The Emperor’s Beloved Ugly Girl Chapter 1118: Be yourself, the fastest update of my beloved ugly girl, please give me more advice on the latest chapter!

“Girl,” Zhong Mingwei suddenly spoke after a while. He turned his face to look at Meiya and said slowly, “What did my cousin say to you that night?”

“She said…” Meiya paused as soon as she started speaking. Her mind was filled with Jinghui’s soft and relieved smile, and her ears were filled with Jinghui’s faint voice——

“His world does not lack an infatuated and stupid woman, but he should always have a relative who accompanies him to grow up and tides over difficulties with him. Girl, I will always be your and Mingwei’s cousin.”

Meiya knows the meaning of Jinghui’s words, and also knows that Jinghui has worked hard to keep this hidden joy, endured bitterness and despair for so many years. Today, Jinghui has found her sustenance, With her destination, even if this is not the best destination for her, and Zhong Mingwei, for so many years, has been the most tender and bitter tie in Jinghui’s heart, now, Jinghui has chosen to let it go completely, and Mei Ya will certainly be fulfilled. Jinghui will also try her best to make Jinghui feel free and easy in Zhong Mingwei’s heart, because Jinghui is also her cousin and a relative she wants to protect with all her heart.

“Cousin, she said that she wanted to leave the capital and return to Wutai Mountain to live a quiet life.” Meiya continued half of what she had just said with a smile, “She also said that she would never They are all our cousins ​​and will always be our relatives. Let you remember her good things and don’t feel sorry for her.”

“I will always remember her good deeds…” Zhong Mingwei said solemnly, leaning forward and leaning his head on Meiya’s body, and then closed his eyes tiredly. He didn’t say the rest of the sentence. He said it out loud, but he knew that Meiya would be able to guess it.

“Mingwei, don’t be sad,” Sure enough, Meiya said, putting her arms around the man’s back and saying softly, “My cousin knows herself better than we do, she knows what kind of life she wants to live. In life, we also know what kind of lifestyle is best for us.” After a pause, Meiya said softly, “Actually, we are sad because we know that our cousin has paid a lot for us, but we can’t do anything for our cousin. More things to do.”

Yes, how much sadness is out of guilt, and how much compensation is out of debt. Jinghui sees it clearly, so she chooses to leave, leaving her sadness and regret to Zhong Mingwei. She does not mean to punish Zhong Mingwei, She couldn’t accept the compensation from Zhong Mingwei. She had been so tired of suffering blood and blood for a man for half her life. Now, she finally jumped out of the quagmire. She just wanted to find a quiet place. Er An lived the rest of her life peacefully. She was no longer young. She no longer had extravagant thoughts or pursuits. She just wanted to be herself.

Yes, to be herself, she is no longer someone’s illegitimate daughter, someone’s shadow, or someone’s cousin. She just wants to be herself.


When Kong Wenmin returned to the small courtyard, Chen Qingxuan was reading in front of the window. Seeing him soaked to the skin and still walking leisurely in the rain, Chen Qingxuan couldn’t help but frown.

“Qingxuan, let me tell you, you are very famous now. In the past few days, my ears and outsiders have been filled with your name and your article… Oh, It’s called “The Legend of the True Dragon Emperor”,” Kong Wenmin came into the room and unbuttoned his buttons without raising his head as he said, “When your name is mentioned now, who doesn’t give a thumbs up? Who doesn’t? You are praised as the backbone of the Zhou Dynasty? Some people say that you, the top scholar, can rival Mr. Ding. Tsk, tsk, tsk…what are you doing?”

Kong Wenmin was talking enthusiastically when someone threw a handkerchief over him. He was so busy that he reached out and took it in his hand. He looked at the small puddle of water on the soles of his feet with a look of disgust on his face. , Chen Qingxuan turned around and left. Kong Wenmin immediately felt unhappy, muttering: “You just came home and you dislike me? Who are you?”

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