The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 50: Aren’t you cheating?

()Chapter 50 Aren’t you cheating? (For flowers!)

“I don’t have this power? You came here to make fun, right? Go!” The man in his 30s disdainfully said, “If you don’t go out by yourself, you can only spend the next six months in bed!”

There are some other people around, and some have been driven out. An old man said helplessly: “Young man, don’t be grudge, we can’t fight them, alas! The restaurant owner is An Shao, it is An. The general’s son!”

Lin Dong’s mind flashed a person’s information. General An’s name was Andexiong, with a level of fifteenth level of strength. He was made a general about twenty years ago. It’s different from Xuanyuan Hanyan’s kind. Army, general with real power!

Jiuzhou City manages a relatively large area around it. There are three military bases in this area, and Anderson is the leader of one of the military bases! Wang Jiangde once talked to Lin Dong and was helpless with Andexiong Wang Jiangde. Although he was the deputy city lord and was in charge of military affairs, Andexion did not buy Wang Jiangde’s account!

“Get out!” The man in his thirties said that he was about to turn around and go in. In his opinion, Lin Dong would have retired if he knew who the restaurant was!

Lin Dong didn’t move at all. He narrowed his eyes slightly. Andexiong’s son Bao Restaurant was inviting guests, and he said that he was banqueting VIPs, what VIPs?

In this Jiuzhou City, the three deputy city lord’s accounts, Andexiong, did not buy them. He, the city lord, has not dealt with Andexiong yet!

“It’s not from Jiuzhou City. At this time, I’m afraid it’s an outsider who comes here.” Lin Dong sneered in his heart.

And Dexiong is going to split with Jiuzhou City!

“And Dexiong’s son drove people out if he wanted to, Jiuzhou City seems to have no reason.” Lin Dong said solemnly.

The people around were stunned, the man in his thirties turned his head in irritation, and his eyes instantly became sullen and cold!

“Boy, you will regret it! Annoy the young master, you are not enough to die for ten lives!” The man in his thirties said coldly.

At this moment, luxury suspension vehicles landed, and the man in his thirties suddenly showed a flattering smile.

“Master, everybody, you have worked hard!” The man in his thirties greeted the door respectfully.

Lin Dong turned around and looked at the person who came in indifferently. Xiao Jiu searched the database and immediately let Lin Dong know the identity of the person who came in.

Some of these people are not outsiders, two of them are the descendants of the other two military base leaders, a few are the sons and daughters of powerful figures in important departments in Jiuzhou City, and a few are outsiders. The momentum is not low!

“What’s the matter with that person?” Andexiong’s son’s eyes fell on Lin Dong and frowned. Lin Dong stood at the door!

“Master, that person is dissatisfied with our restaurant, I’m about to’please’ him open!” said the man in his thirties.

And Dexiong’s son waved his hand: “Hurry up, Master Asura is coming, don’t make Master Asura angry!”

“Yes, master, I will deal with him!”

The man in his thirties walked towards Lin Dong once again, and a red flame appeared on his body, and the temperature was astonishing!

“Go away, or die!”

The man who approached Lin Dong sneered. Many people around him were terrified. Judging from his appearance, he really dared to kill!

Lin Dong said calmly: “A lot of people died in the cell of the police station a while ago. Are you sure you want to go in too?”


The man in front of Lin Dong said disdainfully, “Do you think the police dare to take care of the young master’s affairs? Even if the city lord is here, I’m afraid he won’t care! I count three times. If you don’t leave, there will be no bones left here!

“Three, two!”

Counting here, Shangguan Junxin and Shangguanyue got off a suspended vehicle. This man still knew that the flame on Shangguan Junxin’s body was much weaker.

“President Shangguan, there is nothing for you here today!” Andrei, Andrei’s son, said in a deep voice, Shangguan Junxin is not an ordinary person, and he knows that his subordinates are afraid to deal with it.

“Dean Shangguan, today I’m here for the young master. If you want to eat, please move to another place!”

Shangguan Junxin glanced at Lin Dong and fell on the man who was on fire: “Is this preparing to kill?”

Andre’s eyes flashed: “President Shangguan, he ran into the young master, **** it! But I will give you a face to the dean Shangguan. You take this kid away, the dean Shangguan, and the young master will spare him his life! Kid! , Don’t you get out of here?”

Speaking of this, Andre’s gaze fell on Shangguanyue’s body and his eyes were a little hot: “Shangguan*, if you want to stay there is no problem, dean Shangguan, how about a gathering of our young people today?”

Shangguan Junxin said calmly: “I can’t be the master of others!”

Wearing a big toad mirror, Lin Dong couldn’t recognize it, but Shangguan Junxin Shangguanyue couldn’t recognize it. They didn’t worry that Lin Dong would suffer. In this Jiuzhou city, they wanted Lin It is definitely not easy for the East to suffer!

“In that case, kill him!” Andre pointed to Lin Dong indifferently. The flames on his subordinates became intense again and rushed towards Lin Dong, ordinary people stuck to the hot flames. There will be no bones left in just ten seconds!


Lin Dong said quietly, the man in front of him immediately settled there, the flame on his body changed from crimson to yellow-white in the blink of an eye, and the yellow-white flame was much hotter than the previous crimson flame. a lot of!


The man in the flame screamed. He is a strong fire attribute. The flame resistance is strong, but this is also limited. At this moment, Lin Dong makes the temperature of the flame enveloped his body much higher than he can bear. temperature!

“Master, save me!”

The man in the flame is desperate and authentic. Andrei did not dare to move. His cultivation is no higher than the man in the flame. He can show off because of a good father.

“Save me–“

The man in the flame made the last pleading, and the next second he fell to the ground and died. With his death, his resistance was instantly gone. The terrifying heat that enveloped him made him a little ashes!

As soon as the wind blows, the ashes are gone, and a big living person just disappears completely!

“Okay, okay, okay! You are dead!” Andrei said coldly, one of his subordinates doesn’t care too much, but killing his subordinates in this way is to slap him in the face in public, and he still uses The soles of the shoes slapped his face fiercely!


Andre hurriedly contacted his own Lao Tzu, and after contacting him, he looked at Lin Dong viciously: “If you have a seed, don’t leave!”

In the base, Andxiong frowned and contacted the two officials who had trusted him in Jiuzhou City and asked them to come and deal with it as soon as possible.

According to Andexiong’s instructions, the two officials rushed to Wenxianlou with a lot of subordinates.

“Father, Lin Dong is trying to make a big noise.”

“Can he not be angry after being treated like this in Jiuzhou City? But I guess it’s not just pure angry.”

“Well, I probably want to deal with Anderson and others. This is a good opportunity!”

Shangguan Junxin Shangguanyue communicated in a low voice, and their voices could be heard by the two of them.

Lin Dong didn’t move. He moved a chair and sat at the gate casually, lit a cigarette, and Lin Dong began to vomit.

“Asshole thing, see how long you can be proud of!” Andre was fierce in his heart. He had already received the news that two officials who had taken refuge in his father had brought many people over. Lin Dong dared to kill, but killed Official, Lin Dong must not dare!

As long as Lin Dong is taken down, Andre knows that there will be ways to repair it!

“Master Ender!”

“Hello Master Ender!”

A police chief and a court chief in Jiuzhou City hurried to this side, and they greeted Andre enthusiastically as soon as they arrived.

“Master Ender, did he make trouble and kill someone? We can’t spare him for such assailants, we will definitely deal with it severely!” The director said solemnly, and he was happy in his heart. In his opinion, this is a rare occasion. opportunity!

Help Andre solve the trouble, and then he will have a lot of status with Andhsiung, and he will definitely get more attention!

“Killing is a capital crime. I don’t think you should go to the court anymore. Today is a public office!” the dean hurriedly said.

Lin Dong’s eyes narrowed, and those who are skilled at him will know that he is angry like this! A police chief, a court president, does not want to call the shots for the people, but only knows that he is dependent on the powerful! He just killed someone, but according to the code of Jiuzhou City, he is self-defense and definitely not a death sentence!

“Don’t judge here, take him back for a good trial, and then sentence it!” Andrei said coldly, and he was sentenced here and then executed. This Andrei is not satisfied. He doesn’t want Lin Dong easily died!

“I heard what Young Master Ender said? Get him up!” The chief chief said in a deep voice. With a wave of his hand, several police officers behind him immediately rushed to Lin Dong, these police officers. . Cha is a close friend of the chief, and he is very obedient!

“Get out!”

Lin Dong said coldly, his voice instantly stunned several police officers who were approaching him.

“Assault the police, you are so bold, draw your gun! If he resists again, kill him!”

Some policemen did not take action. At this time, they all pulled out their guns and aimed them at Lin Dong!

“Okay, very good! What a young master Ande, what a general Ande! I think Jiuzhou City is yours.” Lin Dong sneered.

Andre also sneered: “Just know, grab it!”

“Catch it, I won’t resist!” Lin Dong said and took off the toad mirror. The police officers were preparing to catch people, and they froze when they saw Lin Dong’s appearance.

The eyes of the people around them widened, and Andre and the others felt a chill rising in their hearts. It’s not good, it’s not good!

Andre didn’t recognize Lin Dong when they were wearing the toad mirror. Now everyone recognizes it. They don’t know Lin Dong in Jiuzhou Then do you want to mix it up?

“Grab, hurry up!”

Lin Dong looked at that director coldly, cold sweat came out from that director’s forehead. He was the director of a sub-bureau, and his status in Jiuzhou City was not low, but he was the same as Lin Dong. The city lord ratio is the difference between the world and the underground.

“My Lord, please spare your life!”

The bureau chief knelt down, and Lin Dong looked at the dean of the court: “Isn’t it going to sentence me to death? Sent it!”

“My lord, the subordinates dare not, the subordinates dare not!” The dean also knelt down, and they were terrified.

I knew it was Lin Dong on this side, and they would never come over, and Anderson promised that no matter how great the benefits were, they would never come over!

The chief and dean kneeling on the ground wanted to cry without tears. They were depressed. Why didn’t a big man like you light up his identity earlier? Are you a scam?

(At the end of the month, there are still two or three hours, brothers spend a lot of money~~)

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