The Epic Revenge Chapter 122: healed

Gu Qingzhou gave Mr. Zhao a prescription, and Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao believed her and drank it.

But in the first bowl, Mr. Zhao still vomited most of it, and Mrs. Zhao immediately panicked.

“It’s okay ma’am.” Gu Qingzhou reassured the flustered Mrs. Zhao, “Master Sanjiao is blocked, and the medicine may not be able to reach. But there is still a small half left in his stomach, which will work slowly.”

A little bit of medicine can also remove some of the heat evil in the body.

Gu Qingzhou’s comfort relieved Mrs. Zhao’s anxiety temporarily.

Gu Qingzhou instructed that after four hours, serve Master Zhao with the second bowl.

“The second bowl is at most half of it.” Gu Qingzhou said, “When the fourth or fifth bowl is reached, you won’t vomit again.”

Mrs. Zhao nodded.

“The medicine has already been prescribed. I will come for a follow-up consultation in a few days. You can give the master medicine at ease.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Mrs. Zhao said yes.

It’s almost five o’clock, and Gu Qingzhou and He Wei are going home.

Mrs. Zhao changed clothes and sent Gu Qingzhou and He Wei out in person.

“I asked the driver to take you back, where is the mansion of Miss’s house?” Mrs. Zhao asked.

She asked this, slightly pointing, as if to imply something.

He Wei doesn’t quite understand.

Gu Qingzhou understood, but she smiled and said, “Madam, the medicine has not taken effect yet, and I have no kindness to Mr. Zhao. Since there is no kindness, I dare not ask you to send it, we will take a rickshaw to go back by ourselves. Alright.”

Mrs. Zhao’s clear eyes moved slightly, and she stood by with a smile, no longer insisting.

They take rickshaws.

When I arrived at He’s Pharmacy, it was already seven o’clock in the evening, but it was not yet completely dark.

The temperature has also dropped a lot, and the heat is gone.

He Wei took Gu Qingzhou to see a doctor, but he was very bold.

Afraid of Mu Sanniang and He Mengde’s scolding, He Wei asked Gu Qingzhou to keep it a secret first, and then talk about it after getting the medical fee.

“Sister, you are so amazing, I thought the Zhao family wouldn’t believe you!” He Wei sighed, “You are capable and eloquent!”

“They believe me, not because of eloquence.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

He Wei doesn’t understand: “What’s that for?”

Thinking of He Wei’s last time selling a pass, Gu Qingzhou also sold a pass, but she didn’t tell He Wei how she won the trust of the Zhao family.

“Sister, tell me!” He Wei Yiyi refused to forgive, pulling Gu Qingzhou not to let go.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and ran away: “I’ll tell you later.”

It was not early, Gu Qingzhou took He Wei to the pharmacy, and after talking to Mu Sanniang, he took the rickshaw and returned to Gu’s mansion.

When she came back, Gu Mansion’s dinner was all finished.

Gu Qingzhou wasn’t too hungry, so he went back to his room to sleep.

In the evening, the maid made a late-night snack, Gu Qingzhou ate a bowl of fresh shrimp wonton blunt, and slept sweetly.

The Zhao family did not sleep.

When Mrs. Zhao served her husband to drink the third bowl of medicine, as Gu Qingzhou said, the heat from Sanjiao dissipated a little, and this time she only spit out two mouthfuls.

“You say, who is she?” Mrs. Zhao asked her husband in a low voice.

As Gu Qingzhou said, the Zhao family believes in her, except that Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao are good people, it is not Gu Qingzhou’s eloquence, but Gu Qingzhou’s gun.

During the pulse diagnosis, Gu Qingzhou took a handkerchief from her handbag, but her handbag was not closed.

She specially showed it to Mrs. Zhao.

As a result, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao clearly saw the pistol in her bag.

The Zhao family’s business is not big, just rich.

Master Zhao is neither from a gang, nor from the government, and he has no enemies, so no one will assassinate him. He is not qualified yet.

Gu Qingzhou carries a delicate Browning in her bag, she is definitely not here to assassinate.

These pistols are expensive and not easy to get unless you have high-level junta connections.

Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were at a banquet, and they saw the Deputy Chief of the Quartermaster Department show it once. They heard that it was very valuable, probably the net income of Master Zhao’s jewelry store for half a year.

A girl who can carry a gun with her. Not only is she rich, but her status is so noble that it is not worth her to kill Mr. Zhao.

That’s right. Her later diagnosis, Mr. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were convinced.

“Could she be the daughter of the governor?” Mrs. Zhao asked.

The young lady of the first wealthy family learned medical skills and wanted to find a medical record to confirm it. She saw the newspaper and waited for a lot of money to seek medical treatment, so she came to the door.

This guess is very likely.

“Even if she’s not a child of the Si family, she’s still a young lady of a senior official in the military government.” Mr. Zhao said.

Does the young lady of the high-ranking military government official need to cheat money?

With this level of speculation, and because Gu Qingzhou’s medical skills are really good, Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao trust her very much.

Identity is sometimes more reliable than talent.

After drinking the medicine that day, Master Zhao fell asleep. When he got up early the next day and drank the white tiger soup again, Master Zhao did not vomit any more.

“Rare, in the past month, it was the first time I didn’t vomit after drinking.” Mrs. Zhao was overjoyed, “Master, that young lady is really a medical prodigy.”

“Fortune, this is our fate.” Master Zhao said.

At noon, Mr. Zhao’s urination became smoother, and it was no longer sputtering.

He drank another bowl of medicine.

One hour after the medicine, Mr. Zhao felt that he wanted to defecate for the first time in half a month.

He pulls out three dry, firm dung.

Master Zhao and his wife were overjoyed.

“It’s time to ask Miss Gu for a follow-up appointment, but she didn’t leave a phone call.” Mrs. Zhao only reacted at this time.

Gu Qingzhou only left the medicine for two days.

Master Zhao said: “She won’t leave a phone call, it’s inconvenient after all.”

He still believes that Gu Qingzhou is a member of the military government.

It is inconvenient for her to reveal her identity, and even if she asks, she will not tell the Zhao family the phone number.

“That’s right.” Mrs. Zhao said.

At the same time, I am worried, what should I do? Is it possible to prescribe the medicine according to the original prescription?

When she was worried, Aunt Liu came in and said, “Madam, Miss Gu is here and is downstairs.”

Mrs. Zhao went downstairs herself and greeted Gu Qingzhou.

As soon as she saw Gu Qingzhou, Mrs. Zhao was overjoyed, and told Gu Qingzhou about Master Zhao’s improvement.

“I don’t vomit anymore, I can drink medicine and eat, which is really fortunate!” Mrs. Zhao said, “I used so many medicines before, but now I have finally improved.”

She added, “The old man urinated smoothly and had three dry feces.”

The doctor has no gender, and the patient’s condition should also be told truthfully. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Mrs. Zhao just said it, and Gu Qingzhou also listened with a calm expression and nodded at the same time.

After a few words of greetings, Gu Qingzhou checked the pulse of Master Zhao again, looked at the tongue coating again, and said, “The pulse is still strong and strong, but the thorns on the tongue coating are less, and the heat evil has gone halfway.”

Gu Qingzhou revised the prescription for the follow-up consultation. The raw gypsum of Baihu Tang has changed from three taels to five taels.

Everyone’s doctor prescribes a few bucks, but Gu Qingzhou prescribes five taels in one go, which is equivalent to half a catty!

This recipe is fierce.

She also explained: “If you’re serious, you’ll need to take ruthless medicine. Don’t worry, I know what’s going on.”

Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao did not refute and trusted her very much.

“Drink for two days, and I’ll check again the day after tomorrow.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Master Zhao drank according to his words.

After drinking the medicine for the past two days, Mr. Zhao passed the stool several times, all of which were dry feces one by one, about a hundred pieces, and the urination was very smooth.

“It’s so fun!” Master Zhao sighed.

The pain of dryness in the abdomen has finally eased a lot.

Two days later, Gu Qingzhou went to Zhao’s house for a follow-up early in the morning.

“The situation has improved.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

Master Zhao and Mrs. Zhao agree.

Gu Qingzhou prescribed a prescription for the third follow-up consultation: “In the future, I will not use Baihu Tang, but use raw gypsum. The raw gypsum does not need to be boiled in water, but is directly ground into fine powder. Drink it.

Drink for five or six days, and you will be able to defecate normally; then drink it for a few days, two or three days, or four or five days, as you please. “

After speaking, she wrote these words on the prescription and handed it to Master Zhao.

After writing, Gu Qingzhou smiled and said, “If you are cured, please go to He’s Pharmacy on Ping’an West Street and pay the consultation fee promised by your government.”

Master Zhao asked, “Is that your residence?”

“No, it’s my relative’s house.” Gu Qingzhou smiled.

She refused to give her address, and Mr. Zhao guessed that her identity was not low.

When Gu Qingzhou was about to leave, Aunt Liu found her and asked her to give her a prescription to solve her chronic illness.

“Miss, our master has invited famous doctors all over the world. You will cure the disease as soon as you come, and I will ask you to give me prescriptions for my illness!” Aunt Liu said.

Gu Qingzhou smiled and said, “You have a minor illness, but I haven’t found a doctor who understands it.”

She opened Xiaoyao Powder and Guizhi, and said to Aunt Liu, “You have liver stagnation and fire, spleen and earth are hot, so the yang qi does not go beyond. The four limbs are the root of all yang. Swelling and pain. You take three doses and it will heal.”

She spoke with certainty.

Aunt Liu won’t pay for the consultation. Gu Qingzhou still carefully wrote the prescription and handed it over to Aunt Liu. She asked her to take the medicine according to the prescription. will not get sick.

After all, when Gu Qingzhou was about to leave, the thin servant Hu Si, dawdling and embarrassed, said to Gu Qingzhou, “Miss…”

He also wanted Gu Qingzhou to show him.

Gu Qingzhou glanced at the emaciated Hu Si and said, “Your illness will be easier, you don’t need to take medicine, I will teach you a recipe and you will be cured!”

“Really?” Hu Da was overjoyed, but he couldn’t believe it.

However, Gu Qingzhou cured Mr. Zhao, and gave Aunt Liu a prescription. He was able to determine his illness without diagnosing the pulse. Hu Si trusted her very much.

“Go buy three taels of garlic, mash it into juice, and drink it directly.” Gu Qingzhou said, “Guaranteed to heal.”

“Ah?” Hu Si was puzzled, “Why is this?”

Other servants are also curious.

“Can garlic still cure diseases?”

“What’s wrong with Hu Si, you can eat garlic juice well? Miss, let us hear it, and let’s take it as an anecdote and tell others.”

“Hu Si’s disease is quite serious. What kind of inflammation is Western medicine saying, how can I use garlic to treat inflammation?”

Everyone was talking about Gu Qingzhou and kept asking questions.

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