The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 111: Pan Sheng Sacrifice, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Emperor Xianguo!

Underworld, Nanwaizhou!

In the mouth of an abyss, countless demons suddenly appeared, surrounding the rock clan in the center.

Pan Jia and his brothers stood at the entrance of a palace, staring coldly at the head of the opposite demon.

Two powerful men holding a scepter, each wearing a gray robe, have a high above, ignorant attitude in their eyes.

West High Priest, North High Priest.

“People from the evil world?” Pan Jia said solemnly.

“Any man, dare to provoke my evil world?” The West High Priest’s eyes were cold.

The scepter in his hand is raised suddenly.

“At the end of the sun!” The West High Priest shouted.


A black beam of light emerged from the head of the West High Priest’s scepter and flew towards the opposite side.

“Huh!” Pan Yi snorted coldly, shaking his body.


Broken through the black light, instantly appeared in front of the West High Priest.

The West High Priest’s face changed. how come? In a hurry, he can only quickly swing his scepter to resist.


Pan Yi punched, powerful, even if the West High Priest had already defended, it was too late. He punched out, and Pan Yi flew out suddenly and flew out ten miles away.

“What?” The Northern High Priest’s face sank.

“Thank you? You are looking for the wrong place!” Pan Yi said coldly.

“Kill, kill me!” The West High Priest grabbed his stomach and scolded angrily.

“Looking for death!” Pan Jia snorted coldly.


The strong people of the Panshi clan swarmed up and rushed towards the crowd.

“Boom!” The battle started.

Yangjian, Nanwaizhou.

Lian Shen sits and looks at the world. News from the Quartet came together quickly.

Suddenly, Lian Shen seemed to feel something and looked at the intersection of Huangquan.

The West High Priest came in a panic.

“Huh?” Lian Shen’s face sank, and his hand squeezed out a lotus seal, and immediately pulled the Western High Priest in the distance to the front.

The West High Priest only felt a change in his surroundings, and he immediately arrived in front of the Lotus God.

“Lord, there was an accident in the underworld conquest, and the Great Priest of the North was hit hard. Our steps have all stopped. Please the Lord to reinforce it!” The High Priest West said with a bitter expression.


“The subordinates found out, they belong to the Panshi clan, and they have sixteenth heavenly powerhouses!” The West High Priest said with a bitter expression.

“The Rock Clan?” Lian Shen frowned.

On the side, the king of Hades opened his mouth and said: “Lord, the rock clan used to be stationed in Yangjian Dongwaizhou. It was expelled by Yan Chuan not long ago. I can’t think of it in the underworld!”

“Sixteenth Heaven? Is that the one who chased and killed the people of the Great World last time?” Lian Shen said solemnly.

“My lord, please help my lord!” The High Priest West pleaded.

Underworld, the rock family.

Pan Jia looked at countless corpses in all directions, his face gloomy.

“Something is going to happen!” Pan Jia said solemnly.

“Brother, we won, what happened?” Pan Xin asked puzzledly.

“We are being calculated!” Pan Jia’s face was gloomy.


“Someone deliberately provoked the hatred between us and Lian Shen. The goal has been achieved. Although we have defeated a group of demons, there will be a steady stream of demons coming, more and more!” Pan Jia’s face turned. gloomy.


“If it was in the past, it is just when God is recovering!” Pan Jia frowned.

“Then, what should I do now?” Everyone was anxious.

“Death to the death to defend the abyss, waiting for God to recover!” Pan Jia said solemnly.

“Yes!” everyone responded.

The abyss guarded by the Rock Clan is a **** hole. Inside the big hole, there are endless quiet springs.

In the depths of the endless secluded spring, at this moment, there is a black wooden coffin sinking at the bottom. On top of the coffin, countless runes, the mouth of the coffin is opened, and there seems to be a huge black hole inside. The black hole rotates, and it is endless. The secluded spring.

On the side stood a strong rock clan, just Pan Sheng.

Pan Sheng was the first person from the Rock Clan that Yan Chuan encountered. When he killed his father-in-law Zhen Xiong in the past, he encountered the same beast. Pan Sheng was going to deceive the same beast from Yan Chuan, but he did not succeed in the end.

Later, he was dispatched by the Panshi clan to go to the underworld to pay attention to the awakening of the generals.

Looking at the dark coffin, there was a slight bitterness.

“It’s a pity, it would be great if I got the same beast. Since I can’t get the same beast to replace me, then this can only be fate!” Pan Sheng said bitterly, looking at the dark coffin.

With a wry smile, Pan Sheng bowed respectfully to the dark coffin.

“God, life is created by you. Dedicating your body is what I take for granted, and it is my greatest honor. I only hope that God will have mercy on the rock clan, rock clan, always loyal to God, and hope for God after he recovers with my body. Treat them as real people, not tools or magic weapons. Pan Sheng begs!” Pan Sheng kowtoed at the black coffin.


The black coffin quaked, as if urging it.

Pan Sheng took a deep breath, walked to the mouth of the coffin, and slowly lay down in the coffin. In an instant, the black hole in the coffin instantly submerged Pan Sheng.


Pan Sheng suddenly showed a painful color, and the entire body was undergoing huge distortions. The original bald head was also rapidly growing hair, and his figure was shrinking.

“Ah!” cried out in pain.


The coffin cover aside, flew out of thin air, and closed it suddenly.

The pitch-black coffin suddenly absorbed the breath of the quiet spring from all directions fiercely.

The billowing yin air whizzed in, sucked in, sucked in frantically.

Under the fierce extraction, the entire territory trembles.

Not only the territory of the Panshi clan, the surrounding sea, and the entire South Outer Continent are trembling fiercely.

The vast territories, the secluded springs under the earth, seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

The general will wake up and take in the breath of the secluded spring of a continent!


Nanwaizhou in the underworld, countless cultivators looked around blankly.

At this moment, once again, a large number of powerful men in the evil world are coming straight into the underworld, and rushing towards the rock clan.

More and more demons, more and more big demons, swarmed.


Endless murderous aura is brewing outside the Rock Clan.

The billowing demon, as if carrying all the anger of the great evil world, pouring down.

The huge movement quickly alarmed countless powerhouses in the underworld.

Underworld, Daqin City.

The zombie Yan Chuan got the news and walked out of the central hall and looked at the rock family in the distance.

Xiwaizhou, the land of the great good world.

The imperial grandmaster held the sword of the sky peach, staring coldly at Nanwaizhou.

Beiwaizhou. Chujiang Diankou.

The ancestor of Styx seemed to feel something, stepped out of the hall, and looked south.

In Yang, Yan Chuan and Mo Yuxi stood at the entrance of the hall, and Yan Chuan’s expression was slightly condensed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nanwaizhou in the underworld, the world is shaking, and the general is about to wake up!” Yan Chuan said solemnly.

ps: I don’t know any dead person in the community that keeps playing songs, loud speakers, and replaying ‘Love fights to win’. After finally taking a break, it rang again. The magic sound goes through the brain, watching chess and touching the keyboard, you will win only if you are full of brains and hard work, 囧!

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