The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 56: Lei Yue conspiracy!

After drinking a bottle of wine, Lin Dong stopped drinking and stood up. This wine can’t make him drunk, and he won’t make himself drunk!

Qin Yan’s choice, in fact, Lin Dong predicted that Qin Yan understood him, so why didn’t he understand Qin Yan?

For Qin Yan, even if he loves him very much, it is difficult to accept that he has other women! Qin Yan escaped from home, overcame the difficulties and embarked on the path of physical training and cultivating yuan. She is not a woman who is easy to compromise, or a girl!

“Qin Yan, I won’t let us just be friends.” Lin Dong muttered to himself, he didn’t plan to just give up like that!

Qin Yan didn’t agree now, it doesn’t mean that she will still have the same idea in the future, and people are changing all the time.

The time soon arrived the next day, Tang Hanyan held a simple birthday party, and Lin Dong naturally attended.

The birthday party is over.

“Lin Dong, we are ready and can leave at any time.” Tang Hanyan said quietly in the garden of Tang Mansion.

“Where to go?”

Tang Hanyan shook his head: “I don’t know, I plan to let the air-breaking ship fly for two or three months, and then find a suitable location. Qin Yan said that she may not come in a few years, and I may not come in a few years.” /

“Remember to come back if you have trouble. If you can’t find the news that I know about the Temple of Freedom, you can also ask the Temple of Freedom for help. The Temple of Freedom is a force I created and only absorbs the power of Emperor Wudi to join…this Here is the token, you can read the rules of the Temple of Freedom, and there is a certain degree of contribution in it.” Lin Dongdao, he took out a token, the size of a playing card, and the front of it was the four words Temple of Freedom. , On the back is the pattern of Freedom Restaurant.

“The Temple of Freedom is not particularly powerful for the time being, but there are more than 30 Martial Emperor-level experts, and 500 Martial Emperor-level experts have joined. Currently, there is only one stronghold on the side of the City of the Undead. There will be too!”

Tang Hanyan’s eyes showed a look of wonder. There are about 30 martial emperor-level powerhouses and 500 martial emperor-level powerhouses, which is quite a lot! There are three Wudi-level powerhouses, with a certain history, they are the fifth-rank forces, which are already ten times the strength of the general fifth-rank forces!

“Take care!”

Lin Dong sighed lightly, his voice fell away and disappeared in an instant. Tang Hanyan was a little bit stunned holding the token.

“Lin Dong, why are you treating me so nicely.” Tang Hanyan muttered to himself, that he was able to be where he is now, with his own efforts, but it is absolutely inseparable from Lin Dong’s help. If there is no Lin Dong With Dong’s help, perhaps he had already married into the Li family at this moment, and perhaps he could not bear it and ended his life.


Leaving Tang’s house, Qin Yan went to the country of Luo Lei, who was also her friend. Now that she is here, we should go to see Lei Yue.

At Qin Yan’s speed, it didn’t take long for her to appear in the Thunder Empire, in the Thunder Light City!

In Leiguang City, Lei Yue has received news that Qin Yan will return to the Eastern Qin Kingdom, knowing that she might come over in the next few days, Lei Yue is already waiting in Leiguang City, she looks nothing like the previous Lei Yue different.

“Sister Qin Yan!”

“Lei Yue!”

Although they haven’t seen each other for quite a while, the two women met and chatted immediately.

“Sister Qin Yan, where have you been during this time? I didn’t even come to see me, but I got good tea, waiting to drink with Sister Qin Yan.” Lei Yue soaked in the tea ceremony,” I picked this tea by myself.”

Qin Yan smiled and said: “Practitioners, there is nothing else but training… Didn’t I come here as soon as I got here? This tea looks good, I have to taste it. Has there been any improvement in his craftsmanship.”

“It must have improved.” Lei Yuejiao smiled. She poured a cup for Qin Yan as she said, the fragrance of tea smelled very good.

There is no defensive heart for Lei Yue Qin Yan, picking up the tea cup, Qin Yan smiled and tasted it.

“How?” Lei Yue said with a grin.

Qin Yan felt a little peculiar smell, but it tasted good, so she drank the whole cup of tea.

“Sister Qin Yan, is my tea okay?” A cold light flickered deep in Lei Yue’s eyes. Qin Yan’s expression changed. She felt that her soul and body were affected, and she became weak in a short time. That’s a lot!

“Lei Yue, you!”

Qin Yan stood up suddenly and took the Poison Pill, Lei Yue had a sneer on her face. Without asking why, Qin Yan left immediately.

“Can you escape?” Lei Yue said with a strange smile.


Qin Yan’s defense on the surface of his body collided with the invisible barrier in front of him, and a strong flash of light erupted. Qin Yan’s expression changed drastically. This barrier was extremely powerful. Even when he was in full bloom, it would take a lot of time to break open.

Now that the strength is declining, even if there is no enemy coming out, he may not be able to break the barrier!

“Qin Yan, don’t waste time!” Lei Yue said coldly, her eyes turned red, and a powerful aura appeared on her body. Qin Yan showed an incredible color in her eyes, and Lei Yue had a martial emperor-level aura. !

“You are not Leiyue, who are you?” Qin Yan yelled coldly. As she said, she attacked the barrier with all her strength.

Lei Yue smiled coldly: “Sister Qin Yan, why am I not Lei Yue anymore? I am obviously, giggle!”

“You are not Leiyue, you have a devilish aura on your body, you actually killed Leiyue and occupied Leiyue’s body!” Qin Yan attacked Leiyue in an instant, killing Leiyue, maybe this barrier will be broken Go she can leave!

“Wishful thinking! Even in your heyday, you are not necessarily my opponent!”

Lei Yue sneered, she also made a sword, and the two swords fought each other, and Qin Yan didn’t take any advantage! She originally had the strength of Wudi’s low-level Kuaiwudi Intermediate level, but now she was reduced to only the low-level Wudi’s strength!

Qin Yan took a powerful detoxification pill, but it only played a small role in Lei Yue’s poison!

“Qin Yan, do you know that I have been waiting for you for a year on this side, and I finally waited for you!”

Qin Yan’s face is solemn. Although she still has some one-time treasures in Naxu Jie, Lei Yue has the strength of Emperor Wu, and those things can’t help much-things like that are seriously poisoned in her, but When Lei Yue’s strength is not high, the effect will be greater!

“Who are you?” Qin Yan said while attacking.

Lei Yue chuckled and said: “Qin Yan, don’t ask who I am, you will know in the future. If I were you, I would be obedient, so I would suffer a lot less! Your power It has dropped a lot again, I think you know that you can’t escape from my palm! Don’t worry, I won’t kill you when I catch you, you still have a great use, I still want to use you to exchange for a good baby Yeah!”

“Go to hell!”

Qin Yan has used the treasures he owns, even if those treasures are wastefully used, they cannot be left to Lei Yue!

“It’s useless!”

Lei Yue was disdainful of authenticity. In a short time, Qin Yan consumed a lot of treasures, but did not kill Lei Yue, and Lei Yue suffered a little bit of injury under the powerful attack!

Half a minute later, Qin Yan’s strength was reduced to only Wuhuang Intermediate, and Lei Yue easily sealed her strength!

“Qin Yan, if there is no arrangement on this side, it is really not easy to catch you. At this age, you actually have the strength of Emperor Wu.” Lei Yue said with a smile, “Don’t seek death, you have to I believe someone will save you. If you dare to die and make my hard work in vain, I will throw your body on the street.”

“From your appearance, I think many people will be interested even if you become a corpse!”

Qin Yan showed anger in her eyes, but she did not scold or beg for mercy, which was useless.

“Do you want to deal with Lin Dong?” Qin Yan said.

Except for Lin Dong, Qin Yan can’t think of anyone else, ordinary people can deal with it directly with Lei Yue’s strength! Lei Yue would not know if her family was far away, and if she knew, she would not be arrested to get benefits from her family, because this is impossible!

“Not bad, very clever.” Lei Yue giggled, “With Lin Dong cares about you, I think he will not refuse if I let him get something for me. Before he had Emperor Wu The strength of the pinnacle, now he must also have the strength of Emperor Wu, you should know his specific strength, talk about it!”

“Don’t* I use strong, if you tell lies, I will strip your clothes, and then call a few men over to appreciate and appreciate!”

Qin Yan smiled bitterly in his heart, this time he was a little dazed and too careless, but with Leiyue’s arrangement, even if he was careful, he would be caught.

“Say! Even if you don’t say it, I will know then, but your life will be much sadder!”

“Emperor Wu is advanced!” Qin Yan said.

Lei Yue was stunned. She didn’t expect Lin Dong to have the high-level strength of Emperor Wu. In her estimation, Lin Dong should be a low-level or intermediate-level Emperor Wu. Originally, she was prepared if Lin Dong was not strong enough for her and Lin Dong Those who got the treasure together, now it seems that even if she doesn’t make a move, Lin Dong is likely to get the Holy Grail alone!

“Okay, very good, it was beyond my expectation that he actually improved so fast!” Lei Yue smiled.

“I immediately let people inform Lin Dong that I will see what I want within half a year, or you will die!”

Leaving Tang Mansion, Lin Dong did not immediately take the cloud shuttle to go He went to Tianyang City, ready to tell the Lin family, if they want to stay away, he can also give them one. An air-breaking ship!


Before reaching Tianyang City, Lin Dong’s expression changed. He received a call that someone threatened him to go to Jiuzun City with Qin Yan.

Lin Dong’s face was gloomy, and the other party did not give any evidence, but when it comes to Jiuzuncheng, he will give him evidence. If not, Qin Yan will definitely not have good fruit!

“Damn it!”

Lin Dong’s eyes flashed murderously, he guessed it should be true, the other party really caught Qin Yan! Qin Yan said that few people on this side knew that ordinary people would not dare to make such a joke with him. This Jedi is a terrible thing!


Traveling through the clouds, Lei Yue also left with Qin Yan in Luo Lei Country Middle School. She also went to the Jiu Zun City area. Luo Lei Country was only a small place, all kinds of news were blocked, and Qin had been caught. Say, there is no need to stay here anymore!

(Seeking flowers!)

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