The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 28: Deep into the nest!

()Chapter 28 Going Deep into the Worm Nest! (Seeking flowers!)

Hiding his figure, Lin Dong cautiously moved forward. With his strength, it is definitely not easy for the bugs to find him.

Deep 1200 kilometers deep, Lin Dong found the Zerg brood!

The Zerg brood with a height of thousands of meters is like a mountain peak in the swamp. There are many caves on the Zerg brood. A large number of insects come out of the mother brood. After they come out, they disappear into the swamp. not see.

The swamp is calm, but God knows how many powerful bugs have been hidden in this huge swamp!

“Han Yue, in which direction is the dry mirror fragment?” Lin Dongdao.

“Still inside.”

Without attracting the attention of the insects, Lin Dong continued to deepen. Along the way, Lin Dong saw more mother nests of the insects.

The deeper the Zerg brood, the bigger the Zerg brood, and the stronger the Zerg powerhouse will be born! Gradually, the worms that were born already had the strength of the Immortal Emperor, and these worms may have the strength of the Immortal Emperor after a period of adaptation.

“Husband, why don’t you stop…Still in it!” Shangguan Hanyue said, there must be a lot of worms with Immortal Emperor level strength on this side, and Lin Dong is dangerous on this side. Those insects who fight alone are definitely not opponents, but they may have powerful formations. When they are numbered, ants can kill Old Zhi and kill the elephant!

“Han Yue, do you think there is only this place for the Zerg?” Lin Dongdao.

“This…maybe more than!”

Lin Dong’s eyes flickered: “Since the Zerg has such actions, there is probably more than one place! If we act on a large scale, the worms here may be resolved, but the worms in other places are likely to riot! This if It is a blow to the believers in the Temple of Freedom to cause a large number of civilian casualties!”

Now the Six Realms are relatively peaceful. Many people are grateful for the suppression of the Temple of Freedom, but if a terrible disaster erupts against the Temple of Freedom and a large number of people die, the people are likely to change their beliefs!

This point can actually be thought of by the rest of the forces. It only takes a large-scale action to have an effect! However, large-scale operations require strong power. After the operation, they will be devastated by the Temple of Freedom. No one is willing to be such a bird!

But if there is a problem on this side, and a large number of powerful people from the Temple of Freedom come over, the Zerg may be in this early bird!

“Husband… But this may also be a trap!” Shangguan Hanyue said, “What if the Zerg deliberately has a Universe Mirror fragment on this side to attract us? Maybe after deepening, we will be hit by the Zerg!”

“What you said is reasonable, but this possibility is still relatively small, the world is so big, the chance of you appearing here is low!”

Lin Dong entered the prehistoric demon pot, and said: “I won’t call anyone for the time being, but I still need to prepare more!”


Lin Dong nodded slightly: “This thing is very good against the enemy, and it will not accidentally hurt the rest of the race!”

In the Lower Realm, Lin Dong’s strength is top, and this ability to create viruses is also top. Let the worms on this side infect the virus, and then control the virus outbreak can easily kill a large number of worms!

“It just so happens that I have done a lot of research on the human cage, and learned a lot from it. This virus can be applied to it.”

Using a time ball, Lin Dong quickly studied the research.


In the center of this swamp, a huge Zerg brood tens of thousands of meters high stood up. From this Zerg brood were immortal emperor-class capable bugs, many of them got into the swamp. The surface of the swamp is densely packed with countless!

“Jie Jie, the days of holy war are getting closer and closer, and the devil world is ours!” A golden bug uttered.

“Boss, if the rest of the races don’t start first, do we have to wait forever?” Another zerg expert said, this zerg expert is completely dark, and its body is covered with sharp blades and looks extremely terrible.

“Hmph, we already know a base of the wolf clan, when the time comes to draw the strong from the Temple of Freedom!” The golden bug sneered, “As long as the wolf clan acts, the mechanical clan will act affirmatively, and the mechanical clan and the temple of freedom are celebrating Quite a lot!”

The pitch-black bug moved and said: “The good days of the Temple of Freedom will not be too long to end! Without a strong background, it is impossible to maintain it even if you get up for a while. The Temple of Freedom will not be able to deal with our race, let alone Needless to say to deal with our six major races! As long as a large number of people die, the Temple of Freedom will definitely lose faith!”

“Wait, the good days of the Temple of Freedom are coming to an end! Jie Jie!”


In the prey demon pot, time is accelerating, and Lin Dong’s research is very fast, and a super virus is found in a short time.

However, Lin Dong is not satisfied with this one, only one virus may be cracked soon!

Moreover, this super virus has room for improvement!

Five days passed quickly outside, and time was accelerating. Lin Dong studied for more than half a year and came up with five super viruses!

“It should be enough!”

Lin Dong’s eyes flickered. He spent so much time researching it. It should not be easy for the Zerg to crack!

The virus was quickly released by Lin Dong. The powerhouses of the Zerg race gathered here and easily infect each other. However, the infected insects did not have any abnormalities. As long as Lin Dong was not activated, the virus was just hiding. .

When the virus was released, Lin Dong also acted. He continued to go deeper. He came here for the mirror of the universe! If the Universe Mirror is obtained, it will be of great benefit to Shangguan Hanyue and to the entire Temple of Freedom.

“Good fellow!”

Lin Dong gradually approached the center, his face was solemn, there were already immortal emperor-level bugs in the center, and there were a lot of them!

And this is only what Lin Dong saw. There must be a large number of insects in the swamp. The number of insects on this side is shocking!

“Husband, in the front, it should be in the largest zerg brood.” Shangguan Hanyue said.

Lin Dong stared into the distance. He had already seen the Zerg brood tens of thousands of meters in the distance. Compared with this Zerg brood, he was too small, even if the highest mountain on the earth was in front of the Zerg brood. Looks small!

“Awesome! Immortal emperor-level insects were born so soon, I don’t know how many immortal emperor-level insects have been born.” Lin Dong’s face was solemn.

Go on, Lin Dong is cautious, his strength is much stronger than those of the immortal emperor-level bugs, but the strength comparison is not the comparison between ants and elephants, it is at least the comparison between mice and ordinary humans!

Will ordinary people be afraid when there are thousands or even tens of thousands of mice? Even if he is wearing a cloak!

“Husband, why don’t you withdraw?” Shangguan Hanyue squeezed a sweat for Lin Dong in the prehistoric demon pot. This side was too dangerous.

Lin Dong did not retreat. He has to figure out the situation on this side. He wants to know where there is such a thing!

If you can’t figure it out, you can’t blindly do it on this side! Just to figure out the situation on this side, it is safer for him to come here alone, and it is easy to be spotted if there are too many people.

There are many insects in the swamp, there are many in the swamp, and there are many flying in the sky. Lin Dong carefully hides and avoids going forward. As long as there is any mistake, he is likely to be trapped here or even die. it’s here!

“Zerg brood of this level, abnormal!” Lin Dong muttered in his heart. After a long time, he finally approached the Zerg brood.

“Han Yue, you come to guide the direction.”

There are many passages in the Zerg brood. If there is no guidance from Shangguan Hanyue, Lin Dong is likely to get lost in it!

Many bugs came in and out. Lin Dong’s entry was not discovered. After all, his strength was much higher!

Among these bugs are demigod-level powerhouses, but there is also a big gap between demigod and his strength!

In order not to be discovered, Lin Dong even used Hongmeng Ziqi at this moment, Hongmeng Ziqi can help him hide!

“Husband, the passage on the left!”

“Husband…I don’t know that this one is a dead end, step back and change another one.”

Under the guidance of Shangguan Hanyue, Lin Dong keeps advancing, but Shangguan Hanyue only knows the location of the fragments of the Universe Realm, and can only ensure that the general direction is correct. The passages in the Zerg brood are dead ends. The road is gone for nothing.

Continuously making mistakes, constantly re-walking, and having to make sure not to be discovered, it took Lin Dong for ten days to get to the core of the zerg brood.

Lin Dong’s eyes flickered. He saw the fragments of the Universe Mirror. The fragments of the Universe Mirror were wrapped in layers of film to form a cocoon about ten meters in diameter. Many blood vessels were connected to the cocoon. .

“Husband, those worms are absorbing the aura from the fragments of the Universe Mirror.” Shangguan Hanyue said in astonishment.

Shangguan Hanyue has three fragments, but she doesn’t know how to absorb the spiritual energy, there is indeed a gap in the foundation!

“Well, there are so many bugs on this side that are inseparable from the fragments of the Universe Mirror! It is estimated that even if there are other places, there will be a lot less.” Lin Dongdao, his brows frowned, the Universe Mirror discovered. But how to get it?

Needless to say, as long as you move the Universe Mirror, it will attract the attention of insects~ This Zerg brood can also be regarded as a huge cage. As long as he is disturbed, he will definitely not be able to escape immediately and definitely be trapped in it. Inside!

It’s been more than ten days. The virus should have infected most of the bugs, but he can’t deal with even one tenth of the bugs. Moreover, if something goes wrong here, it is very likely that there are a lot of bugs elsewhere. riot.

“Leader, when do you act, you are going crazy in this bird’s place for so long!” Lin Dong faintly heard the voice.

Lin Dong’s heart moved quickly to hide it more carefully.

“We have to wait, the wolf clan is not as prepared as we are, let them prepare for a while!” Another voice sounded.

“Boss, there are strong people in the Temple of Freedom who have become true gods again. After a long time, there will be more and more true gods in the Temple of Freedom! Even if all the powerful people in the temple of freedom in the lower realm are solved, dozens of true gods will be solved by then Trouble! Boss, I think you can move now. It would be better if the Temple of Freedom and the Wolf Race Machine Race will lose out!”

(Brothers, please vote if you have any flowers, thank you!!)

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