in deep pain for this daughter.

When Su Peng eloped with his aunt, the child born to his aunt died.

This is Su Peng’s second child.

His wife was older than him and was found to be seriously ill during the war. However, due to the extreme lack of medical supplies and inconvenient transportation, Mrs. Su died of illness.

Su Peng has a very good relationship with his wife. After Mrs. Su’s death, Su Peng and Su Manluo’s father and daughter depended on each other for life, and they loved their daughter even more.

Sumanlo is inexperienced, but very assertive. She didn’t want to stay in Singapore, she didn’t say the specific reasons, she just wanted to come to Hong Kong for development.

Su Peng couldn’t bear it, but he wouldn’t stop his daughter’s choice, and Su Peng was going to Manila recently, not in Singapore.

“…It turned out to be her.” After reading the text message, He Wei remembered the last time Yan Kai and Yan Qi stayed at home.

Yan Qi likes to be close to older people, probably because of the influence of her mother Xu Qizhen, she is particularly clingy to He Wei.

Because they met Chen Sushang, Yan Qi kept talking to He Wei about Yan Kai, Chen Sushang and Su Manluo.

Yan Qi also said at the time: “If my brother almost ran away from the marriage, Sushang might not have to divorce. Alas, it’s a pity, we all like Sushang.”

She then went on to explain why her brother nearly ran away from the marriage.

Thinking about this, He Wei still stood up, took Su Manluo as someone recommended by Gu Qingzhou, and went out to greet her in person.

He Wei’s eyes lit up when he saw Su Manlo.

Summanlo is a very beautiful girl, tall and tall, with big eyes and long hair, a graceful figure, and delicate facial features, which are very eye-catching at first sight.

“Hello, Chairman He.” Su Manlo greeted her with a gentle voice.

He smiled and said, “Miss Su, I’m not used to the title of chairman at home. You are just like them, just call me auntie.”

Sumanlo was very clever and immediately called out “Auntie.”

The entourage took Su Manlo’s box and went up with He Wei.

Mansions in the mid-levels of Hong Kong Island are actually graded.

The Huo family is undoubtedly the mansion of the mansion.

A three-story building.

The furnishings on the first floor are all elegant in the quaint rosewood home. The furnishings in the living room are all Chinese-style, with all kinds of antique vases.

The stairs meander up, and there are famous paintings hanging around the corners, all of which are original.

The first floor is Chinese, but the second floor is Western.

The second floor is dominated by milky white tones, and the sofas, coffee tables, beds and cabinets are all Western-style.

Even the hanging paintings are Western-style.

He Wei led Sumanlo into a guest room on the second floor.

The guest room is also white.

Snow-white walls, hanging two light-colored oil paintings, the room is large, with a bed and a sofa. On the leather sofa, there is a plain white lace cover, curtains and sheets of the same color.

Among these plain colors, there is only one light green cabinet, which is dotted with these plain colors.

“Mrs. Huo is very tasteful.” Su Manlo couldn’t help but admire in his heart.

The room also has a small balcony.

From the balcony, you can see the entire Hong Kong Island in the distance. Nearby is the Huo family’s spacious backyard, with a tennis court and a swimming pool.

Only Huo Yue can build a swimming pool in the middle of the mountain.

It’s not that swimming pools are expensive, it’s that swimming pools are expensive.

Su Manluo was dumbfounded and thought: “The Yan family is not so luxurious.”

The Yan family has always been an old house with simple and elegant furnishings.

Of course, it can’t compare with the Si family. After all, this is halfway up the mountain, and it can’t compare with a courtyard like the Si family.

“Miss Su, you stay here first, and I’ll arrange the work.” He smiled, “Are you tired from running all the way? Rest first, then come down to eat later.”

“Thank you Auntie,” Sumanlo said.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled.

She turned and went downstairs, ordered the kitchen to prepare lunch, and then asked the servant, “Is the master still running?”

“Yes.” The servant said.

He Wei said no more, turned around and went to her study, called her secretary and asked her to ask which bank has vacancies recently.

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