The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 72: Kill, insidious move!

At level twentieth, Tarkis could withstand one move of poison fire bomb, but two moves, which exceeded his ability to withstand, and the flames instantly burned out of his body.


Tajis screamed in the flames. He rolled on the ground and wanted to extinguish the flames, but how could the flames be extinguished from the body? The three little brothers of Tarkis hurriedly shot, but it was useless. Their shots were also useless. Can’t save Tarkis’ life.

In just three or four seconds, Tarkis’ screams stopped. He had been burned to death. After a few seconds, Tarkis’ body was turned into ashes in the flames, and the ashes were gone as soon as the wind blew. , Tarkis scattered with the wind, no bones left!

“Lin Dong, how dare you murder!” Gao Liang was shocked and angry, and Tarkis actually died in front of his eyes. This is not the previous injury, it is completely impossible to recover!

Lin Dong said calmly: “All the friends around you can testify. He just said that I can kill him completely. Besides, this is his third provocation, and he deserves it if he died!”

“Highlight, it’s the third time for you. If you make a move, don’t blame me for being polite!”

Gao Liang’s heart rose sharply. Originally, he planned to take action with Pan Yang and the others, but he was terrified when he heard Lin Dong’s words. Three people may not be able to win Lin Dong, and if Lin Dong is allowed to seize the opportunity Give him two hits, and his fate is definitely the same as Targis.

“Lin Dong, you are cruel!” Gao Lianghan said. After he finished talking with Pan Yang and the others, they left quickly. Here they dare not stay and don’t want to stay, although they are the loser and they are the demons. , But the surrounding demons did not sympathize with them. Tarkis’s arrogant remarks were also heard by the people around him, and, in a short period of time, three times to trouble Lin Dong, he wanted to beat Lin Dong badly. It was normal for Lin Dong to kill him when he died.

“Four attributes are interesting.” A person in the distance said lightly, “Unfortunately, the level is lower.”

“Yes, and only mastered dual-attribute fusion martial arts. For a person like him with four attributes, it would be a waste to only master dual-attribute fusion martial arts!”

“Indeed, if his level is much higher and he masters the three-attribute fusion martial arts, then he can join our team, and he will be more confident about entering the madness and mystery.”

“He doesn’t know how long it will take him to reach this level. The Frenzy Mystery Realm will be opened after half a year. Consider others. He is just a newcomer who has just entered! The Furious Mystery Realm will be opened once in ten years. I think he should be able to enter!”

“Well, let’s grasp this ten years first!”


“Unreasonable!” Ma Kai’s face was ugly. Targis is now his own little brother. Lin Dong actually killed him like this. This is not to give him noodles or Ma Jia noodles!

Ma Kai would be annoyed even if he was a demons like this, not to mention that Lin Dong was just a human being.

“Young Master Kai, you must find a way to avenge the boss, the boss died so miserably!” Gao Liang’s eyes were red and he looked like he was extremely sad, but it was a little bit real, so he was the only one. I know it by myself.

Ma Kai took a deep breath: “He should consume a lot of such a big move twice, in fact, you should be the three of you together, and it should be able to beat him to death!”

“Young Master Kai, I’m sorry.”

Ma Kai waved his hand: “No matter, Lin Dong killed Tarkis with two strokes. It is normal for you to be afraid! It seems that you can use force to solve some of Lin Dong’s problems, you use your brain.”

“Master Kai, I do have a law.” Pan Yang said.

“Oh? Talk about it.”

Pan Yang said: “Kay Shao, the two females in Lin Dong’s dormitory, Shen Yue, Sophia are indeed beautiful, but the whole college knows that they are not so beautiful, and many people have never seen them! We might as well give them. We will make a lot of publicity to let more people know their looks and make more people interested in them! I think there will definitely be strong people watching them. Lin Dong and them are in the same dormitory, and there is likely to be a conflict!”

“Just in this way, Master Kai, you won’t be able to enjoy their taste.”

Ma Kai hesitated a little and said in a deep voice: “My master is afraid that there are no women? Although they are beautiful, they are not inferior to them, and there are many! Pan Yang, your idea is good, but you should pay attention to it when promoting People feel that there is some ambiguity between Lin Dong and them!”

“Kay Shao wise!”

Ma Kai took out a lot of energy coins and whispered: “Go and do it, these are used as funds, if there are too many, you will have a good meal and be shocked, don’t treat yourself too badly!”

“Thank you Kai Shao!”

Fentian Academy focuses on training, and there are many beautiful women in the academy, so even if they are beautiful, they will not be a big sensation to attract the attention of many powerful people, but if there is publicity, it is different. Pan Yang and the others Secret propaganda, suddenly more people concerned about Shen Yue and Sophia.

Some people will not act even if they pay attention, nor will they have dark actions, but some are different. There are so many students in Burning Tian Academy, there will always be some bad behaviors.

A villa in Burning Heaven College.

“These two women seem to be good, go, and call them over to accompany me for half a month!” A young man who looked like a 27-year-old turned over a gossip magazine, which was a campus magazine and recorded Many students are interested in some things on campus.

Originally, there is no beauty list in this magazine, so it won’t offend people, but this issue has a new student beauty list, and Shen Yue and Su Fei are ranked first and second!

Based on the appearance of Shen Yue and others, it is certain that they are ranked in the top ten for newcomers, but it is hard to say that they are ranked first and second. This ranking is equivalent to putting them on the fire.

“Yes, boss!”


The young man flipping through the magazine saw a chapter with the title “No. 1 in the same dormitory on the list of beauties. Lin Dong, a man in the same dormitory, suspected of being close to them!”

“There is a man named Lin Dong in their dormitory. I think of a way to kill it and handle it cleanly. The dean is in a bad mood recently, so don’t break the rules and make him angry!” The young man said flatly.

“Yes, boss, this is not the first time I have done this. I must do it beautifully!”

A dormitory in another part of the college.

“Shen Yue Sophia ranked first and second, why?!” A woman was very uncomfortable, her appearance was very outstanding and no worse than Shen Yue and others, but she was ranked behind Shen Yue and them, which made her feel annoyed. , Shen Yue and the others are humans, but here is the Demon World!

This woman has torn the magazine publisher, but she knows that this is unrealistic. Can anyone who can publish such a magazine at Burning College have no background? Her background is very good, but it is estimated that she can’t afford to offend, not to mention that her strength is relatively low when she has just entered the Burning Sky Academy, and it is definitely not a good thing to conflict with the strong in the Academy.

“Shen Yue, Sophia, hum!” The woman snorted and hated Shen Yue and the others.

The dormitory, Lu Yi Shenyue and the others frowned when they saw this issue of the magazine.

“It seems to come from Brother Lin.” Lu Yi said.

Shen Yue shook her head: “Not necessarily, it may be that our enemy intentionally harmed us!”

“Anyway, I have to tell Brother Lin about this immediately, I’m afraid there will be trouble.” Lu Yi said.


Shen Yue Sophia nodded, and Lin Dong, who was in the library, was summoned and returned to the dormitory.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Dong was a little confused, Lu Yi only said that something went wrong and asked him to go back to the dormitory immediately.

“Brother Lin, look for yourself.”

Lu Yi gave the magazine to Lin Dong, and Lin Dong finished reading it immediately after scanning his spiritual knowledge. Based on his knowledge, he didn’t know that it was someone who harmed him or Shen Yue and the others. The possibility of harming her was higher. Contact He killed Tarkis, which is likely to be made by Ma Kai and so on.

“Brother Lin, what should I do?” Lu Yi said, this matter did not mention him, but he is also a part of this dormitory, and it is likely that he will also be implicated when something like this happens.

Lin Dong thought about it a little bit and said: “The argument will only make things hotter and hotter. It’s best to deal with it cold! I plan to keep studying in the library for the next few months, and you’d better study or practice seriously. , Other people can’t find us, things should gradually calm down. A place like Burning Sky College can say that there is a lot of news every day. After a long time, who remembers this?”

“Xiao San is right. The person who made this is too disgusting, don’t let me know who he is, or cut him off!” Sophia gritted his teeth and said, Lin Dong and Lu Yi looked at each other with a cold heart. The word “cut” is murderous for men!

Shen Yue said: “There is no other good way, so let’s deal with it coldly. It’s okay to practice in retreat for a period of time. I also have some ideas about integrating martial arts, maybe I can break through!”

Shen Yue is a dual-attribute cultivator. Lin Dong has already known Dual-attribute cultivators are fairly common. There is basically one in a few hundred people, and there are 100,000 people with three attributes. There may not be one. As for the four main attributes, there are few pitiful ones!

Multi-attribute can also improve all of them less! Fusion martial arts is relatively strong, but there are more attributes that need to be improved, and more effort must be made in the usual training time, and some having multiple attributes will only improve one of their attributes!

“I went to the stone carving tower to study.” Sophia said, the stone carving tower is a very famous place in Burning Heaven Academy. There are many stone carvings in it. Put the stone sculpture inside. The style of the stone sculpture is not fixed. It can be a weapon or a piece of stuff you like. You can write a few words at will, or you can write down some of your own insights!

But one thing is the same, those stone sculptures are not simple stone sculptures, they all contain mystery, watching them, you may get an insight from them!

As a student of Burning Heaven Academy, you can watch and comprehend those stone sculptures. Once there was a peerless genius who watched the seventy-seven-forty-day stone sculptures. Their strength has been continuously upgraded, and they jumped directly from over 20 to over 35!

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