The Epic Revenge Chapter 1475: passed by

Si Qiongzhi almost fell into Liang Qianran’s ditch without paying attention.

In order to chase after her, this guy also used all kinds of martial arts to go into battle.

To be able to have such a kung fu, I must have chased after many people.

Si Qiongzhi really doesn’t want to make herself more embarrassed, to the point where she wants to have a relationship with a **** like Liang Qianran.

“No,” she said. “No matter how well you play, I won’t associate with you. You don’t have what I need in you.”

“What do you want?”

“Speciality.” Si Qiongzhi said, “I want someone to love me only, put me at the top of my heart, and feel that I am the best in the world.”

Liang Qianran looked at her.

At this moment, he almost felt that she was about to cry, and her voice was a little choked when she said the last words.

But she quickly calmed down, lowered her head and straightened her bangs to resist.

Liang Qianran didn’t really want to force her.

“Will you dance with me when I really learn a complete piece of music?” Liang Qianran said, “If you feel that sincerity is enough, let’s go further.”

Si Qiongzhi seems to want to leave quickly.

She nodded hastily, without looking at Liang Qianran, stood up and took her handbag: “See you later.”

A week later, Si Qiongzhi got up early and went to work in the hospital.

Her teacher Wu asked her, “How are you feeling, is your hypoglycemia better?”

Mr. Wu automatically helped her to make up for her gaffe that day.

Si Qiongzhi said: “It’s much better, I was too tired last time.”

When she appeared in the hospital, many people started talking.

They seem to want to see her pale and gaunt.

However, Si Qiongzhi, who had slept hard for a few days, was in good spirits, with a ruddy face and bright eyes.

She seems to have a dry well in her heart. When any emotion is thrown in, there is no soil for it to sprout and grow in the dry well. She only needs to cover the well and wait for the emotions thrown in to slowly die.

“She’s really tough,” colleagues say behind their backs.

Si Qiongzhi’s neatness made the gossip useless, and the people watching the fun felt disappointed and left.

She commutes normally.

It wasn’t until the third day she returned to work that Tamamo brought her a cake.

Si Qiongzhi is puzzled.

“I asked my father to buy this for my aunt.” Yuzao said, “Last time on my birthday, Aunt Zhu went to ask my aunt to eat, and my aunt fell asleep.”

Si Qiongzhi just remembered that he missed Tamamo’s birthday.

She feels guilty.

Unexpectedly, Tamamo didn’t accuse her of forgetting, but remembered that she didn’t eat the cake.

Si Qiongzhi hugged Yuzao and asked her, “Do you want any birthday present?”

“I wanted a diamond bracelet the most last year, and my dad bought it for me. I haven’t thought of what I want this year.” Tamamo said.

Si Qiongzhi said, “Auntie will take you to buy clothes, okay?”

Tamazao said: “Auntie, will you feel better this way?”

Si Qiongzhi: “…”

She later went to buy a milky-white, green-eyed kitten and gave it to Tamamo.

The kitten is cute, but Tamamo doesn’t seem to be interested in it.

But Gu Qingzhou couldn’t put it down.

Gu Qingzhou also asked Si Xingpei: “My Mulan and Mushan don’t know what they will look like…”

After she sent Mulan and Twilight away, she only went back to see them once.

Mulan also knew her and was happy to throw herself into her arms, but unfortunately it was already very heavy, weighing more than 40 pounds, and almost overwhelmed Gu Qingzhou.

“What is it?” Tamamo asked.

Gu Qingzhou told her: “It’s a wolf.”

Xiao Yuzao’s eyes lit up: “I like wolves, where is the wolf? Does it eat people, will it bite my arm? If it wants to eat my hand, I can give it to it.”

Gu Qingzhou: “…”

Si Xingpei: “…”

Si Qiongzhi: “…”

Tamazao’s talent is a bit strange, she always feels like Si Xingpei’s biological.

Si Qiongzhi left the stage sadly to make up for his little niece, and there was nothing he could do.

Time flies fast.

When the child in Gu Qingzhou’s belly was more than three months old, she had a slight redness, so she had to rest in bed, and her lower abdomen also appeared pregnant.

Gu Qingzhou handed over the heavy responsibility of taking care of Yuzao to Si Xingpei, and told him to cultivate his daughter in the direction of a lady, and not to make a wild boy.

Si Xingpei didn’t listen to this.

Si Qiongzhi also works step by step every day, doing her own job well, and she is busy day and night, just like before.

There is often news about Pei Cheng in the hospital, and Si Qiongzhi will avoid it when he hears it.

So she missed the news that Pei Cheng was coming back to work.

It’s late March in the lunar calendar, which is actually the beginning of May in the new calendar.

It has been more than two months since she heard the news of Pei Cheng’s marriage, and Si Qiongzhi has completely separated herself from this matter.

When the weather was hot day by day, Si Qiongzhi changed into a short-sleeved white lab coat. Colleagues were discussing why she didn’t get a tan, and even betting that she would be more like a Nanyang woman when she passed this summer, Si Qiongzhi Got a call.

It was Liang Qianran who called her.

“I really learned, I have to see me today, you know how hard I have worked for the past two months.” Liang Qianran said, “How about tonight?”

Si Qiongzhi doesn’t have to be on duty tonight, and he is a man of his word, so he said, “Okay, come pick me up after get off work.”

After a pause, Si Qiongzhi said, “I’m here to pick you up, no flowers, no other petty tricks, or you won’t come again in the future.”

“Yes, obey.” Liang Qianran smiled.

Si Qiongzhi hung up the phone and went to the ward round.

At the same time, Teacher Wu received a call from Pei Cheng.

Mr. Wu was a little surprised: “Are you in Singapore?”

“Well, I just got off the ship and I’m still at the dock.” Pei Cheng said, “I’m going to the hospital in the afternoon, what time do you get off work?”

Mr. Wu has an operation in the afternoon, which will end at about six o’clock.

“I’m free after six o’clock, you can come later, or you can come back tomorrow.” Teacher Wu said.

Pei Cheng said: “I’ll wait for you. I want to complete the procedures and go to work tomorrow. I heard that there are several patients waiting for surgery.”

He’s been out of the job for several months, and now that he’s back, no one will say anything.

His last surgery did not cause a serious accident at all, and he is one of the directors. Even if he does not resign, no one can talk about him.

His attitude has been achieved, he has automatically left his post for so long, and it is natural to come back now.

“That’s fine.” Mr. Wu said, “See you later.”

Pei Cheng hung up the phone and went home.

After he packed up, he went to see his parents and grandmother, and went back to the room, pacing back and forth.

He wanted to go to the hospital early, but he felt it was too deliberate, and it was delayed until five o’clock.

He drove himself to the hospital.

His heart was beating wildly, his palms were sweaty, and the steering wheel was a little slippery.

Then, he saw Si Qiongzhi at the door of the hospital.

Before he had time to feel timid, he saw someone open the door of the car, and Si Qiongzhi got into his car very well.

That person is Liang Qianran.

Pei Cheng’s car passed them by. He slowly parked the car at the entrance of the hospital and sat in the car for a full ten minutes before getting out of the car and entering the entrance of the hospital as if he had gathered strength.

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