The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 243: Introduction to Emperor Wen!

Lin Dong’s heart trembled, to the Demon Realm? He went to the Demon Realm as a human being. Is this good fruit?

The Demon Realm is a world of the same level as the Lingyuan Realm. For the characters of the Valkyrie level, it is almost infinitely large, such a huge area, with a large number of powerhouses, and the Demon Realm is definitely not a fart! ——

The Lingyuan Realm corresponds to a small world like the hundreds of millions of Stars Continent, and the Devil Realm is similar. Even if only one Valkyrie breaks into the Devil Realm in every small world, how many strong people have broken into the Devil Realm after countless years have passed? In the Demon Realm, how many powerhouses have been born?

This, countless counts, in short, the number is absolutely amazing!

“The emperor asked, are you kidding me? The Demon God’s Coffin is in the Demon Realm?” Lin Dong said with an ugly expression.

“Very likely!”

Lin Dong breathed heavily: “Di Wen, hurry up and tell me the secret method Transmitted to Yan’er!”

“Waste the power of merit, your security will be reduced in the past.”

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!”

Lin Dong said quickly, and when the emperor asked Lin Dong insisted, he immediately passed a large amount of information to Lin Dong.

The power of merit is a power that Lin Dong has not been able to reach for the time being. However, if you know the secret method, you still have no problem passing down the sound-this is the same as ordinary people know how to make a phone call. You don’t need to know the principle or the creation Mobile phone, just dial the number.

At this moment, there is indeed a large amount of merit and power absorbed by Lin Dong. Knowing the secret method, Lin Dong’s voice soon sounded in Tang Hanyan’s mind.

“Hanyan, you yell so loudly, do I have to practice…” Tang Hanyan heard Lin Dong’s helpless voice, “rest assured, I’m fine, I just met a chance to break through the peak of the Valkyrie to the Venerable Hope, it may take a long time here.”

Tang Hanyan’s eyes lit up: “Who told you that you didn’t respond for a long time, thinking you had an accident.”

“Ann, what can happen, the blood beasts on this side have been solved by me.” Lin Dong smiled, “Okay, don’t worry, I’m fine, but I can’t come out to see you for the time being. This practice I can’t end it for now, and I don’t know how long it will take.”

“The same as the Gorge of Life and Death?” Tang Hanyan said.


On the other side of the Life and Death Gap, the trial of life and death cannot be ended casually, Tang Hanyan understands.

“Hanyan, I am practicing now, and the influence of sound transmission is relatively large, so I won’t say more to you. I will talk to Yan’er and others.” Lin Dongdao.


Knowing that Lin Dong is okay, Tang Hanyan is relieved, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t say a few words, the days will still grow in the future.

Soon Lin Dong’s voice rang in Qin Yan and the others’ minds. He and Qin Yan and the others had chatted, but they didn’t talk much, and each sentence required a lot of merit!

“Yan’er, leave quickly. Don’t be surrounded by the Demon Clan or the five powerful clans. Be careful… After entering the deep level of training, I guess I won’t be able to contact you. Don’t run here too often. Come, lest you be targeted!”

Lin Dong still said a few more words, he was heartbroken. After chatting this time, I don’t know when the next time, or if I have another chance to chat with Qin Yan and the others!

The cultivation base of the Valkyrie Peak is still relatively strong, but it is estimated that he is just a scum in the devil world, especially he is still a human, Lin Dong has no confidence to return to Xingyan Continent alive!

“Well, we will be careful, don’t worry.” Qin Yan smiled and transmitted the sound, Lin Dong is okay, she is also relieved, she might not know that Lin Dong’s situation is very bad now!

“I have practiced!”

Lin Dong finished the sound transmission, Di Wen sighed helplessly. He just said a lot, and he didn’t know how much power of merit was consumed. Those power of merit had a great effect!

“Let’s go.”

Outside Qin Yan laughed and said, Tang Hanyan had already reached Qin Yan and the others from the top of the mountain, “We have to be more careful next, don’t be caught let people know that Lin Dong is here to influence his training.”


The women left immediately, because the time was short. Outside, the powerhouses of the five guardian families have not yet come, and there are many other powerhouses, but they cannot pose a threat to Qin Yan and the others.


Devil God Coffin, talked with Qin Yan and the others, Lin Dong calmed down, now that he is so depressed, he can only find a way to deal with the situation that may be encountered next.

“The emperor asked, what’s the situation in the devil world? Tell me.” Lin Dong said calmly.

I don’t know much about Lin Dong in the Lingyuan Realm, and even less about Lin Dong in the Demon Realm.

Di Wen was silent for a while and said: “Lin Dong, the Demon Realm can be said to be a completely different world from the Star Yan Continent.”

“The scarcity of the devil’s aura is equivalent to the Xingyan continent. The devil’s aura is much richer than the aura! The devil’s environment is harsh, there are few green plants, and many mutant plants, many of which are dangerous!”

“I won’t say much about these basics. You can understand a little bit, and you will know at that time. I will focus on the very different places between the Demon Realm and the Xingyan Continent!”

“The Demon Realm has a strict hierarchical system, with a total of one hundred and twenty levels, with a small level for every five levels, and a large level for every twenty levels! The first twenty levels are called demon men in the demon world, and from the twenty-first level to The 40th level is called the Demon General, the 31st to the 10th level, the Demon King.”

“Eleventh to 80th level, Demon Emperor, 81st to 100th Demon Emperor; 101st to 120th, Demon God! Like a demon, the first five levels are low-level demons People, level to ten, level demon, level eleven to fifteen, advanced demon, level ten to twentieth, big demon, generally twentieth level is called the pinnacle demon!”

“One to two, two to three, this kind of power is generally increased by 10%, and to the fifth level, the increase in this small level will increase the power by as much as 50%! So, Basically, leapfrog operations within a small level can be done, and it is difficult to cross a small level unless there is a powerful treasure!”

Lin Dong nodded slightly. Di Wen said in such detail, he naturally understood, but there was a little bit of his doubts, can a person’s strength level know so clearly?

“Di asked, how do you test your level? Or how do you know your level?” Lin Dongdao.

Di Wen whispered: “When you reach the Demon Realm, you will form magic cores in your body. The number and color of the magic cores can determine your level. Every five magic cores will reach a bottleneck. You need to upgrade the energy stone to upgrade. Or you need to upgrade where there is an upgraded energy array.”

“After the upgrade, the five magic cores will merge into one, and the color will change accordingly!”

Lin Dongdao: “The emperor asked, I am a human, what kind of magic core will form in my body?”

“What do you mean? This is the rules of heaven and earth, let alone you, the same is true when the peak power of the spirit element world arrives in the devil world!” the emperor asked, “Lin Dong, you have to pay attention, upgrading the energy stone is not easy to get ! Especially you are still a human being, and human beings have a low status in the devil world!”

“Wait… there are humans in the Demon Realm?” Lin Dong said in surprise.

The emperor asked indifferently: “Aren’t you nonsense? There are demons in the Star Yan continent. How can there be no humans in the Demon Realm so big? After endless years, there will be a lot of humans in the Demon Realm, and the strong in the Demon Realm will catch There are also a lot of human beings, and they are not impossible to live in the demon world. One thing you remember, the human beings in the demon world are not necessarily your compatriots! They may have survived in the demon world for a long time and have been assimilated by the demons long ago! You and They heartily told them some secrets, and they probably sold you when they turned around.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid yet.” Lin Dongdao.

Di Wen continued: “There is another very important point in the devil world, that is, the ability to digitize!”

“Generally, demons have a primary attribute, and their resistance to attack is high. Demons mainly improve their primary attribute abilities! People with flame attributes mainly improve their abilities! It is easy to appear in the demon world. One problem is to be restrained! Like the fire attribute powerhouse, it is easy to be restrained by the water attribute powerhouse. The wood attribute powerhouse is easy to be restrained by the fire attribute powerhouse. Once restrained, it is possible to be a small level higher than the opponent. Be defeated or even killed!”

Lin Dongdao: “So…there are more teams that cooperate with each other in the Immortal Realm?”

“Not bad!”

The emperor asked, “Squads that cooperate well with each other in various occupations have higher combat effectiveness than a single team! For the strong in the devil world, the strong with multiple attributes is generally enviable…Lin Dong, you have a big one. Advantage, you now have more than one attribute!”

“The effect of death magic power.” Lin Dongdao.

Toxicity, Fire Element, Cold Qi, Electricity… Lin Dong originally had low talents, but Death Demon Art reshaped his body four times. Now he has these four talents. These four talents can be said to be Lin Tian’s main attributes. , A variety of talents and abilities, not easy to be restrained!

“If you really go to the Demon Realm, Lin Dong, your first priority is to ensure your own life, and then understand the situation! After understanding some of the situation, try your best to improve your strength!”

“Attention, don’t cause trouble, don’t cause trouble, in a place like Demon Realm, you are a human being, and you have no strength, high-profile is just looking for death!” Di Wen exhorted.

“I know.”

Lin Dongdao, he is not stupid. He is a scumbag. If he goes to a place like the Demon Realm, he will naturally be low-key and then low-key.

“It’s good to know, many human experts have arrived in the Demon because of high-profile deaths, many of them are much stronger than you! I have become accustomed to being superior in other places, but I can’t transfer my identity to the Demon World for a while. Come, the strong man who has offended the Demon Realm will die!” the emperor asked.

Lin Dongdao: “The emperor asked, a very serious question. I have reached the Demon Realm. What kind of strength is it probably?”

“The twentieth-level demon peak is probably the strength of the Valkyrie peak. If you get the upgrade stone, you can quickly reach the demon peak. If you don’t have the upgrade stone, you will be stuck in the fifth-level demon.” the emperor asked.

“Level 5, Level 10, Level 15, you need three upgrade stones of different levels to break through the shackles!”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Lin Dong muttered, at this moment, Lin Dong felt dizzy, the next moment he fainted, even if the coffin of the Demon God was blocking him, he was somewhat unable to withstand the pressure of traveling through the space-Demon God The coffin is not for him after all, it is not suitable for him, it is normal!

(This volume is over, the new volume “Lost Demon World”, I hope my brothers like it~~ Everyone who has flowers cast it, thanks!)

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