The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 219: 7th curse!

The devil has indeed slipped away. After passing through the devil’s cave, they temporarily left the Qin Family’s secret realm!

Dozens of martial sage-level awakened demon men with the strength of the martial gods will not necessarily lose if they fight with Lin Dong, but it is certain that they have suffered heavy losses, and they will be noticed by the eyes of the world.

It’s not worth it!

The Demon Clan that entered the Star Yan Continent are not monolithic. They come from one by one, and they are suppressed when they are the first bird. This is completely against their interests!

Before leaving, the demon threatened Qin Liliang to drive away Lin Dong and the others. What those demon didn’t know was that Lin Dong already knew of their existence, and Qin Liliang would not drive away Lin. East them!

“Lin Dong, I hope you have a good place to settle, otherwise the people of the Qin family can’t leave!” Qin Liliang frowned. He and Lin Dong met again. Qin Liliang already knew that the devil had left. !


Lin Dong smiled slightly and said, is there a better place than Fan’s Secret Realm? He carried the Seven Life Stone with him, and unless he died, those demons would not be able to enter the Van-A secret realm!

Furthermore, as long as he hides the Seven Stones of Life somewhere, even if he dies, the devil cannot enter the Van-A secret realm!

“That’s good!”

Qin Liliang nodded, if there is no good placement, he would rather not move! He is well aware of the horror of dozens of demons. If the Qin family cannot be placed properly, they will all be put to death by then!

Make sure that there are no demons in the Qin Family’s secret realm for the time being. The next thing will be easy. Lin Dong opened the passage of the Fan A secret realm, and a large number of Qinists have entered the Fan A secret realm!

——It’s worth mentioning that in the past, there were not too many people in the Van-A Secret Realm, but as Lin Dong’s connection with the Seven Life Stones strengthened, and with the improvement of Lin Dong’s strength, there are many people who can enter now, especially It’s a person of low strength, and it’s no problem to enter a large number of people!

Qin masters are a holy land-level force, with a large number of people, but not too many of them are relatively close by blood. After a few days of work, millions of people have entered the Fan-A polar region, and almost all of them are relatively close by blood. Entering the Fan-A Polar Region, many of the blood ties are weak, Qin Liliang let them leave, scattered throughout the Star Yan Continent, it is not easy for the demon to find out.

Besides, those people are estranged. What’s the use of finding out and killing them?

“Lin Dong, thank you!” Qin Liliang said. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time since taking over as the patriarch, his heart was more relaxed. The devil has always been a sword hanging above his head!

In the beginning, there were only one or two sharp swords of this kind, but now there are dozens of them, which is very stressful!

“Cough, no need!”

Lin Dong coughed and shook his head. Qin Liliang is Qin Yan’s father. Now Qin Yan is still planning to recognize Qin Liliang as his father. The old man’s thanks, I can’t afford it!

“It should be!”

Qin Liliang stood up holding his hand and looked at the sky in a low voice, “Lin Dong, Yu’er has followed you, I hope you can treat him well… Forget it, I might just say that you have treated her very well. , Otherwise she would never have the peak strength of the Valkyrie!”

“With your strength and status, it is normal to have a few women, but don’t be too*. Too much debt is not a good thing. You should know that everything is enough, understand?”

Lin Dong nodded quickly: “Understand, understand.”

Lao Ying’s remarks, you must understand if you don’t understand, otherwise Qin Yan won’t be able to give him a lot of eyes.

“I am dying.”


Lin Dong was startled, what rhythm is this? Just talked about the question of *, why did you jump to this topic?

Besides, Qin Liliang looks good, how could he be dying? Lin Dong can still feel his vigorous vitality!

“Four days, I can live for another three days, I want to… have a good chat with Yu’er!” Qin Liliang said.

Lin Dong frowned and said: “Uncle, how can you be dying? How do you know how long you can live?”

“Seven-Day Curse, have you heard of it?” Qin Liliang said quietly.

Lin Dong shook his head.

Qin Liliang said: “This is a curse, a terrifying curse! The devil collectively gave me, as long as I betrayed for seven days, I will die, and in the last three days, I will taste all the pain!”

“It should be coming soon. Before the pain comes, I want to meet with Yu’er first!”

Lin Dong hurriedly said: “Uncle, there is no problem in meeting, but you can’t just see a word!”

In the shortest time, Lin Dong gathered Qin Yan, Tang Hanyan, Lu Xian, and Zhu Wan gathered together. Lin Dong didn’t call out the others. Their strength was much lower, and Lin Dong was not particularly trusting!


Qin Yan said in a choked voice, she already knew about the Seven-Day Curse from Lin Dong.

“Boy, what are you crying? My father knew that this day would happen!” Qin Liliang said calmly, but he was excited. The reason was naturally Qin Yan’s father!

Qin Yan left, it has been a long time since he called.

“Father, let’s show you, our strength is not weak, we can definitely be relieved!” Qin Yan said with red eyes, she said that the powerful spiritual consciousness instantly penetrated Qin Liliang’s body.

Normal, everything is normal!

Qin Yan checked it and it was normal, Lin Dong and the others checked, Qin Liliang’s body is still normal!

“Xianxian!” Qin Yan looked at Lu Xian.

Lu Xian nodded slightly and the faint golden light of her eyes flickered. Qin Liliang was only a martial arts-level cultivation base, Lu Xian martial-sage level, she used the power of heaven and earth to see that Qin Liliang’s fortune was easy.


Lu Xian’s face changed slightly, Qin Liliang’s luck was already very bad, and it was getting worse!

“How?” Qin Yan said nervously.

Lu Xian didn’t make a sound. She looked at the ground and felt the luck of the city they are now in. This city was the Qin family’s city. It used to be very prosperous, but now it is basically empty.

The air luck in the whole city is relatively strong. Lu Xian immediately absorbed the air from this city and injected it into Qin Liliang’s body. The strong air luck increased Qin Liliang’s air luck a lot, but Lu As soon as the fiber stopped, the luck dropped in less than three minutes!

“Sister Qin Yan, no.” Lu Xian shook his head slightly. Heaven and earth luck is extremely strong, but Qin Liliang’s curse is obviously stronger!


Qin Liliang suddenly twitched and screamed, and the terrible pain seemed to have drilled out of every cell in an instant. Qin Liliang looked good just now, his face was as pale as paper!

“Father!” Qin Yan exclaimed.

Lin Dong hurriedly pressed Qin Liliang’s shoulder, and the powerful sacred power entered Qin Liliang’s body, but it was useless. Qin Liliang was still in pain, and the sacred power had no effect.

“Big Brother Lin, Uncle Qin has no physical problems. It should be the soul. The power of the curse has penetrated into his soul.” Lu Xian said.

Lin Dong’s heart sank. It is good for his holy power to enter the body to heal, but the soul is difficult!

The clash of souls, a bad one will destroy the soul, and the power of the curse is very powerful. If he wants to clear the curse, he must have the same powerful holy power or other power, which is equivalent to two tigers tearing the soul. Kill, the consequences would be disastrous!

“Lin Dong, take good care of Yu’er, besides, Qin Family, I’ll leave it to you too!” Qin Liliang roared.

Lin Dong’s expression changed, he felt that something was wrong, the next moment Qin Liliang broke his heart, and dozens of demons cursed together, he knew that he could not have any hope of recovery!

I had pain for three days, Qin Yan and the others watched him pain for three days, this is unnecessary! Seeing that he was in pain, Qin Yan and the others would definitely think of various ways. Finding other strong people would definitely owe a lot of favors. In the end, he would die, he felt it was not worth it!


Qin Yan’s tears flowed out, and she could feel Qin Liliang’s love, Qin Liliang chose to end her life in order not to cause trouble for them.

“Yuer, live well…”

Qin Liliang smiled slightly, his heart was broken and he didn’t die immediately, but death was certain.

“Father, I will, I will!” Qin Yan said in tears, she could feel Qin Liliang’s life breath passing by at a rapid speed, without saying more, just a few seconds passed, Qin Li Liang closed his eyes, his breath of life had completely fallen down, and he was dead!


Qin Yan hugged Qin Liliang and cried, “Father, why, this is why, I know you are for my good, but you left me like this, why!”


Lin Dong held Qin Yan in his arms, Qin Yan was crying, but Lin Dong knew it was better for her than before. At least Qin Yan knew that his father was not such a cruel and heartless person. Father loves himself!

“Damn the demons!”

Tang Hanyan gritted her teeth, her family was destroyed and Qin Yan’s father also died because of the demons!

After a while, Qin Yan’s cries gradually stopped. Lin Dong buried Qin Liliang, and he was buried in Qin’s ancestral grave. If Qin Liliang chooses by himself, he will probably choose this place too!

“Yan’er, let’s go, we have to go to the other side of the magic cave!” Lin Dong whispered.


Qin Yan said calmly, she knocked her head again and stood up, there seemed to be flames burning in her eyes, flames of revenge!

Father and hatred are different!

Magic cave.

Zhu Wan waited on this side to guard, Lin Dong and the others arrived, Zhu Wan waited to salute Lin Dong one by one.

“Have you found anything?” Lin Dongdao.

Zhu Wan shook his head. They checked carefully, but there was nothing special on this side.

—Except for the name!

The name of the magic cave is a bit bluff, but the cave on this side seems to be just an ordinary cave!

“Hall Master, there seems to be no problem.” Zhu Wandao.

“No problems?”

Lin Dong frowned slightly and approached the devil’s cave. He did not sense the devil qi, and did not feel the danger.

“No, it shouldn’t be like this before.” Qin Yan said to Lin Dong, “husband, the demon souls have withdrawn, maybe this demon cave is no longer a demon cave, they may appear in other places!” /

Lin Dong checked carefully and didn’t let a single trace of it go. After half a day, Lin Dong shook his head. He didn’t realize that this place was indeed just an ordinary cave!

“Let’s go, what should everyone do…Oh yes, if there is something to improve the cultivation of the Valkyrie, please change it to me, there is no problem with serious side effects!” Lin Dongdao.

There are a lot of martial gods and martial sages gathered here. It is a good opportunity to give Lu Xian something. By then, it should be possible to make Lu Xian’s strength reach the high level of the **** of war, and his life can be increased by two years!

Nowadays, there are too few years of life in less than two years. If you delay Lu Xian a little bit, there may be problems!

“Hall Lord, I have something here, which is not bad!” An old man smiled and said, his Valkyrie cultivation base, things that can improve cultivation base are very good for him, but the thing he has has side effects If it is too strong, taking it will not necessarily improve the cultivation base. After taking it, it will take a long time that the cultivation base will not improve at all, but it is 100% sure!

“Hall Master, I have something good too.”

“The Lord Lin…”

Many strong people have brought out things ~ basically have strong side effects, they dare not use such things indiscriminately, but for Lu Xian, there is no problem, the side effects can be ignored!

Lin Dong secretly calculated that with these things, Lu Xian must be able to reach the top of the Martial God level, and definitely not at the top of the Martial God level. It is not necessarily possible that one or two hundred of the Martial God level powerhouses in Xingyan Continent other than the Guardian family will try their best. Get what Lu Xian needs to reach the peak of the Valkyrie.

Be aware that every step forward is much more difficult, especially for those like Lu Xian. From the advanced level of the Valkyrie to the pinnacle of the Valkyrie, the difficulty is more than ten times that of the advanced level of the Valkyrie!

“Everyone, thank you very much!” Lin Dong said with a smile, “Everyone’s favor, Lin has written down! The catastrophe is approaching, I think it should be no problem to pay back everyone’s favor!”

“Brother Lin is polite, it’s a trivial matter!”

Lin Dong is happy, and the rest of the strong also feel very good. The things they give are tasteless to them, and the things they give can get Lin Dong’s favor, which is very cost-effective!

(Please flowers! END)

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