The Epic Revenge Chapter 1623: Big slap

Xu Qizhen was depressed when she returned to Yan’s house.

Lao Yan happened to be in the restaurant and asked her what was wrong.

She recounted Ruan Lanzhi’s story to Yan Lao. Xu Qizhen felt that the Ruan family was benevolent and righteous, and they were also generous to Ruan Lanzhi.

But Ruan Lanzhi was not moved at all.

She even felt that she was being let down if she got less. Instead of abandoning her, they sent her to study abroad, and instead she wanted to curse them.

“I’ve been loved too much.” Yan Lao said, “I haven’t seen the world, and I haven’t experienced the world. After all, I’m just ignorant. The Ruan family is really bad at educating their children.”

Xu Qizhen smiled.

Then she said, “She probably cursed me too. If I hadn’t talked so much, the Ruan family wouldn’t have treated her like that. Mrs. Ruan didn’t have the courage to really divorce her, but she just suffered some more grievances.”

“Children, you are a hero. You are a hero.” Yan Lao said.

Xu Qizhen breathed a sigh of relief.

She and Yan Lao sat opposite and finished lunch, and then she hesitated for a long time before deciding to talk to her father-in-law.

“Ziqing has been very busy lately, he ignored me.” Xu Qizhen said.

What she said was inexplicably a little aggrieved, as if her daughter was telling her father.

Old Yan smiled.

“Dad, should I wait, or take the initiative to find him? But I’ve already looked for him once. Last time I was wrong, this time I don’t admit it – I just said a few words to Gu Shao at that time. , or in the public.” Xu Qizhen said.

Old Yan said: “Don’t get used to him! I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but if you get used to him, you will get three.”

Xu Qizhen felt that Gonggong’s words were reasonable, but not practical.

Unexpectedly, Yan Ziqing came back that night and brought her a bunch of roses.

Xu Qizhen couldn’t believe it, but then she thought, did her father-in-law scold Yan Ziqing?

Yan Ziqing pretended to be nonchalant: “I’ve been too busy recently, do you think I’ve deliberately left you out? No, don’t worry about it.”

He lightly exposed the part where he was angry.

Xu Qizhen really didn’t get to the bottom of it.

She smelled the roses and felt very fragrant, so she smiled and said, “I like it very much. I am also very busy, I can understand.”

That night, Yan Ziqing kept groping her in the dark, just like when Yamamoto Jing first came, he was afraid that he had mistaken her.

Xu Qizhen’s heart was inexplicably pricked by a needle – it turned out that he avoided her because of Yamamoto Jing?

She has lost sleep again.

She began to wonder why she felt so stinging.

A few months ago, she encountered such a problem, and she was not touched.

She thought for a long time before admitting that people are greedy.

Yan Ziqing treats her very well. She enjoys this kind of goodness a little and doesn’t want to be separated.

Xu Qizhen’s unhappiness is not shown, because she has never lost her temper. When she was with Gu Shao, only Gu Shao was absent-minded, and she didn’t know how to vent her dissatisfaction in order to be taken seriously, so she left it behind.

If you put your emotions aside, you will slowly melt away.

Xu Qizhen continues to cook and live.

Yan Ziqing did not avoid seeing her anymore.

Gu Shao is very measured, and goes against Xu Qizhen’s life as much as possible, so as not to block her, Xu Qizhen never sees him again.

The days couldn’t be calmer.

Xu Qizhen lived a very leisurely life, she enjoyed it very much and was in a good mood.

She even sold a few paintings.

Just when she thought everything was going well, her stepson Yan Kai disappeared.

The Yan family went crazy.

After searching everywhere, I found out that Yan Kai had bought a ferry ticket to Hong Kong.

“He hid a newspaper.” Yuzao seemed to be quite clear about the matter, “There is a necklace on it, he said only in Hong Kong, not in Singapore, he went to Hong Kong to buy it as a birthday present for his mum. “

Xu Qizhen was stunned on the spot.

She had no idea that her young son would take such a risk in order to prepare a birthday present for her! While she was worried, she was also moved.

Yan Ziqing said: “Let’s go to Hong Kong and stop him first!”

Si Xingpei lent him the plane.

Yan Ziqing had a premonition that something was not right. Yan Kai must have been bewitched by something to think of leaving Singapore.

Is this Yamamoto Shizuo’s conspiracy?

When Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen waited in Hong Kong for five days and did not wait for Yan Kai on the cruise, they were sure that this was Yamamoto’s conspiracy.

“I’ll go to Japan to find her, you go back to Singapore.” Yan Ziqing’s face was as gloomy as cold iron.

Xu Qizhen’s face is also cold: “That’s my child, I’m going too.”

Yan Ziqing was not in the mood to tell her apart, so he took her with him, and the couple hurried to Japan.

When she arrived at Shizuo Yamamoto’s mansion, Xu Qizhen realized that she still underestimated this woman.

She has controlled the entire family, and her influence extends to all walks of life in Japan. Even the military has her connections. Her desire for power is extremely strong.

Yan Kai was detained.

When he saw Xu Qizhen and Yan Ziqing, he struggled hard: “Mummy, Daddy!”

He kicked and bit, and the person who stopped him didn’t dare to hurt him, so he broke free.

Yan Kai ran towards Xu Qizhen as if she was desperate: “Mommy!”

Yamamoto Jing was originally sitting, but now she stood up, her face was very ugly: “Kai Kai, I am your mommy, didn’t I tell you?”

Yan Kai released Xu Qizhen and pushed Yamamoto Jing fiercely: “Go away, old witch!”

Yamoto Shizuo’s face was as pale as death, and her lips trembled slightly. She bit her hard, and her teeth left deep tooth marks on her lips.

She was caught off guard and slapped Xu Qizhen.

Xu Qizhen was looking at Yan Kai and wanted to know if he was injured. The slap caught her off guard, and she was a little stunned.

Yan Ziqing and Yan Kai, who were instantly ignited with anger, stepped forward together and slapped Yamamoto Jing.

Yamoto Jing is a petite person, and Yan Kai, who is almost nine years old, is already taller than her. She was hit in the face by such a big slap and a small slap, and she froze in place at first.

It took a moment for the numbness to subside and the pain to come back. Severe pain ran along her cheek, wrapped around half of her head, and her whole head seemed to explode.

And then it was her heart.

Her teeth were even a little loose, showing that both Yan Ziqing and Yan Kai had a hard time.

Shizu Yamamoto spat out a mouthful of blood.

She thought in shock: “Is this still Yan Ziqing?”

The man who loved her so much at that time, she thought he would always be hers, but he actually beat her for an ordinary woman.

“Come on, lock them all up for me, I’m going to kill them!” Shizuo Yamamoto turned around and roared loudly in Japanese.

Yan Ziqing can’t speak Japanese, but he can understand it, because Yamamoto Jing also taught him during the three years of his first love, just like he taught her Hokkien.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have the talent she has, he can understand but can’t speak. “You think Japan is your territory, but don’t forget, our family also has business with the Japanese military. If you kill me, the Yan family will not let you go. Do you want to lose both?” Yan Ziqing said coldly , “Miss Yamamoto, don’t make yourself so embarrassed.”

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