The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 83: Black angel!

() Seeing Qin Yan facing her own attack, the woman who attacked Qin Yan showed disdain in her eyes. A little girl at the martial arts level wanted to resist her attack, she was looking for death!

Qin Yan’s weapon is a sword, and the woman’s weapon is also a sword. In the estimation of that woman, it is impossible for Qin Yan’s sword attack to stop her sword. She can cut off Qin Yan’s head with a single sword.


Qin Yan’s sword suddenly accelerated and collided with the woman’s sword, a faint white light flashed, and the woman felt her body froze in an instant. She underestimated Qin Yan and didn’t make a full shot!

The strength is a lot weaker than Qin Yan, and it’s not a full shot, it’s strange that this woman doesn’t suffer a big loss!

At the moment the woman’s body froze, Lin Dong’s treasure stick hit her chest with tyrannical strength, and the pulsating force of the earth instantly entered the woman’s heart with poison!

Being slammed by Lin Dong, coupled with the effect of virulence, the woman’s cardiac arrest response decreased, and coupled with the impact of lightning power, she could only watch Qin Yan’s sharp sword pierce her. Throat!

Blood spattered, and within half a breath of time, this woman of Wu Wang-level strength died under the combined attack of Lin Dong and Qin Yan!

“Qin Yan, you go help Xiaohei, don’t let his opponent run away.” Lin Dong said quickly.

Qin Yan nodded and went away immediately, Xiao Hei and the others were several hundred meters away from Lin Dong and the others.

“Wu Wang-level powerhouse, Wuhun Jingyuan should be quite strong!”

Lin Dong put his hand on the top of the woman’s head, and the woman’s martial arts spirit and essence were quickly absorbed by him. Lin Dong only absorbed it two minutes later. He was amazed in his heart. He is worthy of being an intermediate-level expert of Wu Wang, he The absorbed power is almost ten times that of Wu Zong’s pinnacle figure, and these powers are more refined, improving his martial spirit and enhancing his blood flame better!



In the distance, the man was fighting fiercely with Xiao Hei. His face was extremely ugly. He thought it would be no problem to eat Lin Dong and the others, but how long has it been since Lin Dong was killed by Lin Dong. Qin Yan, the master of martial arts, actually has the master of martial arts!

A little black makes him a little bit overwhelmed, and with a Qin Yan, he has already had many colors on his body in just two minutes. If it weren’t for a few treasures on his body, he would have died long ago. Xiao Hei under their attack.

It’s not that this Martial King-level powerhouse has never thought of fleeing, but under the siege of Xiao Hei and the others, it is not easy to escape. His speed is slightly super Xiao Hei, but it is much lower than Qin Yan!

Qin Yan’s martial spirit is thunder and lightning, and lightning attacks are strong, making Qin Yan’s speed like lightning!

“I said you would regret it if you shot it.”

Lin Dong’s voice rang, he appeared on this side, “Xiao Hei, let me come to you!”


Xiao Hei yelled and flew close. Lin Dong jumped to Xiao Hei’s back. Xiao Hei approached the man again, and the man was terrified. When he fought with Qin Yan and the others, where would Lin Dong poison him? Can bear it!

“Lin Dong, forgiveness, forgiveness, it is our fault, I am willing to compensate!” the man said quickly, “I don’t have any treasures, but I have hidden treasures elsewhere! As long as you let me go, I promise you most of those treasures, no, all of them!”

Lin Dong said flatly: “Sorry, you are too late to regret it! The toxin has entered your body!”


The man was terrified, and subconsciously he divided his strength to check the situation inside his body. As soon as Xiao Heitou stretched his mouth and bit the man’s arm, his arm was torn off by Xiao Hei!


The arm was torn off and the man screamed, but soon he couldn’t scream out. He was severely injured and his movements were greatly affected. How could Qin Yan let go of this opportunity and pierced his back with a sword? It came out from his chest!


There was a look of despair and regret in this man’s eyes. It was not easy to cultivate to the Martial King level. He died like that!

“There is no poison in my body.”

Lin Dong shrugged and said: “Sorry, I lied to you just now. If you can save a little effort, you can save a little effort.”


The man spit out blood in his mouth and died, and the little gangster said: “Lin Dong, I ate him!”


Lin Dong pressed his hand to the man’s back. For about two minutes, the man’s spirit essence was absorbed by him. After this absorption, Xiao Hei’s effect was less effective, but the spirit essence of Xiao Hei was less effective. It can’t absorb much, it mainly absorbs the power in the flesh!

Qin Yan is a little strange, but she didn’t ask Lin Dong what this is doing, everyone has a secret!

“Xiao Hei, he is yours now, there is one on the other side.” Lin Dongdao, these two guys want to kill them, let Xiao Hei eat them Lin Dong will not have any psychological burden.

Qin Yan’s complexion has not changed, she has a wide range of knowledge, such a thing is purely normal in the practice world! Humans can eat the rest of the creatures, and the rest of the creatures can’t eat humans?


Poor King Wu, entered Xiao Hei’s mouth and was quickly chewed to pieces.

“The taste is the same, the meat is too little.” Xiao Hei was a bit dissatisfied. If the Martial King level expert is still alive, I am afraid that he will be angry again when he hears it.


The two and one beast are powerful, Lin Dong and the others are almost straight forward, and arrived at Fenglei Wuyuan within two days.


Lin Dong bowed to Peng Gang when he saw Peng Gang. In Fengleiwu Academy, Peng Gang Mu Xuansen and Guangming Court Master Mu Xuansen had a good impression. Among them, Peng Gang had the deepest affection.

Peng Gang helped him when he first entered Fenglei Martial Arts Academy. If it weren’t for Peng Gang, then he would have been afraid that he would not be able to escape from Tianyang City. If he was caught by the blood wolf bandits of the Situ family and other forces, he would undoubtedly die!

Later, Peng Gang also put a lot of effort in dealing with Fengcheng’s affairs, for him and for the Lin family and Peng Gang.

“Lin Dong!”

Seeing Lin Dong, Peng Gang’s eyes lit up, and he found that Lin Dong actually had the cultivation base of the pinnacle of a martial artist!

“Lin Dong, why are you back at this time? Shouldn’t there be a ranking battle at this time?” Peng Gang said.

Lin Dong smiled lightly and said: “I will let Tang Hanyan be the first and I will be the second. During this period, my cultivation level has improved relatively quickly. I think in the next period of time, I’d better go out to practice.” /

“Host, this time I come here mainly to give you something, but the host can keep it confidential.”

“Oh, what is it?”

A small jade bottle appeared in Lin Dong’s hand: “Master, this is the bamboo marrow of Ten Thousand Years Ziyu Tongtianzhu. You are now at the top of Wuzong. If you take this, you will definitely become the King of Wu!”


Peng Gang has lived for more than a hundred years. He is a man with a firm mind, but he screamed when he heard Lin Dong’s words! Regardless of his cultivation at the peak of Wu Zong, it is only one step away from King Wu. In Eastern Qin, many people have reached the peak of Wu Zong, but it is possible that none of the ten will become King Wu!

Wu Zong’s peak to Wu Wang, this is a qualitative leap, not to mention, Shou Yuan can be improved for a hundred years, and, at the low level of Wu Wang, you can also break through to the Wu Wang intermediate level. Wu Wang advanced, and further life can be improved for a hundred years. The status of King Wu is far from comparable to that of Wu Zong!

Taking a deep breath, Peng Gang said: “Lin Dong, the ten thousand-year-old Ziyu Tongtianzhu was controlled by you——”

“Well…but I used a part of it as a treasure stick, so there are not many purple jade bamboo marrows.” Lin Dongdao.

There are 108 knots of Ziyu Tongtian bamboo, only 42 knots of which Lin Dong cut off, two of which have not yet produced bamboo pith, so Lin Dong actually only has forty knots of bamboo pith.

Tang Hanyan spent five knots, and King Yongwu gave ten knots. Now there are only twenty-five knots left. After Peng Gang sent five knots here, there are only twenty knots left in Lin Dong!

“Lin Dong, take this back, it’s wasted for me.” Peng Gangqiang resisted.

“Lin Dong, I practice physical training. This is a fire attribute. Give me 20% or 30% of the power, which is too wasteful!”

Lin Dong shook his head: “Master, if you don’t have the cultivation base of Wuzong Peak, I won’t give it to you. You have the cultivation base of Wuzong Peak. If you take this, you can become King Wu even if the effect is greatly reduced! This thing is for the master. It is an opportunity for you to make a breakthrough. I believe that your foundation must be stable.”


“Host, don’t do this, your help is not small…It’s a pity that there are not many leaves of the purple jade through the sky. Now there is only a little bit left, even if you give it to the host, you can’t let the host break through.” Lin Dong smiled.

“President, accept it, you become King of Wu, which will benefit Fenglei Wuyuan and the entire Tianyang area.”

Peng Gang put it away and said: “Lin Dong, it’s really hard for me to refuse this thing. Since you say that, I’m not welcome. With this thing, it shouldn’t be a big problem to break through to become the king of martial arts! In fact, this thing It works best for the owner of the fire…”

Lin Dong whispered: “I don’t have any friendship with the Master Huo, so naturally it is for you. Besides, Master Huo is better than Master Huo, you become King of Feng Lei Wu Yuan! “

“Lin Dong, there is one thing you may not know yet.” Peng Gang hesitated.

“President, please speak.”

Peng Gang lightly sighed: “Lin Sha left Fenglei left without telling anyone.”

Lin Dong frowned: “President, you tell me this, is there any problem?”

“I’m not sure.” Peng Gang said.

Lin Dong’s eyes were puzzled, not sure, what does this mean?

Peng Gang said: “Lin Sha seemed to be missing when she left. Our Fenglei Martial Arts Academy looked for it. On the side of Fierce City, we found a girl who was somewhat similar to Lin Sha, but her strength and talent did not match.”

“When Lin Sha left, there was only a lower rank of martial artist, but the woman in Fierce Fiend City was a martial artist… The high-ranking character, by the way, others call her the black angel.”

Lin Dongdao: “That shouldn’t be the case. Lin Sha doesn’t have that talented cultivation base, and it shouldn’t be that ruthless.”

(It’s the end of the month, brothers who have flowers, please drop them! Click to send flowers to see if there are any, thank you!)

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