The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 659: Humph, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

“Yes, I’m resigning.” Kong Wenjie couldn’t stay any longer, and his heart felt cold. It wasn’t because Fang Chengyin said “go”, it was just because he was angry with himself. Of course he He knew that this was not what Fang Chengyin wanted to hear, and he also knew that this was not what he wanted to say, but…but he just couldn’t say it! He has always thought that he is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Only now does he realize that he really has a weakness, and it is still so obvious…

He has nothing to do with anything now, and he doesn’t want to say anything. He just wants to go back and take a shower, and then lie on the kang quietly.

It’s really… so embarrassing!

“Wait!” Seeing Kong Wenjie turn around and walk away with his head drooping, Fang Chengyin suddenly shouted coldly, got off the soft couch, took a small bundle from the bedroom, and stuffed it all in one piece He walked into Kong Wenjie’s arms, his eyebrows raised, “You can get out now!”

Kong Wenjie looked at the baggage in his arms and was confused: “Miss, this is…”

“Don’t talk to me! Don’t say a word!” Fang Chengyin gritted his teeth and glared at Kong Wenjie, “You definitely don’t want to know how much I want to hit someone now!”

Kong Wenjie: “…”

He silently swallowed the words “Miss’s farewell” and then quickly rushed out of the yard with the small bundle in his arms.

A Tao came back from outside and saw Kong Wenjie running out with a look of despair on his face. He was wondering when he came into the room and saw Fang Chengyin lying on the bed with his arms and legs spread out, silently talking to each other. punching and kicking in the air.

A Tao: “…”

Did she miss something?

“Miss, what’s wrong with you?” A Tao stepped forward cautiously and asked, “I saw that the guard Xiaokong was so anxious just now…”

“Don’t mention him to me!” Before A Tao could finish speaking, Fang Chengyin’s roar arrived, “You are not allowed to call him Guard Xiaokong again in the future!”

A Tao felt his ears buzzing, and it took him a long time to react: “Then what will the slave call me from now on… Oh, no, no, no, is it Guard Kong?”

“You’re not allowed to scream anyway!” Fang Chengyin muttered, burying her face in the quilt again and saying inaudibly, “Guard Xiaokong, only I can scream like that, hum!”


Kong Wenjie quickly returned to his small courtyard with the small bundle in his arms, and then threw himself on the kang with a bang. After punching and kicking him silently for a while, he was too busy to open the door. Kong Wenjie picked up the small baggage, and then looked at a neatly folded middle coat inside, with a pheasant feather on top. Kong Wenjie stared at the pheasant feather, and suddenly remembered that day in the dense forest. Deep down, Fang Chengyin casually inserted a pheasant feather in her hair, then tilted her head and asked him——

“Am I good-looking?”

At that time, he didn’t answer. Fang Chengyin was still unhappy, thinking that he disliked her for being ugly. In fact, his heart was in turmoil. He had never seen such a beautiful girl, really never…

Kong Wenjie picked up the pheasant feather, looked at it again and again, no matter how he looked at it, he thought it looked good, and then suddenly plunged into the middle coat again. The wide men’s inner jacket was filled with something unique to women. The faint fragrance of orchids made Kong Wenjie feel like he was suffocating, but he couldn’t help but sniff hard again and again.

It smells so good.


July 20th, the 33rd year of Jiasheng Festival

Prince Rong’s Mansion.

Zhong Mingzheng had a stern face since he came out of the palace in the morning. Ling Shian looked at his expression and did not dare to say a word, so he followed him silently into the study.

“Your Majesty, please drink a cup of tea first to moisten your skin.” Ling Shi’an poured a cup of lotus heart tea and placed his hands in front of Zhong Mingzheng. , hasn’t Zou Shijie been in charge of the Ministry of Punishments in the past few years? Now that the old minister Yan has resigned and returned to his hometown, it is reasonable for the long live master to promote Zou Shijie to be the minister of the Ministry of Punishments. This has been determined a long time ago. Come on, why are you angry?”

Mr. Yan, the Minister of Punishment, has not been in good health since more than ten years ago. He persisted for a few years, but then he could no longer hold on. He had already asked Zhong Zhiheng to resign several times, but Zhong Zhiheng always treated him favorably. The old minister, who was born as a commoner, repeatedly persuaded him to stay and exempted him from going to court early in the morning. The old minister Yan persisted for a few more years, but now he really couldn’t hold on anymore. He once again begged the Lord Long Live to allow him to hang up his crown and return to his fields. Zhong Zhiheng Only then did he agree, and then he promoted Zou Shijie, the second-rank left minister of the punishment department, to the first-rank punishment minister, Zhong Mingzheng’s heart felt cold at that time.

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