The Epic Revenge Chapter 1131: Bandits

Chapter 1131 Bandits

Ye Shan came out of the restaurant and walked out in a daze.

She came by rickshaw.

There is also a rickshaw at the door. The driver greeted her when he saw her, and Ye Shan got on the rickshaw.

After getting in the car, she should have said an address, but she didn’t know what she said.

Tears piled up in my heart.

I couldn’t cry, but my heart was burning. I wanted to boil her down and burn her to the ground.

She was expressionless, her eyes lost focus.

Everything in her fantasies was never realized, making her a complete defeat.

“Miss, at the train station.” The coachman said, “A total of one and five dollars.”

In Ye Shan’s handbag, there are some silver dollars and a precious watch.

She took out two silver dollars and gave it to the driver.

When the coachman asked for her money, she entered the train station.

“Why did I come to the train station?” This thought flashed in her heart, and soon disappeared without a trace, and she no longer had the ability to think.

What she did at the station and where she was going was not in her mind.

Her mind was empty, as if all her flesh and blood had been evacuated, and all she had left was a skeleton.

She bought a ticket.

When she did this, she was at a loss, because she didn’t say where to buy, but said something.

She took out the money and got the ticket.

Looking at the ticket, she didn’t know where it was going. She was familiar with the two words on the ticket, but she was stunned when they put them together.

She found a random platform.

The ticket inspector looked at her ticket, then looked at her again, and really let her on.

She bought the train ticket for the earliest departure.

When she got on the train, she deliberately kept herself awake and saw the seat number of the ticket.

She chose her seat number and put her hat over her face. She fell into the hustle and bustle and shouting, but was extraordinarily quiet.

Her purse is still in hand.

There is money in the bag.

The train ran for a day, and Ye Shan changed trains again. The further you go, the cooler it gets when you park.

She had only been gone for seven or eight days, and she was almost fainting from the cold when she got off the bus in the morning.

Ye Shan didn’t go any further, because the train was gone, and she came to the end of the railway.

It’s a long way and it’s safe.

She found an inn in the small county town where she parked and let herself settle down.

After wrapping her quilt, she was startled to find blood on the back of her hand.

Looking at my clothes again, they don’t seem to be so clean, they smell everything, and there are traces of dried blood.

“Where am I injured?” She undressed to see.

No injuries.

The inn is small and dilapidated, the bedding smells complicated, and there are cockroaches crawling around in the room.

Ye Shan checked herself and found that she was not injured. The blood was suspicious. She went to open her purse again.

One of the straps of the bag is stretched and deformed.

After opening, there are still many silver dollars left in the bag, and the watch is still there.

In addition to the watch and silver dollars, the bag also contained a pocket knife, which was also stained with blood.

Ye Shan just remembered that a few days ago, she was hungry when she was changing trains. She went to a local restaurant to eat, and some hooligans came to **** her purse.

She stabbed the man in the hand.

She then turned and ran back to the train station, evaded fares and boarded a train, left there, and was fined for getting off her.

“Thirty dollars in total.” She counted the silver dollars.

In addition to money and a watch, she also had a gold bracelet, which she had put in her bag a few days ago to give to Wife Liu, but she forgot about it for some reason.

Ye Shan doesn’t need a watch or bracelet now, she wants the ocean.

The ocean in her hand travels all the way to the northwest, but it won’t last long.

After thinking about it for most of the night, she got up early the next day and went out, buying a quilted robe and a pair of warm shoes for herself.

It cost a few bucks.

She sold the watch and gold bracelet. She sold it completely, and she doesn’t plan to redeem it in the future.

The watch is a foreign product, and this small county still recognizes it. Ye Shan sold it for 300 yuan, only one-tenth of what she bought at the beginning. Seven hundred dollars.

This watch of hers was not registered when she bought it, and it is not in her name, and she has so many watches that no one in the Overseer’s House can find her. Bracelets are more common.

Selling these things won’t leave a clue.

Ye Shan got a thousand yuan in cash, which is particularly conspicuous.

Thinking about it again and again, she bought another large suitcase, two sets of men’s clothes and socks.

After changing, she took the suitcase and hired a car out of the city.

She kept walking northwest.

Where to go, she has no plan, where she goes.

After so many days, her heart is still empty, she has no idea, as if the whole world has nothing to do with her, she wants to go, to a remote place.

She doesn’t know what to do in a remote place.

The farther you go, the colder the weather will be in the morning and evening. It’s almost like winter.

Ye Shan understands that she has come a long way.

From the county seat, she took an ox cart to a small town.

From a distance, you can see the mountains behind the town.

“After entering the town, I can buy another donkey, and I can enter the mountain.” Ye Shan thought.

Of course, she could also live in town.

Whatever you want.

This place is no longer her father’s territory, and it is 108,000 miles away from Taiyuan. The accent is different and the climate is different.

She looked for an inn in the town.

After she settled down, she got to know her and prepared to eat something, and it was getting dark.

She doesn’t have a watch now, so she has no concept of time, and she doesn’t know if it will be sooner or later.

It was getting dark, and she was going to go out to eat, but she heard the woman in front of her screaming.

The voices were chaotic, slowly, both male and female, all shrill and frightened.

In those unfamiliar accents, Ye Shan heard the word “horse thief”.

She was startled too.

This town is on the edge of a mountain, and it is normal for horses to come down and rob. However, they rarely enter the town, and mostly operate on the periphery.

Ye Shan picked up her suitcase and ran.

Everyone else ran back, and she followed. However, when there was no door behind, and everyone was blocked at the back wall, Ye Shan remembered the training camp in the military camp. She first threw the box out, and then climbed up the wall neatly.

She climbed, and so did the others, but their grades were poor, and few climbed.

Ye Shan felt relieved and jumped down.

The suitcase wasn’t broken, but when she grabbed it and was about to run, she bumped into someone’s arms.

When I looked up, the torches gradually lit up in front of my eyes. Several tall men, all with scruffy beards, looked at her curiously.

Ye Shan’s knife is in the suitcase, and Qian Dayang is also in the suitcase. At this moment, she is defenseless.

“This girl is so handsome.” The torch lit up Ye Shan’s face, and the man pointed at Ye Shan with an accent similar to Xinjiang dialect.

A cold sweat broke down Ye Shan’s back.

In those years, I often saw her father suppress the bandits, and the bandits’ nests were better. The women who came out of the bandit’s den were all haggard and inhumane.

Even if Ye Shan dies, she must not fall into the den of bandits.

But this place is too far and remote to even have a place to send a telegram.

Thinking about something in her mind, Ye Shan stood up straight and suddenly had an idea.

She can speak Japanese.

Most bandits are afraid of foreigners. Ye Shan’s appearance cannot disguise a Westerner, but can only pretend to be an Easterner. Let’s see if these bandits can let her go after stealing the money, not asking for trouble.

This is a way.

Otherwise, she probably won’t end well.

“Pretend to be Japanese, or admit that you are the young lady of Ye Du Jun’s Mansion?” Ye Shan was sweating coldly, her mind spinning quickly.

She suddenly hated her identity, she didn’t want to be Ye Shan anymore.

Ye Shan’s life was very painful.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have run from Taiyuan to this barren town thousands of miles away.

So, she made a quick decision, looked arrogant, and said a few words in Japanese.

She didn’t study Japanese seriously, she just dabbled a little, barely half a month, but it didn’t work. So half of it is Japanese, and most of it is nonsense.

“What is this **** doing?”

“I don’t know, I don’t understand.”

Ye Shan straightened her back even more, her chin raised high, with a mighty appearance, in Takahashi Xun’s Chinese words with a similar accent: “I’m from the Japanese Embassy…”

Before she finished speaking, someone suddenly gave her a sap from behind.

She was beaten all over.

“Fuck her, Japanese girl! Chopped her up to feed the dog!” Ye Shan heard a sneering voice behind her, which was cruel and cruel.

Ye Shan fell into a coma.

Speak on both sides.

After Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei eavesdropped on Ye Shan’s secret, they didn’t say anything, but they were afraid that Ye Shan would be embarrassed.

This is a very shameful thing, after all Wang Youchuan is a married man.

They drank and were in a good mood.

After eating and drinking, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei returned home.

“Wang Youchuan can handle it himself, let’s not tell Ye Dujun.” Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou agrees.

As soon as I got back, an adjutant sent a telegram.

The telegram was sent by Pingcheng. It has been translated and sent directly to Si Xingpei.

It’s not military affairs, but the old servant Zhu’s wife on Si Xingpei’s side is seriously ill.

Sister Zhu is Si Xingpei’s half mother, similar to Gu Qingzhou’s wet nurse, and has been taking care of his food and daily life.

Si Xingpei read the telegram and immediately called his adjutant: “Go prepare the plane.”

Gu Qingzhou said: “I’ll go too.”

“Of course, if you don’t say I’ll take you back, your medical skills are so good, maybe you can save Sister Zhu’s life.” Si Xingpei said.

Gu Qingzhou asked again: “What’s the disease?”

“It’s not written on the telegram, I guess it’s a disease that can’t be explained in three or two sentences.” Si Xingpei said, “Go back quickly.”

While the adjutant went to arrange the plane, Gu Qingzhou went upstairs to clean up.

In a short time, she packed out a small rattan suitcase. There were no clothes or expenses in the box, it was all medicine. These over-the-counter medicines were cured by Gu Qingzhou himself, and they were convenient to use.

Half an hour later, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei set off.

Full of Mrs. Zhu’s illness, Gu Qingzhou completely forgot about Ye Shan.

Si Xingpei doesn’t remember either.

The two returned to Pingcheng together.

Sister Zhu fell and was in a coma for two days. She was probably too tired and didn’t wake up. The doctor said it was fine, but the lieutenants and Ah Xiao couldn’t keep up and sent a telegram to Si Xingpei.

When Si Xingpei and Gu Qingzhou came back, Mrs. Zhu had already opened her eyes.

“It’s not a big problem, it’s just too much work and lack of energy and blood.” Gu Qingzhou said, “She’s old, don’t do too much work, there are so many people in the family.”

Sister Zhu’s daughter Axiao said: “I told Mu’s mother the same way, but she couldn’t take it easy… She had a fever a few days ago and asked her to go to the hospital, but she refused to go, saying Just smear some white wine on her forehead, there is no need to go to the hospital, she is afraid of injections…”

Zhu’s wife had a cold and a fever, so she fought hard to do work and broke herself down.

Knowing the whole story, Si Xingpei was greatly relieved, and Gu Qingzhou also felt relieved.

Sister Zhu was still very weak, so Gu Qingzhou said to Si Xingpei: “The school has not yet started, and Mrs. Hirano and Cai Changting have also stopped. I will stay here to take care of Sister Zhu for the time being.

Sister Zhu has always taken care of you. She is tired and I will take care of her for a few days. When you are busy, we will go to Taiyuan together. “

Si Xingpei will come back every once in a while. Since he is back this time, he must deal with some military affairs before leaving.

So, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingpei temporarily stayed in Pingcheng for half a month, completely forgetting the overheard of Ye Shan and Wang Youchuan.

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