The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 756: Support, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

Qin Lu carried the medicine box and entered the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother still held the Buddhist beads in her hand and sat on the soft couch with her eyes closed and meditative. She gently played with the Buddhist beads with her fingers and muttered something in her mouth. She was still chanting as she looked at it. However, Qin Lu knew that the Queen Mother would not be able to bear the consequences at all. Ever since the news of Xu Chengjin’s death came, the Queen Mother had been deeply stimulated and was in a daze. If she had not had some support in her heart, she would have been bedridden. get up.

Qin Lu came here today just to stabilize this support.

“Wei minister pays homage to the Queen Mother, and respectfully wishes the Queen Mother Jin’an!” As before, Qin Lu knelt down and kowtowed to the Queen Mother respectfully.

“Get up,” the Queen Mother said slowly, putting down the prayer beads and looking at Qin Lu who was struggling to get up from the ground. The Queen Mother couldn’t help but frowned, “Why have you suddenly become so old?”

Qin Lu thought about the **** severed finger on the tray, curled his lips bitterly and said: “We are all over fifty, so it is appropriate for us to be old.”

The Queen Mother’s eyes wandered around his body, and she seemed to understand something. She then smiled sarcastically: “You think that if the Xu family falls, it will inevitably involve your Qin family, don’t you?”

“Queen Mother, I have lived more than half my life, and I am no longer afraid of death,” Qin Lu said calmly, taking out the pulse pillow from the medicine box, and knelt beside the Queen Mother to diagnose her pulse. Putting his fingers on the Queen Mother’s slender wrist, Qin Lu raised his head and looked at the Queen Mother, “What’s more, hasn’t the Xu family been completely destroyed? The ministers have nothing to be afraid of.”

“What do you mean by this?” The Queen Mother was suddenly startled, and then she couldn’t suppress the ecstasy, “Is it…is it Jinghui…”

“Wei ministers came here to express their congratulations to the Queen Mother. At three o’clock today, Empress Hui concubine gave birth to the fifth prince. Long Live Lord Long Xin was overjoyed. He gave the little prince the name Ming Jun and conferred upon Empress Hui concubine the title of Concubine Hui.” Here, Qin Lu also smiled, a little pale and feeble, “With this prince, there is hope for the revitalization of Xu Clan. Congratulations to the Queen Mother!”

“Okay! Okay!” The Queen Mother was very excited, with tears in her eyes. She had never lost her composure in so many years. She wiped away her tears and looked at Qin Lu before speaking again. At this time, there was a bit of uncontrollable gratitude in his voice, “Qin Lu, Jinghui was able to successfully give birth to the little prince because of your careful care. Don’t worry, the Ai family will never treat you badly.” Yes, as for Qin Chong’s antidote, the Ai family will send it to your house.”

“Yes, I would like to thank the Queen Mother for her great kindness!” At that moment, Qin Lu kowtowed and thanked her. His forehead was pressed against the cold floor tiles, tears streaming down his face. For many years, he had been looking forward to these words from the Queen Mother. Now, The Queen Mother finally opened her mouth, but…

But where is his talent?

How can he rescue his Chong’er?

Qin Lu has never been so desperate. Even when he was looking at the severed finger in the tray, he had never been so desperate.


Prince Rong’s Mansion.


There was a table of exquisite food, which had been cooked from hot to cold. Zhong Mingzheng didn’t take a bite. He sat alone in front of the window, with the window wide open, squinting at the heavy snow outside, without any expression on his face.

“Your Majesty,” Ling Shian’s face was not very good when he came in. When he looked at Zhong Mingzheng, the expression on his face became even more subtle. He walked slowly to Zhong Mingzheng, lowered his head and whispered, “Prince Qi , the good news just came from the palace, Empress Hui concubine gave birth to the fifth prince, Long live the Lord was overjoyed, named the fifth prince Mingjun, canonized Empress Hui concubine as Huifei, the canonization ceremony…”


Before Ling Shian could finish what he said, Zhong Mingzheng had already swept the small pot of five-needle pine on the window sill to the ground. For a while, the ground was covered with broken branches and black mud.

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