The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 4: Compete!

   “Brother Lin, are you sure, it’s really dangerous to be a duel.” Xu Fei once again plucked up the courage to persuade him. Although Cassman is strong, he never heard of Cassman killing casually.

   Kasman glanced at Xu Fei with a smile but a smile, and looked at Lin Dong. If Lin Dong was afraid, she would forget it. A person who has no confidence in herself will only be less self-confident in the duel stage, and he will die at the end of the day. It will increase her defeat, and it will not do any good!

   “Xu Fei, thanks, if you have money, you can crush me, maybe you can earn some.” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

   Xu Fei secretly shook his head. In his opinion, Lin Dong is fearless for the ignorant. The participants were more confident in themselves before they went to the duel stage, and everyone who was scared to pee on the duel stage!

   “Let’s go!”

   Kasman is quite satisfied. Although Lin Dong’s level is lower, it’s not bad to have this courage. She doesn’t care if she is pulled on the street like this, but now there’s no one under her hand. If she doesn’t pull too much One, you really have to drink northwest wind at that time.

   “Brother Lin, I hope you can live through three games.” Song Yidao said.


   Kasman stopped an animal cart next to him and jumped up. She beckoned, and Lin Dong jumped onto the car. Under the beating of the driver, the animal cart immediately moved forward.

   After talking about the location, Cassman closed his eyes and regained his senses. She was not interested in talking too much with Lin Dong, a fifth-level guy, and would arrange the game for Lin Dong as usual.

   Lin Dong did not speak either. He carefully looked at and quickly absorbed all available information, from buildings, from the clothing and weapons of the rest of the people, from various beasts, from various sounds, as long as A lot of information can be obtained by carefully distinguishing.

  If Lin Dong is only Level 5, his speed of absorbing and processing information will be very slow, but fortunately, although his strength is only Level 5, his previous strength has reached the peak of the Valkyrie, equivalent to Level 20!

   Ten minutes passed.

   “Master Cassman, here it is.”

   The demon old man who drove the car is respectful and authentic. The demon clan is synonymous with ferocity in Xingyan Continent. But in the Demon Realm, many demons are actually very ordinary, similar to the ordinary people on Xingyan Continent. They are also trying to make money Have a better life.


   Kasman said in a low voice, she got off the car and threw out two white energy coins. The energy coins are about the same size as a dime coin in the previous life. They contain standard energy that can be directly absorbed for training, but few people Doing so, it is not worth it, and it takes energy to make this energy coin. The energy contained in the energy stone purchased by an energy coin can reach one or two times the energy contained in the energy coin itself!

  Any energy coin, as long as it absorbs the energy in it, it will break the seal, and the energy coin cannot be used as an energy coin.

   Lin Dong followed Kasman and got off the car. Soon they entered a good-looking stone building with a rough architectural style. In Lin Dong’s view, it would be better if there were some trees dotted around. However, this can be said to be an extravagant hope in the Devildom.

   Green plants are very precious in the Demon Realm. Even the fourteenth-level powerhouse like Cassman can’t afford it. She earns a lot, but consumes a lot of it every day.

   “Sister Shiman!”

  ”Sister Shiman is good!”

   Entering the stone building, someone immediately saluted Cassman, not respectful, but they are all very polite. If their strength is very strong, they don’t need to be so polite to Cassman, the angel of death, but their strength is lower than Cassman’s. Quite a lot, they need to rely on Cassman more!

   “What’s your name?” Cassman looked at Lin Dongdao. Lin Dong secretly shook his head. It seemed that his status was relatively low. Cassman asked his name until now.

   However, seeing the strength of several of his colleagues, Lin Dong also knows that his status is not high, his strength is only level five, and the fewest ones in front of him are also level seven.

   “Lin Dong!” Lin Dongdao, he reported his real name. In the Demon Realm, who knows himself?

   The entire Demon Realm, the Lingyuan Realm, the hundreds of millions of small worlds under the Lingyuan Realm, I don’t know how many people are called Lin Dong, his name is extremely ordinary!

  ”Heard? He is the newcomer that my aunt has just taken in. He will play tomorrow, big head, you teach him something. He doesn’t seem to know much about going to the duel. By the way, I will arrange a temporary residence for him after teaching. Place!” Kassiman ordered, and she went up to the second floor after speaking. There are many rooms on the first and second floors of this building, but it seems that only Kassim lives on the second floor now, and the rest of the people live in it. On the first floor.

   “Sister Shiman seems to be in a bad mood… But that’s right, there is nothing great, sister Shiman is probably not happy.” A thin young man playing with a knife said, “Big head, teach me well. , If the newcomer wins a game, our life will be better.”


   A tiger-headed young man spoke, his strength is the lowest among several “people”, but it is not comparable to Lin Dong’s level five.

  ”Newcomer, sit down.” The tiger head youth waved his hand and said, “I won’t call your name anymore. If you call your name today, you will be dead tomorrow, bad luck!”

   Lin Dong didn’t care and sat down on a stone bench next to him. The tiger head youth also sat down.

  ” Newcomer, since Sister Shiman said that you are going to play, she will definitely play. Sister Shiman still has this energy. You don’t know the rules and become a duel. You said I should admire it. How about your courage, or should you say that you are stupid?” The tiger head young man muffled his voice. There have been no wins in nine games. It turned out that nine of them had died. If Lin Dong died again, it would be “perfect”. .

   “Tiger head, don’t talk about these useless things, be careful when Sister Shiman will put you on your shoes.” It was a human who looked twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and he was the strongest among several people. The strength is only level twelve, and his strength is not as good as Cassman!

   “We can’t stay long anyway.” The other person whispered, too many people died during this period. If the contract hadn’t been completed, it is estimated that the remaining few would have left early–violation The contract requires a large amount of liquidated damages, which is not a small amount for them.

  ”For newcomers, the rules are actually very simple. First, you cannot take any stimulant drugs. The offender will be directly sentenced to lose and the loser will die! Second, you cannot use disposable treasures; third, you cannot be merciful. One must die before the battle will end!” Hutou said the young man.

  ”As for how much benefit you can get, you don’t need to worry about this, Sister Shiman will figure it out!”

   Lin Dong nodded slightly. Back then, he also experienced life-and-death duels in Fierce Evil City, which was not much different.

   But today’s environment is still very different from before. This is the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm can easily find out a lot of people who are stronger than itself. In the original Fierce City, those who are too strong can’t enter Fierce. In the city, the risk is much smaller!

   “Newcomer, show your strength! Big head, you suppress to level five, fight with him!” The human youth said, his strength is the strongest, and he is considered the boss of a few people.

   “Brother Liu, is it too bullying? Hey!” Tiger head young man smiled strangely. He doesn’t dare to go to life and death duels now, but bullying and bullying newcomers is still okay.

   Tiger Head Youth is now at level 7, even if it is suppressed to level 5, it will have an advantage because of experience and so on.

   asked if this was too bullying, but the tiger head youth still stood up and hooked Lin Dong.

   The hall is wide and the stone is very hard. Lin Dong and the others can fight in the hall. The level 5 strength is only the level of ordinary people in the demon world. No matter where it is, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to fight. Destroy the sturdy house!

   “Newcomer, Brother Tiger’s natural ability is dirt, be careful!” Tiger Head Youth grinned.

   Lin Dong stood up, he was also a little moved, he hadn’t fought in the Demon Realm yet.

   I am now at level five, but is my strength only level five?

   “My ability is fire!” Lin Dongdao.

   Lin Dong has four main attributes, but now that his strength is low, it is definitely not a good thing to let others know that he has four main attributes. God knows if there will be demon powerhouses who will arrest him for nourishment!

   There is nothing like this in Xingyan Continent. In the Demon Realm, Lin Dong has no doubt that it will happen!

   “Fire attributes, attack power is not bad, but if you want to deal with Brother Tiger, you have to come up with your skills!”

   The tiger head youth said that a faint yellow light appeared in his body. At the same time, his body was raised a lot, and his already thick arms became thicker than Lin Dong’s thighs.

   Lin Dong didn’t immediately use the flame~ His physical strength is now at level five.

   “New here, don’t use your abilities?” The tiger-headed youth frowned.

   Lin Dong smiled slightly: “I will use it when it’s time to use it, you can do it!”


   The young man with a tiger head slashed towards Lin Dong with a big sword as soon as his voice fell. With this cut, Lin Dong suddenly felt his body become heavy, and gravity is part of the earth’s attribute power!

   dodge became difficult, and a purple dragon stick appeared in Lin Dong’s hand, “Clang!” He held the purple dragon stick in both hands to block the blow of the tiger head young man, but the terrifying force made his legs short. Lin Dong just tested it out in an instant, and it was impossible for him to win only by physically fighting.

   “Come again!”

   did not succeed, the tiger-headed youth snarled again and slashed at Lin Dong!


   Lin Dong secretly screamed in his heart, and the purple dragon stick shot out, this stick has already used the thirteen forms of Fumo!

   Before the thirteenth style of Fumo, Lin Dong used very little. He reached the peak of the **** of war within a relatively short period of time. The effect of the thirteenth style of Fumo was reduced a lot, but now, the thirteenth style of Fumo has called a second Spring, and Lin Dong feels that Fumo thirteen styles must be perfected!

   is only the thirteenth form now, but it can be the fourteenth form, the fifteenth form! The previous thirteen forms have laid a good foundation, and Lin Dong is confident that he can perfect the thirteen forms of Fumo.

   The exercises that I created will definitely fit me better, and I will be able to show more strength!

   (seeking flowers!)

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