The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 223: Sophia’s strength!

  ”Master, Master!”

   Lin Dong called in his mind. He and Sophia have returned to Leisha City, and the blood spirit stone of the earth has naturally also been brought over.

   “What’s the matter?” After a while, Wuyazi’s voice rang in Lin Dong’s mind. Lin Dong’s call was not easy for him to hear, and it took a lot of energy to communicate with Lin Dong, so Lin Dong usually Dong would not call Wuyazi at all.

   But now that Lin Dong plans to use the Earth Blood Spirit Stone, I would like to ask Wuyazi if there is a better way to use it. The Earth Blood Spirit Stone is very precious. It would be a pity to waste power if it is not used well!

   “Master, it’s like this—” Lin Dong said the matter quickly.

   Wuyazi said: “The earth blood spirit stone does have a better way to use it! You release all Sophia’s blood for the earth blood spirit stone to absorb, within a quarter of an hour, the earth blood spirit stone will merge into Sophie Sub body!”

   “All the blood is released?” Lin Dong said in shock. Unless it is a practitioner who has no blood, it is very dangerous to release all the blood. If the blood flows out for more than a stick of incense, it may endanger life!

   “That’s right, letting it die and reborn, this can greatly improve your talent.” Wu Yazi said indifferently. After he finished speaking, Lin Dong was ignorant. Sending a message requires energy. At this time, more energy is wasted, Lin When the east arrives, the soul will spend less time in the world seal, and he is more concerned about Lin Dong, the apprentice Wuyazi, but not so much about Sophia Wuyazi.

   “All blood is released…” Lin Dong frowned secretly, but he still decided to do what Wu Yazi said. The knowledge of characters like Wu Yazi is definitely not comparable to him. Since Wu Yazi said that, he certainly didn’t. problem!

   Lin Dong quickly talked to Sophia about the method, and Sophia did not hesitate to choose to do what Lin Dong said.

   It is not easy for ordinary people to drain the blood in the body, but it is no problem for practitioners.

   Sophia slit her wrist, and the blood kept pouring out. The blood gathered in the earth blood spirit stone next to her wrist. Sophia’s face quickly turned pale, and more than 90% of the blood flowed out. , Sophia passed out in a daze, Lin Dong guided the remaining blood in Sophia’s body to continue flowing.

   Another minute, all the blood in Sophia’s body ran out, and the earth blood spirit stone absorbed a large amount of blood and became blood red and exuding a magical light. Lin Dong watched Sophia nervously, and after five minutes, Su Fia’s breath of life began to decline. Ten minutes later, Sophia’s breath of life fell to a very low level. After a quarter of an hour, Sophia’s breath of life was completely news. Judging by the general method, Sophia was already dead. Up!

   “Boom, boom, boom!”

   After ten breaths, the blood spirit stone of the earth continued to agitate like a heart. Under Lin Dong’s gaze, the blood spirit stone of the earth continued to melt, and the melted blood spirit stone followed Sophia’s wrist spiritually. The wound flowed into Sophia’s body, and Sophia’s pale face quickly recovered.

   “Boom, boom!”

   Sophia’s heart beats again, and the blood is flowing rapidly in her body. Lin Dong’s divine consciousness scan revealed that her physique has been continuously improved by the new blood. Sophia is a cultivator, and her strength is also affected. improve.

   Sophia was metallic before. At this time, there are two new attributes in the body, which are soil attributes. One of Lin Dongjue’s should call it blood attributes!

  The three attributes influence each other. Sophia’s three attributes are much stronger than the previous metallicity!


   Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief. Although he believed in Wuyazi, it was related to Sophia’s life safety. Now Sophia should be fine, and Sophia’s strength can definitely be greatly improved!

   Sophia’s transformation has been going on for three days. In the three days, she had a lot of breakthrough breaths. Three days ago, she had reached level 57, and now she has reached level 63, Shen Yuehe Lin Dong is still only Level 61, Sophia’s level suddenly surpassed Lin Dong and Shen Yue!

   “Mayfair, how do you feel?” Sophia wakes up and Lin Dong quickly said.

   “Brother Dong…I feel so strange, it seems that I have gotten closer to the earth.” Sophia was still a little confused.

   Lin Dong smiled and said: “Mayfair, you can feel your own strength! You are not at the previous level now, and not only the single attribute before, you are now a powerhouse with three attributes!”


  Sophia quickly sensed, and soon she was shocked in her eyes. Unknowingly, she was ranked sixty-three, and all three attributes were very powerful. Compared with the previous ones, one was in the sky and the other was on the ground. .

   Moreover, Sophia feels that her heart is different from the previous heart. It seems that the blood spirit stone of the earth is fused with the heart, and she feels that there seems to be a very powerful force hidden in her heart.

   “Come out!”

  Sophia tried to guide that force, and a golden barrier appeared on her body. Lin Dong’s divine consciousness glanced at his eyes and revealed a shocked look. He felt that this golden barrier was very powerful!

  ”Fusion of the blood spirit stone of the earth can form an earth guardian enchantment. Is this the earth guardian enchantment? Something is wrong.” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart, he tried to hit the enchantment hard with a fist. Boundary lines did not move.

   “Brother Dong, is this the guardian of the earth?” Sophia said.

   Lin Dong said in a pleasant surprise: “It should be the guardian of the mutated earth, Mayfair, let me try its strength!”

   Just now, Lin Dong seemed to use a simple punch with fusion martial arts. This punch has an attack power of sixty-five levels, but Sophia’s Earth Guardian enchantment did not move, and its defense power was much more than sixty. Level five!


   Lin Dong punched with all his strength, and his attack power reached the level of 68 and ninth level, but Sophia’s barrier was still not broken, but it trembled. Lin Dong thought of the treasure stick in his hand and used the treasure stick. At the same time, using fusion martial arts, the attack power became stronger, but it still didn’t break through Sophia’s barrier!

   “Soul Piercing!”

   Lin Dong uses the soul attack, the earth guard has no soul defense ability, but the Sophia mutant earth guard also has a good soul defense ability, but this aspect is not as high as physical defense energy defense.

  ”Mayfair, how long do you think I can hold on when I attack like this?” Lin Dongdao, Sophia felt for a while and said: “Brother Dong, the consumption is not very large, and I can continue to absorb power from the earth. , There should be no problem persisting for one or two hours.”

   Lin Dong’s eyes were shocked, so strong defense, and the duration was so strong! The blood spirit stone of the earth must not have such a powerful ability to fuse by other methods, and the guidance of Wuyazi is extremely precious!

   “Brother Dong, I feel I can add defense to you!” Sophia said with a wave of the golden enchantment and flew towards Lin Dong and immediately enveloped Lin Dong, “Brother Dong, consume it like this. It will be much faster, and the absorbed power will be much less, probably only for one-third of the time!”

  Lin Dongdao: “Let’s go outside and try your attack!”

   Sophia nodded. Soon Lin Dong and the others arrived at the training ground in the manor. After some experiments, Lin Dong knew that Sophia’s defense was very strong, but the attack was far worse. At present, it is only better than normal. The character attack is stronger, but she still can’t merge the attack, the three attributes, and the attack method still have a lot of room for improvement!

   “Mayfair, it seems that you are a strong defensive type.” Lin Dong smiled. Such a strong defensive ability is far inferior to him now. Even if he reaches level sixty-three, his defensive power is not as good as Sophie. Asia is so strong.

   But Lin Dong is much stronger in attack, so Sophia and Lin Dong are completely incomparable in this regard.

   “Sophie, you are much stronger than me now.” Shen Yue smiled and said, she also went nearby to watch.

   Sophia smiled and said: “Sister Shen Yue, you are also very strong now, at level 61, I was only at level 50 before! Let Brother Dong find a way, your strength will soon surpass mine. !”

   Lin Dong smiled and looked at Shen Yue and Sophia. Shen Yue possessed undead blood power. Sophia’s fusion of earth blood spirit stones was far more talented than before, and they will definitely not be slower to improve in the future!

   Of course, Lin Dong believes that his speed of improvement will not be slow. Both the Nine Death Magic Technique and the Nine Dragons Refining Heaven Record can improve his talents, and there are also masters like Wu Yazi, and the improvement is slow unless he is not very good at it. Work hard!

   “Yue’er, how many have Jianfei contacted?” Lin For more than three years, Lin Dong wants to meet Jianfei and the others, and the refined spirit pill must be given to them!

   “Has been contacted, but none of them have come.” Shen Yue said, it is easier to contact, but it is not so easy to come over. If you can be contacted for half a day, you may not be able to meet for half a month.

   “Brother-in-law, I’m at the sixtieth grade!”

   Chenxiang appeared in front of Lin Dong and the others excitedly. She had already absorbed the power of the pill. Lin Dong expected her level to rise to 60, but among Lin Dong and the others, she is now The level is still the lowest.

   “Xiangxiang, my pill can also raise you to level sixty. Don’t think about such beautiful things for a long time in the future. Hard work is the kingly way.” Lin Dong warned. If you only want to rely on the elixir to improve, then you will put the cart before the horse, and it will definitely be very detrimental to your practice!

   “Brother-in-law, I see… Hey, Fia, why can’t I see your strength? Are you at the sixtieth level.” Chen Xiang said, she was a little surprised, but soon thought that maybe Sophie Ya also took the medicine pill, so Suphia’s part of the crazy **** spirit pill made by Lin Dong was naturally indispensable!

   Shen Yue said: “Sophie is not at level sixty, but at level sixty-three. Don’t just know how to have fun all day, but practice!”

   “Level sixty-three!” Chen Xiang was surprised again, and she ignored Shen Yue’s words.


   Lin Dong’s face changed slightly, he felt the black call for help, there seemed to be a problem in the ancient Lingshan!

   (seeking flowers!)

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