The Epic Revenge Chapter 1530: The dog came in

Pei Cheng held the doorknob that was pulled down, and his heart was very clear: Isabelle was going to attack Qiongzhi.

He slammed the doorknob to the ground and pushed open the window.

Pei Cheng is a little afraid of heights, he has never told anyone about this.

His profession is a doctor, and he doesn’t usually need to climb high, so it doesn’t matter. At this moment, he looked down and almost vomited.

His heart was beating wildly, and he was sweating uncontrollably—a fear of heights caused his heart arrhythmia, his stomach tumbling, and his eyes flashed.

However, Si Qiongzhi was in danger and he couldn’t hide in the office.

Pei Cheng gritted his teeth, found all his coats, and quickly tore them apart to make a simple rope.

One end of the rope was tied to the leg of the desk, and the other end was held in his hand, and Pei Cheng climbed up to the windowsill.

He didn’t look down as much as possible, leaned against the wall, grabbed the fabric rope of his clothes tightly, and slowly slid down, finally hooking to the top of the third-floor windowsill.

He didn’t dare to move his eyes for a moment, and he hooked down the side of the window sill.

The office window on the third floor was not closed tightly, Pei Cheng carefully opened the window and climbed in.

The moment he entered, all his restraint seemed to disappear, and his whole body showed a physiological tremor, and he vomited.

He didn’t care about cleaning up the filth. After Pei Cheng vomited, his brain was more cleansed. He hurried to open the door.

Fortunately, the door is a dark lock and requires a key to open from the outside, but is easy to open from the inside.

Pei Cheng ran to the inpatient department like crazy.

As he approached the inpatient department, he saw many figures, many burly men with guns in their hands, pointing in one direction.

From his point of view, that direction cannot be seen, and that direction seems to be a blind spot.

“Qianzhi!” He knew Qiongzhi was there.

Pei Cheng counted the number of people in the corridor, about seven or eight people, and there were still people walking around the window of the inpatient department, and there may be more people in the room.

With his bare hands, he was just a target.

Blood from the tip of Pei Cheng’s tongue, he had never experienced such tension and powerlessness.

As soon as he turned around and ran to the obstetrics department, he thought that Si Xingpei must have a gun in his hand.

He needs a gun, otherwise he can’t save Si Qiongzhi.

The time was very tight, and he couldn’t delay, so the wind was blowing under his feet, like a gust of wind blowing into the ward of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Downstairs in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, two adjutants were patrolling with guns. The doctors and nurses all hid, and the entire corridor was silent.

The adjutant knows Pei Cheng.

“Doctor Pei, where did you come from?” the adjutant asked, “It’s not safe here, come in quickly.”

Pei Cheng’s glasses were steamed with sweat and the heat that he ran out of, and he wiped them in his hands: “Where’s the Master Chief?”

“In the ward,” the adjutant said.

Pei Cheng rushed up.

His physical fitness is not bad, and he usually does some exercise, so he was out of the ward in one go.

Gu Qingzhou’s amniotic fluid has just broken, and the time interval between labor pains is also long, and it will not be born for the time being.

Si Xingpei stood by her bedside.

“…Si Shizuo, lend me a gun.” Pei Cheng rushed in and said directly.

Si Xingpei glanced at him: “Can you shoot?”

Pei Cheng is very anxious: “There are twenty or thirty people on Qiongzhi’s side. All of them have guns. She has been confronting them for a long time? At least more than an hour.”

Si Xingpei said lightly: “I know.”

Pei Cheng is more anxious: “I’m going to save her.”

Si Xingpei asked again: “Can you shoot?”

Pei Cheng is a doctor who saves lives and heals wounds. He specializes in surgery. He specializes in saving lives, not killing people. He was born in prosperous and stable Nanjing, and he has been studying abroad. There has never been an assassination around him, so he does not need a gun for self-defense.

Si Qiongzhi can shoot. Her adjutant has taught her that because she will encounter assassination, but Pei Cheng will not.

He never touched a gun.

He paused and couldn’t answer.

Si Xingpei said: “I just found out that the building over there was occupied. However, there are so many of them that they can trample Qiongzhi to death, but they have been standing still. Do you know the reason?”

Pei Cheng calmed down his boiling brain.

“Qiongzhi is holding the hostage in her hands, is that the princess?” Pei Cheng asked.

Si Xingpei nodded: “Yes.”

Seeing that he was calm, Pei Cheng asked again: “Aren’t you going to save her? There are so many of them…”

“Have you never played chess?” Si Xingpei’s eyes have always been calm, “After the general is over, what is the use of having more soldiers?”

Si Qiongzhi held the princess hostage, which was equivalent to taking those people’s army.

The entire chessboard has been lost, and no matter how many soldiers there are, they will not dare to rush.

Pei Cheng frowned and looked at Si Xingpei.

Gu Qingzhou was lying on the hospital bed, and a pain had just passed, which eased her spirit a little.

She said to Pei Cheng: “We are waiting…”

“Wait for what?”

“Wait until everyone falls into the big net. Don’t worry, we are all here, Qiongzhi will be fine.” Gu Qingzhou said, “Two adjutants have already turned into the office behind her, as long as they live a lifetime If something goes wrong, you can protect her first.”

Pei Cheng’s fists were clenched tightly.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside, Pei Cheng hurried to the window, lifted the curtains and saw that many people poured into the hospital.

The adjutants who were on call at the door of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department immediately retreated and closed the door.

Pei Cheng is going crazy: “Who are they, why are they besieging this place?”

Si Xingpei only stood up at this time.

He took out a pistol and handed it to Pei Cheng: “Be careful, this is the insurance, remember to fire it when you shoot. You stay outside the hospital bed and shoot whoever comes over. I’ll go to Qiongzhi.”


“You are useless. The people over there all have guns. Instead, these people came in. The weapons in their hands were in a mess, and there were no guns.” Si Xingpei said.

Pei Cheng glanced again.

The dark shadows have poured into the hospital and are trying to knock on the door.

They were automatically divided into two groups, one went to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and the other detoured to the oncology department at the back.

“Who are they?” Pei Cheng’s voice became unstable.

Si Xingpei said: “The lackeys kept by the Malay royal family, they are here to find their princess. You can carry a gun and open it randomly. Even if someone can rush up, he will be shocked without a gun in his hand. “

The people of the Malay royal family are very poor. It would be nice to have a few hundred guns. The rest without guns are like ants in Si Xingpei’s eyes.

After that, he walked to Gu Qingzhou’s bedside, leaned over and said, “Can you do it?”

“Okay.” Gu Qingzhou said, “Let’s go.”

Pei Cheng was holding a heavy gun and always felt that something was wrong. He wanted to calm himself down, but the sound of knocking on the door and Si Qiongzhi’s situation made him like an ant on a hot pot.

After a long while, he asked Gu Qingzhou in surprise: “Where’s your adjutant, and the navy?”

Why can’t I see the Si family here?

Gu Qingzhou just happened to be swept away by the labor pain, she bit her lip to hold back, and panted to answer him: “If all our people come to the hospital, how can the dog dare to come? So open the door first to lure the dog in, and then beat the dog. Don’t worry. , reinforcements will be here soon.” Pei Cheng felt that the current situation could not make people “reassured” anyway.

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