The Epic Revenge Chapter 1219: BMW

Chapter 1219 BMW

Cheng Yu saw the horse that Gaoqiao Xun gave her.

The street lights were on, and the horse snorted under the lights. Tall and stocky, with shiny brown fur, it was the finest BMW ever.

Better than the Hong Kong inspector.

The one in Hong Kong is too beautiful to be carved.

And this one was brought directly from the grassland, strong and elegant, but with a bit of wildness.

Cheng Yu slightly covered his chest.

She saw it and was moved.

“Return it to others. If I want a horse, a petite white horse is more suitable.” Cheng Yu said.

With that, she turned and walked towards the dining room.

She is not good at controlling her emotions, and her emotions are almost all on her face.

Taoqiao Xun’s mind is simpler, but he is not a fool. He looked at her a few more times, and knew the frenzy and joy in her eyes.

She cannot accept this gift.

She came out to see, it was better to reject Takahashi Xun.

Cheng Yu was absent-minded for the next dinner. She wanted to be natural, but she wasn’t very good at acting.

A meal is finally over.

She cleared her throat and said to Gaoqiao Xun, “I’m here today to tell you something.”

Takahashi Xun sat upright.

“Don’t get me wrong about my behavior this morning. I didn’t dress up at the time, so I was embarrassed to see strangers,” she said.

Takahashi Xun’s expression changed slightly.

His breathing is unsteady and his lips appear to be turning white.

In this situation, it seems that there is nowhere to stay in the water. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Cheng Yu, just like he grabbed a driftwood: “Why don’t you admit it?”

Cheng Yu wants to withdraw his hand.

She hardened her heart: “I only saw you this time because I was afraid of your misunderstanding. Otherwise, why should I come out to dinner with you?”

Takahashi Xun’s hand tightened, almost pinching hers.

He wouldn’t let Cheng Yu escape.

Cheng Yu simply stopped smoking.

“Look at your heart.” Takahashi Xun’s voice was low, almost humble, “It knows, why do you have to go against it?”

Cheng Yu only felt that her heart was bitter, and someone cut her with a knife.

However, the previous experience is so vivid and vivid.

The heart is soft, if you don’t control it, Cheng Yu will degenerate even more.

Although she is also very depraved now.

“Man’s heart is filled with comfort, laziness and even evil. Once you indulge it, you will not be a normal person. You misunderstood my true heart, it is just contrived, not loving you.” Cheng Yu said.

Takahashi Xun’s hand strength gradually became lighter.

The seemingly delicate but actually very strong hand was immediately soft, as if every joint had fallen off, leaving only the flesh.

“A Yu.” His voice was completely exhausted, “Why do you want to do this?”

Cheng Yu did not answer this question.

In an instant, she thought about it for a long time. I thought of quarrels and complaints, and of grievances—his and hers.

It wasn’t a normal start.

Cheng Yu stood up and said, “Don’t look for me again, and don’t think about me. What I said, I won’t go back on my words. If I wanted to torture you and seduce you, I wouldn’t come today. Say these words.”

She is neat and doesn’t give Takahashi Xun any illusions.

Having fantasies may delay Takahashi Xun’s time.

But Takahashi Xun, his time is worthless, he’d rather be wasted.

He came to her in high spirits, but only so did.

Cheng Yu returned home feeling a little dazed. She recalled what she had done today.

She’s not wrong.

Escape is useless. She lost her composure like that in the morning, avoiding seeing Takahashi Xun, but she was pulling him into the whirlpool again.

Takahashi Xun should have grown up.

Adults should understand that not everything has results; what is lost, no matter how it belongs to you, no matter how much you love it, may not be found.

She is sitting alone in a dark room.

The night was as cold as water, her body was a little stiff, and she never changed her posture.

until the pendulum clock outside struck four times.

She was slightly surprised when she realized she had been sitting all night.

Kan slept for a while, she felt as if she had forgotten something, but she couldn’t remember what it was.

She woke up again after six in the morning.

Every time she wakes up, she’s in a good mood, but today she’s irritable and rolled over.

After turning over like this, she rolled into the empty quilt next to her, only to realize that she had forgotten something: Zhuo Mozhi didn’t come yesterday.

“He’s angry.” Cheng Yu’s heart was clear.

She knows everything, and most of the time she just doesn’t bother to think about others.

She lay on the bed, stretched her legs, and the bed was cold.

Just as she was about to tell the maid to cook a soup for her, Gu Qingzhou’s voice sounded in the courtyard: “Cheng Yu!”

This voice has no emotion, but it is very high, as if to warn her.

She thought Zhuo Mo was still there.

“Come in, I’m alone.” Cheng Yu responded through the window, his voice was also very high.

Gu Qingzhou pushed in the door.

The morning sun has not yet entered the house, so the light is a little dim.

Gu Qingzhou turned on the light.

“Cheng Yu, Gao Qiao Xun came in the morning and brought a horse here. He has a few more words that he wants me to tell you.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Cheng Yu sat up.

She looked sullen: “Tell me.”

“He said, this horse was specially bought for you, and it would be trouble for him to stay by his side. Even if you break up, you should be given a breakup gift. If you don’t want it, you’re selling it. Don’t Send it back to him.” Gu Qingzhou said.

Cheng Yu rubbed his temples.

After Gu Qingzhou finished the story, she asked Cheng Yu, “What do you think?”

“What do you think?” Cheng Yu was at a loss.

“Takahashi Xun.”

“I didn’t think about turning back.” Cheng Yu said, “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Gu Qingzhou glanced at her.

Cheng Yu could see her thoughts and immediately said: “Shut up, don’t say anything, otherwise it would be unlucky to quarrel early in the morning!”

Gu Qingzhou pondered for a while, but she was speechless.

The two sat in silence for a moment before Gu Qingzhou asked Cheng Yu, “What about the horse?”

“Give it to Si Xingpei,” she said.

“That’s not good.”

“That’s sold.” Cheng Yu said, “Since he said he gave it to me, I should do whatever I want.”

Gu Qingzhou said: “Go sell it yourself, I will not interfere in this matter.”

She gets up and walks away.

Cheng Yu called the maid and asked the maid to lead the horse to the outside of the West Cross Courtyard.

The maid went.

Although the horse is beautiful, it is very docile, and follows obediently under the lead of the maid.

Cheng Yu saw this, and his heart was sour, and he almost burst into tears.

She fought back her emotions.

Just at this time, Zhuo Mozhi came.

He didn’t arrive overnight, and it’s very strange that he came here sooner or later.

When he saw the horse, he couldn’t help but praised: “This is a very strong military horse, given to you by the Master?”

Cheng Yu said: “No, it was sent by Gaoqiao Xun.”

Zhuomozhi’s originally grim face was covered with severe frost. His fingers were stiff, and it took a lot of effort to curl up.

And Cheng Yu, who was looking at the horse, didn’t pay any attention to him.

He grabbed her arm and hugged her horizontally.

Cheng Yu was unprepared, scared to death, and people were already flying into the sky.

“What are you doing?” She wrapped her arms around his neck subconsciously.

Zhuo Mozhi didn’t answer, went straight back to the bedroom, and threw Cheng Yu heavily on the bed.

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