The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 37: Dadi Wuyi!

“You can save her, you promise me one condition!” The giant turtle stared at Lin Dongdao with two huge eyes.

  The giant tortoise and Xiao Hei are close, and Lin Dong is not too scared to be stared at this moment.

  ”Senior, please say it.”

  The giant tortoise looked at the smaller black, and Lin Dong saw the color of love in his eyes!

   “After living for a hundred thousand years, I will die soon.” The giant tortoise said, his words shocked Lin Dong!

   This giant tortoise has lived for 100,000 years. What a long time!

The recorded history of   Xingyan Continent seems to be only several hundred thousand years. The time before that is called the prehistoric era. There are only a few rumors about the prehistoric era!

   “Don’t be surprised, our tortoise family will live longer!” said the giant tortoise.

   “I put a lot of power into my child’s body, and its power can grow faster!”

   Lin Dong listened, he doesn’t know what the giant tortoise means for the time being, his own strength is low, and it seems that he can’t help much!

   “My child has been here without a fight and can’t get much growth, so he will leave in the future. I hope you can help him then, I believe it can help you a lot too!”

   Lin Dong earnestly said: “Senior, I and Xiao Hei are friends. Even if you don’t tell Senior, if Xiao Hei gets into trouble, I will help, but for the time being, I’m afraid with my strength…”

   “Your strength is lower now, but the genius level among humans grows very fast!” said the giant tortoise.

  ”You may have a chance to enter this place. Back then, my master left a martial art here!”

  The giant tortoise said with a reminiscence in his eyes, “As long as you can comprehend the martial intent left by the master, the cultivation base will not be bad at that time!”

   “Senior, was the Sword God Peak really a Sword God level powerhouse cut in half with one sword?” Lin Dong asked curiously.

  巨* high ground: “Sword God Peak is indeed cut in half by my master, but my master’s weapon is not a sword! Master’s weapon is a stick, and one stick cuts the Sword God Peak in half!”


   Lin Dong said in surprise, he was surprised that the original owner of the giant tortoise was a powerful man with a stick, and he was surprised at the other party’s methods!

   Smashing the Sword God Mountain in half with a stick and splitting it in half with a sword are two completely different concepts!

   In contrast, it is several times easier to chop a huge mountain in half with a sword!

   Lin Dong fell from above. He clearly knew that the Sword God Peak was going straight up and down. It was not easy to hit this effect with a stick, and a long time had passed!

  The cliff remained for so long, indicating that the stick at the time only injured the place where it was smashed, and there was no damage at all around it, otherwise the damaged area would have collapsed after a long time!

   “The master left is martial intent, and the effect of your sword will be a little bit worse, but it’s not much worse!” said the giant tortoise.

  Lin Dong’s thought a treasure stick appeared in his hand: “Senior, my weapon is a stick!”


  The giant tortoise’s eyes widened a lot.

   “Is there really providence?” The giant tortoise murmured, but its murmur was too loud, and Lin Dong could hear it clearly.

   “This human woman can’t die, she will still get some benefits! Child, you take some purple jade spirits and feed her, human kid, you come with me!” said the giant tortoise.

  Lin Dong looked at Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei blinked at Lin Dong, Lin Dong said in an angry manner: “Xiao Hei, she and I are not what you think, but she saved my life. You can be nice to her.”

   and Xiao Hei have known each other for over ten years, and Lin Dong is very familiar with it. Little Turtle has understood his words before, and Lin Dong also knows the general meaning of some of the expressions and movements of Little Turtle!

   “Human, my time is running out!”

   The giant tortoise said that it was getting smaller and moving forward, Lin Dong hurriedly ran to follow him, and later he even used the wind and thunder footwork!

  With the use of Fenglei footwork, Lin Dong’s speed has increased by a full 60%.


   Lin Dong was pleasantly surprised. When he fell, he realized the power of the wind, and he actually started the Fenglei footwork!

  The wind and thunder footwork is a top-grade yellow martial skill. Getting started can increase his speed by 60%!

   a full 60% increase in speed made Lin Dong finally follow the giant tortoise, but he also knew that the giant tortoise must not be doing his best at the moment, otherwise his speed would definitely be far behind!

   Two minutes later, Lin Dong and the others entered another grotto, which was much smaller and much cleaner.

The    grotto is about a hundred meters long, wide and high. Except for a stone stele in the middle of the grotto, there is nothing in the grotto!

   The stone stele exudes a long-lasting atmosphere, and it must have existed for a long time! However, apart from the special aura, the stone stele does not seem to be special, anyway, Lin Dong hasn’t noticed it for the time being!

   “It’s been nearly a hundred thousand years, and I haven’t understood anything, maybe you can!” The giant tortoise said helplessly. If he realized something, it would take a long time to be more than level six?

   Sixth-level monster, equivalent to Emperor Wu’s level, and the giant tortoise has lived for so long, the average Wudi-level powerhouse will not be its opponent!

   “Senior, what is this?” Lin Dongdao, he looked at the stele and found nothing.

  The giant tortoise lay on the ground and showed the color of memory in his eyes: “This is the martial intention left by my master!”

  ”This stone tablet is the meaning of martial arts?”

  The giant tortoise said: “Yes, this is the martial intention of the earth, and the master has reached the realm of condensed martial intention!”


   Lin Dong took a deep breath, and his martial intentions were solid. This is too powerful, and the average Valkyrie must not be able to reach that state!

  ”This was left half an hour before the master Wu Po Xukong, and contains the master’s insights. As long as you can comprehend one or two, you will have no problem reaching my current strength. If you can comprehend all of them, you can become a **** of war. !” said the giant tortoise.

  Lin Dong’s heart is shocked, Wu breaks through the void, what a realm that is, he is far from now!

   If there are no opportunities, I am afraid that it would be impossible to reach the realm of the **** of war in this life!

   “Lin Dong, take the time to comprehend, the master has left the rest on this side, but you must understand it to know!” said the giant tortoise, closing his eyes and motionless.

   Lin Dong wanted to ask how to comprehend it, but it’s fine to think about it. The giant tortoise hasn’t comprehended it for 100,000 years. Asking it is probably a question of nothing!

   “Di asked, can you help me?” Lin Dong said in his mind.

The emperor    asked with a light cough: “If this seat was in its heyday, it would be a trivial matter!”

   “Understood, you are a scum now!”

   “Boy, you are getting bolder!” Di Wen said angrily.

   Lin Dong ignored Di Wen’s irritation. If Di Wen was harmful to his heart, he would not let him go because he said good things. If it didn’t harm him, he would not be hostile to him because of this. !

  When he fell from the Sword God Peak, Lin Dong felt that Diwen was very nervous. If something happens to him, it is estimated that Diwen will not be much better. Therefore, Lin Dong is not afraid of Diwen now!

  ”How should I comprehend it?”

   Lin Dong stared at the stele with wide eyes. Generally speaking, only the Wuzong-level powerhouses are likely to come into contact with martial arts, and the Wuwang-level powerhouses can comprehend the martial arts. At this time, the martial arts are still relatively rudimentary. Of Wu Yi.

   If he can comprehend Wu Yi, then he will have a big shot. Wu Yi is absolutely high-end and high-end!

   Lin Dong has already comprehended the limit martial realm, but the limit martial realm can only assist in training. If he can comprehend the martial intentions of the earth, he can definitely increase his strength!

  –Wu Jing and Wu Yi have similarities, but they are not the same. Wu Jing prefers to assist training, while Wu Yi prefers to enhance combat power! Generally speaking, one has a certain kind of martial state first, and then a certain kind of martial intent, such as the martial intent of fire. Generally, you first understand the martial state of fire!

   is in the realm of fire martial arts, the perception of flame will be clearer, and the possibility of comprehending the meaning of fire martial arts is greatly increased!

   “There seems to be nothing special.” After half an hour, Lin Dong muttered, his eyes were astringent, but nothing was found. The stone stele was still the same, ordinary.

   “Can you not get the martial intent left by the Martial God-level powerhouse before breaking the void?”

   Lin Dong smiled bitterly in his heart. If such an opportunity is missed, he will have his heart beaten to death!

   You must know that it is a **** of war, the whole Eastern Qin country, let alone a **** of war, there is no one at the Emperor Wu level, and there is probably no one at the Emperor Wu level. Compared to the entire Star Yan continent, the Eastern Qin The country is very ordinary, and it is difficult for a Wuhuang-level expert to stay here to get resources for training!

  Of course, this one got rid of the giant tortoise. The giant tortoise stayed in the Sword God Peak for a long time. This is a special case!

   Time passed quickly for a long time, Lin Dong frowned, he still didn’t make any progress!

   “Human kid.”

   The giant tortoise said, “I only have half a month’s life~ Remember you only have half a month to comprehend!”

   “If you can understand something, you can come back in the future, otherwise there will be no chance! I die, the whole grotto will be closed, and it is impossible to enter forcibly without the cultivation of the Valkyrie!”

   Lin Dong’s face changed slightly and nodded: “Senior, I will try my best! But if you can comprehend it, you can only do whatever you want.”

   If there is a long time, Lin Dong still has some confidence, half a month is too short!

  The strength of the giant tortoise is so high that it hasn’t realized it for 100,000 years!

   The martial intent left behind before the peak Martial God broke through the sky, even if a martial emperor martial sage-level expert is here, he can’t guarantee that he will understand it in just half a month!

   “Go ahead.”

  The giant tortoise closed his eyes again as he said, it looked a lot weaker, so it would be good to live for half a month!

   “A drop of blood, I don’t know if it’s possible.” Lin Dong muttered in his heart. He glanced at the giant tortoise. The giant tortoise shouldn’t be able to stop it and cut his fingers. Lin Dong quickly got a little blood on the stone tablet. The rough-looking stele did not stick to the blood, and the blood quickly slipped from the stele.

   “Is it impossible.”

   Lin Dong touched his hands on the stone tablet and closed his eyes, but another half an hour passed, and an hour passed, nothing felt at all!

   “I’m afraid I don’t have this blessing!”

   Lin Dong secretly sighed in his heart that he stopped tossing. With this tossing time, it’s better to practice here!

   After half a month, the fight between him and Situ Lei is almost over. If you delay here for half a month without gaining anything, then the fight with Situ Lei will probably fail!

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