The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 39: Treasures for you!

“Father Wind Chime, how should the value of these things be judged?” A strong man who took out more things said, he believed that he should not be the last two!

“Naturally, it is based on market value!” said another strong man.

Wind chimes said with a smile but a real smile: “That’s not. The market value is on the one hand. On the other hand, I have to consider my preferences. The things I like are of higher value, and the things I don’t like are of lower value. Some! So it’s better for you to take out some more, so as not to lose the two quotas of death on you!”


The strong man who just opened his mouth cursed secretly. If you do this, you will have to take out the treasures if you take out more. Otherwise, who knows the value of the wind chime in judgment!

Lin Dong smiled slightly, wind chimes were really a lot of pitfalls, but these people deserved it, they were robbing wind chimes, and they must be prepared to be robbed by her!

“Hurry up, I’m going to announce that I will stop!” Feng Chime said, her eyes swept over some people, and those people were shocked. They felt that Feng Chime wanted to choose themselves.

Hurry up, some people immediately took out a lot of things, and the wind chime’s eyes moved from them to other people, and the other people also took out things helplessly. It was too bad, but they knew that they had to cooperate. There is a high chance of death without cooperation.

As for the wind chimes dare not to kill, these people have no doubt that a strong person of level 31 kills how many people are killed. Killing a person of more than 20 level will not be special even if there is trouble. Huge trouble, if they had a strong relationship, they would have said it!

Another three minutes passed, Feng Chime’s eyes were cold and instantly shot, Bazel’s head fell to the ground!

Blood rushed, these people were very cold, the wind chimes were really killers, one had already died, but the wind chimes said two before, and one of them was going to die!

“Give you one last chance, ten seconds, ten seconds are up, there are still people who are just like this one!” Feng Chime is murderous. Although she is a female, she kills a lot of people!

Under the murderous aura of Feng Chime, a strong man gritted his teeth and put one of his treasures in front of him: “Friend Feng Chime, I am very sincere!”

“Well, it’s okay, you won’t die!” Feng Chime whispered.

When the rest of the people heard these words, they were immediately anxious. This powerful person was eliminated from the solution, so wouldn’t their chances of death increase? Immediately, many strong men quickly settled the confession of a certain treasure of their own. At this time, they did not show sincerity, even if they were taken out before, they would not escape death!

These powerhouses act, and those who have not yet acted can’t help it. They also know how powerful they are. They recognize that the Lord’s treasures are generally very good things. They are reluctant to bear it, but they have to bear it if they are reluctant, otherwise the wind chimes The sword will take their heads!

In just ten seconds, all the powerhouses took out the treasures of the Lord, and each piece is of great value. At this time, if you take out the low-value things, isn’t it uncomfortable for yourself?

“Well, it’s okay!”

Wind chimes whispered, she said that with a wave of her hand, she took away all the things. Her space ring is not small, so there is no problem in accepting these things!


Blood splashed, and one of the two 27th-level experts who stood up at the beginning died, and the other was relieved, but in the next second, the sword of the wind chime greeted him.

The gap between the twenty-seventh and thirty-first level is too big. This strong man can only watch himself being killed. He can’t escape, and the attack of the thirty-first strongest can’t be resisted!


The rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief, but they were also shocked. Feng Chime was really ruthless, saying that only two were killed, but three were killed, and four strong men who were not weak died like this.

“Hurry up?”

Wind chime’s face became cold, those strong men didn’t dare to say more and retire quickly, they don’t want wind chime to kill themselves addicted to kill themselves!

In an instant, Lin Dong thought that the red dots of the bones of tens of thousands of demons and gods all appeared on the body surface, and the terrifying suction absorbed the spiritual power emitted by the death of several strong men in a very short time!

“They are almost squeezed out.” Lin Dong smiled. He picked up the space rings of the four deceased and checked them. They had no treasures in the space rings!

“They deserve it.”

Fengling smiled and said, “Let’s go quickly, we have received a lot of things, don’t be interested in more powerful characters!”


Lin Dong and the others left quickly. There was no strong person to follow them. After all, the wind chime is level 31. On this side, the level 31 is already very strong. Even if the strength is much stronger than the wind chime, it is not certain. Wind chimes can be left behind, and wind chimes will get revenge in trouble!

“Lin Dong, I toast you a glass, thank you!” Feng Chime said, and the two changed their styles to a good restaurant. Their strength rose greatly. Feng Chime will feel very good!

Lin Dong smiled and clinked glasses with the wind chimes and drank it.

“Lin Dong, this is for you!” Feng Chime handed over a space ring, “Blood Bodhi is too precious, and these things are not comparable, but somehow it can make you less deprived.”

Lin Dong frowned and said: “Wind chime, what are you doing? You have a share, you can share half of me and give it all to me. Wouldn’t you not treat me as a friend? I gave you blood bodhi, I didn’t think about it. So you will pay off soon after seeing you outside.”

“Lin Dong, I didn’t mean that.” Feng Chime hurriedly said, “You also know that I am level 31. To be honest, nothing is worthy of my current strength! Although they can also be exchanged for money, But with my strength, making money is definitely easier than you!”

“In a short time, I don’t need things like upgrade stones, but you do. I’m afraid your money will be spent in the duel? You are now at level 24. At your speed, It won’t take too long before you need a level five upgrade stone. That’s not cheap! You give me something as a friend and don’t accept this, then you just don’t regard me as a friend.” Feng Ling said, staring dissatisfiedly. Lin Dong glanced.

Lin Dongdao: “Then you don’t give me some things, I think those guys will spend money to redeem them! Let’s put them on you first, you can sell them for a higher price.”

Wind chime’s eyes lit up: “You are really insidious. Their treasures have finally reached a relatively high degree of fit. Naturally, they want to get them back. They can only recognize them if the price is higher! Indeed you go elsewhere. I may not sell it at the price, I will sell it for you and give you the money directly!”

“Whatever you…Wind chimes, why did you go to the duel of life and death?” Lin Dong frowned, “You are a member of the Skeleton Army, don’t you have the idea of ​​joining the Isle of Kings?”

The Skeleton Army is the top power of the Leisha Black Iron Domain, while the Uranus Island is not the top power of the upper mansion, the two are not at the same level! Of course, the wind chimes did not have much important status in the Skeleton Army before, and now they are at level 31. After the identification, their status should be improved a lot!

“My sister offended a strong man on the island of Kings of the Kings, and the other party asked her to participate in a duel of life and death, otherwise she would kill her directly. Although my sister is not low-level but has little combat experience, she will definitely die if she participates, so I can only represent her She participated in the battle.” Feng Chime said calmly, “Even if I participated in her participation, there was no small trouble, but now there should be no problem. I am at level thirty, and the other party dare not offend it casually!”

“Just fine.”

Lin Dongdao, level 31 and level 20 are indeed two different levels. Many powerhouses are stuck at level 30 in their lives and cannot reach level 31 strength. For example, Raynold is stuck at level 30. It’s been a long time since I leveled it, and it may break through soon, or it may not break through for a hundred and eighty years!

“It’s okay, don’t worry! Lin Dong, we are friends. If there is anything you need help, just speak up.” Feng Chime smiled, and now she truly regards Lin Dong as a good friend.

Blood Bodhi of millions of years, the previous situation changed himself, Feng Chime felt that he might not take it out, but Lin Dong took it out, and he did not hesitate much.

Wind chimes didn’t know that Lin Dong possessed something like Lingshan Key. There was a Primordial Lingshan behind him. There were still a lot of treasures he had picked off and had not brought over!

As for how many treasures there are in the Primordial Spirit Mountain, Lin Dong doesn’t know at all. He wants to know this, not to mention the strength of the Demon God level, the strength of the Demon Emperor level is definitely needed, and now only the strength of the Demon General level, the Demon Emperor level , Very far away from Lin Dong now!

“I really have something I might need your help.” Lin Dong thought of Lingrou and quickly said, “I have recognized a younger sister and want to send her to the best place to study. I want to enter the Villiana Women’s College. The class needs to be recommended by a strong student of level 30 or above!”

“Villiana Girls’ College?”

Wind chime’s eyes showed a surprised look, “My sister is studying at Veliana Girls’ College! I have two places at the 31st level. It is no problem to recommend your sister to study. The history of Veliana Girls’ College is true. It’s a great place.”

“Your sister is also studying there? It’s a coincidence. Let Xiaorou get to know her, and she can take care of it in the academy.” Lin Dong smiled and said now has only one level of strength. “

“Isn’t it?”

The wind chime was taken aback for a moment, and the first-level strength was sent to the Villianna Women’s Academy? Even with her recommendation, I’m afraid I can’t send Lin Dong’s younger sister to the Veliana Girls’ Academy.

“She is only years old, and she hasn’t practiced before.” Lin Dongdao.

“That’s pretty much the same, but when you are old, your level 1 strength is not very high, Lin Dong, you must be mentally prepared, based on my strength, the recommendation may not be effective! But as long as both places are used up, it will be effective. I will definitely try my best to help.” Feng Chime said.


Lin Dong raised a glass and laughed, “Xiao Rou is still a few months away from the age of ten. I will think of other ways. No matter what, I have to let Xiao Rou enter the Veliana Girls Academy!”

“Well…my sister seems to have a certain status in the academy. You can also talk to her then, don’t worry too much, there shouldn’t be too much problem.” Feng Chime said.

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