The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 628: She, she, she is coming, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

Before Fang Chengyin could react, her body reacted first. She walked back quickly step by step. When she came here just now, she couldn’t get enough of the mountains and rivers. Now she just hates that she can’t get in. As her wings flew away, her whole mind was empty. Even if she heard Gu Changlin calling her, she couldn’t react. Under Gu Changlin’s surprised eyes, she got on the horse without saying a word, and then rode away.

“Why did this girl leave right after arriving?” Gu Changlin shook his head at Yiqi Hongchen. Just as he was about to turn around and go in, he saw Meiya walking around the corner holding a large handful of lotus flowers. Gu Changlin Looking at the bouquet of flowers and the palm-sized smiling face of the beautiful bud behind the flowers, I couldn’t help but laugh too, “Our girl is much prettier than this lotus.”

“Sir, you are making fun of me again!” Meiya was a little embarrassed, but her eyes were bright and she was obviously in a good mood.

“It’s okay if I say you don’t believe it. Why don’t you believe what Mr. said?” Zhong Mingwei also walked over from behind the wall and said with a smile.

“Just sing and fool me like this!” Meiya hummed at the two of them, and then she ran happily towards the yard with the lotus in her arms, while still humming, “Jiangnan is beautiful When picking lotus, there are fields of lotus leaves. Fish play among the lotus leaves. Fish play with lotus leaves to the east, fish play with lotus leaves to the west, fish play with lotus leaves to the south…”

“Did you teach the girl to sing?” Gu Changlin looked at Zhong Mingwei with a smile.

“I can’t sing,” Zhong Mingwei waved his hands in a hurry, pointed towards the yard, and said with a smile, “She can stand it on her own. Every time I teach her a poem, she can memorize it twice and she can make a tune by herself. I sang it myself.”

“It sounds so good.”

“Yes, it sounds very good.” Zhong Mingwei also nodded and watched Meiya’s figure disappear behind the empty screen wall with a turn. He looked up and down at the screen wall, thinking to himself, Pang Yi needs to buy a big brush so that he can write on this wall.

“Yo! That’s a lot of fish caught!” Gu Changlin watched Kong Wenjie come over with a small half bucket of fish, leaned over to take a look, and said happily, “There are silver carp, carp, and gizzards! Stew it in a pot, it will definitely be delicious, not bad!”

“Madam just said, should you add some lotus flowers to the fish stew and try the lotus fish?” Kong Wenjie laughed and walked towards the courtyard again while facing Zhong Mingwei who was standing in front of the screen wall. Said, “Sir, have you ever eaten lotus fish?”

“No,” Zhong Mingwei shook his head and said with a smile, “Aren’t you going to eat this?”

“Not today, we have to eat pig legs today.” Gu Changlin suddenly remembered something and came over in a hurry and said, “Just now a girl came over to see Meiya and brought a wild boar leg over. It’s fresh. It’s such a hot day. If you don’t eat it, it will be ruined. Let’s not eat fish today, let’s eat pork legs!”

“What girl?” As soon as Gu Changlin finished speaking, Zhong Mingwei and Kong Wenjie became alert at the same time and looked at him together.

Meiya doesn’t know many people in Ningguta, and Zhong Mingwei has never heard her say that she is familiar with any girl, and no one has ever come to her door. In addition, these are extraordinary times, Zhong Mingwei and Kong Wenjie was naturally very nervous.

“That’s that girl. She’s very pretty. She looks even better when she smiles. You’ve never seen Mingwei, but you know Xiao Kong.” Gu Changlin raised his chin to Kong Wenjie.

Kong Wenjie thought for a long time, but was still confused: “Who is it?”

“It’s the last time we met at Zhenweizhai. At that time, you were carrying clothes for the girl,” Gu Changlin added, “You must be very familiar with the girl, otherwise how could you carry the clothes for the girl?” What? Xiao Kong, do you remember?”

“She, she, she’s here?” Kong Wenjie stuttered immediately. He looked around hurriedly, and then asked Gu Changlin, “Then where is she now?”

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