The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 443: Lotus, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

“No,” Zhong Mingwei pursed his lips, looked at Meiya, and held Meiya’s hand, “Pomegranate means having children. With such a good intention, it will naturally be loved by the concubines in the harem.”

“Oh, that’s what it means,” Meiya suddenly realized, “No wonder many of Concubine Zhao’s clothes used to be embroidered with pomegranate flowers. I was still wondering at that time, didn’t Concubine Zhao like peony and crape myrtle the most? As for flowers and plants, why do you embroider such ordinary pomegranate flowers on your clothes? So that’s the reason.”

Zhong Mingwei looked at Meiya’s dark eyes and felt a throbbing pain in his heart. After a short pause, he lowered his head and said: “Put it away. It’s time to eat. Pang Yi came from the market. I brought you bacon patties, which you like.”

Meiya’s face froze, and then she lowered her head. She didn’t say anything more, and got off the kang silently. As she went to clear away the dishes, she muttered in her heart, you remembered wrong, some people like to eat bacon patties. , but I don’t like bacon patties, not at all.

Zhong Mingwei opened the window and watched Meiya walking to the well carrying a bowl, watching her fetch a bucket of water, rinsing the dishes and chopsticks, and also looked at the bare pomegranate tree beside the well. His hands clenched into fists and he suddenly hit the pillow with a muffled sound.


After lunch, the four of them went down the mountain together. Pang Yi drove, and Zhong Mingwei, Meiya, and Gu Changlin were all sitting in the carriage. This was the first time Zhong Mingwei went down the mountain since arriving at Ninggu Pagoda. Zhong Mingwei didn’t feel it yet. No matter what, Meiya was already extremely excited. Even though there was Gu Changlin in the car, Meiya kept chattering to Zhong Mingwei.

“Have you seen, it’s this river, I always tell you,” Meiya lifted the curtains of the car and pointed to the river at the foot of the mountain outside the window and asked Zhong Mingwei, “Isn’t it quite big?”

“Yes,” Zhong Mingwei looked in the direction of her finger and nodded, “It looks like it’s flowing down from the mountain.”

“Yes, the source must be in the mountain.” Meiya’s eyes were bright. She looked at Zhong Mingwei beside her. She liked it no matter how much she looked at it. She glanced at Gu Changlin secretly and found that he was leaning against the car wall with his eyes closed to relax. Ya’s courage grew, and she quietly held Zhong Mingwei’s hand with one hand.

Zhong Mingwei was surprised. When he lowered his head, he saw the white hand holding his hand and shrinking it into the girl’s red sleeve. Zhong Mingwei felt the heat coming from the girl’s hand and the moisture in the palm. Sweating, he looked up and looked at Meiya’s hurriedly averted eyes, and couldn’t help laughing silently. He didn’t say anything, didn’t move, and just let the girl’s moist hand hold him tightly.

“Did lotus flowers grow in this river last summer?” Zhong Mingwei turned his head and asked Meiya.

“No,” Meiya thought for a moment, then shook her head decisively, “I just saw water plants growing, but I haven’t seen any lotus growing. What’s wrong? Do you like lotus?”

“Yes, I like it very much.” Zhong Mingwei looked at Meiya’s fair face, and then moved his eyes to the small dark red scar on her chin. He wanted to tell Meiya that he thought Meiya was Like a lotus flower, this girl who grew up in such a dirty place like the palace has such a pure and clear heart, which makes him feel ashamed.

But Zhong Mingwei didn’t say anything. He just gently rubbed the small dark red scar with his fingertips.

“Stop rubbing it,” Meiya was a little impatient. She swatted Zhong Mingwei’s hand away and muttered in a low voice, “I always like to rub people’s skin no matter what. It’s going to peel off for you.” .”

Zhong Mingwei lowered his head and smiled, and then looked at Jixian Bookstore right in front of him.

Chen Qingxuan was helping Grandma Chen get on the donkey cart when she heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance. Chen Qingxuan was so busy that he looked back. Sure enough, he saw Pang Yi reining in the horse and stopping the carriage next to him. before.

“Mr. Chen, where are you and grandma going?” Meiya stuck her head out of the window and asked Chen Qingxuan.

“The ground has thawed, and I have to go back to catch up with the spring plowing…” Chen Qingxuan said, looking at the bright smiling face of the beautiful girl in the window. It was so dazzling that he felt a little dazzled. He had a straight heart. It was jumping “bang bang bang”, and then he saw another man’s face appearing in the window. Chen Qingxuan’s face froze immediately. He saw Zhong Mingwei’s hand put on Meiya’s shoulder, He also watched Meiya grin at Zhong Mingwei and then sit back in the carriage obediently.

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