The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 641: Mr. Meng, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

“I don’t know, I was walking on the road, and I felt someone following me. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to it, but the further I walked, the more I felt something was wrong, and I secretly looked behind me. I took a quick look and found that the man following behind me actually had a dagger in his hand. He looked very scary.” Gu Qingtong still felt scared thinking about the situation at that time. “Then I ran forward quickly. Fortunately, it was not far away from the market. It’s not far, and I feel more at ease when I get to a place with many people.”

“Have you seen the appearance of that gangster clearly?” Chen Qingxuan asked with a frown.

“No, I was so scared that I dared to look at his face?” Gu Qingtong shook his head, paused and said, “Although I didn’t see clearly, look at the clothes that man was wearing. , but it looks like a piece of clothing worn by Mr. Meng from Mengjiatun in the past, very ostentatious.”

Grandma Chen was startled, then looked at Gu Qingtong, frowned and said: “That stubborn donkey from Yuan Yuan’s family who once went to your house to propose marriage?”

The stubborn donkey that Grandma Chen talks about is not really a stubborn donkey, but a young man outside Yuan Meng. It’s just that this man is a bit stubborn. The housewife came in and had a bad reputation. But she fell in love with Gu Qingtong last year and insisted on taking Gu Qingtong as his concubine. Gu Qingtong was so scared that she came to Chenjiatun to hide for a while, until she heard that Mr. Meng had married someone new. Only then did Gu Qingtong dare to go home.

“Yes,” Gu Qingtong nodded, while saying with some lingering fear, “Now that I think about it, Mr. Meng is still scared to death.”

“Don’t go out alone anymore,” Chen Qingxuan said with a frown, “Just tell me where you want to go and I’ll take you there.”

“Oh, I understand.” Gu Qingtong nodded hastily. She was really frightened today.

“According to me, it’s better to get married as soon as possible,” Grandma Chen, who had been silent for a long time, muttered in a low voice, “otherwise, how can you, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, not stand out?”

“Grandma!” Gu Qingtong said in embarrassment, “I…it’s not that I don’t want to get married, but as you know, I haven’t met anyone reliable, so you can’t blame me!”

“You two, one by one, none of them are worry-free!” Grandma Chen glared at Gu Qingtong and Chen Qingxuan, removed the roots from the last piece of garlic in her hand and threw it into the basket, and then He said to Chen Qingxuan, “Qingxuan, please send it to Yatou and his family. A few days ago, Yatou said she wanted to pickle sugar garlic, but she didn’t grow it at home, so we happened to grow it.”

“Yes, I will send it to you right away.” Chen Qingxuan immediately loaded the basket full of garlic into the donkey cart and rushed towards Nanshan Villa.


Nanshan Villa.


“Sir, there is still no news from southern Xinjiang,” Pang Yi looked anxious, sitting opposite Zhong Mingwei, “After listening to my analysis a few days ago, my subordinates can feel relieved, but after such a These days, there is still no news from Chongyuan and Xiangyang, and my subordinates are really worried.”

“Not only has there been no news from Chongyuan and Xiangyang, isn’t there not even the slightest trouble in southern Xinjiang?” Zhong Mingwei took a sip of tea and looked at Pang Yi, “Something happened in southern Xinjiang. , Xu Chengjin deliberately wanted to cover it up, and this is why we have such a peaceful scene today, but the capital should also find something fishy in it, and let the capital investigate.”

“Yes, Lord Long Live has always been extremely harsh on the Xu family. He has always been eyeing Southern Xinjiang and eager to catch the mistakes. This time Lord Long Live is probably more impatient than his subordinates,” Pang Yi nodded. , but at the same time he was a little worried and said, “I just don’t know how Zhongyuan and Xiangyang are doing. I’m really worried.”

“They are no longer the teenage boys they used to be. They have been struggling in southern Xinjiang for more than ten years. Naturally, they know Xu Chengjin’s temper clearly. Saving their lives should not be a problem,” Zhong Mingwei said, while He put the tea cup down and said after a while, “What worries me is why something happened in Southern Xinjiang at this time? King Pingxi just returned to Beijing, and something happened in Southern Xinjiang. What’s going on between the two? What’s the connection?”

“Sir, you mean to say that Xu Chengjin specifically chose this juncture when King Pingxi returned to the capital to cause trouble?” Pang Yi was startled and then said hurriedly, “That’s right, after more than thirty years. Year, King Pingxi finally returned to the capital. Naturally, all the civil and military eyes of the court were staring at King Pingxi. Naturally, they had no time to pay attention to southern Xinjiang. Only then did Xu Chengjin dare to act recklessly.”

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