The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 56: Pin Jue Gong chaos, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Emperor Xianguo!

“Emperor Yan, the emperor asked me to come to you, hurry, go and save the emperor!” The Master of the Palace said with an anxious look.

Yan Chuan’s eyes widened, his sleeves flicked, and he pulled the Lord of the Palace and lased towards the south.

As soon as Yan Chuan left, all the courtiers knew that the situation was urgent.

Some courtiers are about to chase.

“No need to chase, there is Huangquan Road here, Bai Qi, you immediately go to the underworld and wait for the emperor’s call!” Gui Guzi said immediately.

“Yes, sir!”——

Yan Chuan took the Absolute Palace Master and flew quickly.

“What happened?” Yan Chuan worried.

“Originally, the emperor and I were going to open the sword hall, but the traitor Pang Tianhe did not know how to open the sword hall, and even robbed my father’s inheritance. He controlled the eighteenth and sealed my father’s will and swordsmanship. The puppet!” Absolute Palace Master said immediately.

“Pang Tianhe?” Yan Chuan thought slightly, and suddenly thought of this person.

This person was defeated by Dazhen, but Yan Chuan could see that this person was unwilling.

“Before we went back, Pang Tianhe suppressed all the palace masters of Jue Palace. Two were killed, six were imprisoned, and three of the palace masters surrendered to Pang Tianhe! Huang Gang and I went back and were caught off guard. Pang Tianhe is in ambush!” The Master of the Palace said with an ugly expression.

“Ambush? Eighteen puppets?” Yan Chuan said solemnly.

“Yes, the eighteen puppets are all my father’s will in the past. They are extremely powerful. All of them have the power of the Eleventh Heavenly Peak of the Ancestor Immortal. Together, they are even more seamless. I can’t get started at all. It’s not the emperor who saved me, I’m…!” Absolute Palace Master said bitterly.

“Where is the emperor? How is she now?” Yan Chuan said solemnly.

“I don’t know, she rescued me and asked me to come and find you. She was suppressed at the time, but she can still resist!” Absolute Palace Lord said.

Yan Chuan’s face sank.

“Go!” Yan Chuan worried.


The place of the Absolute Palace, the territory of the Absolute Palace.

For a while, the territories of Absolute Palace were dim and dark, and countless sword lights flashed in all directions of the sky and the earth, and a series of huge knives slashed down on the earth fiercely.

Sword beams shot up to the sky, and the stars in the starry sky were instantly chopped.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…………

Amid the huge impact sound, it was accompanied by countless sword qi shooting in all directions.

Eighteen puppets of swordsmen are fiercely hunting down a woman in the center.


The emperor was slightly embarrassed at the moment, and there were even some holes in his clothes, but the emperor’s sword skills were getting stronger and stronger.

In the beginning, it was severely suppressed by eighteen sword demon puppets, and now it has been able to barely parry.

“Moan!” “Moan!”………………

The more you fight, the crazier the emperor is. It seems that because of this battle, the emperor’s sword skills are constantly improving.

In the distance, the entrance to the main hall of the Absolute Palace.

Pang Tianhe looked at the distance with a group of subordinates looking ugly.

“It’s been more than half a month, why is she not tired?” Pang Tianhe’s face was extremely ugly.

The faces of the three temple masters beside them were also ugly.

“The Blue God King, no, the palace owner, this girl is too evil!” A **** palace owner worried.

“I know!” Pang Tianhe said with an ugly face.

“It’s been more than half a month. For another person, she’s already tired and unable to fight, but she is more and more courageous?”

“Furthermore, more than half a month ago, she was still being chased and killed. Now, facing the eighteen swords demon puppet, she can barely parry it?”

“Who is she?”




Everyone was worried. After all, everyone chose to betray the Absolute Palace. At this moment, if the person brought back by the Absolute Palace Lord could come back, he would be dead.

“Palace masters, do you want to help?” a disciple of Pang Tianhe called.

The expressions of the three temple masters were stern.

“Help? That is to die!”

“I dare you to say that my cultivation base will be the enemy of her with one knife. This woman is too tai!”

“Yes, that blade is too strong!”




Everyone naturally didn’t dare to rush into the battlefield. The raging sword aura of the four directions was enough for everyone to worry about.

“How could this happen? Eighteen puppets should be able to solve it instantly, how is this!” Pang Tianhe said with an ugly expression.

Everyone is anxious, and Pang Tianhe is even more anxious.

Because Pang Tianhe also saw things that others hadn’t noticed.

That’s the sword technique!

The sword technique of this woman is exactly the same as the sword technique of the Eighteen Sword Demon Golem.

The inheritance of the sword demon?

If this is the case, then, is this woman a disciple of the Sword Demon?

Thinking of the disciple of the sword demon, Pang Tianhe suddenly felt excited, because Pang Tianhe also thought of a possibility, since the sword demon has a disciple, will the sword demon be still alive?

Pang Tianhe only felt the sweat all over his body.

This is the end of the matter, Pang Tianhe can only bite the bullet and wait for the result.

“Roar!” the emperor shouted grimly.

The eighteen sword demon puppets suddenly formed a sword formation with their swordsmanship, from eighteen directions, they slashed towards the emperor.

“There is still a sword formation?” Pang Tianhe’s eyes lit up.


The sword formation that was several times higher than the previous one suddenly fell from the sky, as if the eighteen giant mountains crashed against the emperor.

The emperor hit the sky with a knife.


Unfortunately, the power of the Eighteen Swords Demon Golem is really too great.

The emperor was pressed into the ground in an instant, and between the steps on the ground, numerous cracks cracked in the ground instantly.

A long knife against the upper knife formation.

“Roar!” The Eighteen Sword Demon Puppet pressed hard.

The emperor’s right knee bent abruptly, but instead of kneeling, his right leg gradually stood straight while trembling.

But, that’s it, it can’t stop the sword formation. The ground under his feet cracks more and more, and the emperor is more and more struggling.

“Hahahahaha, good, good, good!” The three divine palace masters exclaimed excitedly.

Because at this moment, all three divine palace masters can see that the emperor is about to lose.

As long as you can’t support it in one breath, you will be crushed by the knife formation immediately.

People are looking forward to it.


In the distance, two lights and shadows flew suddenly.

“What?” Pang Tianhe’s expression changed.

Because the one who flew in the distance was not someone else, it was the Master of the Palace, and there was Yan Chuan.

“Impossible, Jue Gong and Dazhen are in the same situation, how can Yan Chuan come to help?” Pang Tianhe suddenly exclaimed.

Pang Tianhe also has detailed information about Dazhen’s fierceness during this period.

Dongwaizhou, the only two forces Pang Tianhe feared, among them was Yan Chuan.

But now, why did he come to the Absolute Palace? Still with Absolute Palace Master?

“Emperor!” Yan Chuan’s expression changed, and he was about to step forward.

“Don’t come here, I can do it!” the emperor said loudly.

“Huh?” Yan Chuan paused slightly.

Looking at the emperor, his body suddenly stopped.

“Emperor Yan, hurry, save the emperor first!” exclaimed the Lord of the Palace.

“No, the emperor can do it! I believe her!” Yan Chuan shook his head.

Yan Chuan can still remember that the emperor also has a bloodline supernatural power. When that supernatural power erupts, the emperor’s appearance will change dramatically, and his strength will skyrocket.

But now, the emperor hasn’t used that magical power. Obviously, there is no need to worry about the emperor’s safety.


The eighteen swords demon puppet madly suppressed the emperor.

All of the emperor’s body, suddenly a group of colorful sword lights flew out, and the sword lights surrounded the emperor, and the emperor’s breath was also undergoing transformation.

From the emperor’s body, a huge shock suddenly occurred.


Under the shock, the emperor’s long sword seemed to have eighteen sword gangs in an instant, and it shot at eighteen sword puppets.



The eighteen sword demon puppets were shattered and scattered in an instant. The knife array burst open.


The emperor shouted loudly, and a round blade light, like a round sun, instantly illuminates the world.

When everyone was blind, the blade of the sword flashed across the body of the eighteen sword demon puppet.


In an instant, Dao Mang cut off all the Knife Puppets.

The sword demon puppet instantly lost its spirituality and fell to the ground in mid-air.

“No, this is not true!” Pang Tianhe shouted in despair.

One knife, just one knife, eighteen swords, all the puppets cut off?

This is what Pang Tianhe is preparing to dominate the East Waizhou. Is it all solved with a single blow?

Looking at the emperor in the distance, Pang Tianhe’s eyes showed deep despair.

The emperor slashed through.

Take a deep breath, look at the corpse, and sigh for a long time: “Father, my child knows that this is your test. You left my child a puppet to sharpen the sword. Eighteen puppets have taught me a lot. I also learned everything, I did it!”

Speaking, the emperor suddenly looked at Yan Chuan.

Although he is embarrassed at the moment, the emperor’s spirit and spirit have changed again, and his eyes have become sharper. It is certain that the emperor’s strength has once again improved.

“Pang Tianhe!” The Master of the Palace said coldly.

“Palace Master, we are the bi, we are Pang Tianhe bi!” The people who had betrayed suddenly exclaimed.

“Palace Master, please be forgiving!” Pang Tianhe also shouted.

“Spare? Who will spare my life that day? Everyone must die!” Absolute Palace Master said coldly.

Speaking, with a wave of a long knife in his hand, he slashed towards everyone.


The crowd fled in horror.

The Lord of the Palace immediately chased in one direction, and the long knife quickly slashed towards Pang Tianhe.

On the other side, a cold light flashed in the emperor’s eyes, and the long knife in his hand suddenly drew a strange arc.


Except for Pang Tianhe who had been killed by the Master of the Palace, the others who fled were killed instantly.

About a thousand people were slashed with a single knife, all of them separated and fell to the ground.


The Lord of the Palace also beheaded Pang Tianhe in a sudden.

Turning his head, the Master of the Palace looked at a palace in the distance.


The palace was opened with a knife, and the prisoners inside were immediately exposed.

“Palace Master!” The prisoners were surprised.

The Absolute Palace Master instantly unlocked everyone.

“Pang Tianhe and a group of traitors are dead, you will rescue the others first!” Absolute Palace Master shouted.

“Yes!” The crowd rushed to the four directions quickly.

The Lord of the Palace returned to the side of the emperor and Yan Chuan.

“The emperor, the appearance of those puppets just now is my father!” The Master of the Palace looked at the emperor.

“My father too!” The emperor said solemnly.

The two of them looked stranger.

There was silence for a while, and the Absolute Palace Master said: “Let’s go to the Sword Hall!”

The emperor nodded. Then look at Yan Chuan. It seemed that he wanted Yan Chuan to go back, but after all he didn’t say anything. After all, he just went to ask Yan Chuan for help. Yan Chuan came all the way, but let him go back?

The emperor didn’t speak, and the absolute palace seemed to acquiesce in the relationship between the two.

The three of them walked to the intact hall not far away.

Sword Hall!

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