The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 51: Cannibal safflower!

“Brother Lu, you can dance.” Lin Dong said calmly.

Lu Yi was willing to help, but now many people were staring at Lin Dong, and he was just unlucky together when he went down with Lin Dong.

“Brother Lin, don’t have too much conflict with them. There is no gain anyway. It is better to preserve your strength.” Lu Yi said, “Sorry, I will go down first.”

Lin Dong nodded slightly, Lu Yi instantly jumped out of the flying beast, and his figure immediately landed. Now the flying beast is not flying very high, so he will not get hurt if he jumps down with his strength.

“Jump, you jump, we will go down to protect you immediately, Jie Jie!”

“Don’t you dare not? Then what test are you going to take!”

Several ridicules, some of them are local snakes on this side, and they can easily contact many people to teach Lin Dong together.

Lin Dong frowned and said: “Everyone, I don’t want to make enemies with you, I hope you don’t mess around.”

“Hahaha, brothers, did you hear that? He told us not to mess around, why are we messing around? The rules of Burning Heaven Academy are there, we will definitely abide by the rules!”

“It does not seem to be a violation of the rules, hehe!”

The eyes of the guys around Lin Dong looking towards Lin Dong were full of mockery. Nothing more than a twenty-fourth level human, they believed that their strength would not be lower than Lin Dong!

“The time is coming, hurry up!” The instructor on the flying beast said lightly, as long as Lin Dong and the others did not violate the rules, he would not take action. If the rules are violated, the identity token will be automatically recorded!

Lin Dong’s eyes flashed out of the flying beast, and the demon youths around him also rushed out. Because of the speed of the flying beast, they would be a little apart from Lin Dong, but they were not far away. They think they can find out Lin Dong’s severe lesson soon!

“Brothers, whoever finds him first yells, dare to ignore our brothers, he is looking for death!”

“Well, a human being alone, the lesson will be taught!”

In the process of flying down, the demons shouted at each other, and the distance between them was less.

Lin Dong heard their voices, but he didn’t care. He was not strong above the ring, but he is not above the ring now! In this misty city, his Demon God Bone has a powerful effect, and the highest Lin Dong can control a 30th-level powerhouse!

Nevertheless, Lin Dong knew that he would never be careless. There were many powerful people at level 20 and 30, and there were also perverted characters above level 30!

Lin Dong at level 30 barely managed to control it, and level 30 and above is absolutely impossible now. Such a strong one will lose if he encounters it! Fortunately, this misty city is definitely not small, the chance of encountering a strong person above level 30 is very small, even if it is over, it may not be encountered!


A slightly dull voice sounded, and Lin Dong fell to the ground. The moment he landed, he dodged and hid. There are many buildings in this misty city, and there are many plants in the devil world, some of which look terrifying, some Plants might kill people!

“Divine consciousness is greatly affected, and the fog also has a huge impact on vision… Hearing is also affected, and you can’t fly…” Lin Dong quickly judged that in such a strange environment, it is necessary to judge the environment for the first time.

With a wealth of experience, Lin Dong quickly judged that it was over, and Vientiane Tianluo used it. Lin Dong immediately hid it. Some of those demons had already arrived here.

“Mother, where did you go?” The demon youth who came over cursed. He was the closest to Lin Dong and rushed over when he landed. I thought I could find Lin Dong right away, but the surroundings were quiet. There are as many as 500,000 testers who have entered the Mist City, but there are not many scattered, and because the mist affects the transmission of sound, many places with few people may not hear any sound in quiet surroundings!

“Little boy, come out, uncle and contest with you!” The demon youth who came over scolded. He judged that Lin Dong’s position was very accurate, and soon he was very close to Lin Dong.

The fog made things two hundred meters away hazy, but at this moment, this demon youth is less than two hundred meters away from Lin Dong, and Lin Dong can still see him clearly with his eyesight.

“Little boy, it’s useless to hide, the uncles will find you out soon, Jiejie!”

The demon youth who came over laughed strangely. He heard another voice, and some of the others rushed over.

At this moment, “Wow!”

The purple shadow flashed, and a purple vine instantly engulfed the demon youth, and the purple vine immediately pulled the demon youth toward a bright red flower.

The red flower is still a flower bone the size of a human head, but in an instant it opened and became larger than the demon youth. In the blink of an eye, the demon youth was swallowed and swallowed this demon youth. Young man, the safflower became the same as before, and the purple vines became thinner and stayed still. It seemed that there was no accident at all.

But Lin Dong could see clearly that a twenty-fifth-level Demon youth was swallowed! Such being swallowed may not necessarily lead to death, but Lin Dong estimates that he is very likely to die!


Lin Dong was frightened. If he hadn’t gotten away and hid immediately, if he had just slowed down a little bit, he would have been staring at him, maybe he had been swallowed right now!

I don’t know if the Demon Bone can control the red flower Lin Dong!

“Brother Salmon!”

There was another Demon youth who came here and there was more than one. They called out, they knew the first Demon youth who came over, and they knew that his **** should not be so quiet.

The situation today is not normal!

“Brother Salmon, where are you? Quickly answer… Grass, is Brother Salmon being overcast by that little boy?”

“It’s very possible, but they shouldn’t go far, please look for it carefully!”


Lin Dongxin sneered. Just now the red flower swallowed a person, but there was more than one red flower there. Sure enough, when another person approached, another red flower suddenly moved and swallowed towards that person.


The man screamed and dodged with all his strength, but Safflower’s speed was extremely fast. Most of his body had not been swallowed by Safflower, and his legs fell outside without being swallowed bloody.

“Brother Huang!”

Someone came over immediately. They saw the **** legs, and saw a little blood on the safflower. They were not stupid and soon understood that this person and the demon youth who came over are very likely. It was swallowed by the cannibal safflower on this side.

Lin Dong is the first to appear here, maybe he has been swallowed by the cannibal safflower!

“Everyone destroy them!”

More people came over, and more than a dozen Demon youths took action. The safflower had a strong offensive power and a powerful swallowing ability, but the defense was only average. They could not stop the siege of more than a dozen Demon youths. Kill, the demon youth who was swallowed at first has been consumed in a short period of time. Only bones are left. The second one is better, but the flesh has been digested a lot, the skin is completely gone, and the **** corpse looks very scary. .

“Why is this place so terrible, Brother Sa died when he first arrived.” One of the demons said with an ugly face, “It seems we’d better act together!”

“Where is that human? Has it gone or been swallowed and digested?” Another humane said.

“Maybe it’s gone, can we still find it?”

Everyone was silent. They didn’t know it was so dangerous before. It’s good to play a game of human beings, but now they find that it’s too dangerous and it’s worthless to deal with a human being.

“Let him go first, he won’t be able to pass anyway! At this time, even if he is disabled, he won’t get any benefit. If he is still alive after a while, let’s teach him a lesson. Let’s Win him once and get 10% of the benefits, and soon he will have to hand over most of the benefits!”

“Yes, let’s talk about it later!”

These demon youths are terrified. They just arrived, and two of their companions died!

Soon these demon youths retreat, this place is dangerous, they dare not stay, safflower eats people, and some other plants may also explode and threaten their lives.

Lin Dong didn’t leave immediately. God knows if these guys left deliberately. If they leave immediately, they might find out and kill a carbine!

The Demon God Bone is strong, but Lin Dong didn’t want to use the power of the Demon God Bone on them immediately. At this time, they didn’t get any treasures, and they controlled them. God knows if they will die soon. That would be a waste of Lin Dong. Demon bone!

The control person is dead and the demon bone is still there, but the demon bone cannot be used again in a short time!

Although Lin Dong has 10,000 pieces of demon bones, most of them are only at level 20 and level 21. Those are now useless. Only one of the first-level demon bones has been used up three pieces…Feng Jun Augustus also has a twenty-eighth-level powerhouse with one piece for one person. Their age is not suitable and they have not participated now… The second-level Demon God Bone Lindong has more than ten pieces, and now they have not used one piece.

Three pieces of the first level, 15 pieces of the second Now Lin Dong can use only 18 pieces of devil bones! Not too little, but not too much, these demon bones can’t be used casually!


Suddenly, Lin Dong’s eyes lit up. He saw a few drops of blood-red liquid emerging from the place where the safflower had just died. The instinctive Lin Dong felt that those drops of liquid were good for absorption.

“The emperor asked, what is this?” Lin Dong asked in his mind, now he still knows too little about the devil world, but fortunately, the emperor asked this encyclopedia.

Di Wen’s strength is still not high, but in terms of understanding of the Demon Realm, Lin Dong is far inferior!

Sleep for a long time, and some things have changed, but many things in the Demon Realm are still the same as before. For example, many animals and plants, let alone one hundred thousand years and millions of years, even ten thousand years and hundreds of millions of years will not be there Too many changes, what is the effect of knowing what they are?

“Blood spirit essence, a pretty good thing, has the effect of reducing the sequelae that appear after the use of drugs to enhance it, and it can be absorbed when the skin touches it!” Di Wen said indifferently.

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