The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 22: The tree demon!

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  ”Resting can increase cultivation base?” Lin Dong’s eyes lit up. He now has a lot of treasures, but his cultivation base is too low!

   Compared to getting treasures like the Demon God Bone, Lin Dong is more willing to raise his cultivation base, his cultivation base is improved, his strength is enhanced, and other people’s treasures may also belong to him at that time!

   “Yes, it must be a treasure! Brother Lin, let’s hurry up and practice!” Chen Yue said.

  Chen Yue led the way, and Lin Dong soon arrived at the place Chen Yue said. It was a piece of red wood with a giant tree!

The tree next to    is only two to three hundred meters high, but the giant tree is five hundred meters high!

   hasn’t gotten closer, Lin Dong feels alive! In addition to this, Lin Dong also felt danger, only a trace, but this trace of danger made Lin Dong feel like a chill!

   “Lin Dong, the treasure land is the area occupied by the big tree. Cutting down that tree, the two of us will have enough training!” Chen Yue said with some excitement. The energy here is strong, maybe his cultivation level can be improved!

   You need to know that some special treasures can improve their cultivation very quickly, and there will not be too many sequelae to such an increase, and there will be no problem at all by consolidating more!


   Lin Dong said, Chen Yue’s expression changed slightly, “Brother Lin, you don’t want to be alone, do you?”

  ”Brother Chen, you underestimated me, I don’t mean it, but this place is weird!” Lin Dong said vigilantly, “I think we should withdraw some first, it feels dangerous!”

   “Brother Lin, there are no monsters here, you are too vigilant.” Chen Yue said he was about to cut down the tree.

   “Retreat first and let the strong you control come.” Lin Dong suggested.

  Chen Yue thought for a while, or be careful, Lin Dong retreated several hundred meters, and he also retreated several hundred meters. The strong man under Chen Yue’s control did not retreat, and a treasured sword appeared in his hand!

   “Do it!”

   Chen Yue reported that the sword in the hands of the Wuzong peak powerhouse he controlled immediately slashed towards the big tree!

  The big tree is five hundred meters high and one to twenty meters in diameter. Except for a larger one, this seems to be a relatively ordinary tree. With the strength of the Wuzong peak powerhouse, it should be cut with a single knife!

   However, what surprised Chen Yue was that the strong man he controlled only slashed in one or twenty centimeters with a single knife. This little bit of depth did not even break the skin of a giant tree with a diameter of ten or twenty meters!

   The treasured sword was pulled out. The Wuzong peak powerhouse wanted to continue to attack. Lin Dong’s eyes condensed. He saw the red liquid, which was flowing from the wound of that giant tree.


   has absorbed a lot of essence and blood, Lin Dong is also very sensitive to blood, he instantly judged that it is not some red liquid, it is blood, genuine blood!


   Lin Dong retreated in an instant. At the same time, he gave orders to the two Wuzong pinnacle powerhouses he controlled. If there is something chasing them, they are responsible for stopping it!

   Lin Dong retreated hundreds of meters almost instantly. Chen Yue didn’t know what had happened, but out of trust in Lin Dong’s strength, he used the treasure to explode with his strongest speed. After the explosion, The speed of Lin Dong is not slower than Lin Dong’s speed after using Martial Soul!

  Behind Lin Dong and the others, a face appeared on the giant tree. It was an ugly face.


   Something got out of the ground. How tall a person is, it looks like weird wood carvings, but these wood carvings move. They have eyes, the roots are their legs, and the branches are their arms.

   The closest Wuzong peak powerhouse was directly surrounded by them, and many rushed towards Lin Dong. The two Wuzong peak powerhouses controlled by Lin Dong stopped them with all their strength, but their attacks were very strong. , Coupled with a large number, you can break through the blockade in a short time!


  Behind Lin Dong and them, the ground shook, and something seemed to attack them from the ground!

   “Get me off!”

   Lin Dong snorted coldly in his heart. He stepped on the earth, and the pulsating power of the earth transmitted a lot of virulence to the attacking object. It was a huge tree root, and it was estimated that ten people would not be able to hug it together!

   the virulence invaded, the roots of the tree were affected, and Lin Dong finally turned Wuhun into a thunder eagle.

   “Come on!”

  In an instant, Lin Dong jumped up to Lei Ying, Chen Yue also jumped up to Lei Ying under his greeting. Chen Yue’s speed was just as fast as when Lin Dong didn’t use Wuhun, but Lin Dong and Wuhun turned into Lei Ying. East is much slower than that.

   “Use any means to increase the speed!” Lin Dongdao.

  Chen Yue hurriedly said: “Lin Dong, this speed is already extremely fast, will there be any problems with the growth rate?”

   “If you don’t increase the speed, there will be problems!” Lin Dong said in a deep voice. There were already weird tree roots rushing out and rushing towards them.

   A treasure appeared in Chen Yue’s hand. He tore the treasure, and the power of the treasure was poured into the thunder eagle formed by Lin Dongwu’s soul. Suddenly, the thunder eagle formed by Lin Dongwu’s soul was about 20% faster!

   Lin Dong’s spiritual consciousness is fully utilized. The spiritual consciousness can scan a distance of 25 meters and can assist in dodge many obstacles, especially to dodge attacks from the rear!


  Behind Lin Dong and the others, the weird roots caught up with them and kept beating. Chen Jiu raised his throat with a heart, but every time he was about to be hit, Lin Dong actually controlled the thunder like eyes with long eyes. Eagle dodges.

   In addition to the attack from the roots of the trees behind, there are also some creatures in front of them sneak attacks, but they are also evaded by Lin Dong, and the divine sense can scan 25 meters, so the moment of escape is not small!

   However, Lin Dong’s soul power is also consumed at a rapid rate at this time, even with his soul strength, so full of consciousness, it can support up to three minutes!

   Every second, Lin Dong and the others can stay away a lot, but that weird tree root turned into a powerful tree monster and chased Lin Dong and them for two minutes, chasing dozens of kilometers!

   “Huh, huh!”

   The tree monster disappeared behind him, and Lin Dong left a lot and paused and panted violently. Just a few times, the terrifying attack almost wiped their bodies, rubbing the thunder eagle turned into a martial soul, as long as they were hit. It will definitely affect the speed, and the speed will slow down. Lin Dong and the others have a great chance of death!

  Chen Yue also panted violently. Although he was only staying on the Thunder Eagle, the pressure was not less than that of Lin Dong. Death was approaching again and again, and the feeling made Chen Yue’s heart jump.

   “Lin, brother Lin!”

  Chen Yue apologized, “I’m sorry, I didn’t figure it out, and you almost had an accident. Thank you so much this time. If it weren’t for your help, I’m afraid I’ve been killed by the monster.”

   Lin Dong has calmed down and waved his hand: “I wouldn’t have been able to escape without your treasure… I didn’t expect you to still have that kind of thing, and now that kind of thing is not much.”

   Treasure Talisman can contain various powers. According to data records, Treasure Talisman has been widely used in history, but nowadays, there are fewer talents in this area, and there are not so many spiritual materials for making Treasure Talisman in the world.

  ——Shi Hanyue got the inheritance of runes, she can already make treasures, but the treasures made today are ineffective, and they are basically ineffective for people like Lin Dong!

   “My father saved my life. Brother Lin, was that demon demon just now?” Chen Yue said.

   “It should be.”

   Lin Dong nodded. Generally speaking, creatures in the devil world or creatures that are affected by the power of the devil world, those without wisdom are called monsters, and those with wisdom and powerful power are generally called demons!

   The demon tree demon just now, Lin Dong is estimated to have the strength of the Emperor Wu, if it is not for the speed that it is not good at, and Lin Dong immediately flees when he feels bad, Lin Dong and the others have died!

   “Isn’t the demons only in the core area? Why are there such powerful demons outside here.” Chen Yue smiled bitterly.

   “That’s a treasure land… I said why there are no monster guards in the treasure land, so I looked at it at first.” Lin Dong said, “It is estimated that there is at least a fifth-grade intermediate level cultivation base. Can you kill it? The demon stays here, this treasure is stronger than we estimated!”

  Chen Yue nodded, he could also guess that, if it weren’t stronger, this demon might have already gone to the core area.

   “Is there a way?”

  Chen Yue smiled bitterly: “I nodded my head to agree that this treasure is better than we estimated, but I can’t kill such a powerful monster, even if my father is on this side, it won’t work!”

   “The demon is indeed too strong, even in the core area, its strength should be ranked first.” Lin Dongdao.

  ”Sure, if there are many such strong core areas, we don’t need to enter the core area.” Chen Yue said, “Brother Lin, thank you very much this time. I owe you a favor.”

   Lin Dongdan smiled and said, “Go out alive and talk about it. It’s too early to say this at this time!”

  ”That’s…Brother Lin, I will leave first. Staying here is disturbing. God knows if the tree demon will quietly surround Yuedao.

   Lin Dong nodded: “Yeah.”

   Chen Yue left, Lin Dong’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t intend to let this opportunity go!

   If this powerful tree demon is killed, he can absorb powerful martial spirit power by then. Moreover, in the area occupied by the demon tree demon, it will definitely be no problem for his cultivation to mention the intermediate level of Wuzong, which is relatively large. The possibility can make it not take too long for his cultivation base to mention Wuzong high-level. The cultivation base goes from Wuzong low-level to Wuzong intermediate or even Wuzong high-level, which is a huge temptation!

   Secretly, Lin Dong released a trace of martial arts. He was sure that Chen Yue had already left. Chen Yue never thought that Lin Dong would dare to fight the Demon Tree Demon. He just escaped after nine deaths!

  The attack range of the devil tree demon reaches tens of kilometers, and it may be killed by it before it gets close!

   “When the soul power is restored, first control a few people to enter the exploration!” Lin Dong muttered in his heart.

   After three or four hours, Lin Dong’s soul power has taken control, and the Demon God Bone has controlled several people. What they have in common is that their cultivation level is not high, and they are not good things.

   “Go in!”

  Lin Dong let one of them in, and this person went to the vicinity of the giant tree smoothly, and then was swallowed!

   “Very good!”

   Lin Dong’s eyes flickered, and soon someone passed by. This time, three people passed by. They all contained an empty dragon egg in their Naxu ring–the empty dragon egg that Lin Dong got before was divided into pieces. Four copies, each of those three brought one copy, and Lin Dong also kept one copy!

   (seeking flowers~~END) 

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