The Epic Revenge Chapter 1672: Assassination

After the establishment of the Student Go Club, more than 200 application forms were quickly received.

Si Yuzao served as the president and selected several students from his class as members.

Lu Wenli served as the director.

The next step is to sort out these application forms and formulate the rules and regulations of the Go Club.

Lu Wenli asked her, “Are you entertaining tonight? You said you wanted to treat me to a big dinner.”

Si Yuzao said: “Not tonight, I need to invite my uncle.”

“Can you take me?”

“You are pragmatic, we are elegant. A steak and a glass of red wine, do you think it’s enough?” Si Yuzao asked with a smile.

Lu Wenli thought of those half-cooked lettuce vegetables and sour wine, and immediately shook his head: “I don’t eat Western food. Then we will be tomorrow night?”

“Okay, if there is no accident, tomorrow night.” Si Yuzao smiled.

Lu Wenli was satisfied.

In the evening, Zhang Xinmei really came to the appointment.

Si Yuzao found that he suddenly had a lipstick mark on his neckline, and he was dipped in a touch of perfume.

“Who is this hooking up with?” Si Yuzao was curious, “Look at this lip shape, it’s pretty good.”

Zhang Xinmei pulled her collar.

“A little singer.” He said, “Can we finish eating at 8:30? After I finish eating, I have to join in. Fang Yin will be on stage in Shanghai tonight for the first time.”

Si Yuzao said: “Let’s go together after eating.”

Zhang Xinmei disagreed: “If your father knew that I was taking you to prostitution, he would have chopped me up.”

“Going to listen to a song, how does it count as a prostitute?” Si Yuzao frowned.

Zhang Xinmei laughed, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth: “Little niece, why are you so naive?”

Si Yuzao: “…”

No matter how messed up Zhang Jiuye is, there is no Miss Si who can grind people. In the end, he took Si Yuzao to the dance hall.

This dance hall is not under Zhang Xinmei’s name, but his friend’s, but he went to the second floor and went to the dressing room.

Si Yuzao met the legendary singer Fangyin.

Fang Yin’s body is very dusty, and her gestures are all in a coquettish manner, which shows that she has received many years of training. She is not too young, and her posture is charming: “Ninth Master is here.”

Si Yuzao suddenly thought: “No wonder Uncle Zhang doesn’t think I’m pretty, he’s really blind in love.”

“Who is this little sister?” Fang Yinjiao asked Zhang Xinmei.

Zhang Xinmei wrapped her arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, “My niece.”

Fang Yin smiled and slapped Zhang Xinmei: “Jiu Ye is so bad, he lied to me again.”

After saying that, she put her lips to Zhang Xinmei’s ear.

She didn’t know whether she was talking or licking Zhang Xinmei’s eyebrows. The two of them had been sticking together for a long time, which was very indecent.

Si Yuzao was in high spirits. She was curious about how the two of them were affectionate. If possible, she even wanted to see how Zhang Xinmei and Fang Yin kissed.

Zhang Xinmei and Fangyin were tired, seeing Si Yuzao’s unblinking eyes, he glared at her: “What are you looking at?”

“Look at you two making out.” Si Yuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei pushed her head over.

Then, he hugged Fangyin tightly and kissed her ear again before leaving.

Si Yuzao felt very fresh.

She and Zhang Xinmei went downstairs and sat down in the front row. She also asked Zhang Xinmei, “How did you hook up with Fangyin?”

“She came to hook up with me. She went from Beijing to Shanghai. Can she get along without my Jiuye’s place?” Zhang Xinmei asked.

Si Yuzao said, “Then you are open to anyone coming?”

“I’m not married, and I don’t have children or daughters, why should I refuse?” Zhang Xinmei said.

Si Yuzao said with a smile: “Uncle Zhang, you are quite free and easy, and I admire you so much.”

Zhang Xinmei raised her eyelids and glanced at her, thinking that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei were such a good couple, why did they raise a silly girl? Their daughters have different brains than normal people.

Half an hour later, Fang Yin took the stage.

This is the first time she has come to Shanghai to dominate the scene, so tonight is her home game alone. This is the face Zhang Jiuye gave her.

She sang a total of five songs, changing clothes and makeup each time, very fast, but she was able to regain her radiance in five minutes.

After singing the last song, she walked down and invited Zhang Xinmei to dance.

Si Yuzao watched the two of them slide onto the dance floor, kissing each other’s ears from time to time.

Miss Si is inexperienced, so she wondered why she didn’t kiss her lips? No wonder Zhang Xinmei pushed him away last time, when two people with real feelings flirted, they both kissed each other’s ears?

Si Yuzao has gained a lot of insight.

At this moment, someone suddenly surrounded the dance hall.

The guests were a little flustered.

The people on the dance floor were forcibly stopped and returned to their seats.

The music also stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Si Yuzao didn’t understand this change, she stood up.

Zhang Xinmei and Fangyin have returned.

“Uncle Zhang, what’s wrong?” Si Yuzao asked.

Zhang Xinmei suddenly held her hand and whispered, “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

After all, he said something to the man.

The other party hesitated, but gave way to him.

He walked over to the boss and two other people, and seemed to say something, and the other party bowed to him, as if asking him to wait a moment.

He then walked back and said to Si Yuzao and Fangyin: “A Japanese officer was killed in the elegant room. A knife was stabbed in the throat, silently. The Japanese suspect that the murderer is still here, and they must be strict. Check.”

Si Yuzao was surprised.

As if frightened, Fang Yin threw herself into Zhang Xinmei’s arms: “Jiu Ye, I’m afraid.”

Si Yuzao rolled his eyes.

She imitated Fangyin’s look and tone: “Uncle Zhang, I’m afraid too.”

Zhang Xinmei hugged Fangyin, but knocked on Si Yuzao’s head: “Tell me well!”

Miss Si was treated unfairly, and she was so aggrieved that she was speechless.

She decided to tell her father about this, saying that Zhang Xinmei took her to prostitute and flirted with the singer in front of her, so that Zhang Xinmei knew the consequences of offending Miss Si.

This investigation continued until more than two o’clock in the morning.

Even Zhang Xinmei was searched several times. Seeing Jiuye’s face, the Japanese asked Fangyin and Si Yuzao to search each other.

When Si Yuzao was searching for Fangyin, she felt a little envious when she saw the bulge on her chest, so she reached out and touched it.

She was subconscious because she often touched Yuge’s chest.

However, she felt something **** Fang Yin’s chest.

Fang Yin’s coquettish eyes were a little bit smart for a moment, and her fists seemed to tighten.

Si Yuzao remembered that the Japanese said that the murder weapon has not been found…

She glanced at Fangyin and then at Zhang Xinmei.

For a while, Si Yuzao felt his palms get hot and withdrew his hands.

She said nothing.

Fang Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

After the mutual search was over, Fangyin immediately threw herself into Zhang Xinmei’s arms, and Zhang Xinmei’s hand reached her chest very irregularly, and the two of them almost crooked onto the bed.

The Japanese was embarrassed to look away, only to feel that this Zhang Jiuye was indeed a legendary straw bag.

Si Yuzao didn’t dare to look at them, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of something in Zhang Xinmei’s palm.

Then, he switched to Si Yuzao’s side.

He suddenly approached her, his lips fell on her ear, and he whispered to her: “Take it and put it in your pocket.”

His lips were pressed against her ears, and heat poured into her ears. Si Yuzao’s heart skipped a beat.

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