The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 34: Betrayal!

“Brother Pang, I don’t know why you called us here?” One of the two strong men in front of Pang Qian said politely.

Pang Qian looked at the two powerhouses in front of him with a smile and a smile: “With your wisdom, you should know the purpose of calling you here. Lin Dong is very likely dead. The Ten Thousand Beast League stretched out an olive branch, no Know how you choose?”

Speaking of this, Pang Qian poured himself a glass of wine without hesitation: “Think about it, after all, Lin Dong is just a yellow-mouthed kid! Although his strength is not bad, he has a big gap with himself. , Not to mention that compared with the strong players in the Ten Thousand Beast League, the status of the strong players in the Ten Thousand Beast League will definitely be much higher than that of Lin Dong!”

“Brother Pang, President Ji Ren Tianxiang, I will be fine!”

Pang Qian’s eyes were cold: “Even if he comes back, as long as the heaven and the earth have changed, what can he do? I let you come to show you a clear road. If you don’t know the interest, then the tiger will blame it, you Can’t bear it! Lin Dong is what strength, Tiger Howl leader is a 95th-level powerhouse, maybe he will be 96th level anytime! Tiger Howl leader is likely to become the guardian of the Lions and Scorpion Gang by then, Lin Dong does not have such power. !”

“Although Lin Dong is now supported by some people, people are forgetful! And now it’s because the Tiger Roar leader has not yet become a full member of the Lions and Scorpion Gang. When the Tiger Roar leader becomes a full member, you can surrender again. It’s late!”

The two powerhouses were a little moved. They felt that what Pang Qian said was reasonable. After all, Lin Dong’s strength was much lower, and his status in the Lions and Scorpion Gang would definitely be much lower. Was annexed by the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance.

“Brother Pang, we dare not take the lead in doing this kind of rebellious thing!” one of them said.

Pang Qian drank the wine in the cup: “Do you think, why did I call you here clearly?”

“Because as long as you add the two of you, most of the elders of the Heaven and Earth Society will be on our side, and the chairman of the Heaven and Earth Society is in my pocket, hahahaha!”

According to the original rules, two-thirds of the elders of the Tiandi Association can dismiss the president of the Tiandi Association with consent!

Lin Dong and the others only donated Kathy, she is the elder, besides her, the other nine Pangqian have already won most of them!

“Ten breath time for you to consider. If the ten breath time is still incomprehensible, you will not end well!” Pang Qian said coldly, “Even if you disagree, with the support of the Ten Breath Alliance, you think I won’t get three. Two out of the elders’ support? When the time comes, the benefit will be someone else’s, and you two will not have a good life!”

The two powerhouses looked at each other and bowed to Pang Qian. Pang Qian laughed wildly. With the support of these two elders, he gathered seven elders. After two-thirds, he could change the world forcibly. The president of the meeting!

“This is today when I become the president, hahaha! There are some strong people who have a good relationship with you. You do their work well. After an hour, everyone will gather in the chamber of council!” Pang Qian laughed and said. , He can’t wait to become the president of the World Association.


The two elders left, and Pang Qian’s eyes flashed with sullen light. After he became the president, he would not be polite.

Kathy Mu Ziyin and the others quickly got a message to rush them back to the station. When they got the news, their expressions changed. Pang Qian asked them to go back. What could be the good thing? They already knew about Pang Qian’s wooing the elders!

“Sister Ziyin, I’m afraid Pang Qian won two-thirds of the elders!” Casey said anxiously.

Mu Ziyin took a deep breath and said: “Don’t be nervous, we can’t mess our feet… By the way, we can donate some antimatter sources so that Lingrou and I can live as elders, so that we can successfully squeeze the two elders. Going down, there must be less than seven! If you haven’t resisted, let Brother Lin and Jianfei also become elders!”

“I’m afraid it will be difficult to succeed… Pang Qian has received the support of the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance. The strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance is much stronger than us! The captain is not here. We can’t take out the antimatter source in the antimatter bag. If it weren’t for fear of being difficult to convince the crowd, it is estimated that the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance would directly support several other strong men to become the elders of the Heaven and Earth Guild.” Casey said.

Mu Ziyin said solemnly: “Let’s go first, maybe some elders can win back!”

Casey sighed inwardly, afraid of difficulty.

Fortunately for Lin Dongzai, if Lin Dong is not there, the strength of the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance is much stronger than that of Heaven and Earth.

In the shortest possible time, Mu Ziyin and the others rushed back to the station, and the elders had arrived. Mu Ziyin and the others secretly contacted the elders to persuade them, but they directly replied that they were loyal to Lin Dong.

“Sister Ziyin, it’s troublesome, most of the elders must have been drawn in!” Casey said through the voice, those elders did not show it, but based on some clues, they can still guess their position.

Mu Ziyin said angrily: “These guys are too unresolute! Brother Lin has done meritorious service, and they have benefited for more than two years. Now Brother Lin has only been in sight for two years, they actually want to change their course!”

“Sister Ziyin, why don’t we ask Lions and Scorpions to help some strong people try? Maybe some strong people help us.” Casey said through voice.

Mu Ziyin shook his head slightly: “It’s useless, I can’t harden myself. How can others help you? There have always been many icing on the cake, but few giving charcoal in the snow. How can the strong of the Lions and Scorpion Gang not know that Tigers and other members will become full members? Sooner or later, they don’t want to offend Hu Xiao and others! No matter, if the president is robbed by Pang Qian, we will find a way to protect ourselves. As long as Brother Lin and them come back, everything will be fine.”

I said it would be okay, but Mu Ziyin also had no confidence! The corpse mountain is in danger, and Mu Ziyin is not 100% confident about whether Lin Dong will come back. When he comes back, the overall situation is set, I am afraid that Lin Dong will not be able to save it.

Now Hu Xiao is not a full member. When Hu Xiao becomes a full member, the status gap will be resolved, and the strength gap will be fatal! Unofficial members, Hu Xiao, etc. dare not to bully the door, but after becoming a full member, Hu Xiao will definitely dare! Even if they do not know how to deceive the door, with the strength of Tiger Howl, they will have many means to make them become corpses on the corpse mountain!

An hour passed quickly, and the powerhouses of the Heaven and Earth Club entered the huge conference hall one by one. Pang Qian swept the wood Ziyin and Kathy Lingrou who came in with a sneer in his eyes, waiting for him to become the president. He wants Mu Ziyin and them to look good.

“Mu Ziyin, Casey, I will definitely spoil you all by then!” Pang Qian’s voice sounded in Mu Ziyin’s ears.

Mu Ziyin and Casey showed anger on their faces, “The bed skill of this seat is pretty good, and it will definitely make you dying, haha!”

After finishing these words, without waiting for Mu Ziyin and the others to speak, Pang Qian said in a solemn voice: “Everyone, the president has been missing for more than two years! And he was entered into the corpse mountain by the strong of the Yongle Gang* for two years, and now Yongle The strong guys in the gang have already withdrawn the president and have not returned. It is very likely that the president has died. As the second elder, I propose to elect a new president!”

Pang Qian was just a protector of the law before, but with the support of the Ten Thousand Beast Alliance, he donated a lot of things and has become the second elder. As the second elder, he became the president of the Tiandihui, which is much more logical.

“Pang Qian, the president let you go, how did you return the president?” Casey said angrily, “Everyone, if it weren’t for the president’s meritorious service, everyone thinks we will have passed this way over the past two years. Comfortable? Everyone should know that over the past two years, even forces like the Ten Thousand Beast League have honored a lot of things!”

Pang Qian said indifferently: “Why the great elder is so excited? Although the president has done meritorious service, but he has done a lot. The president provokes the Yongle Gang, and many strong Yongle Gang also regard us as a dazzling thorn in the flesh, if the president Now, we naturally don’t have to elect a new president, but the president has been gone for more than two years!”

“Two years is long? With my strength, it is normal to retreat once for ten years!” Mu Ziyin said coldly.

Pang Qian said solemnly: “That depends on the place and the timing! Now the president has not come back, it is likely to be dead! Elders, let’s not waste time, just follow the original rules, three-thirds Two-thirds agree to dismiss the original president and elect a new president! Now that the president is dead, there is no need to dismiss it. Two-thirds agree to elect a new president!”

“Elders, who agreed to elect a new president, please raise your hands!”

The two elders raised their hands, and soon another elder raised his hand, plus Pang Qian has four elders.

Neither Mu Ziyin nor Kathy Lingrou looked good, and many of Lin Dong’s supporters were also gloomy at this time.

Pang Qian glanced at the other three powerhouses who had secretly talked about and said in a deep voice: “Elders, procrastination is not a good habit.”

“I think too!”

Just then a faint voice rang~ Hearing this voice, the three elders who had already raised their hands immediately put down their hands, and Lin Dong and Jian Fei appeared in the main hall. At the door of Mu Ziyin, Mu Ziyin’s eyes showed surprise, and Pang Qian’s eyes showed panic. He didn’t expect Lin Dong to be back just now!

“How could it be possible that the Ten Thousand Beast League has strong guards around it?” Pang Qian said in his heart that his face was gloomy, and the Ten Thousand Beast League did have four strong guards in all directions, each of which was over ninety-level strength. But they did not dare to approach Lin Dong. Lin Dong was holding a large antimatter source crystal in his hand. The ninth-fourth-fifth level of the thing could be destroyed. If they approached, Lin Dong would definitely be able to hold that thing with them. Come and die together!


Pang Qian snorted coldly, thinking that he had already won six elders, he felt a lot more settled! The six elders and he already had seven elders were enough to force Lin Dong to hand over the position of chairman.

“Everyone, you have already made your choice. Is there any chance of turning around?” Pang Qian sharply swept the elders who had surrendered before and said coldly, “We can already let Lin Dongcong from Chairman Lin. Roll down from the throne! Retreat at this time, and Lin Dong will settle the account at that time. You can’t escape Fan Peng’s original destiny one by one!”

(Seeking flowers!)

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