The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 42: As soon as the word “I” comes out, declare war on the world!, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Emperor Xianguo!

Goddess Zhichen, two tears from the stone statue!

“Ding Dong!” “Ding Dong!”

Two drops of stone like tears fell on the ground, and on the entire square, there seemed to be only two drops of tears left.

The Hundred Saints were ashamed and quiet, and tens of thousands of repairers were shocked and inexplicably.

Meng Ziqiu and other Confucian scholars all bowed to the goddess Zhichen.

Mo Yuxi, Wen Ruo, Wang Su, Yi Feng and others all watched this scene in astonishment.

The stone statue is crying? Can a stone statue cry? Can the stone statues feel the great sadness?

On the bucket platform.

Sima Yuntian also watched the two tears fall. Seeing the tears of the goddess Zhichen, Sima Yuntian suddenly showed a wry smile on his face.

Just two tears have already told everything. Turning his head, staring at the calligraphy and painting in front of him.

As soon as the nine characters of ‘bitter’ came out, the calligraphy and painting were perfect.

The creature is charcoal, it’s a picture of creatures being charcoal.


The sky, the tribulation cloud formed by Sima Yuntian’s painting, was suddenly pressed back by a large force, and instantly retracted into the scroll.

Draw? The situation has changed suddenly!

The original draw of the fight was a winner, and Sima Yuntian’s painting was weirdly defeated!

As for the “Book”, let alone, although Sima Yuntian’s “Book” may not be inferior to Yan Chuan, but in the scene before him, the two tears of the goddess Zhichen and the shame of Hundred Saints have already told everything. .

“The goddess Zhichen, created all souls in the world, the mother of all souls was infected by the nine sufferings of Yan Chuan?”

“Stone statues can shed tears, this calligraphy and painting are too sad!”

“Hundred Saints are ashamed, the goddess shed tears!”




The eyes of the cultivators gradually became clear. Yan Chuan and Sima Yuntian’s articles exceeded everyone’s identification limit, but all of this is easy to handle, because everyone can see it, and who is more at this moment. Winner.

Yan Chuan!

Yan Chuan’s Nine Sufferings and Sad Fu! Formed a huge reversal! Not only did he overpower Sima Yuntian in the article, he also raised the painting of Mr. Wen Ruo to a higher level.

Win! Yan Chuan won!

Yan Chuan, two wins, one defeat and one draw!

Sima Yuntian, two defeats, one win and one tie!

Standing on the platform, Yan Chuan stared at the goddess Zhichen in a daze.

“I don’t know about the ancient catastrophe. This is my feelings after hearing what the goddess said. I wrote this article. I don’t know how different it is from the ancient catastrophe, but I can feel the disaster of the ancient catastrophe, goddess, I don’t I know how you turned the tide back then. The world is in disaster. I am a part of this world. If I am strong, I will not let history repeat itself. If I am strong, I should defend our world!”

Yan Chuan was grateful and looked at the goddess statue silently with exclamation.


The sky suddenly exploded, Fengshence suddenly swayed strongly, and the golden light that enveloped Sima Yuntian was instantly absorbed into Fengshence and gathered to Yanchuan in an instant.


No others need to judge, Fengshence has already decided the final victory!

Yan Chuan’s nine bitter essays can feel the world, win and lose, and deserve it!

Sima Yuntian watched the golden light disappear and stretched out his hand to catch, but once the golden light was gone, he didn’t return at all. Sima Yuntian showed a hint of bitterness.

In turn, Sima Yuntian looked at Yan Chuan again.

There is no jealousy, only a fighting spirit, a fighting spirit not to admit defeat!

In the light world.

Meng Lingtian and his five disciples watched the Tianshou Conference quietly in the screen.

“What a great Sima Yuntian!” Meng Lingtian frowned and sighed.

“What a shit, didn’t I defeat Yan Chuan? The goddess shed tears, and the goddess actually shed tears because of this!” Dongfang decently yelled.

Meng Lingtian did not blame the rudeness of the Eastern Decent. At this moment, Meng Lingtian was also horrified by these two top articles.

“It’s been a long time, a long time, it’s been a long time since there has been an article of this level. A hundred sages of literature, the goddess of sorrow and tears? What a great!” Meng Lingtian exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s amazing!” The three disciples behind him nodded.

“Unfortunately, neither of these people belong to my Julu Academy!” Meng Lingtian smiled bitterly.

Meng Rongrong looked at Yan Chuan in the picture. After Yan Chuan finished writing the article, he had been looking at the goddess Zhichen, his eyes were full of compassion. With that expression, Meng Rongrong was confused. Biting her lip, Meng Rongrong’s expression lightened slightly–

Tianshou Square, above the bucket platform.

As the tens of thousands of repairers were amazed, Yan Chuan looked at the goddess Zhichen and sighed slightly.

In turn, Yan Chuan looked at Sima Yuntian.

Although the seventy-two disciples looked sad, Sima Yuntian gave a free and easy smile. It seemed that he didn’t care about losing the qualifications of Fengshen Ce.

“The taste of defeat, hahahaha, it’s been a long time since I realized it!” Sima Yuntian said freely.

“I live in Yanchuan by the East China Sea. Mr. Sima has free time in the future and can come to my place at any time, Oriental City of Worry-Free, always know my news!” Yan Chuan solemnly said.

Sima Yuntian looked at Yan Chuan, nodded and said: “Mr. Yan, I will remember you, this battle, I am convinced that I lose, but I will still look for you, when my style of writing gets better, I will definitely Come to you!”

“The door of Yan’s house is wide open, please wait anytime!” Yan Chuan held his hands to Sima Yuntian.

Sima Yuntian smiled slightly, and also made a hug!


With a flick of his big sleeve, Sima Yuntian stepped off the platform.


“Teacher, we lost!”

“Teacher! What should I do?”




The seventy-two disciples came forward one after another, each with grief on their faces. They were defeated. My teacher has not been defeated for so many years, but today he was defeated? The persistence in the heart collapsed, and everyone showed sadness.

“Hahahahaha, it’s nothing, you lose once, and you will win back next time, let’s go!” Sima Yuntian said freely.

“Yes!” The disciples nodded one after another.

Following Sima Yuntian, everyone slowly left Tianshou Square.

In this battle, Yan Chuan became the biggest winner.

Tens of thousands of repairers watched Sima Yuntian, no one stayed, and no one stopped him, so they watched Sima Yuntian slowly leave.

The sun rises from the east, and Sima Yuntian leads his disciples to face the sun and leave.

A great sage, seventy-two disciples, with a prosperous style of writing, walked towards the morning sun, leaving a long back.


The sky, Fengshence gradually became smaller, and gradually turned into a one-foot scroll, slowly falling towards Yan Chuan’s palm. On the Fengshen Strategy, a golden dragon of Qi Luck surrounded, and gradually flew into the Fengshen Strategy.


The golden dragon roared cheerfully. Yan Chuan’s strategy of enshrining the gods is different from the past dynasties. There is still a quarter of luck from the Julu Academy.

Mo Yuxi, Yi Feng and others all smiled excitedly.

Wang Spider frowned in thought.

Mr. Wen Ruo showed a bit of bitterness.

Fengshence is getting closer and closer to Yan Chuan, and he will soon be caught.

“Stop, Fengshen Strategy is not something you can have!”

Suddenly, there was a loud shout in Tianshou Square.

Everyone’s face changed, who? Who dares to disrupt the Heavenly Convocation Conference at this time?


Gu Yue Shengzi brought Chang San and others to the Tianshun Plaza again.

“Gu Yue, what are you doing?” Mo Yuxi stared.

Wen Dou just now, Haoran’s righteousness is too strong, Wanxian Pilgrimage Fu has formed a new world, so outsiders see it very vaguely, Gu Yue Shengzi did not see the internal scene, but saw Sima Yuntian Leaving, knowing that the outcome was determined, suddenly flew over.

“Yan Chuan, this sacred policy is not something you can have!” Gu Yue Shengzi said coldly.

Standing alone on the fighting platform, Yan Chuan looked at Gu Yue Shengzi, with a faint smile and said: “The defeated general, dare to let go of the words?”

“Huh? What did you say?” Gu Yue Shengzi suddenly shouted.

“Where to come, where to go back, Fengshence is mine, no one can think about chasing hands!” Yan Chuan stared.

A cold sentiment directed at Saint Gu Yue, his face changed, and even if he was beaten in public by the emperor before, now Yan Chuan wants to hit me in the face too?

Waiting for Gu Yue Shengzi to get angry.

The void suddenly appeared with a loud noise.

“What a big tone!”


Five words, like a sky thunder blasting out, bombing everyone’s heart, almost everyone is stunned.

Meng Ziqiu, Le Yi and others all had their faces sinking, showing solemn expressions one by one.

Yan Chuan narrowed his eyes.


In the distance, the sun suddenly illuminates a huge golden beam of light. In the golden beam, a huge breath gushes out. As soon as the breath comes out, a huge pressure comes and presses on the entire square.

A strong breath, surging.

Yi Feng suddenly couldn’t stand it anymore, Mo Yuxi waved his hand and stood in front of Yi Feng.

Yan Chuan stood quietly on the platform, his eyes cold.

On the other side, Meng Ziqiu frowned and took a step.

Among the golden light pillars, a man in a golden Taoist robe suddenly appeared. The man floated in the air, exuding an aura of reigning over the world.

“Welcome father!” Gu Yue Shengzi said excitedly.

Among the pillars of golden light, it was Dao Maou who descended!

The pinnacle figure in the world, Maori Daojun!

“I have seen Daojun Uri!” countless cultivators gave a respectful salute.

Yan Chuan did not salute, but looked at it coldly, and continued to grasp Fengshence between his hands.

“Asshole, in front of the Dao Monarch, do you dare to be presumptuous?” Dao Monarch Mao Ri suddenly drank.

Mo Yuxi’s face changed, because Mo Yuxi could see it, Dao Mao pointed at Yan Chuan, Mo Yuxi’s expression was anxious, and he was about to step forward.

Meng Ziqiu spoke first.

“Daoist Mao, do you want to break the 50,000-year rule and start destroying the Tianshou Conference?” Mencius said in his eyes.

Mengzi Qiu Xiu is not as good as Maori Daojun, but Julu Academy has its own heritage and its own extraordinary. Naturally it is impossible to succumb to Dao-jun Uri now.

“Mencius Qiu, I didn’t break the rules. I have my share of this sacred policy!” Daojun Mao in Jinguang said lightly.

“Oh?” Mencius’s face sank.

“Wenruo, come on!” Daojun Mao suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, almost everyone’s eyes turned to Mr. Wen Ruo.

Mr. Wen Ruo showed a bit of bitterness on his face.

Guyue Shengzi suddenly laughed: “Wen Ruo, tell everyone, are you helping my father fight for the gods, or are you helping Yan Chuan fight for the gods?”

When Saint Child Gu Yue asked, almost everyone was surprised.

Mr. Wenruo?

Although Daojun Uori did not sign a life card, Mr. Wenruo’s contribution to Yan Chuan’s victory was due to Mr. Wenruo’s position. If it is said that Daojun Uori was fighting for it, it is a bit far-fetched, but After all, Daojun Uri has a moral righteousness.

The audience was quiet, and Mr. Wenruo was bitterly pushed to the top of the wave.

Wen Ruo looked at his frowning father and smiled bitterly.

Wen Ruo looked at Mo Yuxi and smiled bitterly.

Wen Ruo looked at Yan Chuan with a bitter expression. This is why Wen Ruo didn’t want Yan Chuan to win.

Yan Chuan stared at Wen Ruo, Wen Ruo closed his eyes, and he was suffering in his heart.

“Wenruo!” Daojun Mao said solemnly.

Wen Ruo opened his eyes, glanced at Yan Chuan guiltily, and said bitterly: “I am here to fight against the Daoist Maori!”


Suddenly shocked all around, looking at Mr. Wen Ruo one by one, all showing contempt.

The Dao Monarch Maori took the arrogance, and the practitioners did not dare to criticize it, but today’s battle was completely won by Yan Chuan. At this time, did Hou face robbing the gods?

Wen Ruo looked sad and inexplicable at the point of Wanfu, and only smiled bitterly.

Meng Ziqiu looked at his son complicatedly, feeling mixed.

Yan Chuan looked at Wen Ruo, but suddenly smiled: “Mr. Wen Ruo!”

Yan Chuan spoke, and Tianshou Square suddenly fell silent. After all, Yan Chuan is today’s protagonist, and the person involved is about to be seized by Daojun Uori. Everyone had their hearts in Yan Chuan, but they had to surrender to Lord Uri.

The persecution of Daojun Mao is like forcing all Confucianists to give up their dignity. But I really can’t resist!

The power of Daojun Uri has long been a legend. One of the top group of people in the world.

The oppression of Daojun Mao and Mr. Wen Ruo’s betrayal, everyone looked at Yan Chuan with empathy. I don’t know what Yan Chuan is going to say.

“Master Yan, I’m sorry for you!” Mr. Wen Ruo said bitterly.

Looking at Mr. Wen Ruo, Yan Chuan did not wait for the accusation, but saw Yan Chuan smile slightly.

“Mr. Wenruo, you owe me again!” Yan Chuan suddenly smiled.

I owe it again. Last time it was Immortal City. Yan Chuan and Mr. Wen Ruo played against each other. Yan Chuan deliberately did not lose Wen Ruo. Wen Ruo owed Yan Chuan once. This time, Wen Ruo turned his back and owed Yan Chuan again. .

Wen Ruo showed a bit of bitterness and solemnly paid a salute to Yan Chuan, expressing deep guilt.

Yan Chuan understands that Wen Ruo was also referred to by the Maori Daojun. As for the content, although Yan Chuan does not understand the content, he can also feel that a person who regards Mingjie as his life is actually in front of the world. The face-to-face backlash shows that he has something more important than fame and is being held by Daojun Uori.

“Yan Chuan, give me Fengshence!” Daojun Mao said lightly.

The tone is full of majesty of contempt for everything.

Yan Chuan looks at the Maori Daojun in the golden light! With a slight smile, a trace of hideousness flashed in his eyes.


Suddenly grasped the Fengshen Ce in the air.

“I want to threaten me with a virtue and law?” Yan Chuan stared.

For the first time, in front of outsiders, Yan Chuan changed his name to ‘I’. Although the word ‘I’ is simple, the meaning of inclusion is very strong.

As soon as the word ‘I’ comes out, it means that Yan Chuan has made all preparations and is ready to face the world!

As soon as the word “I” comes out, declare war on the world! (To be continued)

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