The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 20: Join the team!

   “Yes, I will transfer some important people. It is estimated that other strong people who are going to participate will also be transferred. At that time, they can take care of each other and it should be safe!” Barlow said in a deep voice.

   Lin Dong took a tea ceremony: “General, I have four subordinates now. They have no good arrangements. I don’t know if the general can help arrange them? They are not strong, and they don’t need a good position. “

   “Hehe, Lin Dong, you might as well say to yourself, what arrangements do you have for them, this general depends on you.” The Magic General Barlow smiled, and he arranged for them with ease.

   Lin Dongdao: “General, then I’m not welcome…I think their strength is lower. Entering other departments will not help me much. Why don’t you let them enter the intelligence department?”

   “Combat intelligence is very important. I think it’s better to have my own intelligence personnel.”

   The Barro demon general nodded slightly: “No problem, the Mu Ri family has two powerful intelligence departments. Let them join these two departments separately. The news is more sufficient.”

  ” Outside of the Mu Ri family, I can’t help for the time being. When you have a relationship with Commander Renault and others, you may be able to arrange it yourself! The Skeleton Army also has a special intelligence force, but this is even more difficult to join. , Now I am not qualified to recommend!”

   “I don’t know what strength is needed to recommend?” Lin Dongdao.

   Barlow magician said: “At least twenty-five, twenty-five, if there is someone above it, you can, otherwise, you need twenty-sixth level of strength, and you won’t have a good position. I’m just responsible for intelligence analysis in a relatively small area!”

   “It seems unlikely that it is currently possible to join the Skull and Bones.” Lin Dongdao.

   Barlow nodded: “Yes, but if you can have a good relationship with Commander Renault by then, maybe you can ask Commander Renault and others to help, Commander Renault is a level 30 powerhouse!”

   “General, if there is nothing left, I will leave first. You will arrange it earlier and contact Commander Reynolds as soon as possible. If you contact earlier, the impression may be better.” Lin Dongdao.



   “Third brother, the latest news, Lin Dong has reached the level of twentieth strength!” Shi Qiu strode into the courtyard of his third brother Rencheng.

  In the courtyard, Ren Cheng was resting on a recliner, and he immediately sat up straight when he heard Shi Qiu’s words.

   “Second Brother!”

  ”Lin Dong has reached the level of twentieth strength? Hehe, he still wanted to be a duelist before, definitely not much money. The first-level upgrade stone was given by Kasman, and who gave the second-level and third-level upgrade stones? “Ren Cheng smiled and said, “It is certain that the advice of the Magic General of Barlow comes from Lin Dong!”

   “Fun, a human being has actually become my strong opponent!”

   Lion Qiu sat beside him and said, “Third brother, don’t you value him too much? A twentieth-level figure, how much wind and waves can he afford? Now that it has been exposed, they killed him. It shouldn’t be difficult for him!”

   “I’m afraid it won’t be easy.” Ren Cheng said quietly, “The information shows that he doesn’t have any relatives or friends! He also waited for Song Yidao a few, and just after the harvest, do you think he cares? No? Threat, you must find him and kill him directly!”

   Lion Qiu said: “Third brother, leave this to me. It is easy to kill him with my strength!”

  Rencheng, the three chiefs, is only at level 25, but Shiqiu is at level 28, and the boss of the Zagarlie clan has not yet come out in retreat!

   There is only a three-level difference between the 25th and 28th levels, but the difference in strength is quite large. The difference between the 25th and the 26th levels is half!

   “Second brother, don’t act rashly, this Lin Dong may be the bait now!” Ren Cheng frowned, “Even if we kill him then, our losses will be very heavy and it will not be worth it! The combined forces have many powerful men. , We don’t have many strong people!”

   “Third brother, I won’t act rashly!” Shi Qiu smiled, “You are good at large wars. I’m quite good at dealing with a person like this. I will find a chance to kill Lin Dong! His strength has grown too fast. If you don’t seize the time to get rid of it, it will probably be more troublesome in the future.”

   “Second brother, then you be careful!” Ren Chengdao, Shi Qiu is relatively careless, but he is still very reliable when it comes to his own life and the vital interests of the Zagarie tribe.

   “Don’t worry!”


   The Barro demon secretly arranged some close people to leave for Carlos City, and then in the shortest possible time he contacted Reynolds and reported his and Lin Dong’s names.

  ——Under the Barlow Demon General, only Lin Dong is at the 20th level! After all, he was only Level 21. Although the Mu Ri family still had a level 20 powerhouse, he was not in his charge.

   “You four, don’t let me down!” Lin Dong said quietly. In front of him are the four of Kassiman and their arrangements have been settled. Kassiman and Liu Wu are in an intelligence force, Song Yidao In the same intelligence force as Xu Fei, the grades of the two intelligence forces are somewhat different, but it is not that the intelligence forces of Song Yidao and Xu Fei are much different!

   The intelligence forces where Kashman and Liu Wu belong are strong in overall strength. Many times they forcibly obtain intelligence, and the quality of the information obtained is relatively high… However, the intelligence forces where Xu Feisong Yidao is located are numerous, and the intelligence comes at the bottom, and the amount of intelligence is large. A lot of information is useless, but some of the information is useful!

   “Yes, my lord!”

   Kasimman and the others were called the captain before, but now Lin Dong is no longer the captain. There is no new arrangement on the Mu Ri family’s side. For the time being, Lin Dong still has only the role of an assistant to the Barrow Demon General.

   “Work hard, strive to improve your own strength, and enhance the ability of intelligence officers!” Lin Dongdao.

   Lin Dong hopes that Cushman and the others will become personnel in this area for future preparations. He wants to know how he can return to Xingyan Continent. It is better to have his own intelligence personnel to inquire about this information. Of course, Lin Dong does not have Give them such a task to Cassman.

  Kathman, their strength is still low, their abilities are still low, and the Gutian District is not a big place. They can’t find anything. When their abilities improve, Lin Dong plans to let them join the Skeleton Army. , The ability to inquire about intelligence is greatly enhanced!

  ——For now, Lin Dong actually couldn’t believe in Kassiman and the others. He found out how to get to the small world below the Lingyuan Realm. It would not be good for him to spread such news.

   If others don’t tell me, Song Yidao and Xu Fei might suspect that Lin Dong is actually from the human world!

   Lin Dong left soon, and he went secretly to another city with Barlow.

   This city is not Carlos City. Carlos City has many strong people, and it is inconvenient to have a lot of people.

   After a long time, Lin Dong and Barlow have arrived in a small town. Reynolds has already arrived, and there are many other characters who have reached level twentieth. Lin Dong and the others have arrived relatively late.

   “Commander Renault!”

   Lin Dong first met with Leinold when they arrived. Leinold is at level 30, the strongest here, and the captain of the special team to be formed!

   “Barlow, Lin Dong, don’t be polite.” Reynolds smiled. He took a deep look at Lin Dong. If there was no Lin Dong in the previous war, the joint military might have suffered a great loss!

   “Twenty level, boy Lin Dong, how did your strength grow so fast?” Another humanity, in addition to Reynolds, there are more than ten people in the hall, each of which has a level of 25 or more. , Lin Dong was discussing something before they came.

   Barlow magical general smiled and said: “He was at level 20 in the past, and his strength dropped unexpectedly, but now he has recovered to the level of twentieth! There is still a problem with General Gut?”

  ”Okay Gut, you will know the situation of Lin Dong very clearly in the future. Everyone is in the same team.” Reynolds smiled lightly, “Lin Dong, the advice you gave before is very good. For many losses, what kind of reward do you need?”

   Lin Dong shook his head: “Commander, General Barlow has already given me a reward, so I don’t need it anymore.”

   “There is no commander here, just call me the captain.” Reynolds smiled, “Sure you don’t need it? I originally prepared a level 4 energy stone for you, if you don’t need it, I won’t give it to you! “

   “Thank you Captain!”

   Lin Dong hurriedly said, Reynolds laughed loudly: “Your kid turns fast, but I will give you this four-level energy stone, but you’d better not use it right It seems that it is still a little bit worse to reach the peak state, and the success rate of using it at the peak state is high!”

   Reynolds said that a Level 4 upgrade stone appeared in his hand and threw it to Lin Dong. Lin Dong had a smile on his face. Joining the army might be a very good way!

   If you become a duel, Lin Dong believes that it is definitely impossible to get upgrade stones at level 20. Duelists can make some money, but after making money, they have to find ways to buy upgrade stones. Upgrade stones All forces are controlled, except for the most common level one upgrade stones are not very easy to obtain!

   Even if level two upgrade stones are better to get, how about level three? It is very difficult to obtain level three upgrade stones. As for level four, it is quite difficult for a duelist to obtain level four upgrade stones. Even if you have money, it is very likely that you will not get the level four upgrade stones in two or three years!

   “Yes, Captain!” Lin Dong put away the upgrade stone. He already had a space ring. Now at level 20, the space inside the space ring is dozens of cubic meters. This is the same as the Xingyan continent. It is far from being comparable, but there is no way. Who calls this the Devildom? The space of the demon world is too stable, and it is countless times more difficult to open up a stable space!

   Reynolds smiled and said: “Barlow, Lin Dong, we are discussing the next plan. Now that you are here, also talk about your views. Say it boldly, and it’s okay to say something wrong.”

   Barlow magic commander Shan said with a smile: “Captain, I don’t have to say it, just let Lin Dong say it. As you know, captain, I am actually a rough person, and I can’t play with such meticulous work. Lin Dong’s mind is so good. My previous suggestions came from Lin Dong.”

   (seeking flowers~~END)

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