The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 94: Pharmacist Lin!

Lin Dong’s time on this side is still short, and he has not formed his own killing badge, but it will not take too long for this thing to be formed. Lin Dong estimates that his killing badge may suppress some of his strength!

In the Xingyan Continent, Lin Dongzhu killed many powerful people. Later in the Lingyuan Realm, Lin Dong also killed many powerful people. Among them, there were many immortal emperor level experts and immortal emperor peak. The strong! It is impossible for the killing badge to be as low as possible.

Lin Dong is still very strong in the Lingyuan Realm, but he caught so many strong men and killed so many strong men by a trick!

“Big brother, do you think I can become the star king? Hee hee, sister, I will help you beat the bad guys when the time comes.” Jin Wu said very happily.

Although there is no money, there is only a little bit of rice in the rice tank, but Jin Wuman still laughs all the way. Jin Wuyi, the sister, can’t laugh a bit. There is no gain today, even if Lin Dong is allowed to leave the two of them. It will be able to hold on for one more day.

Thinking of his parents, Jin Wu relied on everything. Without the strength, he couldn’t even keep his own food. However, it is not easy to improve his strength. Jin Wu relied on the exercises taught by his parents, but he didn’t have any time to practice.

Moreover, Jin Wuyi knows that the exercises taught by his parents are just the most common exercises, and the effect is very ordinary. It is good to be able to practice to level seven or eight. It is very likely that you will not be able to reach level nine, let alone become a star king. The strong!

“Big brother, we are here!” Jin Wuman smiled and jumped off the big ant. The land on this side belongs to their home. The land is actually not small, but there is no crops. There are no crops at all. They have land where they can grow crops, but they have been occupied by others after their parents died.

Jin Wuyi and the two sisters can only try their best to find something that can be exchanged for food from the wasteland on this side. Sometimes they can hunt small animals, sometimes they can dig up valuable ore from the location, and sometimes they can find it. Some herbs.

“Sister, I can definitely find something.” Jin Wuman said softly and bounced around looking for it.

“Brother Lin, I have something to tell you.” Jin Wu relied on Lin Dong and said softly, “If I can’t find something today…I want Xiaoman to eat for two more days. I cry when I’m still hungry.”

Lin Dong smiled slightly: “Xiaoyi, don’t worry, today we will definitely have a good harvest, today we will not eat porridge for dinner.”

Jin Wu didn’t believe it, but she didn’t refute Lin Dong either.

“Xiaoyi, according to the conditions on your side, there should be a lot of herbs growing.” Lin Dongdao.

As a pill-level alchemist, Lin Dong can refine countless pills and know the habits of countless kinds of medicinal materials!

The land on their side of Jin Wuyi is a wasteland. However, if the conditions are right, it is possible to grow precious herbs in the wasteland!

“Brother Lin, are you a pharmacist?” Jin Wuyi’s eyes lit up. For the sake of living, she taught herself to know some herbs, but the level of this aspect must be very different from that of a professional pharmacist. She is here. She also found some herbs, but she didn’t recognize many of them. Although some of them were considered to be herbs, she didn’t know the specific methods of picking the herbs and they were damaged.

Lin Dong nodded slightly: “Is it a pharmacist!”

Alchemists and pharmacists are still very different, but they have a deep understanding of medicinal materials.

Without divine consciousness, eyesight is just ordinary people’s eyesight at the moment. It is not easy to find, but with Lin Dong’s rich experience, he still found a herb in the past ten minutes. This is just a plant that can be refined. Low-priced medicinal herbs, but if you sell them, there shouldn’t be any problems in exchange for ten or twenty catties of grain.

“Xiaoyi, look, this is the windward grass. I heard you say that the price should be exchanged for ten or twenty catties of grain. When picking it, you must pay attention to it. It must be together with the soil, otherwise it won’t take half an hour. It will lose its medicinal power and no price.” Lin Dong pointed to a grass.

Jin Wuyi looked carefully, and there were the same grasses all around: “Brother Lin, are these also windward grasses? There are many such grasses on this side!”

“Those are not anymore…you see, the roots of the windward grass are light red. These are just ordinary weeds.” Lin Dongdao.

Jin Wuyi saw that it was so, and her eyes suddenly showed disappointment: “It’s just one plant, this is not enough, Brother Lin, you just said that it can be exchanged for about ten or twenty catties of grain, in fact, it can only be exchanged. To one or two catties.”

“So dark?”

Jin Wuyi nodded helplessly: “The medicinal material merchants here are very black-hearted, and they usually only pay one tenth of the price! But one or two catties is good, one or two catties of rice, we insist on making rice porridge for two days. No problem!”

“Xiaoyi, you don’t believe me.” Lin Dong smiled. He pointed to a large piece of grass not far away. “Look, there is a windward grass there, which has a habit of gathering together. It grows at intervals. Generally, there is no windward grass within three meters of a windward grass, but there is a second one within five meters!”

Jin Wuyi went to the place where Lin Dong pointed out, and he quickly found another windward grass with light red roots.

“Brother Lin, how did you find so many grasses?” Jin Wuyi said in surprise. There are hundreds of the same grasses here.

Jin Wuman came to the side and listened carefully. Lin Dong smiled and said: “It’s actually very simple to say, but you guys can’t find it easily.”

Lin Dong said and pointed to another place six or seven meters away: “Look there, do you see any difference?”

Jin Wuyi and Jin Wuman both stared attentively. After a while, Jin Wuyi said in surprise, “Big Brother Lin, do the leaves of the windward grass never turn over? There is a grass leaf that has not been turned over.”

“Yes, Xiaoyi, you are very knowledgeable in this respect.” Lin Dong smiled and said, indeed, as Jin Wuyi said, the leaves of windward grass will not roll. This is simple to say, but many of them are strong. Many characters can’t be found.

Jin Wu rubbed his eyes and said, “Sister, why do I only see them move, and I can’t see which leaf does not turn over.”

“It’s okay, it’s fine if A sister can see it.” Jin Wuyi comforted.

Jin Wuyi quickly searched for it on her own. Not long after, her somewhat sour eyes lit up, and she found a grass that was different from others. When she went to look at the roots, it turned out to be light red. This is windward grass, isn’t it Ordinary weeds.

“Big Brother Lin, I can find it!” Jin Wuyi was pleasantly surprised. For the first time in this period of time, she was full of strong confidence in life again. Lin Dong found that it was Lin Dong’s ability. She found it, at least in the future. Can guarantee that they will be served.

“Very good.”

Lin Dong smiled, his eyes fell on a piece of withered grass, and Jin Wuyi harvested the herb he had just obtained and hurriedly approached Lin Dong.

“Xiaoyi, look here, the grass is withered, the area is small, there is no water around, there are small holes in the ground, there are light gray marks, there are no small bugs…Here there are traces of crushed grass, and there is a mark on the ground. A little bit of warmth, it is possible that a small red snake is hidden here, the value of the red snake is a hundred times higher than the wind grass!” Lin Dongdao.

Jin Wuyi wanted to turn the soil over here as soon as his eyes lit up. Lin Dong quickly stopped him and said, “Xiaoyi, the red snakes are not caught like this. They are very poisonous. May be bitten by it.”

Lin Dong looked around and quickly found a kind of lavender flower: “Remember this kind of flower, they are the nemesis of the red snake. Basically there is this kind of flower where there is a red snake, but why? Be exquisite in use!”

“Is there a fire?”

Jin Wuyi hurriedly handed over a HuoZiZi, Lin Dong smiled bitterly in his heart, now it is really useless, and I have to use the HuZiZi to light a fire.

Successfully lit the fire, and Lin Dong burned the small flower to ashes and then called Jin Wuyi and the others to withdraw for several meters.

“The ashes after being burned have a huge attraction to the red forged snakes. They can’t resist this attraction. They will eat the ashes, and the ashes can quickly make them fall asleep.” Lin Dongdao.

As soon as Lin Dong’s voice fell, Jin Wuyi and the others saw a scarlet snake with the length of the chopsticks. As soon as it appeared, it immediately crawled to the burned ashes, quickly ate the ashes, and had not yet climbed. Back in the cave, the little red refining snake stood upright.

“You can grab it now. After grabbing it, put it in a transparent jar. Remember, don’t leave small holes for it to breathe. It will not die for a month or two. If you leave a small hole, it will wake up. It emits strong heat, and ordinary bottles can’t fit.” Lin Dongdao.

Jin Wuyi nodded earnestly, but Jin Yiman’s eyes turned around. She was also interested at first, but now she is not very interested in this. In her opinion, A sister can learn it. I don’t need to know.

“Sister, there is a jumping rabbit there, watch me catch it!” Jin Wuman’s eyes lit up and immediately rushed to a bush, where there is indeed a rabbit-like animal, but this one in the Shura world Leaping rabbits have sharper teeth ~ ~ They bite people, and they don’t just eat grass, they don’t mind if they have meat.

“Little man, be careful!” Jin Wuyi hurriedly said. She was worried about Jin Wuman, but the jumping rabbit is not too risky for Jin Wuman. Of course, it is not easy for Jin Wuman to win the jumping rabbit. .

“Xiaoyi, why don’t you make a move? Your strength is much stronger than Xiaoman, you should be able to win it easily.” Lin Dongdao.

Jin Wuyi was a little surprised. Lin Dong knew so much about medicinal herbs, why didn’t he know such a simple thing?

“Big Brother Lin, jumping rabbits are very sensitive, and they run quickly! It feels that Xiaoman has little threat and will not run away. Xiaoman may catch her, but if I shoot it, he will run away soon. Can’t catch it.”

“Brother Lin, you must be a child of a big family. You have learned a lot of pharmacology, but these little common sense are not clear.”

Lin Dong shook his head slightly: “I’m not a child of a big family, but I do know little about these little common sense, you can teach me more!”


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