The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 91: I’m free tonight!

  Opening the jade box, Lin Dong took out the Seven Love Flower. Suddenly, both he and Qin Yan’s Gu worms were affected.


   Gu worm proceeded along the blood vessels to the position of Lin Dong and their throat, and then got out of the neck. Amazingly, the gu worm got out, and Lin Dong and their muscle skin were not damaged.


   The same life gu worm, like the treasure of the master, can travel through muscles and skin freely, but it can’t travel long distances.


   “Yan’er, don’t kill me.” Lin Dong said quickly. She wanted to kill the Gu worm as soon as it got out. Although it didn’t hurt the skin, Qin Yan felt a little bit like the worm crawling out of the body. Creepy!


   “This thing is very poisonous, I am useful.” Lin Dongdao, the current of the fire element has increased a lot now, the toxicity is the first to appear, but the improvement is not easy, and now it is more behind!


The    Tongming Zimu Gu can be refined and refined, and it should be very horrible and poisonous. Take a little less each time. This thing is a tonic for Lin Dong, which can increase his toxicity a lot!


   “You don’t know how to eat this thing, if you do, don’t kiss me for a year.” Qin Yan hummed lightly.


   Lin Dong shook his head: “This thing is disgusting, my taste is not that unique. Its toxins can be extracted, and if the toxins are purified, the toxins are absorbed… If you still can’t accept it, come and let me kiss you first. One is enough, hehe!”


   “I’m too lazy to care about you.”


   Qin Yan said that he hurried out of the room. This is Zhou Mengyao’s princess mansion, so she shouldn’t kiss Lin Dong here.


   Lin Dongshi Shiran out of the room, Zhou Xian has already left, but Zhou Mengyao is still there, and various etiquettes are being taught at the moment. The princess’s etiquette is still different from that of the emperor.


   Seeing Lin Dong coming, Zhou Mengyao looked at Lin Dong pitifully. Those etiquettes are really troublesome to learn. She can gain a lot of knowledge in a short time, but understanding and being able to do it are two different things.


  ”When will he take the throne?” Lin Dong smiled lightly. He felt a little dreamy. One of his women was actually going to be an emperor, and she was also an emperor of a holy land-level force like the Great Zhou Dynasty!


   There were also emperors on the earth in the previous life, but they are weaker than the emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty! The population of Panlong City of the Great Zhou Dynasty was one billion, and the entire Great Zhou Dynasty had a population of tens of hundreds of billions!


   The population of the entire earth is billions, and the population of the Great Zhou Dynasty is ten thousand times that of the earth!


  ”Nine days later.” Zhou Mengyao said, the new emperor’s ascent to the base usually requires at least half a year to prepare, but things are urgently needed. Now the Great Zhou Dynasty desperately needs the new emperor to ascend the throne!


   Zhou Mengyao said apologetically: “Lin Dong, our relationship has to be kept secret for the time being.”




   Lin Dong smiled slightly. This is normal. People are probably not happy that the new emperor has a man, and he still shares a man with other women.


   “Thank you, Lin Dong, this is my responsibility. When the Zhou Dynasty is restored and a suitable continuation of the throne appears, I will give up the throne. How about going around the world with you?” Zhou Mengyao was a little longing for authenticity. Some people like the throne and power, but Zhou Mengyao actually doesn’t like it very much. If she can, she really wants to give this to others.


   Lin Dong smiled and nodded: “Naturally!”


   If Zhou Mengyao likes to be an emperor, Lin Dong also supports him, but he still prefers Zhou Mengyao not to be greedy for power and like to follow him.


   “I’m free in the evening.” Zhou Mengyao’s voice rang in Lin Dong’s mind, her face turned red. The experience of that time traveling through the clouds made Lin Dong know the taste, and it was also very attractive to Zhou Mengyao. Li, anyway, I’m sure I’m Lin Dong’s person, it’s better to let go. Lin Dong estimates that I won’t be staying in Panlong City for long, and I don’t know when I will see you later!


   Lin Dong’s eyes lit up, Zhou Mengyao’s body has a strong attraction to him, training is to work hard, but after training, it’s good to relax…


   “I will definitely come, hehe!”


   Lin Dong’s voice, his eyes became a lot hotter, and he wanted to swallow Zhou Mengyao right away.


   “Laughter, hurry up and don’t let people find out, go with your words.” Zhou Mengyao said.


   Lin Dong left with a smile, but instead of going to accompany Qin Yan, he found a place to practice.


   The civil turmoil of the Great Zhou Dynasty was handled by someone. If he helps, there will be no more than one, and no less than one. Nowadays, for Lin Dong, the most important thing is to improve his strength. The powerful of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the Seven Life Stones cannot be recovered, which is a huge disaster for the Great Zhou Dynasty!


The toxin of    Tongming Zimu Gu was refined by Lin Dong. After dilution, Lin Dong drank one-tenth, one-tenth of the amount, which he could bear with his ability.


   drank the venom, Lin Dong’s face immediately turned pale, the toxin of the same life and death Gu is very domineering, if it is directly broken in the body, it is estimated that his ability can’t hold it!


   It’s okay now, after all, it’s only one-tenth of the amount. Lin Dong’s nine death magic powers are running, and his face gradually recovered. When night fell, the venom he drank had been basically absorbed, and it seemed that he had been in it. Gu poison, Lin Dong now absorbs this Gu poison faster.


   “Absorb one-tenth a day. By the time Mengyao becomes the throne, you should be able to absorb it.” Lin Dong secretly said, these venoms are very strong, after absorption, the virulence will not be much worse than the current in Xiune, but and There is still a gap in the fire yuan ratio, after all, he has a top-notch fire like Bone You Lenghuo!


   Day by day, the civil strife of the Great Zhou Dynasty was subdued under the strong suppression, Lin Dong absorbed all the toxins of the same-fing child-mother Gu, and Qin Yan also punished the lord.


   As for Zhou Mengyao, he learned various etiquette during the day and met with the powerful ministers. At night, he belonged to Lin Dong. Both of them were very interested in such things. They often fought until late at night. The relationship between the two also heated up rapidly.


   “My husband, tomorrow is the day of enthronement. Many forces will come to congratulate me. Some of them may be interesting to me.” Zhou Mengyao ran a circle on Lin Dong’s chest, resting on Lin Dong’s shoulders.


   Lin Dongshou smiled on Zhou Mengyao’s satin-like jade back, “You are going to become the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Anyone else has the courage?”


   “If there is no problem with the Great Zhou Dynasty, many people will certainly not have the courage, but now, it is estimated to be.” Zhou Mengyao said, “Some guys are also from the Holy Land-level forces, and some stand behind the peak of Wu Sheng. Some of them even stand strong with the Valkyrie!”


   Lin Dong laughed and said: “Meng Yao, you are still very popular.”


   “That is, it’s cheaper for you.” Zhou Mengyao hummed, “Our relationship has not been announced. This time, the Da Zhou Dynasty you helped keep secret, but you are my friend and others can know. I am afraid that some people will provoke you tomorrow, so you have to pay attention.”


   Lin Dong smiled and said: “Are they trying to beat the opponent? It’s a pity, they have no chance!”


   Lin Dong said that the enchanted hand touched Zhou Mengyao’s buttocks, Zhou Mengyao patted Lin Dong’s hand angrily: “Be serious, some guys are not so offensive.”


  ”Although your strength is strong, there is still a gap from the advanced level of Martial Saint. The powerhouse at the top of the Martial Saint level is much stronger than you are now. If the powerhouse at the level of Martial God strikes you, you will not be able to escape. But. Tomorrow, there should not be a strong man of the Valkyrie level. I don’t have that great face yet.”


  Lin Dong’s eyes flashed: “I will pay attention, you have to be careful tomorrow, you still only have the advanced strength of Emperor Wu.”


  Emperor Wu is not bad, but for a leader of a force like the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is not too strong. Tomorrow, there should be no one to kill Zhou Mengyao, but I’m not afraid of ten thousand just in case.


   “Husband, I am already at the peak of Emperor Wu’s strength.” Zhou Mengyao smiled, “My current authority is not comparable to before. There are many good things in the royal inner treasury. I chose a powerful defensive treasure. , Has been recognized as the master, and the strength has improved a lot!”


   Zhou Mengyao’s treasure is an offensive treasure, and her defense is her barrier, which now makes up for a lot.


   “That’s good.”


   Lin Dong nodded, there is still a big gap between Emperor Wu Peak and Emperor Wu Senior. With such a strength, even a general Martial Saint level powerhouse would not be so easy to kill Zhou Mengyao!


   One night passed, and the time came the next day. When the Shenyang appeared in the sky, the earth-shaking salute sounded. Panlong City was very huge, but the sound of the salute was heard throughout Panlong City.


   has a total of one hundred and eight sounds, and there is such a solemn etiquette only when it is most important.


  Panlong City is Panlong City was sluggish before, but now Panlong City is extremely lively. Many powerhouses from the rest of the Great Zhou Dynasty rushed over to participate in the ceremony of the new emperor’s ascension, and the rest A lot of people from the powers also came over, and there were strange beasts in the sky, one by one strange treasures, and there were important people on the strange beasts and strange treasures!


   Panlong Temple is the largest palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Only large-scale events started, and it is now undoubtedly opened.


   There is a huge square in front of Panlong Temple, and Lin Dong and Qin Yan have already arrived in this square in advance.


   “Sacred King Duanmu of the Duanmu family is here to congratulate!” A loud voice came from a distance, and the nine-headed and sixth-rank strange beasts flew in with a luxurious and huge RV. Aura, each of them possesses the terrifying power of Emperor Wu’s peak!


  ”The patriarch of the Uda Gampo family, Uzanen, the holy king, come to congratulate!”


   Wu Zane’s pomp is a bit smaller, but he is not much worse than Duanmuyang. After all, he is also a Wusheng-level powerhouse, and a Wusheng-level powerhouse is generally revered as a holy king.


   As for the Valkyrie, they are generally revered as the Emperor of God. There are estimated to be one or two hundred strong in the entire Xingyan Continent, and there are also many Valkyries who don’t show up for a long time and often show their heads. There are only thirty or forty strong people, and it is rare to see the Wu Sheng-level strong people!


  ”Hei Mifeng, the Holy King of Amnesty Stone Opening to congratulate! The Holy King of Shen Jian is here to congratulate!” Amnestic Stone Kai Shen Jian and the others soon came, Lin Dong came early, they dare not take their own identity to be late.


   (seeking flowers~)



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